316 resultados para Coils
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
RESUMO: Os mais recentes métodos de neuro imagem tal como a Ressonância Magnética (RM) permitiram obter imagens detalhadas do cérebro humano in vivo. Essas imagens revelam, muitas vezes, achados imprevistos face ao padrão normal, com elevada propensão para os indivíduos idosos e franca coexistência com fatores de risco vascular, como característica dum processo de envelhecimento normal. Embora na última década tenham surgido várias publicações sobre este assunto, ele continua ainda pouco explicado. Um pouco por todo o mundo têm emergido os programas de prevenção da doença e promoção da saúde desenvolvidos pela Saúde Pública suportadas sobretudo pelo avanço das tecnologias médicas que resultaram, entre outros impactos, num crescimento da população idosa. Estima-se, em 2030, uma composição demográfica com 20% de indivíduos acima dos 65 anos. Neste contexto, a doença microvascular cerebral é a causa mais frequente de comprometimento cognitivo vascular no idoso sendo as características senescentes na imagem por RM do tipo lesões isquémicas da Substância Branca (Leukoaraiosis) e enfartes lacunares (Status lacunar), atrofia cerebral, gliose e acumulação excessiva de ferro nos núcleos da base. Esta tese, considerando a linha de investigação de que deriva – Ciências da Vida - especialização em Medicina Clinica - Biotecnologia, reúne e reflete sobre três vertentes ligadas à RM e interdependentes em relação a uma problemática comum. A primeira trata da caracterização da Tecnologia por Ressonância Magnética existente em Portugal, a qual inclui uma avaliação exploratória da aplicação da técnica de Difusão Anisotrópica nos estudos cerebrais. As dimensões analíticas estudadas foram a Tecnológica, Sociodemográfica e Económica. Na recolha de dados recorreu-se a várias fontes de informação e a uma metodologia exploratória faseada, validada pela triangulação dos resultados. A sua análise obedeceu a critérios de estratificação e agrupamento segundo as mesmas dimensões analíticas. Otimização da anisotropia fronto-calosa e [RM 1,5T] no idoso normal e com risco cérebro-vascular A segunda descreve o estudo anátomo – radiológico que recaiu sobre parâmetros de quantificação assente na temática do cérebro do idoso em cadáver segundo uma metodologia experimental aplicada às métricas da difusão por RM. Na terceira, e última, é apresentado o estudo técnico - radiológico para avaliação e otimização da imagem ponderada em difusão em estudos clínicos associados ao cérebro do idoso “The Usual Brain Aging” ou Envelhecimento Cerebral Normal, com base metodológica assente nos critérios e indicadores estabelecidos pelo Estudo de Imagem de Roterdão (Rotterdam Scan Study - RSS). Como principais resultados obteve-se que não existem em Portugal estruturas para avaliação dos equipamentos pesados ou Agência de Avaliação das Tecnologias da Saúde para desenvolver o importante papel da produção de estudos comparativos entre os equipamentos disponíveis no mercado, a relação preço-qualidade e a sua afetação às necessidades clínico-epidemiológicas. Constatou-se que a implementação de equipamentos de RM está fortemente assente em critérios económicos carecendo de recomendações e diretivas para o uso racionalizado destas tecnologias. Quanto a dados quantitativos concluímos que a maioria dos equipamentos está instalada em instituições privadas (80,2%); a intensidade de campo magnético mais frequente é [1,5T] com 119 equipamentos; os equipamentos estão instalados maioritariamente nos distritos de Lisboa (55 unidades) e do Porto (39 unidades); o rácio médio de equipamentos por habitante em Portugal é de 1 para 65 195 habitantes; a amplitude de gradientes com maior expressão na amostra é 30-39mT/m; a maioria dos equipamentos foi instalada no intervalo temporal [2009-2012] com 59 equipamentos; apenas 6 instituições desenvolvem investigação clinica e a maioria das bobinas para estudos de crânio são do tipo Array. O estudo de otimização da técnica da difusão revelou, quanto à avaliação dos valoresb, que os mais baixos (b=500 s/mm2 e b=1000 s/mm2), apresentam maior IS e SNR sendo esta uma boa medida referente à qualidade de imagem, no entanto, os valores-b mais elevados (b=2000 s/mm2) apresentam maior CNR e CR, face aos anteriores, o Otimização da anisotropia fronto-calosa e [RM 1,5T] no idoso normal e com risco cérebro-vascular que apesar de proporcionar inferior detalhe anatómico e consequentemente inferior qualidade de imagem, num encéfalo normal, pode auxiliar na interpretação e apresentar vantagens na identificação de lesões microvasculares sempre que persistirem dúvidas em relação ao diagnóstico diferencial de doença microvascular do tipo status lacunar ou Hiperintensidades da Substância Branca. As alterações deste parâmetro são particularmente refletidas nas diferenças da avaliação da qualidade de imagem na região fronto-calos Concluímos da avaliação quantitativa da concentração média de ferro (26Fe) em todas as faixas etárias que os núcleos da base que apresentam maior concentração são, por ordem decrescente: Substância Nigra, Globus Pallidus, Putamen, Tálamo, Núcleo Rubro e Núcleo Caudado; que existe uma predominância na concentração de ferro (26Fe) no hemisfério esquerdo e que os indivíduos do género masculino apresentam mais ferro (26Fe) que os do género feminino nas faixas etárias [30-40[, [40-50[ e [50-60[. Como principal conclusão do estudo da concentração média de ferro em relação à idade destacamos que a concentração média de ferro (26Fe) é superior nos grupos etários superiores, logo aumenta com a idade, sobretudo na Substância Nigra e no Núcleo Lenticular. No estudo técnico-radiológico encontrámos evidências do aumento da difusibilidade da água na substância branca subcortical dos sujeitos idosos comparativamente aos mais jovens. Uma relação idêntica foi avaliada nos tálamos. O aumento relacionado com a idade parece ser predominantemente observado em doentes com mais de 65 anos de idade o que pode refletir alterações estruturais ligeiras associados ao envelhecimento normal. Os resultados indicam que a análise quantitativa das imagens ponderadas em difusão fornece informações, sobre a estrutura do cérebro, as quai s não estão disponíveis apenas por inspeção visual, tanto nas imagens ponderadas em difusão como em outras sequências de aplicação clínica de rotina. Para fazer face às desvantagens dos sistemas de quantificação das HSB os quais são dispendiosos, complexos, requererem tecnologia e formação específicas, recomendamos que a aplicação automatizada GUIAL, desenvolvida ao longo do nosso trabalho é de utilização elementar e prática para que seja introduzida nos sistemas de aquisição de imagem por RM com o fim de integrar o processamento de imagem nos indivíduos portadores de fatores de risco vascular. A avaliação do ADC, nesta amostra, permitiu concluir que a variação desta variável é explicada estatisticamente pela existência da condição clínica de status lacunar em ambos os hemisférios ou por outras palavras, o status lacunar influencia o valor de ADC. Embora uma pequena percentagem da variação do ADC seja explicada pelo género, o ADC nos homens foi superior ao das mulheres o que não nos surpreende, pois são também os homens onde a frequência de doença microvascular se revelou mais expressiva. Os valores do ADC, globalmente, entre os hemisférios cerebrais não mostraram alterações exceto na SB entre os idosos e não idosos. A SB da região frontal mostrou valores diminuídos na anisotropia e isotropia face às restantes áreas anatómicas. Os estudos indicam que na idade avançada existe uma maior predisposição para suscetibilidades de estrutura com status de desconexão. A classificação das HSB foi superior em indivíduos mais velhos e com status lacunar, e em menor quantidade (inferior rating de classificação) nos indivíduos idosos sem status lacunar. As alterações volumétricas foram mais frequentes no homem do que na mulher, presumivelmente devido à associação com a elevada classificação de status lacunar. Um aumento do índice de Evan correspondeu, neste estudo, ao aumento das HSB, à diminuição do volume cerebral total, à expansão ventrículo-sulcal frontal e ao aumento da medida do ângulo caloso. Estes resultados foram agravados pela classificação elevada de status lacunar nos indivíduos que apresentaram indícios de doença de pequenos vasos, com manifesto aumento dos espaços de Virchow-Robin,enfartes lacunares ou HSB. Esses resultados foram mais expressivos no género masculino do que no feminino revelando uma maior vulnerabilidade sobretudo na atrofia frontal nos homens. Por sua vez as dimensões do Corpo Caloso tornaram-se reduzidas devido à compressão dos ventrículos laterais e terceiro ventrículo. Estes indicadores tiveram expressão particularmente nos indivíduos com mais de 65 anos. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: The latest neuroimaging methods, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), have enabled detailed images of in vivo human brain. These images reveal often unexpected findings related to the normal pattern, with high predisposition for the elderly people with forthright coexistence with vascular risk factors such as characteristics of a normal aging process. Although it has been, in the last decade, several publications on this subject, it is still little explained. All over the world have emerged disease prevention programs and health promotion developed by the Public Health sector, supported mainly by the advancement of medical technologies that have resulted, among other impacts, in a growing of the elderly population. It is estimated, in 2030, a demographic composition with 20% o people over 65 years. In this context, microvascular disease is the most common cause of cognitive vascular impairment in the elderly and senescent characteristics in the MRI trough ischemic lesions of the white matter (Leukoaraiosis) and lacunar infarcts (lacunar status), cerebral atrophy, gliosis and iron accumulation in the basal ganglia in excess.This thesis, considering the research line that stems - Life Sciences - specialization in Clinical Medicine, Biotechnology, gathers and reflects on three aspects linked to MR, interdependent and related to a common problem. The first deals with the Magnetic Resonance Technology characterization in Portugal, which includes an exploratory evaluation of the implementation of Anisotropic Diffusion technique in brain studies. The analytical dimensions studied were the Technologic, Socio-demographic and Economics. Collecting data was supported by different sources of information and was applied an exploratory methodology whose results were validated by triangulation. The research method was grouped and stratified criteria under the same analytical dimensions. The second describes the anatomical study - which was focused on radiological measurement parameters, based on the brain’s specimen under an experimental methodology applied to MRI diffusion metrics. Radiological evaluation and optimization of the weighted image diffusion in clinical studies were associated with the brain of the elderly "The Usual Brain Aging" with methodological basis based on established criteria and indicators by Rotterdam Scan Study (RSS). The main results obtained reveal the inexistence frameworks in Portugal for evaluation of equipments or Agency of Health Technology to produce studies comparing the equipment available on the market, the value for money and its allocation to clinical and epidemiological needs. It was found that the implementation of MRI equipment is strongly based on economic criteria lacking recommendations and guidelines for the rationalized use of these technologies. As the quantitative data we conclude that most of the scanners are located in private clinical institutions (80,2%); the most frequent magnetic field intensity is [1.5T] with 119 scanners; the scanners are mainly installed in Lisbon (55 units) and Porto (39 units) districts; the average ratio of equipment per capita in Portugal is 1 to 65 195 people; the gradient power with higher expression in the sample is 30-39mT / m;most of the scanners were installed in the years range [2009-2012 years] with 59 equipment; only 6 clinical placements develop clinical research and the most coils for brain studies are of Array type. The optimization study of diffusion technique revealed, as the assessment of the bvalues, the lower (b = 500 s / mm2 and b = 1000 s / mm 2), promotes an increase in the SI and SNR being this measure related to a higher image quality, however the highest b values (b = 2000 s / mm 2) have a higher CNR (Contrast to Noise-Ratio) and CR (Contrast Ratio), compared to the previous ones. This may provide less anatomical details and, thus, ower image quality, of a normal brain, however can help the interpretation and have advantages in identifying microvascular injuries when doubts persist regarding the differential diagnosis of microvascular disease of lacunar or WMH (White Matter Hyperintensities) status type. Changes on this parameter are Otimização da anisotropia fronto-calosa e [RM 1,5T] no idoso normal e com risco cérebro-vascular particularly reflected in the differences of image quality evaluation in the frontocallosum anatomical area. We conclude from the quantitative assessment of the average concentration of iron (26Fe), in all age groups to the basal ganglia, that the higher concentrations are, in descending order: Nigral Substantia, Globus pallidus, Putamen, Thalamus, Rubio nucleus and Caudate nucleus; that there is a predominance in the concentration of iron (26Fe) in the left hemisphere and that male gender show higher iron (26Fe) level tha females, in the age groups [30-40 [[40-50 [and [50- 60 [. Regarding a main conclusion of the mean concentration study of iron, in terms of age we point out that the average concentration of iron (26Fe) is higher among older groups and increases with age, especially in Nigral Substantia and Lenticular Nucleus. On the technical and radiological study we found evidence of an increased in water /diffusivity in the ubcortical white matter of the elderly compared with younger subjects. A similar relationship was assessed in the Thalamus. The increase agerelated seems to be predominantly observed in patients over 65 years which may reflect minor structural changes associated with normal aging. The results indicate that quantitative analysis of diffusion weighted imaging can provide information about the structure of the brain which is not reached only by visual inspection or standard sequences applied in clinical routine. To address the disadvantages the systems of quantification of WMH which the authors state that are costly, complex, require specific technology and training, we recommend that the automated application GUIAL, developed over our work is basic and practical to use and to be introduced in MR image systems acquisition in order to integrate image processing in patients with vascular risk factors. The evaluation of the ADC showed that its variation is statistically explained by the existence of the medical condition of lacunar status, in both hemispheres, or in other words, the lacunar status influences the ADC value. Although a small percentage of the ADC variation is explained by gender, the ADC in men was higher than women which Otimização da anisotropia fronto-calosa e [RM 1,5T] no idoso normal e com risco cérebro-vascular do not surprise us, since they are also men where the frequency of microvasculardisease has proved more significant. The values of ADC, overall, between the cerebral hemispheres showed no changes but were different in WM among the elderly and non-elderly subjects.The WM's forehead showed decreased values in anisotropy and isotropy face the other anatomical areas. The studies indicate that in old age there is a greater tendency to higher susceptibility to disconnection- status framework. The classification of WMH was higher in elderly people and lacunar status, and fewer (lower classification rating) in the elderly without lacunar status. volumetric changes were more frequent in men than in women, most probably because of its association with high lacunar status rating. An increase of Evan index corresponded, in this study, to an increase in WMH, to a decreased of total brain volume, to a ventricle sulcal frontal and callous angle expansion. These results were wound up by high ranking of lacunar status in subjects who had small vessel disease, clear increase in spaces of Virchow-Robin, lacunar infarctions or WMH. These results were more significant in males than in females revealing vulnerability particularly in the frontal atrophy in men. In turn the size of Corpus Callosum because reduced due to the compression of the lateral and third ventricles. These indicators had expression particularly in individuals over 65 years.
We report a case of a 71-year-old man with a long coronary artery disease history and two sets of coronary artery bypass grafts. He developed large aortocoronary saphenous vein graft aneurysms in the two grafts from the first set of aortocoronary saphenous venous 20 years later. During the previous 3 years, the aneurysms grew in diameter from 22 to 50 mm. Because of severe renal insufficiency, and in order to avoid jeopardizing the late normal coronary artery bypass grafts by further thoracic surgery, we excluded successfully these altered grafts percutaneously by using 13 coils during the same procedure.
PRINCIPLES: To assess the efficiency and complication rates of vaso-occlusion of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) in Rendu-Osler-Weber disease (hereditary haemorrhagic telangectasia; HHT). METHODS: Seventy-two patients were investigated in our institution for HHT between March 2000 and November 2011. Sixteen presented PAVMs (22.2%), and 11 (68.8%) were treated with vaso-occlusion for a total of 18 procedures. Procedures included coils, plugs and combined approaches. Immediate success and recurrence rate, complication were recorded, as well as persistent and new PAVMs during clinical and computed tomography (CT) follow-up. RESULTS: Eighteen procedures were performed and a total of 37 PAVMs were treated, 19 with coils, 16 with plugs and 2 with combined treatment. Mean CT follow-up time was 41 months (1‒164). No major complication was observed. One distal translocation was treated during the same intervention. Two PAVMs persisted after treatment (5.7%), both treated by means of plug embolisation. One new PAVM was observed during follow-up CT. PAVMs with an afferent artery of less than 3mm or asymptomatic PAVMs were not treated. CONCLUSION: Recent studies have demonstrated that vaso-occlusion has become the gold standard treatment for PAVM. This study is in accordance with previous results and shows a minimal complication rate and little recurrence, whether by coils, plugs, or combined treatments.
Exposed induction unit revealing air duct and coils.
Les lésions de la moelle épinière ont un impact significatif sur la qualité de la vie car elles peuvent induire des déficits moteurs (paralysie) et sensoriels. Ces déficits évoluent dans le temps à mesure que le système nerveux central se réorganise, en impliquant des mécanismes physiologiques et neurochimiques encore mal connus. L'ampleur de ces déficits ainsi que le processus de réhabilitation dépendent fortement des voies anatomiques qui ont été altérées dans la moelle épinière. Il est donc crucial de pouvoir attester l'intégrité de la matière blanche après une lésion spinale et évaluer quantitativement l'état fonctionnel des neurones spinaux. Un grand intérêt de l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) est qu'elle permet d'imager de façon non invasive les propriétés fonctionnelles et anatomiques du système nerveux central. Le premier objectif de ce projet de thèse a été de développer l'IRM de diffusion afin d'évaluer l'intégrité des axones de la matière blanche après une lésion médullaire. Le deuxième objectif a été d'évaluer dans quelle mesure l'IRM fonctionnelle permet de mesurer l'activité des neurones de la moelle épinière. Bien que largement appliquées au cerveau, l'IRM de diffusion et l'IRM fonctionnelle de la moelle épinière sont plus problématiques. Les difficultés associées à l'IRM de la moelle épinière relèvent de sa fine géométrie (environ 1 cm de diamètre chez l'humain), de la présence de mouvements d'origine physiologique (cardiaques et respiratoires) et de la présence d'artefacts de susceptibilité magnétique induits par les inhomogénéités de champ, notamment au niveau des disques intervertébraux et des poumons. L'objectif principal de cette thèse a donc été de développer des méthodes permettant de contourner ces difficultés. Ce développement a notamment reposé sur l'optimisation des paramètres d'acquisition d'images anatomiques, d'images pondérées en diffusion et de données fonctionnelles chez le chat et chez l'humain sur un IRM à 3 Tesla. En outre, diverses stratégies ont été étudiées afin de corriger les distorsions d'images induites par les artefacts de susceptibilité magnétique, et une étude a été menée sur la sensibilité et la spécificité de l'IRM fonctionnelle de la moelle épinière. Les résultats de ces études démontrent la faisabilité d'acquérir des images pondérées en diffusion de haute qualité, et d'évaluer l'intégrité de voies spinales spécifiques après lésion complète et partielle. De plus, l'activité des neurones spinaux a pu être détectée par IRM fonctionnelle chez des chats anesthésiés. Bien qu'encourageants, ces résultats mettent en lumière la nécessité de développer davantage ces nouvelles techniques. L'existence d'un outil de neuroimagerie fiable et robuste, capable de confirmer les paramètres cliniques, permettrait d'améliorer le diagnostic et le pronostic chez les patients atteints de lésions médullaires. Un des enjeux majeurs serait de suivre et de valider l'effet de diverses stratégies thérapeutiques. De telles outils représentent un espoir immense pour nombre de personnes souffrant de traumatismes et de maladies neurodégénératives telles que les lésions de la moelle épinière, les tumeurs spinales, la sclérose en plaques et la sclérose latérale amyotrophique.
Différentes méthodes ayant pour objectif une utilisation optimale d'antennes radio-fréquences spécialisées en imagerie par résonance magnétique sont développées et validées. Dans un premier temps, il est démontré qu'une méthode alternative de combinaison des signaux provenant des différents canaux de réception d'un réseau d'antennes mène à une réduction significative du biais causé par la présence de bruit dans des images de diffusion, en comparaison avec la méthode de la somme-des-carrés généralement utilisée. Cette réduction du biais engendré par le bruit permet une amélioration de l'exactitude de l'estimation de différents paramètres de diffusion et de diffusion tensorielle. De plus, il est démontré que cette méthode peut être utilisée conjointement avec une acquisition régulière sans accélération, mais également en présence d'imagerie parallèle. Dans une seconde perspective, les bénéfices engendrés par l'utilisation d'une antenne d'imagerie intravasculaire sont étudiés. Suite à une étude sur fantôme, il est démontré que l'imagerie par résonance magnétique intravasculaire offre le potentiel d'améliorer significativement l'exactitude géométrique lors de mesures morphologiques vasculaires, en comparaison avec les résultats obtenus avec des antennes de surface classiques. Il est illustré qu'une exactitude géométrique comparable à celle obtenue grâce à une sonde ultrasonique intravasculaire peut être atteinte. De plus, plusieurs protocoles basés sur une acquisition de type balanced steady-state free-precession sont comparés dans le but de mettre en évidence différentes relations entre les paramètres utilisés et l'exactitude géométrique obtenue. En particulier, des dépendances entre la taille du vaisseau, le rapport signal-sur-bruit à la paroi vasculaire, la résolution spatiale et l'exactitude géométrique atteinte sont mises en évidence. Dans une même optique, il est illustré que l'utilisation d'une antenne intravasculaire permet une amélioration notable de la visualisation de la lumière d'une endoprothèse vasculaire. Lorsque utilisée conjointement avec une séquence de type balanced steady-state free-precession utilisant un angle de basculement spécialement sélectionné, l'imagerie par résonance magnétique intravasculaire permet d'éliminer complètement les limitations normalement engendrées par l'effet de blindage radio-fréquence de l'endoprothèse.
Le présent mémoire porte sur la conception et le développement de deux antennes RF utilisées en imagerie par résonance magnétique. Ces antennes ont pour but de guider le futur développement d’une plateforme d’imagerie multi-animal qui servira les chercheurs du nouveau CRCHUM. Plus spécifiquement, ces antennes ont été conçues pour l’imagerie du proton à 1.5T. La première utilise une birdcage de type lowpass pour la partie émettrice et utilise 8 éléments de surface pour la partie réceptrice. La seconde antenne est une birdcage de type lowpass polarisée circulairement qui est utilisée à la fois pour l’émission et pour la réception. Cette dernière a présenté de bonnes performances, générant des images avec un SNR élevé et avec une bonne homogénéité, la rendant une bonne candidate pour la future plateforme. La première a présenté quelques problèmes au niveau de la désyntonisation de la birdcage et du couplage entre les éléments. Dans le cas où ces problèmes venaient à être surmontés, cette antenne aurait l’avantage de pouvoir utiliser des techniques d’imagerie parallèle et possiblement d’avoir un SNR plus élevé.
A fundamental goal in neurobiology is to understand the development and organization of neural circuits that drive behavior. In the embryonic spinal cord, the first motor activity is a slow coiling of the trunk that is sensory-independent and therefore appears to be centrally driven. Embryos later become responsive to sensory stimuli and eventually locomote, behaviors that are shaped by the integration of central patterns and sensory feedback. In this thesis I used a simple vertebrate model, the zebrafish, to investigate in three manners how developing spinal networks control these earliest locomotor behaviors. For the first part of this thesis, I characterized the rapid transition of the spinal cord from a purely electrical circuit to a hybrid network that relies on both chemical and electrical synapses. Using genetics, lesions and pharmacology we identified a transient embryonic behavior preceding swimming, termed double coiling. I used electrophysiology to reveal that spinal motoneurons had glutamate-dependent activity patterns that correlated with double coiling as did a population of descending ipsilateral glutamatergic interneurons that also innervated motoneurons at this time. This work (Knogler et al., Journal of Neuroscience, 2014) suggests that double coiling is a discrete step in the transition of the motor network from an electrically coupled circuit that can only produce simple coils to a spinal network driven by descending chemical neurotransmission that can generate more complex behaviors. In the second part of my thesis, I studied how spinal networks filter sensory information during self-generated movement. In the zebrafish embryo, mechanosensitive sensory neurons fire in response to light touch and excite downstream commissural glutamatergic interneurons to produce a flexion response, but spontaneous coiling does not trigger this reflex. I performed electrophysiological recordings to show that these interneurons received glycinergic inputs during spontaneous fictive coiling that prevented them from firing action potentials. Glycinergic inhibition specifically of these interneurons and not other spinal neurons was due to the expression of a unique glycine receptor subtype that enhanced the inhibitory current. This work (Knogler & Drapeau, Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 2014) suggests that glycinergic signaling onto sensory interneurons acts as a corollary discharge signal for reflex inhibition during movement. v In the final part of my thesis I describe work begun during my masters and completed during my doctoral degree studying how homeostatic plasticity is expressed in vivo at central synapses following chronic changes in network activity. I performed whole-cell recordings from spinal motoneurons to show that excitatory synaptic strength scaled up in response to decreased network activity, in accordance with previous in vitro studies. At the network level, I showed that homeostatic plasticity mechanisms were not necessary to maintain the timing of spinal circuits driving behavior, which appeared to be hardwired in the developing zebrafish. This study (Knogler et al., Journal of Neuroscience, 2010) provided for the first time important in vivo results showing that synaptic patterning is less plastic than synaptic strength during development in the intact animal. In conclusion, the findings presented in this thesis contribute widely to our understanding of the neural circuits underlying simple motor behaviors in the vertebrate spinal cord.
It is important that long superconducting tape must have desired strain tolerance (less reduction of Jc with applied strains) and stress tolerance (less reduction of JC in applied stresses) for its use as coils and magnets. Ag addition to the BPSCCO system has many advantages with its physical and chemical inertness to the system, reduces the processing temperature, and promotes the grain growth, grain alignment and connectivity. All these not only enhance the critical current density of the tapes but also improve the mechanical properties. But the published results show very much scattering on the type of Ag additive to be selected, method of addition and its optimum percentage. Also there are some negative reports in this regard. The present work has been undertaken to study the effect of silver addition in different forms (Ag powder, Ag2O, AgNO3) on the superconducting and mechanical properties of (Bi,Pb)-2223/Ag tapes and to find out a suitable form of Ag additive and its optimum percentage to have better superconducting and mechanical properties. Also it is the aim of the present work is to optimise the process parameters needed to prepare (Bi,Pb)-2223/Ag multifilamentary tapes of length ~ 12 m in solenoid and pancake coil forms with good critical current density and homogeneity of J C along the length of the tapes.
Thermoaktive Bauteilsysteme sind Bauteile, die als Teil der Raumumschließungsflächen über ein integriertes Rohrsystem mit einem Heiz- oder Kühlmedium beaufschlagt werden können und so die Beheizung oder Kühlung des Raumes ermöglichen. Die Konstruktionenvielfalt reicht nach diesem Verständnis von Heiz, bzw. Kühldecken über Geschoßtrenndecken mit kern-integrierten Rohren bis hin zu den Fußbodenheizungen. Die darin enthaltenen extrem trägen Systeme werden bewußt eingesetzt, um Energieangebot und Raumenergiebedarf unter dem Aspekt der rationellen Energieanwendung zeitlich zu entkoppeln, z. B. aktive Bauteilkühlung in der Nacht, passive Raumkühlung über das kühle Bauteil am Tage. Gebäude- und Anlagenkonzepte, die träge reagierende thermoaktive Bauteilsysteme vorsehen, setzen im kompetenten und verantwortungsvollen Planungsprozeß den Einsatz moderner Gebäudesimulationswerkzeuge voraus, um fundierte Aussagen über Behaglichkeit und Energiebedarf treffen zu können. Die thermoaktiven Bauteilsysteme werden innerhalb dieser Werkzeuge durch Berechnungskomponenten repräsentiert, die auf mathematisch-physikalischen Modellen basieren und zur Lösung des bauteilimmanenten mehrdimensionalen instationären Wärmeleitungsproblems dienen. Bisher standen hierfür zwei unterschiedliche prinzipielle Vorgehensweisen zur Lösung zur Verfügung, die der physikalischen Modellbildung entstammen und Grenzen bzgl. abbildbarer Geometrie oder Rechengeschwindigkeit setzen. Die vorliegende Arbeit dokumentiert eine neue Herangehensweise, die als experimentelle Modellbildung bezeichnet wird. Über den Weg der Systemidentifikation können aus experimentell ermittelten Datenreihen die Parameter für ein kompaktes Black-Box-Modell bestimmt werden, das das Eingangs-Ausgangsverhalten des zugehörigen beliebig aufgebauten thermoaktiven Bauteils mit hinreichender Genauigkeit widergibt. Die Meßdatenreihen lassen sich über hochgenaue Berechnungen generieren, die auf Grund ihrer Detailtreue für den unmittelbaren Einsatz in der Gebäudesimulation ungeeignet wären. Die Anwendung der Systemidentifikation auf das zweidimensionale Wärmeleitungsproblem und der Nachweis ihrer Eignung wird an Hand von sechs sehr unterschiedlichen Aufbauten thermoaktiver Bauteilsysteme durchgeführt und bestätigt sehr geringe Temperatur- und Energiebilanzfehler. Vergleiche zwischen via Systemidentifikation ermittelten Black-Box-Modellen und physikalischen Modellen für zwei Fußbodenkonstruktionen zeigen, daß erstgenannte auch als Referenz für Genauigkeitsabschätzungen herangezogen werden können. Die Praktikabilität des neuen Modellierungsansatzes wird an Fallstudien demonstriert, die Ganzjahressimulationen unter Bauteil- und Betriebsvariationen an einem exemplarischen Büroraum betreffen. Dazu erfolgt die Integration des Black-Box-Modells in das kommerzielle Gebäude- und Anlagensimulationsprogramm CARNOT. Die akzeptablen Rechenzeiten für ein Einzonen-Gebäudemodell in Verbindung mit den hohen Genauigkeiten bescheinigen die Eignung der neuen Modellierungsweise.
En la Fundación CardioInfantil desde hace varios años se viene realizando el cierre de ductus arterioso persistente (DAP) por cateterismo utilizando Coils o el método de Amplatzer, pero desconocemos la tasa real de complicaciones o de cortocircuito residual en cada uno de los métodos, información esencial para el grupo de cardiología pediátrica.
Introducción: La DSA es el método de elección para el seguimiento de pacientes con aneurismas intracraneales embolizados; esta se puede asociar a complicaciones incapacitantes o mortales. La MRA se ha propuesto como método alternativo por menor costo y menos morbi-mortalidad, aunque su desempeño diagnóstico permanece en discusión debido al desarrollo de nuevos protocolos, resonadores más potentes y nuevas aplicaciones de la DSA. Metodología: Exploramos la literatura hasta la actualidad y comparamos el desempeño diagnóstico de la MRA con la DSA para detectar flujo residual posterior a la embolización terapéutica de aneurismas intracraneales. Realizamos una revisión sistemática de la literatura y meta-análisis basados en 34 artículos detectados en la búsqueda que incluyó las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus, ScIELO y BVS. Resultados: La TOF-MRA demostró sensibilidad de 86.8% (84.3%-89.1%) y especificidad de 91.2% (89%-93.1%); la SROC para TOF-MRA demostró un AUC de 0.95. El desempeño de la CE-MRA demostró sensibilidad de 88.1% (84.6%-91.1%) y especificidad de 89.1% (85.7%-91.9%); la SROC presentó una AUC de 0.93. El análisis estratificado por potencia del resonador encontró que la TOF-MRA tiene mejor desempeño con el resonador de 3T, aunque no es estadísticamente significativo. La concordancia interobservador con TOF-MRA y CE-MRA fue moderada a muy buena. Discusión: El desempeño diagnóstico de la MRA en el seguimiento de aneurismas intracraneales embolizados demostró ser bueno, con sensibilidad mayor a 84%, siendo ligeramente mejor con TOF-MRA, sin lograr reemplazar la DSA. Sin embargo, los resultados deben ser evaluados con precaución por la heterogeneidad de los resultados de los estudios incluidos. (Abreviaturas: DSA: Angiografía por Sustracción Digital; MRA: Angiografía por Resonancia Magnética; TOF-MRA: Angiorresonancia por Tiempo de Vuelo; CE-MRA: Angiorresonancia contrastada).
Single helical [(CuL)-L-I]ClO4.12CH(2)Cl(2) (L=1:2 condensate of benzil dihydrazone and 2-acetylpyridine) unfolds and coils up in CH2Cl2 solution to generate double helical [(Cu2L2)-L-I](2+).
DNA compaction can be caused by multivalent ions as condensing agents. Both discontinuous (all-or-none) and continuous (pearl-necklace structure) transitions have been observed in experiments as the concentration of the condensing agent was increased. We have investigated the DNA transition by analytical calculations in the infinite-chain limit. A mechanism for pearl-necklace structures could be a combinatorial entropy term, which favours a mixture of globules and coils in a single chain. However, when a surface term is taken into account, it gives rise to a discontinuous transition. We also consider the role of surface charges on the globule.