889 resultados para Correlation analysis
Introdução: a apneia obstrutiva do sono (AOS) é considerada um fator de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares. Os mecanismos responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento da aterosclerose potencializados pela AOS não são completamente conhecidos. Entretanto, existem evidências de que a AOS está associada com aumento no estresse oxidativo, elevação nos mediadores inflamatórios, resistência à insulina, ativação do sistema nervoso simpático, elevação da pressão arterial (PA) e a disfunção endotelial. Objetivo: avaliar a relação da AOS com a função endotelial, o estresse oxidativo, os biomarcadores inflamatórios, o perfil metabólico, a adiposidade corporal, a atividade simpática e a PA em indivíduos obesos. Métodos: estudo transversal envolvendo 53 pacientes obesos, com índice de massa corporal (IMC) ≥ 30 e < 40 Kg/m2, sem distinção de raça e gênero, apresentando idade entre 20 e 55 anos. O estudo do sono foi realizado com o equipamento Watch-PAT 200, sendo feito o diagnóstico de AOS quando índice apneia-hipopneia (IAH) ≥ 5 eventos/h. Todos os participantes foram submetidos à avaliação do (a): adiposidade corporal (peso, % gordura corporal e circunferências da cintura, quadril e pescoço); PA; atividade do sistema nervoso simpático (concentrações plasmáticas de catecolaminas); biomarcadores inflamatórios (proteína C reativa ultrassensível (PCR-us) e adiponectina); estresse oxidativo (malondialdeído); metabolismo glicídico (glicose, insulina e HOMA-IR) e lipídico (colesterol total e frações e triglicerídeos); e função endotelial (índice de hiperemia reativa (RHI) avaliado com o equipamento Endo-PAT 2000 e moléculas de adesão celular). A análise estatística foi realizada com o software STATA versão 10. Resultados: dos 53 pacientes avaliados 20 foram alocados no grupo sem AOS (grupo controle; GC) (IAH: 2,550,35 eventos/h) e 33 no grupo com AOS (GAOS) (IAH: 20,163,57 eventos/h). A faixa etária (39,61,48 vs. 32,52,09 anos) e o percentual de participantes do gênero masculino (61% vs. 25%) foram significativamente maiores no GAOS do que no GC (p=0,01). O GAOS em comparação o GC apresentou valores significativamente mais elevados de circunferência do pescoço (CP) (40,980,63 vs. 38,650,75 cm; p=0,02), glicemia (92,541,97 vs. 80,21,92 mg/dL; p=0,0001), PA sistólica (126,051,61 vs.118,16 1,86 mmHg; p=0,003) e noradrenalina (0,160,02 vs. 0,120,03 ng/mL; p=0,02). Após ajustes para fatores de confundimento, a glicose e a PCR-us foram significativamente mais elevadas no GAOS. Os 2 grupos apresentaram valores semelhantes de IMC, insulina, HOMA-IR, perfil lipídico, adiponectina, PA diastólica, adrenalina, dopamina, moléculas de adesão celular e malondialdeído. A função endotelial avaliada pelo RHI também foi semelhante nos 2 grupos (GAOS:1,850,2 vs. GC:1,980,1; p=0,31). Nas análises de correlação, considerando todos os participantes do estudo, o IAH apresentou associação positiva e significativa com CP e PCR-us após ajustes para fatores de confundimento. A saturação mínima de O2 se associou de forma negativa e significativa com a CP, os níveis séricos de insulina e o HOMA-IR, mesmo após ajustes para fatores de confundimento. Conclusões: o presente estudo sugere que em obesos a AOS está associada com valores mais elevados de glicemia e inflamação; o aumento do IAH apresenta associação significativa com a obesidade central e com a inflamação; e a queda na saturação de oxigênio se associa com resistência à insulina.
O baixo peso ao nascer (BPN) possui grande impacto na mortalidade neonatal, assim como no desenvolvimento de complicações futuras, como obesidade, hipertensão arterial sistêmica e resistência insulínica, condições relacionadas à doença cardiovascular aterosclerótica, principal causa de morbimortalidade no mundo. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar o perfil clínico, metabólico, hormonal e inflamatório relacionado à doença cardiovascular em crianças pré-púberes de BPN, bem como avaliar a influência do BPN, prematuridade e restrição do crescimento intrauterino nas variáveis de interesse. Realizou-se estudo transversal com 58 crianças de dois a sete anos de BPN, sendo 32 prematuros adequados para idade gestacional (AIG), 17 prematuros pequenos para idade gestacional (PIG), 9 a termo PIG e 38 crianças de peso ao nascer adequado, nascidas no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto da Universidade do Estado do Rio de janeiro, oriundas do Ambulatório de Pediatria Geral deste mesmo hospital. Frequências de perfil lipídico alterado, assim como medianas das variações no Z escore de peso e estatura do nascimento até o momento do estudo, do Z escore de índice de massa corporal (ZIMC), da circunferência da cintura, da pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica, do colesterol total, da lipoproteína de baixa densidade, da lipoproteína de baixa densidade, do triglicerídeo, da glicose, insulina, do Homeostasis Assessment for Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR), da leptina, da adiponectina, da interleucina 6 e da proteína C reativa foram comparadas entre os dois grupos. No grupo de BPN, avaliou-se a correlação entre estas mesmas variáveis e peso de nascimento, idade gestacional, Z escores de peso e comprimento de nascimento e variações no Z escore de peso e comprimento até o primeiro ano, e até o momento do estudo, com ajuste para idade e sexo. O grupo de BPN apresentou maiores variações nos Z escore de peso (p-valor 0,0002) e estatura (p-valor 0,003) até o momento do estudo e menores níveis de adiponectina (p-valor 0,027). Não houve correlação entre as variáveis associadas ao risco cardiovascular e o grau de baixo peso, prematuridade ou crescimento intrauterino retardado. Os níveis de ZIMC (p-valor 0,0001), circunferência da cintura (p-valor 0,0008), pressão arterial diastólica (p-valor 0,046), insulina (p-valor 0,02), HOMA-IR (p-valor 0,016) e leptina (p-valor= 0,0008) se correlacionaram com a variação no Z escore de peso no primeiro ano. O ZIMC (p-valor 0,042) também se correlacionou com a variação do Z escore de comprimento no primeiro ano. Houve ainda correlação entre o ZIMC (p-valor 0,0001), circunferência da cintura (p-valor 0,0001), pressão arterial sistólica (p-valor 0,022), pressão arterial diastólica (p-valor 0,003), insulina (p-valor 0,007), HOMA-IR (p-valor 0,005) e leptina (p-valor 0,0001) com a variação no Z escore de peso até o momento do estudo. Os achados mostram que este grupo de crianças pré-púberes com BPN ainda não diferem do grupo de crianças nascidas com peso adequado exceto pelos níveis de adiponectina, sabidamente um protetor cardiovascular. Em relação às análises de correlação, nem o peso ao nascer, tampouco a prematuridade ou CIUR, influenciaram as variáveis de interesse. No entanto, fatores pós-natais como o ganho pondero-estatural se correlacionaram com o ZIMC, circunferência da cintura, pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica, insulina, HOMA-IR e leptina. Mais estudos são necessários para avaliar se os achados configuram risco cardiovascular aumentado neste grupo de pacientes.
The fishing of kapenta (Limnothrissa miodon, Boulenger 1906) on the Cahora Bassa Dam started around 1992, when considerable stocks of this species were discovered in the lake. The species is believed to have successful established in the Dam following a natural introduction through a downstream movement from Kariba dam where it was introduced in 1967/68. Fisheries statistics on the kapenta fishery have been collected since 1993 by the Ministry of Fisheries through the Provincial Offices for Fisheries Administration of Tete (SPAP - Tete) but only data from 1995 onward are available on the database of the Ministry of Fisheries and these are the data that was used for compiling the present report on which trends of fishing effort, catch and CPUE are analyzed. Catch and effort have increased with time, from a minimum of the 4 thousand metric tons for an annual fishing effort of 36 fishing rigs in 1995 to a maximum of 12 tons for a fishing effort of 135 rigs while CPUE followed a decreasing trend during the same period. Correlation analysis between catch and effort suggests that probably environmental factors may have influence on catch variation than the increase on fishing effort. Two models were applied for calculating MSY and FMSY resulting in two pairs of roof leading to two scenario of fisheries management. 10137 tons and a FMSY of 177 fishing rigs were computed using Schaefer model while 11690 tons and a FMSY of 278 were obtained using Fox model. Considering the differences between the two results and considering the fact that the two models have no differences in terms of precision and the fact that their determination coefficient are not different it is suggested, using the precautionary principle that result from Schaefer model be a adopted for fisheries management purpose.
In the field of motor control, two hypotheses have been controversial: whether the brain acquires internal models that generate accurate motor commands, or whether the brain avoids this by using the viscoelasticity of musculoskeletal system. Recent observations on relatively low stiffness during trained movements support the existence of internal models. However, no study has revealed the decrease in viscoelasticity associated with learning that would imply improvement of internal models as well as synergy between the two hypothetical mechanisms. Previously observed decreases in electromyogram (EMG) might have other explanations, such as trajectory modifications that reduce joint torques. To circumvent such complications, we required strict trajectory control and examined only successful trials having identical trajectory and torque profiles. Subjects were asked to perform a hand movement in unison with a target moving along a specified and unusual trajectory, with shoulder and elbow in the horizontal plane at the shoulder level. To evaluate joint viscoelasticity during the learning of this movement, we proposed an index of muscle co-contraction around the joint (IMCJ). The IMCJ was defined as the summation of the absolute values of antagonistic muscle torques around the joint and computed from the linear relation between surface EMG and joint torque. The IMCJ during isometric contraction, as well as during movements, was confirmed to correlate well with joint stiffness estimated using the conventional method, i.e., applying mechanical perturbations. Accordingly, the IMCJ during the learning of the movement was computed for each joint of each trial using estimated EMG-torque relationship. At the same time, the performance error for each trial was specified as the root mean square of the distance between the target and hand at each time step over the entire trajectory. The time-series data of IMCJ and performance error were decomposed into long-term components that showed decreases in IMCJ in accordance with learning with little change in the trajectory and short-term interactions between the IMCJ and performance error. A cross-correlation analysis and impulse responses both suggested that higher IMCJs follow poor performances, and lower IMCJs follow good performances within a few successive trials. Our results support the hypothesis that viscoelasticity contributes more when internal models are inaccurate, while internal models contribute more after the completion of learning. It is demonstrated that the CNS regulates viscoelasticity on a short- and long-term basis depending on performance error and finally acquires smooth and accurate movements while maintaining stability during the entire learning process.
A study was conducted to determine the relationships between secchi disk variability, water temperature and dissolved oxygen in fish ponds. Multiple regression correlation analysis was done to evaluate the relationships between the variables. Results indicated that the ranges of secchi disk visibility, water temperature and dissolved oxygen in the study ponds were just within the ranges of the variables for tilapia culture. Multiple regression correlation showed no (or insignificant) relationships with dissolved oxygen and water temperature, dissolved oxygen with secchi disk visibility and water temperature with secchi disk visibility.
The present paper deals with the influence of El Nino event on the summer monsoon rainfall over Pakistan. The correlation between monthly rainfall of summer monsoon season and bi-Monthly Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) has been calculated to see the influence of El Nino on the summer monsoon rainfall. MEI is bimonthly ENSO Index pertaining to the period from first week of previous month to first week of the month under consideration. While study the correlation's with the ENSO events out side the Pacific Ocean MEI is more appropriate than other indices like Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) as MEI integrates complete information on ENSO viz. six oceanic and meteorological variables over the tropical Pacific. The results of the study show that there is a tendency of reduction in summer monsoon rainfall over Pakistan during El Nino years. The deficiency in % rainfall is statistically significant up to 90% level during July and September months. It is interesting to note that Pakistan receives more than normal rainfall during summer monsoon season in the immediate following year after the El Nino event. The correlation analysis is also performed on the summer monsoon months for individual provinces of Pakistan. All provinces receive deficient rainfall during monsoon months. The deficiency in rainfall over Punjab during all monsoon months is significant, whereas the deficiency in rainfall is significant during July and August over NWFP and Sindh respectively. No significant impact of El Nino on the summer monsoon rainfall over Baluchistan is observed.
研究采用PCR-SSCP技术研究番鸭不同就巢群体(就巢1月群、就巢2月群、就巢3月群)、番鸭非就巢群和白改鸭5个群体250个个体PRL基因第4外显子多态性与就巢性状之间的相关性.结果表明,在外显子4编码区内发现2个SNP位点,分别位于该基因的3 777 bp (T/C)和3 785 bp(A/C)处.基因型与就巢性状指标相关分析的结果表明,番鸭非就巢群体与各就巢群体间差异极显著(P<0.01),同时番鸭与白改鸭差异显著(P<0.05),推测PRL基因与就巢性有一定的相关.
研究采用PCR-SSCP技术研究番鸭不同就巢群体(就巢1月群、就巢2月群、就巢3月群)、番鸭非就巢群和白改鸭5个群体250个个体PRL基因第4外显子多态性与就巢性状之间的相关性.结果表明,在外显子4编码区内发现2个SNP位点,分别位于该基因的3 777 bp(T/C)和3 785 bp(MG)处.基因型与就巢性状指标相关分析的结果表明,番鸭非就巢群体与各就巢群体间差异极显著(P<0.01),同时番鸭与白改鸭差异显著(P<0.05),推测PRL基因与就巢性有一定的相关.
下载PDF阅读器将番鸭不同就巢群体(就巢1月群、就巢2月群、就巢3月群)、番鸭非就巢群和白改鸭群体作为试验材料,采用PCR-SSCP技术研究番鸭不同就巢群体、番鸭非就巢群和白改鸭5个群体250个个体催乳素(PRL)基因第5外显子多态性及其与就巢性状之间的相关性.结果表明:外显子5片段编码区发现3个SNP位点,位于5 871 bp(G/A)、5 926 bp(A/G)和6 029 bp(C/T)处,其中5 871 bp(G/A)与5 926 bp(A/G)处氨基酸序列均改变,分别为I→V和R→K.统计多态片段的基因型频率和基因频率,并对5个试验鸭群间基因频率作差异进行显著性分析,番鸭非就巢群体与各就巢群体间差异显著(P<0.05),同时番鸭与白改鸭差异极显著(P<0.01).
Host feeding selection by the female pea leafminer, Liriomyza huidobrensis, on 47 species of plants was studied. The leaves were sectioned by microtome, and 15 characteristics of the leaf tissue structure were measured under a microscope. Correlation analysis between host feeding selection and leaf tissue structure indicated that the preference of host feeding selection was positively correlated with the percentage of moisture content of leaves and negatively with thickness of the epidermis wall, and densities of the palisade and spongy tissues of leaves. Leaf tissue structure was influential in feeding and probing behavior of female L. huidobrensis. So, thickness of epidermis wall, densities of the palisade and spongy tissues can act as a physical barrier to female oviposition. Furthermore, higher densities of palisade and spongy tissues can be considered a resistant trait which affects mining of leaf miner larvae as well. As a result, plants with lower leaf moisture content may not be suitable for the development of L. huidobrensis.
The spring-summer successions of phytoplankton and crustacean zooplankton were examined weekly in Meiliang Bay of the subtropical Lake Taihu in 2004 and 2005. During the study period, the ecosystem of Meiliang Bay was characterized by (i) clearly declined nitrogen compounds (nitrate, TN, and ammonium) and slowly increased phosphorus compounds (TP and SRP), (ii) increased total phytoplankton density and rapid replacement of chlorophyta (mainly Ulothrix) by cyanobacteria (mainly Microcystis), and (iii) rapid replacement of large-sized crustaceans (Daphnia and Moina) by small-sized ones (Bosmina, Limnoithona, and Ceriodaphnia). Results from the CCA and correlation analysis indicate that the spring-summer phytoplankton succession was primarily controlled by abiotic factors. Cyanobacteria were mainly promoted by increased temperature and decreased concentrations of nitrogen compounds. The pure contribution of crustacean was low for the variation of phytoplankton suggesting a weak top-down control by crustacean zooplankton in the subtropical Lake Taihu.
Investigations of protozoa were carried out during four surveys of East Dongting Lake, China. A total of 160 protozoan species belonging to 71 genera was identified, of which 53 were flagellates, 37 sarcodines, and 70 ciliates. Among them, Peritrichida (32.6% of frequency), Arcellinida (16.2%), Volvocales (13.61/6), Peridiniales (13.1%), and Chrysomonadales (9.1%) were the main groups and contributed to 84.5% of the overall species. Ciliates were mainly composed of sessile species and small species. The total protozoan abundance varied from 2,400 cells L-1 to 20,250 cells L-1. The highest protozoan abundance occurred in spring; the lowest number was in autumn. The highest abundance of ciliates occurred in spring and winter, whereas flagellates developed the highest abundance in,summer and autumn. Pearson correlation analysis and linear regressions indicated that chlorophyll a and water velocity were the main factors affecting ternporal and spatial variations of the protozoan abundance.
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) is a chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbon that was widely used for seed dressing in prevention of fungal growth on crops, and also as a component of fireworks, ammunition, and synthetic rubbers. Because of its resistance to degradation and mobility, HCB is widely distributed throughout the environment and is accumulated through food chains in different ecosystems. In this study, a preliminary investigation was carried out on the bioaccumulation and the toxic effects of HCB in the microbial (protozoan in particular) communities in the Fuhe River, Wuhan, a water body receiving industrial wastewaters containing HCB and other pollutants, using the standardized polyurethane foam units (PFU) method. Field samples were taken from eight stations established along the Fuhe River in January and August 2006. The concentration ratios of HCB in microbial communities and in water were 9.66-18.64, and the microbial communities accumulated 13.29-56.88 mu g/L of HCB in January and 0.82-10.25 mu g/L HCB in August. Correlation analysis showed a negative correlation between the HCB contents in the microbial assemblage, and the number of species and the diversity index of the protozoan communities. This study demonstrated the applicability of the PFU method in monitoring the effects of HCB on the level of microbial communities.
Environmental mechanism of change in cyanobacterial species composition in the northeastern part of Lake Dianchi (also called Macun Bay and Haidong Bay) was studied using canonical correlation analysis (CCA), but also bottom-up control and top-down control were fully discussed. Results from CCA suggest: (1) the abundance and dominance of Microcystis aeruginosa in Macun Bay and Haidong Bay are influenced by total phosphorus (TP), nitrate (NO3--N), nitrite (NO2--N), dissolved oxygen (DO) and water temperature (WT); (2) water temperature has a positive correlation with the abundance of M. aeruginosa and it also has negative correlations with the abundances of Anabaena flos-aquae and Aphanizomenonon flos-aquae; and (3) abundances of both Anabaena flos-aquae and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae have positive correlations with ammonia-N (NH4+-N). Furthermore, cyanobacterial species composition has no significant correlations with light and size-fractioned iron in this study. Grazers, cyanophages and viruses were able to control cyanobacterial blooms and change the composition of cyanobacterial species. Though we studied physical and chemical factors intensely enough, we still are not able to predict the change in the composition of cyanobacterial blooms, because of plankton system in a chaotic behavior.
Successions of lake ecosystems from clear-water, macrophyte-rich conditions into turbid states with abundant phytoplankton have taken place in many shallow lakes in China. However, little is know about the change of carbon fluxes in lakes during such processes. We conducted a case study in Lake Biandantang to investigate the change of carbon fluxes during such a regime shift. Dissolved aquatic carbon and gaseous carbon (methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2)) across air-water interface in three sites with different vegetation covers and compositions were studied and compared. CH4 emissions from three sites were 0.62 +/- 0.36, 0.70 +/- 0.36, and 1.31 +/- 0.57 mg m(-2) h(-1), respectively. Correlation analysis showed that macrophytes, rather than phytoplankton, directly positively affected CH4 emission. CO2 fluxes of three sites in Lake Biandantang were significantly different, and the average values were 77.8 +/- 20.4, 52.2 +/- 14.1 and 3.6 +/- 26.8 mg m(-2) h(-1), respectively. There were an evident trend that the larger macrophyte biomass, the lower CO2 emissions. Correlation analysis showed that in different sites, dominant plant controlled CO2 flux across air-water interface. In a year cycle, the percents of gaseous carbon release from lake accounting for net primary production were significantly different (from 39.3% to 2.8%), indicating that with the decline of macrophytes and regime shift, the lake will be a larger carbon source to the atmosphere. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.