1000 resultados para Civitali, Matteo, 1436-1501.
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales / Profesionales / Salud Pública / Promoción de la Salud / Material Publicado para Inmigrantes)
BACKGROUND. A growing body of research suggests that prenatal exposure to air pollution may be harmful to fetal development. We assessed the association between exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and anthropometric measures at birth in four areas within the Spanish Children's Health and Environment (INMA) mother and child cohort study. METHODS. Exposure to ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and benzene was estimated for the residence of each woman (n = 2,337) for each trimester and for the entire pregnancy. Outcomes included birth weight, length, and head circumference. The association between residential outdoor air pollution exposure and birth outcomes was assessed with linear regression models controlled for potential confounders. We also performed sensitivity analyses for the subset of women who spent more time at home during pregnancy. Finally, we performed a combined analysis with meta-analysis techniques. RESULTS. In the combined analysis, an increase of 10 µg/m3 in NO2 exposure during pregnancy was associated with a decrease in birth length of -0.9 mm [95% confidence interval (CI), -1.8 to -0.1 mm]. For the subset of women who spent ≥ 15 hr/day at home, the association was stronger (-0.16 mm; 95% CI, -0.27 to -0.04). For this same subset of women, a reduction of 22 g in birth weight was associated with each 10-µg/m3 increase in NO2 exposure in the second trimester (95% CI, -45.3 to 1.9). We observed no significant relationship between benzene levels and birth outcomes. CONCLUSIONS. NO2 exposure was associated with reductions in both length and weight at birth. This association was clearer for the subset of women who spent more time at home.
Gliomas are the most frequent primary brain tumours. The WHO classification is essentially based on histological and immunohistochemical criteria. More recently multiple cytogenetic and molecular alterations associated with initiation and progression have been shown and the genetic profiles of tumour entities have been incorporated in the WHO classifiacation. Molecular testing of the MGMT promotor methylation in glioblastoma, predictive for the response to combined radio-/chimiothérapie, and the LOH 1p/19q in oligodendroglial tumours, as prognostic factor supplements the histopathological diagnosis. In the near futur array-based profiling techniques will contribute to a refinement of glioma classification and identify targets for more individualized glioma therapies.
F. 1 « Officium b. Ysabellis, sororis s. Ludovici, regis Francie, fundatricis monasterii Longicampi » (AA. SS., Aug. VI, 798). F. 23 « Ad missam. » F. 31v et 37 Prose de Thomas de Celano sur s. François, et « Dies irae ». Cf. Chevalier, nos 6569 et 4626.
F. 1 Calendrier avec saints parisiens (en français). F. 13 Extraits des IV Évangiles. F. 19v Prières à la Vierge : « Obsecro te... », etc. F. 26 Passion selon saint Jean. F. 37v Prières diverses. F. 42 Matines et laudes de la Vierge. F. 73 et 74v Matines de la Croix et du Saint-Esprit. F. 76 Petites heures, vêpres et complies de la Vierge (usage de Bourges), de la Croix et du Saint-Esprit. F. 117 Psaumes de la pénitence. F. 129 Litanies. F. 135 Suffrages de s. Ursin. F. 136 Office des morts (usage de Bourges). F. 182v Suffrages. F. 207 Prières avant et après la communion, etc. (rubriques en français).
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Blasons peints, à pleine page.
Nombreux blasons coloriés de personnages et officiers de la cour de Lorraine.
Nombreux blasons coloriés de personnages et officiers de la cour de Lorraine.
Suite de 54 blasons coloriés, avec quelques notes généalogiques.
BACKGROUND AND AIM The genotype-phenotype interaction in drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a subject of growing interest. Previous studies have linked amoxicillin-clavulanate (AC) hepatotoxicity susceptibility to specific HLA alleles. In this study we aimed to examine potential associations between HLA class I and II alleles and AC DILI with regards to phenotypic characteristics, severity and time to onset in Spanish AC hepatotoxicity cases. METHODS High resolution genotyping of HLA loci A, B, C, DRB1 and DQB1 was performed in 75 AC DILI cases and 885 controls. RESULTS The distributions of class I alleles A*3002 (P/Pc = 2.6E-6/5E-5, OR 6.7) and B*1801 (P/Pc = 0.008/0.22, OR 2.9) were more frequently found in hepatocellular injury cases compared to controls. In addition, the presence of the class II allele combination DRB1*1501-DQB1*0602 (P/Pc = 5.1E-4/0.014, OR 3.0) was significantly increased in cholestatic/mixed cases. The A*3002 and/or B*1801 carriers were found to be younger (54 vs 65 years, P = 0.019) and were more frequently hospitalized than the DRB1*1501-DQB1*0602 carriers. No additional alleles outside those associated with liver injury patterns were found to affect potential severity as measured by Hy's Law criteria. The phenotype frequencies of B*1801 (P/Pc = 0.015/0.42, OR 5.2) and DRB1*0301-DQB1*0201 (P/Pc = 0.0026/0.07, OR 15) were increased in AC DILI cases with delayed onset compared to those corresponding to patients without delayed onset, while the opposite applied to DRB1*1302-DQB1*0604 (P/Pc = 0.005/0.13, OR 0.07). CONCLUSIONS HLA class I and II alleles influence the AC DILI signature with regards to phenotypic expression, latency presentation and severity in Spanish patients.