886 resultados para Colonización interior


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A view from inside the Alumni Greenhouse.


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View of construction on the inside of the Mackenzie Chown Complex.


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North Amerlc8 W8S inundated by fJ major eplcontlnental sea during ihe C:retaceo.us Period. The sOljihw6rd transgression of th.e northern Boreal See along the ~\festern Interior Seaway resulted in a meetlng with the northward edv6nclng waters from the GUlf of Mexico (Obradovich and Cobban, 1975). Th1s link was 1n eXlstence by late Albien time and 6llowed for the comm1ngl1ng of the prol1ferous Arctic and Gulf rnar1ne faunas (F1g. 1). By early Campanlan time, there was a widening of B6ffln Bay wlth a slrnult8neous subsidence 1n the Arct1c Archlpelago and Sverdrup 6as1n (W11liam and Stelck, 1975). Williams and Burk (1964) found 6 break 1n the marines sedlmentatlon in the f1anltoba area, suggesting Bland corlnectlon from the Dlstrlct of Keewatln through eastern M6fl1toba to the lake Sl~perlor reglon, lmplying that the only dlrect connection between the Interlor Sea with Baffln Bay, was yia the Arct1c. This hiatus was also documented by Meek and Hayden (1861) ln the United states between the Niobrara and Pierre Format1ons. Jeletzky (1971) suggested that the retreat of the sea towards the east was by a serles of strong pulses resultlng in the regression of the Campanlan and M66str1chtlan seas. During ttle Cretaceous1 the r1s1ng Corl1111era caused the western shoreline of the Interlor Sea to migrate eastwards and the Cordillera'l detritus produced deltaic cornplexes from the Mackenzie Valley to Ne\N Mexlcoo The foreland basin was continually subslding and thls down\",arplng aided in the eastward m1gration of the western shorel1ne. Thls also lndicates that trle water 'tIes becom1ng deeper in the central Plains sect10n of the Seaway (Fig. 2).


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Interior of Chapman College Chapel, Orange, California. The wooden-shingled church, constructed in 1909 for the congregation of Trinity Episcopal Church, is located on the northeast corner of East Maple Avenue and North Grand Street. Chapman College (now Chapman University) purchased the church for their chapel when the congregation moved to a new church on Canal Street.


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Interior of Chapman College Chapel, Orange, California. Bill Carpenter, Chaplain. The wooden-shingled church, constructed in 1909 for the congregation of Trinity Episcopal Church, is located on the northeast corner of East Maple Avenue and North Grand Street. Chapman College (now Chapman University) purchased the church for their chapel when the congregation moved to a new church on Canal Street.


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Small group meeting inside the Chapman College Chapel, Orange, California. The wooden-shingled church, constructed in 1909 for the congregation of Trinity Episcopal Church, is located on the northeast corner of East Maple Avenue and North Grand Street. Chapman College (now Chapman University) purchased the church for their chapel when the congregation moved to a new church on Canal Street.


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Wedding, Chapman College Chapel interior, Orange, California. The wooden-shingled church, constructed in 1909 for the congregation of Trinity Episcopal Church, is located on the northeast corner of East Maple Avenue and North Grand Street. Chapman College (now Chapman University) purchased the church for their chapel when the congregation moved to a new church on Canal Street.


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Founders' Hall [now Roosevelt Hall], Chapman College, Orange, California. Life trustee James Roosevelt’s name graces this historical building, which was originally named Founders’ Hall, until its rededication in 1994. This building completed in 1928 (2 floors, 12,280 sq.ft.) is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings and houses the Center for Academic Success, Department of Languages, Division of Social Sciences and the Writing Center. Originally constructed to serve as the Art & Cafeteria Building for Orange Union High School, it was acquired by Chapman in 1954.


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Desk and waiting area in Founders' Hall [now Roosevelt Hall], Chapman College, Orange, California. Life trustee James Roosevelt’s name graces this historical building, which was originally named Founders’ Hall, until its rededication in 1994. This building completed in 1928 (2 floors, 12,280 sq.ft.) is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings and houses the Center for Academic Success, Department of Languages, Division of Social Sciences and the Writing Center. Originally constructed to serve as the Art & Cafeteria Building for Orange Union High School, it was acquired by Chapman in 1954.


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Inside Founders' Hall [now Roosevelt Hall], Chapman College, Orange, California. Life trustee James Roosevelt’s name graces this historical building, which was originally named Founders’ Hall, until its rededication in 1994. This building completed in 1928 (2 floors, 12,280 sq.ft.) is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings and houses the Center for Academic Success, Department of Languages, Division of Social Sciences and the Writing Center. Originally constructed to serve as the Art & Cafeteria Building for Orange Union High School, it was acquired by Chapman in 1954.


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Inside Founders' Hall [now Roosevelt Hall], Chapman College, Orange, California. Life trustee James Roosevelt’s name graces this historical building, which was originally named Founders’ Hall, until its rededication in 1994. This building completed in 1928 (2 floors, 12,280 sq.ft.) is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings and houses the Center for Academic Success, Department of Languages, Division of Social Sciences and the Writing Center. Originally constructed to serve as the Art & Cafeteria Building for Orange Union High School, it was acquired by Chapman in 1954.


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Lounge area inside Founders' Hall [now Roosevelt Hall], Chapman College, Orange, California. Life trustee James Roosevelt’s name graces this historical building, which was originally named Founders’ Hall, until its rededication in 1994. This building completed in 1928 (2 floors, 12,280 sq.ft.) is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings and houses the Center for Academic Success, Department of Languages, Division of Social Sciences and the Writing Center. Originally constructed to serve as the Art & Cafeteria Building for Orange Union High School, it was acquired by Chapman in 1954.


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Interior layered deposits within an embayment in the northern as well as near the southern wall of Coprates Chasma in the Valles Marineris, Mars are studied using HRSC, CTX, HiRISE and CRISM data. In the northern embayment, layered deposits outcrop in three separate locations (a western deposit, a central deposit and an eastern deposit). The central layered deposit in the north has a stratigraphic thickness of 2 km. The western layered deposit abuts against the chasma wall appearing to have a relatively un-eroded depositional surface. The eastern deposit is near a landslide scar which appears to have exposed basement layering showing downward displacement. This northern embayment is suggested to have been an ancestral basin. The triangular edged deposit near the southern wall of Coprates Chasma has an elongated mound protruding from the central edge and is suggested to be the outer limits of a fault block which is back rotated 6° south. The rotation may be the result of the Valles Marineris opening.


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On Mars, interior layered deposits (ILD) provide evidence that water was once stable at the surface of the planet and present in large quantities. In West Candor Chasma, the ILD and their associated landforms record the depositional history of the chasma, and the deformation of those deposits provide insight into the stresses acting on them and the chasma as a whole. The post ILD structural history of West Candor is interpreted by analyzing the spatial relationships and orientation trends of structural features within the ILD. Therecording of stresses through brittle deformation of ILDs implies that the ILD had been lithified before the stress was imposed. Based on the prominent orientation trends of deformation features, the orientation of the stress regime acting upon the ILD appears to be linked to the regime that initially created the chasma-forming faults. An additional minor stress orientation was also revealed and may be related to large structures outside west Candor Chasma. The late depositional history of Ceti Mensa is herein investigated by examining the attributes and spatial relationship between unique corrugated, linear formations (CLF). The CLFs appear to be aeolian in origin but display clear indications of brittle deformation, indicating they have been Iithified. Evidence of lithification and the mineral composition of the surrounding material support the interpretation of circulating water in the area.