958 resultados para Color in architecture


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The world in color presents a dazzling dimension of phenotypic variation. Biological interest in this variation has burgeoned, due to both increased means for quantifying spectral information and heightened appreciation for how animals view the world differently than humans. Effective study of color traits is challenged by how to best quantify visual perception in nonhuman species. This requires consideration of at least visual physiology but ultimately also the neural processes underlying perception. Our knowledge of color perception is founded largely on the principles gained from human psychophysics that have proven generalizable based on comparative studies in select animal models. Appreciation of these principles, their empirical foundation, and the reasonable limits to their applicability is crucial to reaching informed conclusions in color research. In this article, we seek a common intellectual basis for the study of color in nature. We first discuss the key perceptual principles, namely, retinal photoreception, sensory channels, opponent processing, color constancy, and receptor noise. We then draw on this basis to inform an analytical framework driven by the research question in relation to identifiable viewers and visual tasks of interest. Consideration of the limits to perceptual inference guides two primary decisions: first, whether a sensory-based approach is necessary and justified and, second, whether the visual task refers to perceptual distance or discriminability. We outline informed approaches in each situation and discuss key challenges for future progress, focusing particularly on how animals perceive color. Given that animal behavior serves as both the basic unit of psychophysics and the ultimate driver of color ecology/evolution, behavioral data are critical to reconciling knowledge across the schools of color research.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The measurement of sulfur dioxide in air at the parts-per-billion level is described. The experimental arrangement consists of two optical fibers placed on opposite sides of a liquid droplet of malachite green solution. After light has been passed through the droplet, the transmitted light is measured by a referenced photodetection arrangement. The light used in this absorption process is from a monochromatic source (lambda(max) 625 nm). This arrangement permits the variation of color in the droplet to be measured. The sulfur dioxide in the sample is collected by the droplet; it reacts with malachite green resulting in a colorless dye. The decoloration of the solution is proportional to the concentration of sulfur dioxide sampled. The signal depends on the sample flow rate. The present technique is simple, inexpensive, and permits a fast and near real time measurement while consuming very little reagent, (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In the contemporary landscaping, among the gardening styles, the Japanese Garden plays very important rule and influence. The Japanese Garden has originated in China-the cradle of gardening culture; and Korea. Their vegetable elements, architectural features and fauna are characteristic, due to use of stones, water, bridges, stoned lamp, bonsai, carps and bamboo (Prunus serrulata, Camellia japonica, Ophiopogon japonicas) and many others. In Brazil, the Japanese Garden has massive influence, the presence of native elements typically tropical is very noticeable. This influence can be observed both in architecture, vegetation and fauna. Thus, this study aimed to identify and analyze the tropical elements in Japanese Gardens in cities such as São Paulo. Japanese Gardens in Brazil were chosen from the following cities: Sao Paulo State, Garça, Jaboticabal and Ribeirão Preto. It was observed, mostly in the presence of different palms species, plants of the Zingiberales order, Alpinia purpurata and styled architectural elements such as lakes. Some elements were able to apply the philosophy of the Japanese Garden, other not.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation of color change on bleaching tooth through delta E (ΔE) by the spectrophotometer Spectroshade (SS) and digital program Scanwhite (SW). Methods: 25 patient volunteers were recruited from Operative Dentistry at Universidad de Chile Dental School, between 18 to 30 years, with good oral hygiene. Exclusion criteria: Previous experienced tooth bleaching, anterior restorations, cervical lesions, pain dental, pregnant patient, stained teeth, malposition of the teeth and periodontal pathology. The bleaching was made in two sessions with three different bleaching systems which were randomly. The assessment of color change through ΔE was made on the two upper central incisors (N=50) by the SS and SW. The color in the same teeth were measured before (T0) and after (T1) of the bleaching treatment. Data were analyzed using test Spearman correlation coefficient (Rho) with a significant level of 95%. Results: The results showed a positive and significant correlation (0.676), with a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). Conclusion: There is correlation in the measurement of color change on bleaching tooth by SS and SW.


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Color is an important variable in cosmetic dentistry, and it has traditionally been measured by a visual method, comparing teeth with standard color guides. In recent decades, electronic instruments have been developed to eliminate the subjective factor of visual measurement. This objective method has mainly been performed with colorimeters, spectrophotometers and the analysis of images obtained with digital cameras. These instruments have proven to be reliable with a high degree of precision and accuracy. Its use is recommended as an adjunctive tool to assess color in direct and indirect restorations, in aesthetic treatments like bleaching, and to facilitate communication with the dental laboratory. The spectrophotometer is the device that has reported better “in- vitro “ and “in -vivo” performance, being the “Vita Easyshade “ the one with more reliable results.


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This is a clinical case report of a patient who presented with dental stains in the buccal and proximal aspects of the anterior teeth. Buccal stains were removed using the enamel microabrasion technique, and vital tooth bleaching with carbamide peroxide was also performed. Restorative procedures employing composite resin were done for a better result in the proximal aspect of teeth. Clinical significance: The authors observed the combination of these esthetic techniques improved the patient's smile. Today, dental esthetics attempts to imitate natural teeth by making them white, well-shaped, and aligned with no spots. This has enabled the development of several esthetic techniques, such as microabrasion to remove dental enamel surface stains and surface irregularities,1-6 and vital tooth bleaching to treat yellowish teeth.7 The enamel microabrasion technique uses different abrasive agents associated with chemical solutions,1,2,4,6 allowing the removal of intrinsic, hard-texture stains, and different coloring spots on the enamel surface, as well as correction of irregularities on the dental buccal surface.1,8 The various microabrasive products include the Opalustre® (Ultradent Products, http://www.ultradent.com)or Prema® Compound (Premier Dental Products, http://www.premusa.com), a low-concentration hydrochloric acid product associated with silica microparticles that is certainly effective for microabrasion technique,4,6,9,10 providing a good safety profile for the patient and professional. The microabrasion technique also promotes micro-reduction on the adamantine surface.4,5,10 In some cases, after its completion, microabrasion may cause teeth to become darker or yellowish because of the thinner remaining enamel surface, leading to more evident observation of the dentinal tissue, which in general determines tooth color. In these clinical conditions, correction of the color pattern of dental elements can be obtained with carbamide peroxide products applied in custom trays, such as the bleaching products Whiteness Perfect at 10% or 16% (FGM Productos Odontologicos, http://www.fgm.ind.br) or Opalescence® at 10% or 15% (Ultradent Products), with a considerable margin of clinical success, provided it is well indicated, well performed, and supervised by the professional.4,6,9,10 Considering all the aforementioned aspects, the authors present a clinical case about a dental-enamel microabrasion technique used to remove buccal enamel surface stains associated with dental vital bleaching and restorative procedures in the proximal aspect of anterior teeth. - See more at: https://www.dentalaegis.com/cced/2010/08/different-esthetic-techniques-used-in-combination-to-recover-the-smile#sthash.McFoH7El.dpuf


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This session reports on a first-year program designed to assist students-of-color in adjusting to higher education. Session participants will have the opportunity to view the overall structure of the program, including training components, academic tracking methodology, assessment and technology, enhancement programs, and additional services that S.T.A.R.S. provides.


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[ES] Los machos de Betta splendens se muestran más agresivos ante la presencia de otros machos de la misma especie y color similar al suyo, en comparación con la agresividad desplegada ante machos de tonalidad distinta


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[ES] El Detector de Efectos Stroop (SED - Stroop Effect Detector), es una herramienta informática de asistencia, desarrollada a través del programa de investigación de Desarrollo Tecnológico Social de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, que ayuda a profesionales del sector neuropsicológico a identificar problemas en la corteza orbitofrontal de un individuo, usándose para ello la técnica ideada por Schenker en 1998. Como base metodológica, se han utilizado los conocimientos adquiridos en las diferentes materias de la adaptación al grado en Ingeniería Informática como Gestión del Software, Arquitectura del Software y Desarrollo de Interfaces de Usuario así como conocimiento adquirido con anterioridad en asignaturas de Programación e Ingeniería del Software I y II. Como para realizar este proyecto sólo el conocimiento informático no era suficiente, he realizado una labor de investigación acerca del problema, teniendo que recopilar información de otros documentos científicos que abordan el tema, consultas a profesionales del sector como son el Doctor Don Ayoze Nauzet González Hernández, neurólogo del hospital Doctor Negrín de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y el psicólogo Don José Manuel Rodríguez Pellejero que habló de este problema en clase del máster de Formación del Profesorado y que actualmente estoy cursando. Este trabajo presenta el test de Stroop con las dos versiones de Schenker: RCN (Reading Color Names) y NCW (Naming Colored Words). Como norma general, ambas pruebas presentan ante los sujetos estudios palabras (nombres de colores) escritas con la tinta de colores diferentes. De esta forma, el RCN consiste en leer la palabra escrita omitiendo la tonalidad de su fuente e intentando que no nos influya. Por el contrario, el NCW requiere enunciar el nombre del color de la tinta con la que está escrita la palabra sin que nos influya que ésta última sea el nombre de un color.


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White coat color has been a highly valued trait in horses for at least 2,000 years. Dominant white (W) is one of several known depigmentation phenotypes in horses. It shows considerable phenotypic variation, ranging from approximately 50% depigmented areas up to a completely white coat. In the horse, the four depigmentation phenotypes roan, sabino, tobiano, and dominant white were independently mapped to a chromosomal region on ECA 3 harboring the KIT gene. KIT plays an important role in melanoblast survival during embryonic development. We determined the sequence and genomic organization of the approximately 82 kb equine KIT gene. A mutation analysis of all 21 KIT exons in white Franches-Montagnes Horses revealed a nonsense mutation in exon 15 (c.2151C>G, p.Y717X). We analyzed the KIT exons in horses characterized as dominant white from other populations and found three additional candidate causative mutations. Three almost completely white Arabians carried a different nonsense mutation in exon 4 (c.706A>T, p.K236X). Six Camarillo White Horses had a missense mutation in exon 12 (c.1805C>T, p.A602V), and five white Thoroughbreds had yet another missense mutation in exon 13 (c.1960G>A, p.G654R). Our results indicate that the dominant white color in Franches-Montagnes Horses is caused by a nonsense mutation in the KIT gene and that multiple independent mutations within this gene appear to be responsible for dominant white in several other modern horse populations.


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Female mating preference based on male nuptial coloration has been suggested to be an important source of diversifying selection in the radiation of Lake Victoria cichlid fish. Initial variation in female preference is a prerequisite for diversifying selection; however, it is rarely studied in natural populations. In clear water areas of Lake Victoria, the sibling species Pundamilia pundamilia with blue males and Pundamilia nyererei with red males coexist, intermediate phenotypes are rare, and most females have species-assortative mating preferences. Here, we study a population of Pundamilia that inhabits turbid water where male coloration is variable from reddish to blue with most males intermediate. We investigated male phenotype distribution and female mating preferences. Male phenotype was unimodally distributed with a mode on intermediate color in 1 year and more blue-shifted in 2 other years. In mate choice experiments with females of the turbid water population and males from a clearer water population, we found females with a significant and consistent preference for P. pundamilia (blue) males, females with such preferences for P. nyererei (red) males, and many females without a preference. Hence, female mating preferences in this population could cause disruptive selection on male coloration that is probably constrained by the low signal transduction of the turbid water environment. We suggest that if environmental signal transduction was improved and the preference/color polymorphism was stabilized by negative frequency-dependent selection, divergent sexual selection might separate the 2 morphs into reproductively isolated species resembling the clear water species P. pundamilia and P. nyererei.