814 resultados para Computer- aided Engineering


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В статье рассмотрена технология решения задачи комплектования аварийно- спасательной техники с использованием многокритериальной оптимизации, последовательного анализа вариантов и эволюционного моделирования. Разработаны модели, служащие информационно- аналитическим базисом формирования интегрального критерия.


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В статье рассмотрены особенности проектирования системы поддержки принятия решений «Безопасность», предназначенной для информационно-консультативного сопровождения процессов принятия решений руководителями пожарных подразделений во время тушения пожара.


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The effectiveness of an optimization algorithm can be reduced to its ability to navigate an objective function’s topology. Hybrid optimization algorithms combine various optimization algorithms using a single meta-heuristic so that the hybrid algorithm is more robust, computationally efficient, and/or accurate than the individual algorithms it is made of. This thesis proposes a novel meta-heuristic that uses search vectors to select the constituent algorithm that is appropriate for a given objective function. The hybrid is shown to perform competitively against several existing hybrid and non-hybrid optimization algorithms over a set of three hundred test cases. This thesis also proposes a general framework for evaluating the effectiveness of hybrid optimization algorithms. Finally, this thesis presents an improved Method of Characteristics Code with novel boundary conditions, which better characterizes pipelines than previous codes. This code is coupled with the hybrid optimization algorithm in order to optimize the operation of real-world piston pumps.


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Traditional engineering design methods are based on Simon's (1969) use of the concept function, and as such collectively suffer from both theoretical and practical shortcomings. Researchers in the field of affordance-based design have borrowed from ecological psychology in an attempt to address the blind spots of function-based design, developing alternative ontologies and design processes. This dissertation presents function and affordance theory as both compatible and complimentary. We first present a hybrid approach to design for technology change, followed by a reconciliation and integration of function and affordance ontologies for use in design. We explore the integration of a standard function-based design method with an affordance-based design method, and demonstrate how affordance theory can guide the early application of function-based design. Finally, we discuss the practical and philosophical ramifications of embracing affordance theory's roots in ecology and ecological psychology, and explore the insights and opportunities made possible by an ecological approach to engineering design. The primary contribution of this research is the development of an integrated ontology for describing and designing technological systems using both function- and affordance-based methods.


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In the presented thesis work, the meshfree method with distance fields was coupled with the lattice Boltzmann method to obtain solutions of fluid-structure interaction problems. The thesis work involved development and implementation of numerical algorithms, data structure, and software. Numerical and computational properties of the coupling algorithm combining the meshfree method with distance fields and the lattice Boltzmann method were investigated. Convergence and accuracy of the methodology was validated by analytical solutions. The research was focused on fluid-structure interaction solutions in complex, mesh-resistant domains as both the lattice Boltzmann method and the meshfree method with distance fields are particularly adept in these situations. Furthermore, the fluid solution provided by the lattice Boltzmann method is massively scalable, allowing extensive use of cutting edge parallel computing resources to accelerate this phase of the solution process. The meshfree method with distance fields allows for exact satisfaction of boundary conditions making it possible to exactly capture the effects of the fluid field on the solid structure.


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A fianco ai metodi più tradizionali, fin ora utilizzati, le tecnologie additive hanno subito negli ultimi anni una notevole evoluzione nella produzione di componenti. Esse permettono un ampio di range di applicazioni utilizzando materiali differenti in base al settore di applicazione. In particolare, la stampa 3D FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) rappresenta uno dei processi tecnologici additivi più diffusi ed economicamente più competitivi. Gli attuali metodi di analisi agli elementi finiti (FEM) e le tecnologie CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) non sono in grado di studiare modelli 3D di componenti stampati, dal momento che il risultato finale dipende dai parametri di processo e ambientali. Per questo motivo, è necessario uno studio approfondito della meso struttura del componente stampato per estendere l’analisi FEM anche a questa tipologia di componenti. Lo scopo del lavoro proposto è di creare un elemento omogeneo che rappresenti accuratamente il comportamento di un componente realizzato in stampa 3D FDM, questo avviene attraverso la definizione e l’analisi di un volume rappresentativo (RVE). Attraverso la tecnica dell’omogeneizzazione, il volume definito riassume le principali caratteristiche meccaniche della struttura stampata, permettendo nuove analisi e ottimizzazioni. Questo approccio permette di realizzare delle analisi FEM sui componenti da stampare e di predire le proprietà meccaniche dei componenti a partire da determinati parametri di stampa, permettendo così alla tecnologia FDM di diventare sempre di più uno dei principali processi industriali a basso costo.


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This master’s thesis aims to study and represent from literature how evolutionary algorithms are used to solve different search and optimisation problems in the area of software engineering. Evolutionary algorithms are methods, which imitate the natural evolution process. An artificial evolution process evaluates fitness of each individual, which are solution candidates. The next population of candidate solutions is formed by using the good properties of the current population by applying different mutation and crossover operations. Different kinds of evolutionary algorithm applications related to software engineering were searched in the literature. Applications were classified and represented. Also the necessary basics about evolutionary algorithms were presented. It was concluded, that majority of evolutionary algorithm applications related to software engineering were about software design or testing. For example, there were applications about classifying software production data, project scheduling, static task scheduling related to parallel computing, allocating modules to subsystems, N-version programming, test data generation and generating an integration test order. Many applications were experimental testing rather than ready for real production use. There were also some Computer Aided Software Engineering tools based on evolutionary algorithms.


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Oncological liver surgery and interventions aim for removal of tumor tissue while preserving a sufficient amount of functional tissue to ensure organ regeneration. This requires detailed understanding of the patient-specific internal organ anatomy (blood vessel system, bile ducts, tumor location). The introduction of computer support in the surgical process enhances anatomical orientation through patient-specific 3D visualization and enables precise reproduction of planned surgical strategies though stereotactic navigation technology. This article provides clinical background information on indications and techniques for the treatment of liver tumors, reviews the technological contributions addressing the problem of organ motion during navigated surgery on a deforming organ, and finally presents an overview of the clinical experience in computer-assisted liver surgery and interventions. The review concludes that several clinically applicable solutions for computer aided liver surgery are available and small-scale clinical trials have been performed. Further developments will be required more accurate and faster handling of organ deformation and large clinical studies will be required for demonstrating the benefits of computer aided liver surgery.


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Autonomous systems refer to systems capable of operating in a real world environment without any form of external control for extended periods of time. Autonomy is a desired goal for every system as it improves its performance, safety and profit. Ontologies are a way to conceptualize the knowledge of a specific domain. In this paper an ontology for the description of autonomous systems as well as for its development (engineering) is presented and applied to a process. This ontology is intended to be applied and used to generate final applications following a model driven methodology.


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There is a great deal of literature about the initial stages of innovative design. This is the process whereby a completely new product is conceived, invented and developed. In industry, however, the continuing success of a company is more often achieved by improving or developing existing designs to maintain their marketability. Unfortunately, this process of design by evolution is less well documented. This thesis reports the way in which this process was improved for the sponsoring company. The improvements were achieved by implementing a new form of computer aided design (C.A.D.) system. The advent of this system enabled the company to both shorten the design and development time and also to review the principles underlying the existing design procedures. C.A.D. was a new venture for the company and care had to be taken to ensure that the new procedures were compatible with the existing design office environment. In particular, they had to be acceptable to the design office staff. The C.A.D. system produced guides the designer from the draft specification to the first prototype layout. The computer presents the consequences of the designer's decisions clearly and fully, often by producing charts and sketches. The C.A.D. system and the necessary peripheral facilities were implemented, monitored and maintained. The system structure was left sufficiently flexible for maintenance to be undertaken quickly and effectively. The problems encountered during implementation are well documented in this thesis.


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The given work is devoted to development of the computer-aided system of semantic text analysis of a technical specification. The purpose of this work is to increase efficiency of software engineering based on automation of semantic text analysis of a technical specification. In work it is offered and investigated a technique of the text analysis of a technical specification is submitted, the expanded fuzzy attribute grammar of a technical specification, intended for formalization of limited Russian language is constructed with the purpose of analysis of offers of text of a technical specification, style features of the technical specification as class of documents are considered, recommendations on preparation of text of a technical specification for the automated processing are formulated. The computer-aided system of semantic text analysis of a technical specification is considered. This system consist of the following subsystems: preliminary text processing, the syntactic and semantic analysis and construction of software models, storage of documents and interface.


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Background. Tremendous advances in biomaterials science and nanotechnologies, together with thorough research on stem cells, have recently promoted an intriguing development of regenerative medicine/tissue engineering. The nanotechnology represents a wide interdisciplinary field that implies the manipulation of different materials at nanometer level to achieve the creation of constructs that mimic the nanoscale-based architecture of native tissues. Aim. The purpose of this article is to highlight the significant new knowledges regarding this matter. Emerging acquisitions. To widen the range of scaffold materials resort has been carried out to either recombinant DNA technology-generated materials, such as a collagen-like protein, or the incorporation of bioactive molecules, such as RDG (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid), into synthetic products. Both the bottom-up and the top-down fabrication approaches may be properly used to respectively obtain sopramolecular architectures or, instead, micro-/nanostructures to incorporate them within a preexisting complex scaffold construct. Computer-aided design/manufacturing (CAD/CAM) scaffold technique allows to achieve patient-tailored organs. Stem cells, because of their peculiar properties - ability to proliferate, self-renew and specific cell-lineage differentiate under appropriate conditions - represent an attractive source for intriguing tissue engineering/regenerative medicine applications. Future research activities. New developments in the realization of different organs tissue engineering will depend on further progress of both the science of nanoscale-based materials and the knowledge of stem cell biology. Moreover the in vivo tissue engineering appears to be the logical step of the current research.


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This work discusses a 4D lung reconstruction method from unsynchronized MR sequential images. The lung, differently from the heart, does not have its own muscles, turning impossible to see its real movements. The visualization of the lung in motion is an actual topic of research in medicine. CT (Computerized Tomography) can obtain spatio-temporal images of the heart by synchronizing with electrocardiographic waves. The FOV of the heart is small when compared to the lung`s FOV. The lung`s movement is not periodic and is susceptible to variations in the degree of respiration. Compared to CT, MR (Magnetic Resonance) imaging involves longer acquisition times and it is not possible to obtain instantaneous 3D images of the lung. For each slice, only one temporal sequence of 2D images can be obtained. However, methods using MR are preferable because they do not involve radiation. In this paper, based on unsynchronized MR images of the lung an animated B-Repsolid model of the lung is created. The 3D animation represents the lung`s motion associated to one selected sequence of MR images. The proposed method can be divided in two parts. First, the lung`s silhouettes moving in time are extracted by detecting the presence of a respiratory pattern on 2D spatio-temporal MR images. This approach enables us to determine the lung`s silhouette for every frame, even on frames with obscure edges. The sequence of extracted lung`s silhouettes are unsynchronized sagittal and coronal silhouettes. Using our algorithm it is possible to reconstruct a 3D lung starting from a silhouette of any type (coronal or sagittal) selected from any instant in time. A wire-frame model of the lung is created by composing coronal and sagittal planar silhouettes representing cross-sections. The silhouette composition is severely underconstrained. Many wire-frame models can be created from the observed sequences of silhouettes in time. Finally, a B-Rep solid model is created using a meshing algorithm. Using the B-Rep solid model the volume in time for the right and left lungs were calculated. It was possible to recognize several characteristics of the 3D real right and left lungs in the shaded model. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.