995 resultados para Continuous groups.
The XSophe-Sophe-XeprView((R)) computer simulation software suite enables scientists to easily determine spin Hamiltonian parameters from isotropic, randomly oriented and single crystal continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance (CW EPR) spectra from radicals and isolated paramagnetic metal ion centers or clusters found in metalloproteins, chemical systems and materials science. XSophe provides an X-windows graphical user interface to the Sophe programme and allows: creation of multiple input files, local and remote execution of Sophe, the display of sophelog (output from Sophe) and input parameters/files. Sophe is a sophisticated computer simulation software programme employing a number of innovative technologies including; the Sydney OPera HousE (SOPHE) partition and interpolation schemes, a field segmentation algorithm, the mosaic misorientation linewidth model, parallelization and spectral optimisation. In conjunction with the SOPHE partition scheme and the field segmentation algorithm, the SOPHE interpolation scheme and the mosaic misorientation linewidth model greatly increase the speed of simulations for most spin systems. Employing brute force matrix diagonalization in the simulation of an EPR spectrum from a high spin Cr(III) complex with the spin Hamiltonian parameters g(e) = 2.00, D = 0.10 cm(-1), E/D = 0.25, A(x) = 120.0, A(y) = 120.0, A(z) = 240.0 x 10(-4) cm(-1) requires a SOPHE grid size of N = 400 (to produce a good signal to noise ratio) and takes 229.47 s. In contrast the use of either the SOPHE interpolation scheme or the mosaic misorientation linewidth model requires a SOPHE grid size of only N = 18 and takes 44.08 and 0.79 s, respectively. Results from Sophe are transferred via the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) to XSophe and subsequently to XeprView((R)) where the simulated CW EPR spectra (1D and 2D) can be compared to the experimental spectra. Energy level diagrams, transition roadmaps and transition surfaces aid the interpretation of complicated randomly oriented CW EPR spectra and can be viewed with a web browser and an OpenInventor scene graph viewer.
Control of chaos in the single-mode optically pumped far-infrared (NH3)-N-15 laser is experimentally demonstrated using continuous time-delay control. Both the Lorenz spiral chaos and the detuned period-doubling chaos exhibited by the laser have been controlled. While the laser is in the Lorenz spiral chaos regime the chaos has been controlled both such that the laser output is cw, with corrections of only a fraction of a percent necessary to keep it there, and to period one. The laser has also been controlled while in the period-doubling chaos regime, to both the period-one and -two states.
The study investigated the behaviors and interactions of children in structured and unstructured groups as they worked together on a 6-week social studies activity each term for 3 school terms. Two hundred and twelve children in Grade 1 and 184 children in Grade 3 participated in the study. Stratified random assignment occurred so that each gender-balanced group consisted of 1 high-, 2 medium-, and 1 low-ability student. The results show that the children in the structured groups were consistently more cooperative and they provided more elaborated and nonelaborated help than did their peers in the unstructured groups. The children in the structured groups in Grade 3 obtained higher reading and learning outcome scores than their peers in the unstructured groups.
Burnside asked questions about periodic groups in his influential paper of 1902. The study of groups with exponent six is a special case of the study of the Burnside questions on which there has been significant progress. It has contributed a number of worthwhile aspects to the theory of groups and in particular to computation related to groups. Finitely generated groups with exponent six are finite. We investigate the nature of relations required to provide proofs of finiteness for some groups with exponent six. We give upper and lower bounds for the number of sixth powers needed to define the largest 2-generator group with exponent six. We solve related questions about other groups with exponent sis using substantial computations which we explain.
The authors conducted a 1-year investigation of whether children, who had been trained in the previous school gear to cooperate, were able to use the skills they had been taught in reconstituted groups without additional training. Sixty-four 4th graders, who had participated in training in cooperative group behaviors in the previous gear, were assigned to the trained condition; 84 4th graders, who had not received any training, were assigned to the untrained condition. The children worked in mixed-ability (high, medium, low) gender-balanced groups (2 boys, 2 girls). Results indicate that the children in the trained groups were consistently more cooperative and helpful than their peers in the untrained groups, although they had not received refresher training in cooperative group behaviors.
Two Gram-positive, non-motile, non-spore-forming, strictly aerobic, pigmented cocci, strains Ben 107(T) and Ben 108(T), growing in aggregates were isolated from activated sludge samples by micromanipulation. Both possessed the rare type A3 gamma' peptidoglycan. Major menaquinones of strain Ben 107(T) were MK-9(H-4) and MK-7(H-2), and the main cellular fatty acid was 12-methyltetradecanoic acid (ai-C-15:0). In strain Ben 108(T), MK-9(H-4), MK-9(H-2) and MK-7(H-4) were the menaquinones and again the main fatty acid was 12-methyltetradecanoic acid (ai-C-15:0). Polar lipids in both strains consisted of phosphatidyl inositol, phosphatidyl glycerol and diphosphatidyl glycerol with two other unidentified glycolipids and phospholipids also present in both. These data, together with the 16S rDNA sequence data, suggest that strain Ben 107(T) belongs to the genus Friedmanniella which presently includes a single recently described species, Friedmanniella antarctica. Although the taxonomic status of strain Ben 108(T) is far less certain, on the basis of its 16S rRNA sequence it is also adjudged to be best placed in the genus Friedmanniella, The chemotaxonomic characteristics and DNA-DNA hybridization data support the view that Ben 107(T) and Ben 108(T) are novel species of the genus Friedmanniella. Hence, it is proposed that strain Ben 107(T) (=ACM 5121(T)) is named as Friedmanniella spumicola sp. nov. and strain Ben 108(T) (=ACM 5120(T)) as Friedmanniella capsulata sp. nov.
In a randomized trial involving 71 postmenopausal osteoporotic women with vertebral compression fractures, radiocalcium absorption studies using the Ca-45 single isotope method (alpha) were performed at baseline and after 8 months of treatment with either continuous combined hormone replacement therapy (HRT, as piperazine estrone sulfate 0.625-0.937mg daily +/- medroxyprogesterone acetate 2.5 mg daily depending on uterine status) or HRT plus calcitriol 0.25 mu g twice daily. A calcium supplement of 600 mg nocte was given to only those women who had a daily calcium intake of less than 1 g per day at baseline, as assessed by recalled dietary intake. There was a significant decrease 0.74 (+/- 0.35 SD) to 0.58 (+/- 0.22), Delta alpha = -0.17 (+/- 0.26), p<0.0005] in alpha at 8 months compared with baseline in the HRT-treated group, but a significant increase [0.68 (+/- 0.31) to 0.84 (+/- 0.27), Delta alpha = +0.16 (+/- 0.30), p<0.003] in the HRT-plus-calcitriol treated patients, resulting in alpha being significantly higher after 8 months in the latter group than in the HRT-only group. Although 72% of the patients had been supplemented with calcium between the first and second studies, separate analyses revealed that the change in calcium intake had not affected the result. Further breakdown of the groups into baseline 'normal' absorbers (alpha greater than or equal to 0.55) and 'malabsorbers' (alpha <0.55) revealed that alpha decreased with HRT treatment only in the normal absorbers, and remained stable in the malabsorbers. Conversely, following HRT plus calcitriol treatment, alpha increased only in the malabsorbers, the normal absorbers in this group remaining unchanged. In conclusion, our data show that HRT, of the type and dose used in this study, did not produce an increase in absorption efficiency; it was in fact associated with a fall. increased absorption efficiency cannot be achieved unless calcitriol is used concurrently, and then only in patients with malabsorption. Calcitriol also had a significant effect in normal absorbers in that it prevented the decline in alpha seen with HRT alone, and thus should be considered in all patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis treated with HRT.
We shall study continuous-time Markov chains on the nonnegative integers which are both irreducible and transient, and which exhibit discernible stationarity before drift to infinity sets in. We will show how this 'quasi' stationary behaviour can be modelled using a limiting conditional distribution: specifically, the limiting state probabilities conditional on not having left 0 for the last time. By way of a dual chain, obtained by killing the original process on last exit from 0, we invoke the theory of quasistationarity for absorbing Markov chains. We prove that the conditioned state probabilities of the original chain are equal to the state probabilities of its dual conditioned on non-absorption, thus allowing us to establish the simultaneous existence and then equivalence, of their limiting conditional distributions. Although a limiting conditional distribution for the dual chain is always a quasistationary distribution in the usual sense, a similar statement is not possible for the original chain.
This note considers continuous-time Markov chains whose state space consists of an irreducible class, C, and an absorbing state which is accessible from C. The purpose is to provide results on mu-invariant and mu-subinvariant measures where absorption occurs with probability less than one. In particular, the well-known premise that the mu-invariant measure, m, for the transition rates be finite is replaced by the more natural premise that m be finite with respect to the absorption probabilities. The relationship between mu-invariant measures and quasi-stationary distributions is discussed. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The reaction of the bis(propane-1,3-diamine)copper(II) ion with paraformaldehyde and nitroethane in dry methanol under basic conditions produces a macrocyclic product, (cis-3,11-dimethyl-3,11-dinitro-1,5,9,13-tetraazacyclohexadecane)copper(II) perchlorate, in low yield, compared with the good yield obtained in the parallel chemistry possible even under aqueous conditions using palladium(II) as a template. The palladium complex was reduced with zinc amalgam in dilute aqueous acid to yield the metal-free 16-membered macrocyclic hexaamine, in this case re-complexed and characterised by an X-ray crystal structure as the (cis-3,11-dimethyl-1,5,9,13-tetraazacyclohexadecane-3,11-diamine)copper(II) perchlorate. The copper ion is found in a tetragonally elongated and trigonally-distorted octahedral environment, with all six of the ligand nitrogens coordinated, the two primary amine pendant groups occupying cis sites. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.