980 resultados para Coluna toracolombar anterior


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The authors summarize the results of former works, based on the technics of parabiosis. After parabiotic union of two infantile rats, normal + castrate, the normal fellow enters into precocious puberty in about 7 days (Kallas). In the case of pairs: castrated male + normal female, the implants of testicles, or injection of maceration or aqueous extracts of testis in the castrated fellow, prevents the induction of early puberty in the normal female. In the case: castrated female + normal female, no inhibiting effect is provoked by that treatment. There is therefore a testicular hormone that regulates the hypophysis. After castration, this gland manifests a hyper-function and shows histological alterations, the chief character of these being the appearing in the anterior lobe, of the so-called castration cells, probably originated from basophile cells. Implants or injections of testis material prevent those alterations. This is a useful test; the effect is controlled by estimating the castration cells in the microscopic field. The testicular hormone that regulates the anterior lobe is probably another one, quite different from that which regulates the accessory genitalia. On account of the facts and experiments, it may be assumed that this new hormone is elaborated by the germinal epithelium of the testicles.


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Mammalian cancer as well as the Rous chicken sarcoma has been successfully transplanted into the anterior chamber of the eyes of guinea pigs. It was of interest, therefore, to see if the infectious myxomatosis of rabbits, another representative of the infectious tumors, could be grown in the anterior chamber of the guinea pig eye, and, if growth occurred, to compare the tumor's behaviour with that of growths of the above mentioned etiology. Forty-three full-grown guinea pigs from mixed stocks were used throughout, and seventy-eight heterologous transplantation experiments were performed. The grafts measuring less than 2 mm. in diameter were cut from the subcutaneous tissue in skin lesions of rabbits with infectious myxomatosis recently killed. The transfer to the anterior chamber was performed after the usual technique. Some degree of partial survival was found in 23,8% of the grafts, in which typical myxoma cells could be demonstrated fifteen days after the transplantation. The transplant apparently does not increase in size, differing in that respect from that of the Rous chicken sarcoma, which increases in size by 2 or 3 diameters in 2 weeks (Shrigley, Greene & Duran-Reynals, 1945). The virus was still alive in 26% of the grafts 21 days after transplantation, and was able to induce a typical disease when injected to normal rabbits. No alteration in the properties of the virus after growth in the guinea pig was noticed, and this also is different from what happens with the Rous chicken sarcoma.


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Heterotranplantability of myxoma of rabbits was formely demonstrated when grafts from subcutaneous tissue in skin were used (MARGARINOS TÔRRES & RITA CARDOSOS, 1949). Better results are reported in this paper when grafts from the spleen of infected rabbits were employed. While grafts from normal spleen are almost completely absorbed in sixteen days, those from infected rabbits give origin to full-grown and vascularised tissue in which typical myxoma cells are predominant elements. Progressive growth of heterotransplantated myxoma cells is another similarity between infectious myxoma and malignant tumors. Formation of clear areas of circular contour (interference of a diffusible substance?) associated to myxomatous degeneration is very conspicuous. Peculiar changes of the ground substance, reticular and collagenous fibers (globular swelling, rosary and bulb formation) apparently related to myxomatous degeneration are described. An unexpected finding was the presence of typical intranuclear inclusion bodies in five among forty-eight grafts examined in the sixth day.


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Background and aim of the study: Patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and femoral catheter analgesia may develop quadriceps amyotrophy. We aimed to determine whether this amyotrophy might be related to a femoral neuropathy. Material and method: After Ethical Committee approval and patients' written informed consent, 17 patients ASA I and II scheduled to undergo ACL reconstruction were recruited. An electromyography (EMG) was performed before the operation in order to exclude a femoral neuropathy. A femoral nerve catheter was inserted before the surgery with the aid of a nerve stimulator, and 20 ml of 0.5% ropivacaine was injected. The operation was done under spinal or general anaesthesia. Postoperative analgesia was provided with 0.2% ropivacaine for 72 hours, in association with oxycodone, paracetamol and ibuprofen. A second EMG was performed 4 weeks after the ACL repair. A femoral neuropathy was defined as a reduction of the surface of the motor response of more than 20%, compared to the first EMG. A third EMG was performed at 6 months if a neuropathy was present. Results: Mean age of this group of patients was 27 years old (range 18-38 y.). Among the 17 patients, 4 developed a transient femoral neuropathy (incidence of 24%) without clinical complain. Conclusion: In this study, the incidence of subclinical femoral neuropathy after ACL reconstruction is high. This lesion may be caused by the femoral catheter (mechanical damage, toxicity of local anaesthesia) or by the Tourniquet. Further studies are needed to investigate the incidence of subclinical neuropathy, according to the type of analgesia (epidural analgesia, PCA) and surgery.


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A series of studies in schizophrenic patients report a decrease of glutathione (GSH) in prefrontal cortex (PFC) and cerebrospinal fluid, a decrease in mRNA levels for two GSH synthesizing enzymes and a deficit in parvalbumin (PV) expression in a subclass of GABA neurons in PFC. GSH is an important redox regulator, and its deficit could be responsible for cortical anomalies, particularly in regions rich in dopamine innervation. We tested in an animal model if redox imbalance (GSH deficit and excess extracellular dopamine) during postnatal development would affect PV-expressing neurons. Three populations of interneurons immunolabeled for calcium-binding proteins were analyzed quantitatively in 16-day-old rat brain sections. Treated rats showed specific reduction in parvalbumin immunoreactivity in the anterior cingulate cortex, but not for calbindin and calretinin. These results provide experimental evidence for the critical role of redox regulation in cortical development and validate this animal model used in schizophrenia research.


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Due to the eye's specific anatomical and physiological conformation, the treatment of eye diseases is a real challenge for pharmaceutical therapy. The presence of efficient protective barriers (i.e., the conjunctival and corneal membranes) and protective mechanisms (i.e., blinking and nasolachrymal drainage) makes this organ particularly impervious to local drug therapy. To overcome these issues, numerous strategies have been envisioned using pharmaceutical technology. Many formulations currently on the market or still under development are emulsions or colloidal systems intended to enhance precorneal residence time and corneal penetration, causing a consequent increase in drug bioavailability after instillation. After a review of some recent developments in the field of cyclosporin A formulations for the eye, a novel micellar formulation of cyclosporine A based on a diblock methoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-hexysubstituted poly(lactides) (MPEG-hexPLA) is described.


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Durante los cuatro años de disfrute de la beca (2006 – 2009) se ha consolidado una base de datos de medidas osteológicas del esqueleto apendicular de numerosas especies del O. Carnivora. Concretamente, se han medido 364 individuos de 126 especies. Los ejemplares pertenecían a las colecciones del Phyletisches Museum (Jena, Alemania), el Museum für Naturkunde (Berlín, Alemania), el Museu de Ciències Naturals de la Ciutadella (Barcelona, España), el Múseum National d'Histoire Naturelle (París, Francia), y el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid, España). Asimismo, con estos datos se han estado preparando tres artículos sobre la morfología de ciertos elementos del esqueleto apendicular en carnívoros, dos de los cuales se encuentran actualmente en estado de revisión para su publicación científica. Dos de ellos, "Scapula, habitat and locomotion in Carnivora" y "Size and shape in the carnivore scapula", relacionan la morfología escapular con factores como el tamaño del animal, el tipo de locomoción que presenta y el hábitat en el que se encuentra; el primero mediante metodología multivariante (análisis funcional) y el segundo bajo las nuevas técnicas de morfometría geométrica. El tercer artículo, "Scaling and mechanics in the carnivore calcaneus: A comparison of natural and artificial selection", evalúa el efecto de diferentes tipos de selección, natural frente a artificial, sobre la morfología del calcáneo y su influencia en la biomecánica de este hueso. Finalmente, también se ha desarrollado un estudio experimental sobre la búsqueda de estabilidad durante la locomoción arbórea, cuyos resultados han dado lugar al artículo "The search for stability on narrow supports: An experimental study in cats and dogs", que también se halla bajo revisión actualmente.


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Differences in personality factors between individuals may manifest themselves with different patterns of neural activity while individuals process stimuli with emotional content. We attempted to verify this hypothesis by investigating emotional susceptibility (ES), a specific emotional trait of the human personality defined as the tendency to "experience feelings of discomfort, helplessness, inadequacy and vulnerability" after exposure to stimuli with emotional valence. By administering a questionnaire evaluating the individuals' ES, we selected two groups of participants with high and low ES respectively. Then, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate differences between the groups in the neural activity involved while they were processing emotional stimuli in an explicit (focusing on the content of the stimuli) or an incidental (focusing on spatial features of the stimuli, irrespectively of their content) way. The results showed a selective difference in brain activity between groups only in the explicit processing of the emotional stimuli: bilateral activity of the anterior insula was present in subjects with high ES but not in subjects with low ES. This difference in neural activity within the anterior insula proved to be purely functional since no brain morphological differences were found between groups, as assessed by a voxel-based morphometry analysis. Although the role of the anterior insula in the processing of contexts perceived as emotionally salient is well established, the present study provides the first evidence of a modulation of the insular activity depending on the individuals' ES trait of personality.


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Lymphocoele is a rare and little known complication with only a handful of reports available. We report two cases of lymphocoele after anterior lumbar surgery that have occurred in two different centres and discuss diagnosis and management options. The first case is that of a 53-year-old male patient undergoing two level anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) for disabling back pain due to disc degeneration in the context of an old spondylodiscitis. He developed a large fluid mass postoperatively. Fluid levels of creatinin were low and intravenous urography ruled out a urinoma suggesting the diagnosis of a lymphocoele. Following two unsuccessful drainage attempts he underwent a laparoscopic marsupialization. The second case was that of a 32-year-old female patient developing a large fluid mass following a L5 corpectomy for a burst fracture. She was treated successfully with insertion of a vacuum drain during 7 days. Lymphocoele is a rare complication but should be suspected if fluid collects postoperatively following anterior lumbar spine procedures. Chemical analysis of the fluid can help in diagnosis. Modern treatment consists of laparoscopic marsupialization. Lymph vessel anatomy should be borne in mind while exposing the anterior lumbar spine.


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El present estudi revisa l’experiència clínica quirúrgica en el servei de neurocirurgia de l’hospital universitari de Bellvitge amb 272 pacients sotmesos a discectomia cervical anterior i artrodesi amb caixa intersomàtica de titani per patologia degenerativa discal. Es revisen els resultats clínics, radiològics i les complicacions presentades. S’obtenen a l’any de la intervenció, resultats clínics excel•lents o bons en un 68.25 % dels pacients, una alta taxa de fusió cervical (97.34 %) i un baix índex de complicacions operatòries (4.41 %)


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La Rapid Arterial oCclusion Evaluation és una escala neurològica prehospitalària que prediu la presència d’una oclusió arterial proximal (OAP) en els pacients amb un ictus isquèmic agut de la circulació cerebral anterior (IIACCA). Fou dissenyada valorant retrospectivament a 654 pacients amb un IIACCA, seleccionant la combinació dels ítems de la National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale que mostraven una major associació amb la presència d’una OAP: parèsia facial, parèsia braquial, parèsia crural, desviació oculocefàlica y agnòsia/afàsia. Fou validada valorant prospectivament a 93 activacions del Codi Ictus, mostrant una sensibilitat del 88% y una especificitat del 65% per una puntuació ≥ 4.


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Objectiu. Valorar el risc de lesió de les estructures posterolaterals del genoll realitzant una reconstrucció del Lligament Encreuat Anterior (LEA) mitjançant plàstia d’isquiotibials i fixació femoral am sistema Cross-Pin. Material. 10 genolls cadavèrics frescs. Reconstrucció artroscòpica del LEA mitjançant túnel anatòmic des del portal anteromedial. Dissecció anatòmica del genoll mesurant distàncies del Cross-Pin al Lligament Col•lateral Lateral (LCL), tendó popliti, nervi peroneo i tendó gastroecnemi lateral. Resultats. LCL i gastroecnemi tenen un alt risc de ser lesionats mitjançant aquest sistema Conclusió. El sistema de fixació Cross-Pin, com l’hem utilitzat, té un alt risc de lesionar les estructures laterals del genoll.