980 resultados para College stories, American.


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We present a search for Wb (b) over bar production in p (p) over bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV in events containing one electron, an imbalance in transverse momentum, and two b-tagged jets. Using 174 pb(-1) of integrated luminosity accumulated by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron collider, and the standard-model description of such events, we set a 95% C.L. upper limit on Wb (b) over bar production of 6.6 pb for b quarks with transverse momenta p(T)(b)> 20 GeV and b (b) over bar separation in pseudorapidity-azimuth space Delta R-bb> 0.75. Restricting the search to optimized b (b) over bar mass intervals provides upper limits on WH production of 9.0-12.2 pb for Higgs-boson masses of 105-135 GeV.


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We present measurements of the Lambda(b)(0) lifetime in the exclusive decay channel Lambda(b)(0)-> J/psi Lambda(0), with J/psi ->mu(+)mu(-) and Lambda(0)-> p pi(-), the B-0 lifetime in the decay B-0-> J/psi K-S(0) with J/psi ->mu(+)mu(-) and K-S(0)->pi(+)pi(-), and the ratio of these lifetimes. The analysis is based on approximately 250 pb(-1) of data recorded with the D0 detector in p (p) over bar collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV. The Lambda(b)(0) lifetime is determined to be tau(Lambda(b)(0))=1.22(-0.18)(+0.22)(stat)+/- 0.04(syst) ps, the B-0 lifetime tau(B-0)=1.40(-) (+0.11)(0.10)(stat)+/- 0.03(syst) ps, and the ratio tau(Lambda(b)(0))/tau(B-0)=0.87(-) (+0.17)(0.14)(stat)+/- 0.03(syst). In contrast with previous measurements using semileptonic decays, this is the first determination of the Lambda(b)(0) lifetime based on a fully reconstructed decay channel.


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Using the data collected with the D0 detector at root s=1.96 TeV, for integrated luminosities of about 180 pb(-1), we have measured the ratio of inclusive cross sections for p(p) over bar -> Z+b jet to p(p) over bar -> Z+jet production. The inclusive Z+b-jet reaction is an important background to searches for the Higgs boson in associated ZH production at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. Our measurement is the first of its kind, and relies on the Z -> e(+)e(-) and Z ->mu(+)mu(-) modes. The combined measurement of the ratio yields 0.021 +/- 0.005 for hadronic jets with transverse momenta p(T)> 20 GeV/c and pseudorapidities vertical bar eta vertical bar < 2.5, consistent with next-to-leading-order predictions of the standard model.


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The formulation of a suitable nonlocal model potential for electron exchange is presented, checked with electron-hydrogen and electron-helium scattering, and applied to the study of elastic and inelastic scattering and ionization of orthopositronium (Ps) by helium. The elastic scattering and the n=2 excitations of Ps are investigated using a three-Ps-state close-coupling approximation. The higher (n greater than or equal to 3) excitations and ionization of Ps atoms are treated in the framework of the Born approximation with present exchange. Calculations are reported of phase shifts and elastic, Ps excitation, and total cross sections. The present target elastic total cross section agrees well with experimental results at thermal to medium energies. [S1050-2947(99)04201-8].


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A search for associated production of charginos and neutralinos is performed using data recorded with the D0 detector at a p (p) over bar center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. This analysis considers final states with missing transverse energy and three charged leptons, of which at least two are electrons or muons. No evidence for supersymmetry is found in a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 320 pb(-1). Limits on the product of the production cross section and leptonic branching fraction are set. For the minimal supergravity model, a chargino lower mass limit of 117 GeV at the 95% C.L. is derived in regions of parameter space with enhanced leptonic branching fractions.


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We present a search for the standard model Higgs boson in H -> WW(*) decays with e(+)e(-), e(+/-)mu(-/+), and mu(+)mu(-) final states in p (p) over bar collisions at a center-of-mass-energy of root s = 1.96 TeV. The data, collected from April 2002 to june 2004 with the D0 detector, correspond to an integrated luminosity of 300-325 pb(-1), depending on the final state. The number of events observed is consistent with the expectation from backgrounds. Limits from the combination of all three channels on the Higgs boson production cross section times branching ratio sigma x BR(H -> WW(*)) are presented.


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Neutrino oscillations are treated from the point of view of relativistic first quantized theories and compared to second quantized treatments. Within first quantized theories, general oscillation probabilities can be found for Dirac fermions and charged spin 0 bosons. A clear modification in the oscillation formulas can be obtained and its origin is elucidated and confirmed to be inevitable from completeness and causality requirements. The left-handed nature of created and detected neutrinos can also be implemented in the first quantized Dirac theory in the presence of mixing; the probability loss due to the changing of initially left-handed neutrinos to the undetected right-handed neutrinos can be obtained in analytic form. Concerning second quantized approaches, it is shown in a calculation using virtual neutrino propagation that both neutrinos and antineutrinos may also contribute as intermediate particles. The sign of the contributing neutrino energy may have to be chosen explicitly without being automatic in the formalism. At last, a simple second quantized description of the flavor oscillation phenomenon is devised. In this description there is no interference terms between positive and negative components, but it still gives simple normalized oscillation probabilities. A new effect appearing in this context is an inevitable but tiny violation of the initial flavor of neutrinos. The probability loss due to the conversion of left-handed neutrinos to right-handed neutrinos is also presented.


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We show that the extension of the approximate custodial SU(2)(L+R) global symmetry to all the Yukawa interactions of the standard model Lagrangian implies the introduction of sterile right-handed neutrinos and the seesaw mechanism in this sector. In this framework, the observed quark and lepton masses may be interpreted as an effect of physics beyond the standard model. The mechanism used for breaking this symmetry in the Yukawa sector could be different from the one at work in the vector boson sector. We give three model independent examples of these mechanisms.


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We report a search for the standard model (SM) Higgs boson based on data collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 260 pb(-1). We study events with missing transverse energy and two acoplanar b jets, which provide sensitivity to the ZH production cross section in the nu nu bb channel, and to WH production when the lepton from the W ->center dot nu decay is undetected. The data are consistent with the SM background expectation, and we set 95% C.L. upper limits on sigma(pp -> ZH/WH) x B(H -> bb) from 3.4/8.3 to 2.5/6.3 pb, for Higgs-boson masses between 105 and 135 GeV.


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We consider the critical short-time evolution of magnetic and droplet-percolation order parameters for the Ising model in two and three dimensions, through Monte Carlo simulations with the (local) heat-bath method. We find qualitatively different dynamic behaviors for the two types of order parameters. More precisely, we find that the percolation order parameter does not have a power-law behavior as encountered for the magnetization, but develops a scale (related to the relaxation time to equilibrium) in the Monte Carlo time. We argue that this difference is due to the difficulty in forming large clusters at the early stages of the evolution. Our results show that, although the descriptions in terms of magnetic and percolation order parameters may be equivalent in the equilibrium regime, greater care must be taken to interpret percolation observables at short times. In particular, this concerns the attempts to describe the dynamics of the deconfinement phase transition in QCD using cluster observables.


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We measure the dimuon charge asymmetry A in p (p) over bar collisions at a center of mass energy root s=1960 GeV. The data was recorded with the D0 detector and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of approximately 1.0 fb(-1). Assuming that the asymmetry A is due to asymmetric B-0 <->(B) over bar (0) mixing and decay, we extract the CP-violation parameter of B-0 mixing and decay: ((epsilon B0))/(1+vertical bar epsilon B0 vertical bar 2)=(AB0)/(4)= -0.0023 +/- 0.0011(stat)+/- 0.0008(syst).A(B)(0) is the dimuon charge asymmetry from decays of B-0(B) over bar (0) pairs. The general case, with CP violation in both B-0 and B-s(0) systems, is also considered. Finally we obtain the forward-backward asymmetry that quantifies the tendency of mu(+) to go in the proton direction and mu(-) to go in the antiproton direction. The results are consistent with the standard model and constrain new physics.


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The description of the short-range part of the nucleon-nucleon forces in terms of quark degrees of freedom is tested against experimental observables. We consider, for this purpose, a model where the short-range part of the forces is given by the quark cluster model and the long- and medium-range forces by well established meson exchanges. The investigation is performed using different quark cluster models coming from different sets of quark-quark interactions. The predictions of this model are compared not only with the phase shifts but also directly with the experimental observables. Agreement with the existing pp and np world set of data is poor. This suggests that the current description of the nucleon-nucleon interaction, at short distances, in the framework of the nonrelativistic quark models, is at present only qualitative.


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In this work we show that in a version of the 3-3-1 model proposed by Duong and Ma, in which the introduction of a scalar sextet is avoided by adding a singlet heavy charged lepton, the tau lepton gains mass through a seesawlike mechanism. We also show how to generate neutrino masses at the one-loop level, and give the respective Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata mixing matrices for a set of the parameters. We also consider the effect of adding a singlet right-handed neutrino.


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Some years ago it was shown by Ma that in the context of the electroweak standard model there are, at the tree level, only three ways to generate small neutrino masses by the seesaw mechanism via one effective dimension-five operator. Here we extend this approach to 3-3-1 chiral models showing that in this case there are several dimension-five operators and we also consider their tree level realization.


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The teleparallel gravity theory, treated physically as a gauge theory of translations, naturally represents a particular case of the most general gauge-theoretic model based on the general affine group of spacetime. on the other hand, geometrically, the Weitzenbock spacetime of distant parallelism is a particular case of the general metric-affine spacetime manifold. These physical and geometrical facts offer a new approach to teleparallelism. We present a systematic treatment of teleparallel gravity within the framework of the metric-affine theory. The symmetries, conservation laws and the field equations are consistently derived, and the physical consequences are discussed in detail. We demonstrate that the so-called teleparallel GR-equivalent model has a number of attractive features which distinguishes it among the general teleparallel theories, although it has a consistency problem when dealing with spinning matter sources.