929 resultados para Classroom instruction analysis


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Knowledge about program worst case execution time (WCET) is essential in validating real-time systems and helps in effective scheduling. One popular approach used in industry is to measure execution time of program components on the target architecture and combine them using static analysis of the program. Measurements need to be taken in the least intrusive way in order to avoid affecting accuracy of estimated WCET. Several programs exhibit phase behavior, wherein program dynamic execution is observed to be composed of phases. Each phase being distinct from the other, exhibits homogeneous behavior with respect to cycles per instruction (CPI), data cache misses etc. In this paper, we show that phase behavior has important implications on timing analysis. We make use of the homogeneity of a phase to reduce instrumentation overhead at the same time ensuring that accuracy of WCET is not largely affected. We propose a model for estimating WCET using static worst case instruction counts of individual phases and a function of measured average CPI. We describe a WCET analyzer built on this model which targets two different architectures. The WCET analyzer is observed to give safe estimates for most benchmarks considered in this paper. The tightness of the WCET estimates are observed to be improved for most benchmarks compared to Chronos, a well known static WCET analyzer.


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Estimating program worst case execution time(WCET) accurately and efficiently is a challenging task. Several programs exhibit phase behavior wherein cycles per instruction (CPI) varies in phases during execution. Recent work has suggested the use of phases in such programs to estimate WCET with minimal instrumentation. However the suggested model uses a function of mean CPI that has no probabilistic guarantees. We propose to use Chebyshev's inequality that can be applied to any arbitrary distribution of CPI samples, to probabilistically bound CPI of a phase. Applying Chebyshev's inequality to phases that exhibit high CPI variation leads to pessimistic upper bounds. We propose a mechanism that refines such phases into sub-phases based on program counter(PC) signatures collected using profiling and also allows the user to control variance of CPI within a sub-phase. We describe a WCET analyzer built on these lines and evaluate it with standard WCET and embedded benchmark suites on two different architectures for three chosen probabilities, p={0.9, 0.95 and 0.99}. For p= 0.99, refinement based on PC signatures alone, reduces average pessimism of WCET estimate by 36%(77%) on Arch1 (Arch2). Compared to Chronos, an open source static WCET analyzer, the average improvement in estimates obtained by refinement is 5%(125%) on Arch1 (Arch2). On limiting variance of CPI within a sub-phase to {50%, 10%, 5% and 1%} of its original value, average accuracy of WCET estimate improves further to {9%, 11%, 12% and 13%} respectively, on Arch1. On Arch2, average accuracy of WCET improves to 159% when CPI variance is limited to 50% of its original value and improvement is marginal beyond that point.


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Paper was revised on 2009-11-11.-- Published as article in: Rationality and Society (2009), 21(2), 1-24.


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Essa pesquisa insere-se em um contexto de muitas discussões acerca da qualidade da educação no Brasil, motivadas principalmente pelos maus resultados atingidos pelo país em exames internacionais. Os constantes debates têm dado margem, inclusive, a movimentos que, culpando os PCNs pelo fracasso generalizado na alfabetização, clamam pela volta de um ensino tradicional. De fato, apesar das imensas contribuições trazidas pelos estudos que embasam os PCNs, apenas a sua institucionalização não garantiu a ocorrência de mudanças efetivas na educação. Principalmente no campo da alfabetização, interpretações equivocadas levaram, por exemplo, ao desencadeamento de um processo de desmetodização do ensino, caracterizado pela exclusão total, nos últimos anos, das questões de ordem metodológica das pautas de discussões. Tal fenômeno, denominado por Soares (2004) de desinvenção da alfabetização, e também abordado por outros pesquisadores (cf. MORAIS, 2006; FRADE, 2003; CARVALHO, 2007), obviamente, acabou se refletindo nos novos livros didáticos, avaliados e recomendados pelo MEC. O problema é que os novos livros parecem não estar satisfazendo às necessidades dos docentes. Estudos recentes têm revelado tanto uma insatisfação desses profissionais em relação a tais materiais quanto a manutenção de práticas didáticas preconizadas pelos métodos tradicionais (Cf. BRITO et al., 2007; SILVA 2008; e MORAIS E ALBURQUERQUE, 2008). Considerando-se que: (a) hoje já se reconhece que os processos de alfabetização e letramento são complementares e indissociáveis (SOARES, 2004); (b) na realidade brasileira os livros didáticos ainda são recursos centrais no trabalho em sala de aula; (c) as obras são avaliadas a partir de rígidos critérios, alinhados às mais recentes teorias; e (d), a disponibilização gratuita desses materiais demanda um alto investimento do governo, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar criticamente um dos livros didáticos de alfabetização do PNLD/2010 (L.E.R., Leitura, escrita e reflexão 1 ano, FTD), na tentativa de levantar pistas sobre os possíveis motivos dessa não-adesão dos docentes aos novos livros. Para tanto, foi realizada uma análise documental crítica, de abordagem qualitativa, que observou na obra os seguintes aspectos: o espaço dedicado ao ensino do sistema de escrita alfabética; a existência de articulação desse trabalho com o de letramento; a coerência entre a orientação pedagógica declarada e as atividades propostas; e a clareza e objetividade das instruções e sugestões fornecidas ao docente. As análises realizadas mostram, entre os dados mais relevantes, que o livro estudado ainda dedica um espaço muito reduzido às atividades de ensino do sistema de escrita e não apresenta uma articulação satisfatória entre essas atividades e àquelas voltadas ao letramento, corroborando dados de outros estudos, aqui já mencionados. Esses resultados podem ser indicativos de que os critérios estipulados para a avaliação desses livros precisariam ser revistos de forma que atendessem mais equilibradamente tanto aos objetivos da alfabetização e do letramento quanto às necessidades da prática docente. Para um maior aprofundamento deste estudo considero que, futuramente, seus dados podem ser complementados por análises dos próprios docentes sobre o livro estudado, ou até mesmo por pesquisas sobre seu uso efetivo em sala de aula


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It has been suggested that the less than optimal levels of students’ immersion language “persist in part because immersion teachers lack systematic approaches for integrating language into their content instruction” (Tedick, Christian and Fortune, 2011, p.7). I argue that our current lack of knowledge regarding what immersion teachers think, know and believe and what immersion teachers’ actual ‘lived’ experiences are in relation to form-focused instruction (FFI) prevents us from fully understanding the key issues at the core of experiential immersion pedagogy and form-focused integration. FFI refers to “any planned or incidental instructional activity that is intended to induce language learners to pay attention to linguistic form” (Ellis, 2001b, p.1). The central aim of this research study is to critically examine the perspectives and practices of Irish-medium immersion (IMI) teachers in relation to FFI. The study ‘taps’ into the lived experiences of three IMI teachers in three different IMI school contexts and explores FFI from a classroom-based, teacher-informed perspective. Philosophical underpinnings of the interpretive paradigm and critical hermeneutical principles inform and guide the study. A multi-case study approach was adopted and data was gathered through classroom observation, video-stimulated recall and semistructured interviews. Findings revealed that the journey of ‘becoming’ an IMI teacher is shaped by a vast array of intricate variables. IMI teacher identity, implicit theories, stated beliefs, educational biographies and experiences, IMI school cultures and contexts as well as teacher knowledge and competence impacted on IMI teachers’ FFI perspectives and practices. An IMI content teacher identity reflected the teachers’ priorities as shaped by pedagogical challenges and their educational backgrounds. While research participants had clearly defined instructional beliefs and goals, their roadmap of how to actually accomplish these goals was far from clear. IMI teachers described the multitude of choices and pedagogical dilemmas they faced in integrating FFI into experiential pedagogy. Significant gaps in IMI teachers’ declarative knowledge about and competence in the immersion language were also reported. This research study increases our understanding of the complexity of the processes underlying and shaping FFI pedagogy in IMI education. Innovative FFI opportunities for professional development across the continuum of teacher education are outlined, a comprehensive evaluation of IMI is called for and areas for further research are delineated.


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Over the last decade, multi-touch devices (MTD) have spread in a range of contexts. In the learning context, MTD accessibility leads more and more teachers to use them in their classroom, assuming that it will improve the learning activities. Despite a growing interest, only few studies have focused on the impacts of MTD use in terms of performance and suitability in a learning context.However, even if the use of touch-sensitive screens rather than a mouse and keyboard seems to be the easiest and fastest way to realize common learning tasks (as for instance web surfing), we notice that the use of MTD may lead to a less favorable outcome. More precisely, tasks that require users to generate complex and/or less common gestures may increase extrinsic cognitive load and impair performance, especially for intrinsically complex tasks. It is hypothesized that task and gesture complexity will affect users’ cognitive resources and decrease task efficacy and efficiency. Because MTD are supposed to be more appealing, it is assumed that it will also impact cognitive absorption. The present study also takes into account user’s prior knowledge concerning MTD use and gestures by using experience with MTD as a moderator. Sixty university students were asked to perform information search tasks on an online encyclopedia. Tasks were set up so that users had to generate the most commonly used mouse actions (e.g. left/right click, scrolling, zooming, text encoding…). Two conditions were created: MTD use and laptop use (with mouse and keyboard) in order to make a comparison between the two devices. An eye tracking device was used to measure user’s attention and cognitive load. Our study sheds light on some important aspects towards the use of MTD and the added value compared to a laptop in a student learning context.


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We provide a select overview of tools supporting traditional Jewish learning. Then we go on to discuss our own HyperJoseph/HyperIsaac project in instructional hypermedia. Its application is to teaching, teacher training, and self-instruction in given Bible passages. The treatment of two narratives has been developed thus far. The tool enables an analysis of the text in several respects: linguistic, narratological, etc. Moreover, the Scriptures' focality throughout the cultural history makes this domain of application particularly challenging, in that there is a requirement for the tool to encompass the accretion of receptions in the cultural repertoire, i.e., several layers of textual traditions—either hermeneutic (i.e., interpretive), or appropriations—related to the given core passage, thus including "secondary" texts (i.e., such that are responding or derivative) from as disparate realms as Roman-age and later homiletics, Medieval and later commentaries or supercommentaries, literary appropriations, references to the arts and modern scholarship, etc. in particular, the Midrash (homiletic expansions) is adept at narrative gap filling, so the narratives mushroom at the interstices where the primary text is silent. The genealogy of the project is rooted in Weiss' index of novelist Agnon's writings, which was eventually upgraded into a hypertextual tool, including Agnon's full-text and ancillary materials. Those early tools being intended primarily for reference and research-support in literary studies, the Agnon hypertext system was initially emulated in the conception of HyperJoseph, which is applied to the Joseph story from Genesis. Then, the transition from a tool for reference to an instructional tool required a thorough reconception in an educational perspective, which led to HyperIsaac, on the sacrifice of Isaac, and to a redesign and upgrade of HyperJoseph as patterned after HyperIsaac.


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Queen's University Library was one of 202 libraries, including 57 members of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), to survey its users in spring 2004 using the LibQUAL+ survey instrument. LibQUAL+ was designed by ARL to assist libraries in assessing the quality of their services and identifying areas for improvement. # Overall: Queen's scored higher than the average for all ARL participants and 1st among the 2004 Canadian participants. This relatively high rating is due to very high scores in the dimensions of Library as Place and Affect of Service. However, there is considerable need for improvement in the area of Information Control where Queen's rated well below the ARL average. # Affect of Service: Queen's strong overall ratings are supported by the many respondent comments praising customer service throughout the system. The ratings and survey comments indicate greatest appreciation by faculty and more experienced students (e.g. graduate students) for the instruction and on-site services provided by the libraries. The ratings also indicate that undergraduates, growing up with the web, want and expected to be able to access library resources independently and do not value these services as highly. The comments also indicated some specific areas for improvement throughout the library system. # Library as Place : All Queen's libraries except for Law ranked well above the ARL and Canadian averages. Overall, Library as Place ranked lowest in importance among the service dimensions for all ARL participants including Queen's. Comparative analysis of LibQUAL results since the survey began shows a decline in “desired” ratings for Library as Place. However, undergraduates continue to give strong "desired" ratings to certain aspects of Library as Place and a relatively high rating for "minimum expected" service. The comments from Queen's survey respondents and ARL's analyses of focus groups indicate that undergraduates value the library much more as a place to study and work with peers rather than for its on-site resources and services. # Information Control: This is the area in greatest need of attention. While it ranked highest in importance for all user groups by a wide margin, Queen's performed poorly in this category. Overall, Queen's ranked far below both the ARL average and the top three Canadian scores. However, the major dissatisfaction was concentrated in the humanities/social sciences (Stauffer primary users) and the health sciences (Bracken primary users) where the overall rating of perceived service quality ranked below the minimum expected service rating. Primary users of the Education, Engineering/Science and Law libraries rated this service dimension higher than the ARL average. The great success of the Canadian National Site License Program (CNSLP) is reflected in the high overall rating generated by Engineering/Science Library users. The low ratings from the humanities and social sciences are supported by respondents' comments and are generally consistent with other ARL participants.


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One of the most decisive factors in the quality of education and academic performance of students is quality, preparation and dedication of the teachers. The exquisite system of selecting candidates for teacher training programs is one of the fundamentals of success of the Finnish Education System. The responsibility of choosing the best students to convert them into teachers is a challenge that involves a significant reform of university admission. Achieving this goal involves the choice of strategies and educational tools in accordance to the complexity of the demands presented by the teaching profession in the digital age. This study describes, analyzes and compares the admission tests in the University of Spain (PAU) and Finland (VAKAVA), for those who wish to become professional educators, in order to understand the possible influence of these tests to select the most suitable candidates to develop into future teaching professionals. The results showed that in Spain, the entrance test to universities is developed in a general way for all the students that aspire to any field of knowledge, while in Finland, the test is specific and particular for students aspiring to the field of education. The results of this study can guide and encourage the necessary changes that have to be done in the admission tests to Spanish university in general and to teacher education faculties in particular.


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Los beneficios que aporta la musicoterapia en alumnos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista, han sido demostrados profusamente por los distintos autores, si bien carecemos de literatura suficiente sobre su utilización en las Aulas Abiertas Especializadas en colegios ordinarios (Aulas TEA). En este sentido, el objetivo del trabajo, ha consistido en analizar qué mejoras aporta la musicoterapia al desarrollo de la comunicación en los alumnos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista dentro de las Aulas Abiertas de los CEIPs de Castilla-La Mancha y la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. Para ello, se ha realizado una amplia revisión documental de fuentes de referencia y se ha entrevistado a los docentes responsables de las Aulas Abiertas Especializadas que utilizan actividades de musicoterapia como recurso en el aula. Se concluye el artículo manifestando, en primer lugar, la escasa integración de la musicoterapia en las aulas TEA (menos del 20% de los centros). En aquellas aulas que sí se programa con actividades de musicoterapia, los beneficios que ésta aporta se ven reflejados en un incremento claro de la intención comunicativa en los alumnos. Además, a la hora de planificar las actividades se tiene muy en cuenta conocer las preferencias y la historia musical del niño. No obstante, existen factores que impiden el aprovechamiento total de las posibilidades terapéuticas de la musicoterapia debido, especialmente a: a) una escasa formación del profesorado y b) un espacio inadecuado para poner en práctica una sesión de musicoterapia.


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Professionals on both international and national levels who work with children with autism are expressing the need for graduate-level training in applied behaviour analysis. The implementation of effective instruction in higher education for professionals working with children with autism and their families is a complex undertaking: the learner needs to acquire an understanding of the principles and procedures of applied behaviour analysis and also adapt this knowledge to the learning prerequisites of individuals with autism. In this paper we outline some current thinking about adult education and blended learning technologies and then describe and illustrate with examples emerging possibilities of multimedia technology in the development of teaching materials. We conclude that synergies between graduate-level curriculum requirements, knowledge of adult learning, and communication technology are necessary to establish comprehensive learning environments for professionals who specialize in autism intervention.


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The use of new mobile technologies is still in its infancy in many secondary schools and there is limited evidence of the educational and pedagogical benefits on pupils’ learning in the formal school context. This qualitative study focuses on the use of handheld devices to teach a topic in geography to an examination class. Action research combined with pupil observations and focus group interviews are used to capture the pupils’ experiences of using mediascapes. Activity Theory is used as a lens to structure the analysis of the data and to report on the cognitive and affective impact of m-learning on pupils’ academic performance in the topic. Increased attainment and the development of wider skills for lifelong learning were identified in the study. The adaptability of the majority of pupils to the technology resulted in increased levels of willingness to learn in this novel context.


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In a dynamic reordering superscalar processor, the front-end fetches instructions and places them in the issue queue. Instructions are then issued by the back-end execution core. Till recently, the front-end was designed to maximize performance without considering energy consumption. The front-end fetches instructions as fast as it can until it is stalled by a filled issue queue or some other blocking structure. This approach wastes energy: (i) speculative execution causes many wrong-path instructions to be fetched and executed, and (ii) back-end execution rate is usually less than its peak rate, but front-end structures are dimensioned to sustained peak performance. Dynamically reducing the front-end instruction rate and the active size of front-end structure (e.g. issue queue) is a required performance-energy trade-off. Techniques proposed in the literature attack only one of these effects.
In previous work, we have proposed Speculative Instruction Window Weighting (SIWW) [21], a fetch gating technique that allows to address both fetch gating and instruction issue queue dynamic sizing. SIWW computes a global weight on the set of inflight instructions. This weight depends on the number and types of inflight instructions (non-branches, high confidence or low confidence branches, ...). The front-end instruction rate can be continuously adapted based on this weight. This paper extends the analysis of SIWW performed in previous work. It shows that SIWW performs better than previously proposed fetch gating techniques and that SIWW allows to dynamically adapt the size of the active instruction queue.


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Designing satellite structures poses an ongoing challenge as the interaction between analysis, experimental testing, and manufacturing phases is underdeveloped. Finite Element Analysis for Satellite Structures: Applications to Their Design, Manufacture and Testing explains the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to perform design of satellite structures. By layering detailed practical discussions with fully developed examples, Finite Element Analysis for Satellite Structures: Applications to Their Design, Manufacture and Testing provides the missing link between theory and implementation.
Computational examples cover all the major aspects of advanced analysis; including modal analysis, harmonic analysis, mechanical and thermal fatigue analysis using finite element method. Test cases are included to support explanations an a range of different manufacturing simulation techniques are described from riveting to shot peening to material cutting. Mechanical design of a satellites structures are covered in three steps: analysis step under design loads, experimental testing to verify design, and manufacturing.
Stress engineers, lecturers, researchers and students will find Finite Element Analysis for Satellite Structures: Applications to Their Design, Manufacture and Testing a key guide on with practical instruction on applying manufacturing simulations to improve their design and reduce project cost, how to prepare static and dynamic test specifications, and how to use finite element method to investigate in more details any component that may fail during testing.


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There is conflicting evidence on whether collaborative group work leads to improved classroom relations, and if so how. A before and after design was used to measure the impact on work and play relations of a collaborative learning programme involving 575 students 9e12 years old in single- and mixed-age classes across urban and rural schools. Data were also collected on student interactions and teacher ratings of their group-work skills. Analysis of variance revealed significant gains for both types of relation. Multilevel modelling indicated that better work relations were the product of improving group skills, which offset tensions produced by transactive dialogue, and this effect fed through in turn to play relations. Although before intervention rural children were familiar with each other neither this nor age mix affected outcomes. The results suggest the social benefits of collaborative learning are a separate outcome of group work, rather than being either a pre-condition for, or a direct consequence of successful activity, but that initial training in group skills may serve to enhance these benefits.