893 resultados para Color BLUE
Die Rekonstruktion des Einflusses von Strömungen und glazialmarinen Prozessen auf das Sedimentationsgeschehen am Kontinentalhang der Antarktischen Halbinsel im westlichen Weddellmeer basiert auf sedimentologischen und geophysikalischen Daten eines Kolbenlotkerns. Der Sedimentkern wurde während des Fahrtabschnitts ANT-XIV/3 mit dem FS "Polarstern" aus einer mächtigen Levee-Struktur eines Rinnen-Rückensystems gewonnen. Es wurden sedimentologische sowie sedimentphysikalische Untersuchungen an dem Kernmaterial durchgeführt. Die texturellen Änderungen im Kern und die Variationen der gemessenen Parameter ermöglichen eine lithofazielle Gliederung und stratigraphische Einstufung der Sedimentabfolge. Die untersuchten Sedimente umfassen den Zeitraum der vier letzten Klimazyklen bis heute und repräsentieren die Ablagerungsbedingungen von mehr als 340 000 Jahren. Vier Faziestypen wurden unterschieden, die sowohl glaziale als auch interglaziale Ablagerungsräume charakterisieren. (1) Die überwiegend groblaminierten Sedimentabfolgen wurden der Laminitfazies zugeordnet. Unter glazialen Umweltbedingungen kam es infolge schwacher Bodenströmungen zur Ablagerung feinkörniger, laminierter, strömungsbetonter Sedimente. (2) Strukturlose, sehr homogene Sedimentabfolgen des Kems beschreiben einen weiteren, den Kaltzeiten zugeordneten, Faziestyp, der durch geringe Variationen in den Sedimenteigenschaften charakterisiert ist. (3) Kernabschnitte, die weitgehend strukturlos sind bzw. leichte Bioturbationen und relativ viel eistransportiertes Material aufweisen, wurden als IRD-Fazies bezeichnet. Sie repräsentiert den Übergang vom Glazial zum Interglazial, in dem sich das Schelfeis und die Meereisbeckung zurückzogen. In den Sedimenten kam es infolge der gesteigerten Kalbungsrate zur Anreicherung der Eisfracht. (4) Die relativ biogenreichen, hellen Ablagerungen wurden der interglazialzeitlichen Karbonatfazies zugeteilt. Der signifikant erhöhte Anteil planktischer Foraminiferen weist auf eine gesteigerte Bioproduktivität im Oberflächenwasser hin, die aus verstärkten jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen der Meereisbedeckung resultiert. Die betrachteten Sedimentationsprozesse, wie biologische Produktivität, Umlagerungsprozesse durch Meeresströmungen, gravitativer Sedimenttransport und Eistransport, sind das Abbild komplexer Wechselwirkungen aus Meeresspiegelschwankungen, Änderungen ozeanographischer Bedingungen und der Vereisungsdynamik. Das Sedimentationsgeschehen im Untersuchungsgebiet wurde folglich durch die Variationen der vorherrschenden Umweltbedingungen bestimmt. Im Glazial kam es unter einer geschlossenen Meereisbedeckung zur Ablagerung feinkörniger, geschichteter Sedimente. Vorwiegend Turbiditströmungen kontrollierten das Sedimentationsgeschehen innerhalb des betrachteten Rinnen-Rückensystems. Unter dem Einfluß der Coriolis-Kraft und wahrscheinlich einer Konturströmung wurden die suspendierten, feinkörnigen Partikel aus dem zentralen Bereich der Rinne verdriftet und über dem nördlichen Uferwall abgelagert. Höherenergetische gravitative Prozesse beeinflußten das Sedimentationsgeschehen episodisch und sind durch gut sortierte Ablagerungen mit erhöhten Gehalten im Mittel- bis Grobsiltbereich dokumentiert. Höhere Sedimentationsraten in den Glazialen trugen verstärkt zur Bildung des Uferwalls bei. Die Ablagerungen der ebenfalls glazialzeitlichen homogenen Fazies belegen unterschiedliche Ablagerungsbedingungen und eine Verschiebung der dominierenden Prozesse. Während des Übergangs vom Glazial zum Interglazial nahm die Bodenwasserbildungsrate durch das Aufschwimmen des Schelfeises zu, wodurch die Strömungsintensität gesteigert wurde. Eine verstärkte Eisbergaktivität wird durch die Anreichung des IRD-Materials dokumentiert. Während interglazialer Zeiten ermöglichten offen-marine Bedingungen im Südsommer eine leicht erhöhte biologische Produktivität, so daß der Ablagerungsraum durch die Sedimentation biogener Komponenten verstärkt beeinflußt wurde.
The timing of the last maximum extent of the Antarctic ice sheets relative to those in the Northern Hemisphere remains poorly understood. We develop a chronology for the Weddell Sea sector of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet that, combined with ages from other Antarctic ice-sheet sectors, indicates that the advance to and retreat from their maximum extent was within dating uncertainties synchronous with most sectors of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. Surface climate forcing of Antarctic mass balance would probably cause an opposite response, whereby a warming climate would increase accumulation but not surface melting. Our new data support teleconnections involving sea-level forcing from Northern Hemisphere ice sheets and changes in North Atlantic deep-water formation and attendant heat flux to Antarctic grounding lines to synchronize the hemispheric ice sheets.
Small bistratified cells (SBCs) in the primate retina carry a major blue-yellow opponent signal to the brain. We found that SBCs also carry signals from rod photoreceptors, with the same sign as S cone input. SBCs exhibited robust responses under low scotopic conditions. Physiological and anatomical experiments indicated that this rod input arose from the AII amacrine cell-mediated rod pathway. Rod and cone signals were both present in SBCs at mesopic light levels. These findings have three implications. First, more retinal circuits may multiplex rod and cone signals than were previously thought to, efficiently exploiting the limited number of optic nerve fibers. Second, signals from AII amacrine cells may diverge to most or all of the approximately 20 retinal ganglion cell types in the peripheral primate retina. Third, rod input to SBCs may be the substrate for behavioral biases toward perception of blue at mesopic light levels.
We present a secondary eclipse observation for the hot Jupiter HD 189733b across the wavelength range 290-570 nm made using the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. We measure geometric albedos of Ag = 0.40 ± 0.12 across 290-450 nm and Ag < 0.12 across 450-570 nm at 1σ confidence. The albedo decrease toward longer wavelengths is also apparent when using six wavelength bins over the same wavelength range. This can be interpreted as evidence for optically thick reflective clouds on the dayside hemisphere with sodium absorption suppressing the scattered light signal beyond ~450 nm. Our best-fit albedo values imply that HD 189733b would appear a deep blue color at visible wavelengths.
The future generation of modern illumination should not only be cheap and highly efficient, but also demonstrate high quality of light, light which allows better color differentiation and fidelity. Here we are presenting a novel approach to create a white solid-state light source providing ultimate color rendition necessary for a number of applications. The proposed semi-hybrid device combines a monolithic blue-cyan light emitting diode (MBC LED) with a green-red phosphor mixture. It has shown a superior color rendering index (CRI), 98.6, at correlated color temperature of around 3400 K. The MBC LED epi-structure did not suffer from the efficiency reduction typical for monolithic multi-color emitters and was implemented in the two most popular chip designs: “epi-up” and “flip-chip”. Redistribution of the blue and cyan band amplitudes in the white-light emission spectrum, using the operating current, is found to be an effective tool for fine tuning the color characteristics. (Figure presented.).
Accurate iris reproduction in the fabrication of ocular prosthesis in order to match the remaining eye is a key factor to mask the loss and achieve an esthetic outcome for anophthalmic patients. This study evaluated the stability of acrylic paints used for replicating iris color in ocular prostheses by the analysis of two factors: the temperature of the acrylic resin polymerization cycle during prosthesis fabrication and the incidence of sun light, which is the main photodegrading agent undermining the longevity of ocular prostheses. An accelerated aging assay was used for both analyses. Specimens simulating the prosthetic iris in the colors blue, yellow, black, brown and green were fabricated, and were submitted to a colorimetric reading before and after undergoing the thermal conditions of acrylic resin polymerization. Next, the specimens were submitted to an artificial accelerated aging assay with ultraviolet radiation A and weekly colorimetric readings during a 3-week period. The color change (??*) values for the four specimens painted with the same color paint were averaged and the resulting values were considered for statistical analysis. Levine's test and Student's t-test were used to analyze the influence of the temperature of the polymerization cycle during prosthesis fabrication on the color stability of each acrylic resin paint. Friedman's test for three dependent samples was used for analysis of color photodegradation as function of time. Significance level was set at 0.05 for all analyses. It was observed that, after the action of the temperature of the polymerization cycle, alteration above clinically acceptable level of ??*> 3.3 was observed only for the yellow color. After the accelerated aging assay, there were statistically significant differences (p<0.05) as a function of time in the green, brown, black and blue colors. Changes were clinically acceptable for the brown and black colors; slightly above the clinically acceptable limit for the green color; and significantly high and impracticable from a clinical standpoint for the blue color. There was no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) for the yellow color, which presented color change only a little above the clinically acceptable limit. In conclusion: 1. Only the yellow color presented alterations above the clinically acceptable levels after the polymerization cycle; 2. After accelerated aging, there was no changes in the yellow color above the clinically acceptable levels; 3. For the green color, degradation was significant and slightly above the clinically acceptable levels; 4. The black, brown and blue colors presented significant alterations as function of time; the alterations of the brown and black colors were within acceptable clinical levels, while the blue color presented a more accentuated degradation over time.
The pocilloporin Rtms5 and an engineered variant Rtms5(H146S) undergo distinct color transitions (from blue to red to yellow to colorless) in a pH-dependent manner. pK(a) values of 4.1 and 3.2 were determined for the blue (absorption lambda(max), 590 nm) to yellow (absorption lambda(max), similar to 453 nm) transitions of Rtms5 and Rtms5H(146). The pK(a) for the blue-yellow transition of Rtms5H(146S) increased by 1.4 U in the presence of 0.1 M KI, whereas the pK(a) for the same transition of Rtms5 was relatively insensitive to added halides. To understand the structural basis for these observations, we have determined to 2.0 A resolution the crystal structure of a yellow form of Rtms5(H146S) at pH 3.5 in the presence of iodide. Iodide was found occupying a pocket in the structure with a pH of 3.5, forming van der Waals contacts with the tyrosyl moiety of the chromophore. Elsewhere, it was determined that this pocket is occupied by a water molecule in the Rtms5(H141S) structure (pH 8.0) and by the side chain of histidine 146 in the wild-type Rtms5 structure. Collectively, our data provide an explanation for the observed linkage between color transitions for Rtms5(H146S) and binding to halides.