998 resultados para Conte du Papegau
Illustré de 12 dessins impremés en 2 couleurs
Modernitatearen asmakuntza bat besterik ez da guk "lanak" bezala ezagutzen duguna. Lan hau ezagutzeko,burutzeko eta bakoitzaren bizitzaren muinean kokatzeko erabiltzen dugun modua asmatu izan zen; eta gero, industrialismoaren bidez orokortu egin zen
En une génération, entre 1975 et 1995, le paysage du marché du travail auquel les jeunes font face a radicalement changé.
Contém os empreendimentos, as navegações e os gestos memoráveis dos portugueses, inclusive em suas colônias.
Notas tipográficas retiradas de Brunet, v. 2, col. 1780.
Nota de conteúdo : V.1. Memoire en reponse aux allegations de la France, accompagne de quelques cartes -- V. 2-3. Documents accompagnes de notes explicatives ou rectificatives, 1. ptie, 1536-1713 ; 2. ptie, 1713-1896 -- V. 4. Texte original de documents traduits dans les tomes 2 et 3 -- V. 5. Album : fac-simile de quelques documents reproduits aux tomes 2, 3 et 4 -- V. 6. Atlas : contenant 86 cartes.
Titulo original : travels in brazil : in the years from 1809, to 1815.
Utilization of the heavy isotope of nitrogen as a tracer has found numerous applications in soil biology. It allows better definition of different stages of the nitrogen cycle, in particular the immobilization-mineralization cycle. In this work, the authors report the results of calculations of natural isotope ratios of nitrogen in samples of water, soil and vegetation prevailing in Dombes and discuss the possibilities of errors and coefficients of fractionation.
Ce rapport présente les activités et les résultats de l’atelier Vision 2050: Changement climatique, pêche et aquaculture en Afrique de l’Ouest. Les objectifs de l’atelier étaient de discuter les questions critiques et les incertitudes auxquelles est confronté le secteur de la pêche et de l’aquaculture au Ghana, au Sénégal et en Mauritanie, d’élaborer des scénarios sectoriels pour 2050 et de discuter de l’implication de ces scénarios dans le contexte du changement climatique pour ces pays et la région ouest africaine.
The 1912 Jaccard index modification led to the formulation of the Biocoenotic Stability Report (BSR). It is another similarity index based on the evaluation of two opposite ecological states affecting both compared biotopes.
This paper collects most of the information gathered between October 1974 and July 1976 within the framework of a research program concerning the hydrobioclimate of ivorian lagoons and especially the Ebrié lagoon. Monthly surveys concerning the latter were carried out during 1975. The following parameters - and their vertical distribution wherever it had a meaning - were systematically gathered in a system of fifty-five stations: Transparency (Secchi), Temperature, Salinity, Chlorophylla, Dissolved oxygen, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite. These data provide an outline of the annual cycle of nutrients and primary production of the Ivoirian lagoons
This data report contains all the meteorological, hydrological and dynamic data gathered during the VASPI cruises (I : from December 8th to December 13th 1982, II : from March 5th to March 9th 1983, and III : from October 6th to October 10th 1983) carried out along the continental shelf of Ivory Coast by the oceanographic ship "Andre NIZERY". These cruises, which represent a part of a coastal programme, are included in the more general scientific program FOCAL, whose main scientific objective is the study of the thermal context of the intertropical atlantic area.
This publication is an up-to-date review of the papers published by the researchers of the Oceanographic Research Center of Abidjan, since its beginnings (1958-1978).
This publication gives the results of bottom trawlings made during the cruises CHALCI 84-01 and CHALCI 84-02 by the oceanographic research vessel "Andre NIZERY" sur le plateau continental ivoirien.
In this report, vertical distributions of the temperature and horizontal velocity components of the currents, got from the two sections BELIER (305 1'W) and VRIDI (4°O 5'W), carried out once a week during the 1983 year, on the Continental shelf of Ivory Coast, are shown.