823 resultados para Competitor priming


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Research has suggested that the integrity of semantic processing may be compromised in Parkinson's disease (PD), which may account for difficulties in complex sentence comprehension. In order to investigate the time course and integrity of semantic activation in PD, 20 patients with PD and 23 healthy controls performed a lexical decision task based on the multi-priming paradigm. Semantic priming effects were measured across stimulus onset asynchronies of 250 ms, 600 ms, and 1200 ms. Further, PD participants performed an auditory comprehension task. The results revealed significantly different patterns of semantic priming for the PD group at the 250-ms and 1200-ms SOAs. In addition, a delayed time course of semantic activation was evident for PD patients with poor comprehension of complex sentences. These results provide further support to suggest that both automatic and controlled aspects of semantic activation may be compromised in PD. Furthermore, the results also suggest that some sentence comprehension deficits in PD may be related to a reduction in information processing speed.


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Neurotransmitter release and hormonal secretion are highly regulated processes culminating in the calcium-dependent fusion of secretory vesicles with the plasma membrane. Here, we have identified a role for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase C2 alpha (PI3K-C2 alpha) and its main catalytic product, PtdIns3P, in regulated exocytosis. In neuroendocrine cells, PI3K-C2 alpha is present on a subpopulation of mature secretory granules. Impairment of PI3K-C2 alpha function specifically inhibits the ATP-dependent priming phase of exocytosis. Overexpression of wild-type PI3K-C2 alpha enhanced secretion, whereas transfection of PC12 cells with a catalytically inactive PI3K-C2 alpha mutant or a 2xFYVE domain sequestering PtdIns3P abolished secretion. Based on these results, we propose that production of PtdIns3P by PI3K-C2 alpha is required for acquisition of fusion competence in neurosecretion.


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An affective priming task was used to examine bias in the processing of threat-related material in 25 clinically anxious compared to 25 matched, non-anxious control children and young adolescents. No significant differences were found between anxious and non-anxious children in terms of priming effects. However, age-related differences were found depending upon the valence of the target, independent of anxiety status. Both younger (7-10 years) and older (11-14 years) children showed faster response times to pleasant targets when they were preceded by a congruent compared to incongruent stimulus, consistent with a traditional priming effect. For threat target stimuli, older children showed no difference in response latency according to the congruency of the prime-target valence. Younger children, in contrast, showed a reverse priming effect for threat target stimuli, with slower response times for threat-congruent trials than for threat targets preceded by a pleasant prime. Possible explanations for developmental differences in the processing of threat-related material are discussed.


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Classic identity negative priming (NP) refers to the finding that when an object is ignored, subsequent naming responses to it are slower than when it has not been previously ignored (Tipper, S.P., 1985. The negative priming effect: inhibitory priming by ignored objects. Q. J. Exp. Psychol. 37A, 571-590). It is unclear whether this phenomenon arises due to the involvement of abstract semantic representations that the ignored object accesses automatically. Contemporary connectionist models propose a key role for the anterior temporal cortex in the representation of abstract semantic knowledge (e.g., McClelland, J.L., Rogers, T.T., 2003. The parallel distributed processing approach to semantic cognition. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 4, 310-322), suggesting that this region should be involved during performance of the classic identity NP task if it involves semantic access. Using high-field (4 T) event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging, we observed increased BOLD responses in the left anterolateral temporal cortex including the temporal pole that was directly related to the magnitude of each individual's NP effect, supporting a semantic locus. Additional signal increases were observed in the supplementary eye fields (SEF) and left inferior parietal lobule (IPL). (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A target word is classified faster as pleasant or unpleasant if preceded by a prime that matches the target word’s valence. This affective priming phenomenon is currently popular as an implicit measure of stimulus valence. The present set of experiments investigated whether rated stimulus arousal will affect target classification as well. In three experiments, word targets were preceded by prime stimuli that differed in rated arousal and valence. The basic priming effect was replicated in all experiments, however, priming was largest after high arousal unpleasant and low arousal pleasant primes, and reduced after low arousal unpleasant and high arousal pleasant primes. This finding emerged for picture and word primes and does not reflect the effect of differences in stimulus complexity. The difference in the effectiveness of the primes was not affected by SOA and seemed to hold across a wide range (50-200 ms for words and 200-500 ms for pictures). The present results suggest that some failures to find affective priming may not reflect on prime valence, but on prime arousal. Moreover, it suggests that increases in stimulus arousal have differential effects for the processing of pleasant and unpleasant stimuli.


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Semantic priming occurs when a subject is faster in recognising a target word when it is preceded by a related word compared to an unrelated word. The effect is attributed to automatic or controlled processing mechanisms elicited by short or long interstimulus intervals (ISIs) between primes and targets. We employed event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) responses associated with automatic semantic priming using an experimental design identical to that used in standard behavioural priming tasks. Prime-target semantic strength was manipulated by using lexical ambiguity primes (e.g., bank) and target words related to dominant or subordinate meaning of the ambiguity. Subjects made speeded lexical decisions (word/nonword) on dominant related, subordinate related, and unrelated word pairs presented randomly with a short ISI. The major finding was a pattern of reduced activity in middle temporal and inferior prefrontal regions for dominant versus unrelated and subordinate versus unrelated comparisons, respectively. These findings are consistent with both a dual process model of semantic priming and recent repetition priming data that suggest that reductions in BOLD responses represent neural priming associated with automatic semantic activation and implicate the left middle temporal cortex and inferior prefrontal cortex in more automatic aspects of semantic processing.


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Esta tese revisou duas linhas de pesquisa, desenvolvidas nas últimas décadas: o estudo de efeitos de estimulação subliminar priming , e de desencadeamento de reações emocionais por estímulos controlados. Este estudo tem o objetivo de combinar tais linhas para o estudo da consciência com pré-preparo afetivo: efeito de estímulos de conteúdo aversivo, subliminares e supraliminares, sobre a cognição, pela análise do desempenho em tarefa de atenção. Três tarefas experimentais foram realizadas por 35 indivíduos em laboratório de neuropsicologia: a tarefa base onde testamos à detecção de alvo visual simples, e a mesma tarefa de base, porém com estímulos distratores aversivos intercalados, de forma supraliminar ou subliminar (500 ms ou 50 ms de duração), em blocos aleatorizados entre os indivíduos. Calcularam-se índices de detectabilidade e critério de resposta, que serviram para a comparação estatística entre condições (medidas repetidas). Os resultados mostram uma mudança significativa do índice critério , indicando mudança de estratégia na presença de distratores subliminares aversivos. Concluiu-se que a tarefa subliminar fez um efeito destruidor ou devastador na tarefa supraliminar, cometendo menos falso-alarmes protegendo a tarefa supraliminar, tendo um efeito protetor . Os resultados são discutidos no contexto da relevância de influências emocionais sobre o comportamento para a Psicologia da Saúde.


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Porphyromonas gingivalis, a gram-negative anaerobe which is implicated in the etiology of active periodontitis, secretes degradative enzymes (gingipains) and sheds proinflammatory mediators (e.g., lipopolysaccharides [LPS]). LPS triggers the secretion of interleukin-8 (IL-8) from immune (72-amino-acid [aa] variant [IL-8(72aa)]) and nonimmune (IL-8(77aa)) cells. IL-8(77aa) has low chemotactic and respiratory burst-inducing activity but is susceptible to cleavage by gingipains. This study shows that both R- and K-gingipain treatments of IL-8(77aa) significantly enhance burst activation by fMLP and chemotactic activity (P < 0.05) but decrease burst activation and chemotactic activity of IL-8(72aa) toward neutrophil-like HL60 cells and primary neutrophils (P < 0.05). Using tandem mass spectrometry, we have demonstrated that R-gingipain cleaves 5- and 11-aa peptides from the N-terminal portion of IL-8(77aa) and the resultant peptides are biologically active, while K-gingipain removes an 8-aa N-terminal peptide yielding a 69-aa isoform of IL-8 that shows enhanced biological activity. During periodontitis, secreted gingipains may differentially affect neutrophil chemotaxis and activation in response to IL-8 according to the cellular source of the chemokine.


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We examined the role of priming participants' own network expectations on their subsequent identification with their friendship group. We examined this prime alongside attachment anxiety and attachment threat, as predictors of friendship group identification. Previous research has suggested that attachment anxiety is associated with negative network expectations. In this study, we extended this work to show that when a network expectation prime was absent, higher attachment anxiety was associated with lower group identification under attachment threat, compared to a control condition. However, when expectations of support network were primed, attachment threat no longer affected group identification, so that only attachment anxiety predicted group identification. This suggests that priming participants who are high in attachment anxiety with their own network expectancies (which are negative), results in participants dis-identifying with their friendship group, regardless of whether or not they have experienced attachment threat. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Background: There is evidence showing that men and women differ with regard to the processing of emotional information. However, the mechanisms behind these differences are not fully understood. Method: The sample comprised of 275 (167 female) right-handed, healthy participants, recruited from the community. We employed a customized affective priming task, which consisted of three subtests, differing in the modality of the prime (face, written word, and sound). The targets were always written words of either positive or negative valence. The priming effect was measured as reaction time facilitation in conditions where both prime and target were emotional (of the same positive or negative valence) compared with conditions where the emotional targets were preceded by neutral primes. Results: The priming effect was observed across all three modalities, with an interaction of gender by valence: the priming effect in the emotionally negative condition in male participants was stronger compared with females. This was accounted for by the differential priming effect within the female group where priming was significantly smaller in the emotionally negative conditions compared with the positive conditions. The male participants revealed a comparable priming effect across both the emotionally negative and positive conditions. Conclusion: Reduced priming in negative conditions in women may reflect interference processes due to greater sensitivity to negative valence of stimuli. This in turn could underlie the gender-related differences in susceptibility to emotional disorders.


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Background: Recent work on cognitive-behavioural models of obsessive-compulsive disorder has focused on the roles played by various aspects of self-perception. In particular, moral self-ambivalence has been found to be associated with obsessive-compulsive phenomena. Aims: In this study we used an experimental task to investigate whether artificially priming moral self-ambivalence would increase participants' deliberation on ethical problems, an index that might be analogous to obsessive-compulsive behaviour. Method: Non-clinical participants completed two online tasks designed to prime either moral self-ambivalence, general uncertainty, or neither. All participants then completed a task requiring them to consider solutions to moral dilemmas. We recorded the time participants took to respond to the dilemmas and the length of their responses; we then combined these variables to create a measure of deliberation. Results: Priming moral self-ambivalence led to increases in deliberation, but this was only significant among those participants who scored highly on a baseline measure of moral self-ambivalence. Priming general uncertainty had no significant effect upon deliberation. Conclusions: The results suggest that moral self-ambivalence may play a role in the maintenance of obsessive-compulsive behaviour. We propose that individuals who are morally self-ambivalent might respond to situations in which this ambivalence is made salient by exhibiting behaviour with obsessive-compulsive characteristics. These findings have implications for the incorporation of ideas about self-concept into theories of obsessive-compulsive disorder.