979 resultados para Chromosomes, Fungal
Non-recombining sex chromosomes are expected to undergo evolutionary decay, ending up genetically degenerated, as has happened in birds and mammals. Why are then sex chromosomes so often homomorphic in cold-blooded vertebrates? One possible explanation is a high rate of turnover events, replacing master sex-determining genes by new ones on other chromosomes. An alternative is that X-Y similarity is maintained by occasional recombination events, occurring in sex-reversed XY females. Based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences, we estimated the divergence times between European tree frogs (Hyla arborea, H. intermedia, and H. molleri) to the upper Miocene, about 5.4-7.1 million years ago. Sibship analyses of microsatellite polymorphisms revealed that all three species have the same pair of sex chromosomes, with complete absence of X-Y recombination in males. Despite this, sequences of sex-linked loci show no divergence between the X and Y chromosomes. In the phylogeny, the X and Y alleles cluster according to species, not in groups of gametologs. We conclude that sex-chromosome homomorphy in these tree frogs does not result from a recent turnover but is maintained over evolutionary timescales by occasional X-Y recombination. Seemingly young sex chromosomes may thus carry old-established sex-determining genes, a result at odds with the view that sex chromosomes necessarily decay until they are replaced. This raises intriguing perspectives regarding the evolutionary dynamics of sexually antagonistic genes and the mechanisms that control X-Y recombination.
A case of atypical Turner's syndrome with unusual karyotype is reported. The chromosome complements of the patient, studied with different banding techniques, is 45,XO/46,X,dic(X)(Xqter leads to p22::p22 leads to qter). In the literature 8 similar cases have been reported. Short stature and amenorrhea are the most constant findings. The mechanisms by which the observed chromosomal "rearrangement" can be produced are briefly discussed.
When located next to chromosomal elements such as telomeres, genes can be subjected to epigenetic silencing. In yeast, this is mediated by the propagation of the SIR proteins from telomeres toward more centromeric regions. Particular transcription factors can protect downstream genes from silencing when tethered between the gene and the telomere, and they may thus act as chromatin domain boundaries. Here we have studied one such transcription factor, CTF-1, that binds directly histone H3. A deletion mutagenesis localized the barrier activity to the CTF-1 histone-binding domain. A saturating point mutagenesis of this domain identified several amino acid substitutions that similarly inhibited the boundary and histone binding activities. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that the barrier protein efficiently prevents the spreading of SIR proteins, and that it separates domains of hypoacetylated and hyperacetylated histones. Together, these results suggest a mechanism by which proteins such as CTF-1 may interact directly with histone H3 to prevent the propagation of a silent chromatin structure, thereby defining boundaries of permissive and silent chromatin domains.
The phenotype of social animals can be influenced by genetic, maternal and environmental effects, which include social interactions during development. In social insects, the social environment and genetic origin of brood can each influence a whole suite of traits, from individual size to caste differentiation. Here, we investigate to which degree the social environment during development affects the survival and fungal resistance of ant brood of known maternal origin. We manipulated one component of the social environment, the worker/brood ratio, of brood originating from single queens of Formica selysi. We monitored the survival of brood and measured the head size and ability to resist the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana of the resulting callow workers. The worker/brood ratio and origin of eggs affected the survival and maturation time of the brood and the size of the resulting callow workers. The survival of the callow workers varied greatly according to their origin, both in controls and when challenged with B. bassiana. However, there was no interaction between the fungal challenge and either the worker/brood ratio or origin of eggs, suggesting that these factors did not affect parasite resistance in the conditions tested. Overall, the social conditions during brood rearing and the origin of eggs had a strong impact on brood traits that are important for fitness. We detected a surprisingly large amount of variation among queens in the survival of their brood reared in standard queenless conditions, which calls for further studies on genetic, maternal and social effects influencing brood development in the social insects.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form symbioses with most plant species. They are ecologically important determinants of plant growth and diversity. Considerable genetic variation occurs in AMF populations. Thus, plants are exposed to AMF of varying relatedness to each other. Very little is known about either the effects of coexisting AMF on plant growth or which factors influence intraspecific AMF coexistence within roots. No studies have addressed whether the genetics of coexisting AMF, and more specifically their relatedness, influences plant growth and AMF coexistence. Relatedness is expected to influence coexistence between individuals, and it has been suggested that decreasing ability of symbionts to coexist can have negative effects on the growth of the host. We tested the effect of a gradient of AMF genetic relatedness on the growth of two plant species. Increasing relatedness between AMFs lead to markedly greater plant growth (27% biomass increase with closely related compared to distantly related AMF). In one plant species, closely related AMF coexisted in fairly equal proportions but decreasing relatedness lead to a very strong disequilibrium between AMF in roots, indicating much stronger competition. Given the strength of the effects with such a shallow relatedness gradient and the fact that in the field plants are exposed to a steeper gradient, we consider that AMF relatedness can have a strong role in plant growth and the ability of AMF to coexist. We conclude that AMF relatedness is a driver of plant growth and that relatedness is also a strong driver of intraspecific coexistence of these ecologically important symbionts.
BACKGROUND: Invasive fungal diseases are important causes of morbidity and mortality. Clarity and uniformity in defining these infections are important factors in improving the quality of clinical studies. A standard set of definitions strengthens the consistency and reproducibility of such studies. METHODS: After the introduction of the original European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Invasive Fungal Infections Cooperative Group and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Mycoses Study Group (EORTC/MSG) Consensus Group definitions, advances in diagnostic technology and the recognition of areas in need of improvement led to a revision of this document. The revision process started with a meeting of participants in 2003, to decide on the process and to draft the proposal. This was followed by several rounds of consultation until a final draft was approved in 2005. This was made available for 6 months to allow public comment, and then the manuscript was prepared and approved. RESULTS: The revised definitions retain the original classifications of "proven," "probable," and "possible" invasive fungal disease, but the definition of "probable" has been expanded, whereas the scope of the category "possible" has been diminished. The category of proven invasive fungal disease can apply to any patient, regardless of whether the patient is immunocompromised, whereas the probable and possible categories are proposed for immunocompromised patients only. CONCLUSIONS: These revised definitions of invasive fungal disease are intended to advance clinical and epidemiological research and may serve as a useful model for defining other infections in high-risk patients.
Invasive fungal diseases (IFDs) have become major causes of morbidity and mortality among highly immunocompromised patients. Authoritative consensus criteria to diagnose IFD have been useful in establishing eligibility criteria for antifungal trials. There is an important need for generation of consensus definitions of outcomes of IFD that will form a standard for evaluating treatment success and failure in clinical trials. Therefore, an expert international panel consisting of the Mycoses Study Group and the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer was convened to propose guidelines for assessing treatment responses in clinical trials of IFDs and for defining study outcomes. Major fungal diseases that are discussed include invasive disease due to Candida species, Aspergillus species and other molds, Cryptococcus neoformans, Histoplasma capsulatum, and Coccidioides immitis. We also discuss potential pitfalls in assessing outcome, such as conflicting clinical, radiological, and/or mycological data and gaps in knowledge.
Y chromosomes underlie sex determination in mammals, but their repeat-rich nature has hampered sequencing and associated evolutionary studies. Here we trace Y evolution across 15 representative mammals on the basis of high-throughput genome and transcriptome sequencing. We uncover three independent sex chromosome originations in mammals and birds (the outgroup). The original placental and marsupial (therian) Y, containing the sex-determining gene SRY, emerged in the therian ancestor approximately 180 million years ago, in parallel with the first of five monotreme Y chromosomes, carrying the probable sex-determining gene AMH. The avian W chromosome arose approximately 140 million years ago in the bird ancestor. The small Y/W gene repertoires, enriched in regulatory functions, were rapidly defined following stratification (recombination arrest) and erosion events and have remained considerably stable. Despite expression decreases in therians, Y/W genes show notable conservation of proto-sex chromosome expression patterns, although various Y genes evolved testis-specificities through differential regulatory decay. Thus, although some genes evolved novel functions through spatial/temporal expression shifts, most Y genes probably endured, at least initially, because of dosage constraints.
Selective pressures related to gene function and chromosomal architecture are acting on genome sequences and can be revealed, for instance, by appropriate genometric methods. Cumulative nucleotide skew analyses, i.e., GC, TA, and ORF orientation skews, predict the location of the origin of DNA replication for 88 out of 100 completely sequenced bacterial chromosomes. These methods appear fully reliable for proteobacteria, Gram-positives, and spirochetes as well as for euryarchaeotes. Based on this genome architecture information, coorientation analyses reveal that in prokaryotes, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes encoding the small and large ribosomal subunits are all transcribed in the same direction as DNA replication; that is, they are located along the leading strand. This result offers a simple and reliable method for circumscribing the region containing the origin of the DNA replication and reveals a strong selective pressure acting on the orientation of rRNA genes similar to the weaker one acting on the orientation of ORFs. Rate of coorientation of transfer RNA (tRNA) genes with DNA replication appears to be taxon-specific. Analyzing nucleotide biases such as GC and TA skews of genes and plotting one against the other reveals a taxonomic clusterization of species. All ribosomal RNA genes are enriched in Gs and depleted in Cs, the only so far known exception being the rRNA genes of deuterostomian mitochondria. However, this exception can be explained by the fact that in the chromosome of the human mitochondrion, the model of the deuterostomian organelle genome, DNA replication, and rRNA transcription proceed in opposite directions. A general rule is deduced from prokaryotic and mitochondrial genomes: ribosomal RNA genes that are transcribed in the same direction as the DNA replication are enriched in Gs, and those transcribed in the opposite direction are depleted in Gs.
SummarySimultaneous detection of aneuploidies for chromosomes 4, 6,10 and 17 by automated four color l-FISH in high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia: diagnostic assessment, clonal heterogeneity and chromosomal instability in adultsAnna Talamo BlandinService de Génétique Médicale, Unité de Cytogénétique du Cancer, CHUVAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a malignant hemopathy characterized by the accumulation of the immature lymphoid cells in the bone marrow and, most often, in the peripheral blood. ALL is a heterogeneous disease with distinct biological and prognostic entities. At diagnosis, cytogenetic and molecular findings constitute important and independent prognostic factors. High hyperdiploidy with 51-67 chromosomes (HeH), one of the largest cytogenetic subsets of ALL, in childhood particularly, is generally associated with a relatively favorable outcome. Chromosome gain is nonrandom, extracopies of some chromosome occurring more frequently than those of others. Concurrent presence of trisomy for chromosomes 4, 10 and 17 confers an especially good prognosis. The first aim of our work was to develop an automated four color interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (l-FISH) methodology and to assess its ability to detect concurrent aneuploidies 4, 6, 10 and 17 in 10 ALL patients. Various combinations of aneuploidies were identified. All clones detected by conventional cytogenetics were also observed by l-FISH. However, in all patients, l-FISH revealed numerous additional abnormal clones, leading to a high level of clonal heterogeneity. Our second aim has been to investigate the nature and origin of this clonal heterogeneity and to test for the presence of chromosome instability (CIN) in HeH ALL at initial presentation. Ten HeH ALL and 10 non-HeH ALL patients were analysed by four colour l-FISH and numerical CIN values were determined for all four chromosomes together and for each chromosome and patient group, an original approach in ALL. CIN values in HeH ALL proved to be much higher than#iose in non-HeH ALL, suggesting that numerical CIN may be at the origin of the high level of clonal heterogeneity revealed by l-FISH. Our third aim has been to study the evolution of these cytogenetic features during the course of the disease in 10 HeH ALL patients. Clonal heterogeneity was also observed again during disease progression, particularly at relapse. Clones detected at initial presentation generally reappeared in relapse, in most cases with newly generated ones. A significant correlation between the number of abnormal clones and CIN suggested that the higher the instability, the larger the number of abnormal clones. Whereas clonal heterogeneity and its evolution most probably result from underlying chromosome instability, operating processes remain conjectural.RésuméLa leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë (LLA) est une hémopathie maligne qui résulte de l'accumulationde cellules lymphoïdes immatures dans la moelle osseuse, et, le plus souvent, dans le sangpériphérique également. La LLA est une affection hétérogène au sein de laquelle se distinguentplusieurs entités biologiques et pronostiques. Les données cytogénétiques et moléculaires font partieintégrante du diagnostic et jouent un rôle essentiel dans l'évaluation du pronostic. L'hyperdiploïdieélevée à 51-67 chromosomes (HeH), relativement fréquente, en particulier chez l'enfant, s'associe àun pronostic favorable. Le gain de chromosomes ne relève pas du hasard, certains chromosomesétant plus fréquemment impliqués que d'autres. La présence simultanée des trisomies 4, 6, et 17s'associe à un pronostic particulièrement bon. Le premier but du travail a été de développer uneméthode d'analyse automatique par hybridation in situ fluorescente interphasique (I-FISH) à 4couleurs et de tester sa capacité à identifier la présence simultanée d'aneuploïdies 4, 6, 10 et 17 dans10 cas de LLA. Différentes combinaisons d'aneuploïdies ont été identifiées. Tous les clones détectéspar cytogénétique conventionnelle l'ont été par I-FISH. Or, chez tous les patients, l'I-FISH a révélé denombreux clones anormaux additionnels générant un degré élevé d'hétérogénéité clonale. Notredeuxième but a été d'investiguer la nature et l'origine de cette hétérogénéité et de tester la présenced'instabilité chromosomique (CIN) chez les patients avec une LLA HeH en presentation initiale. DixLLA HeH et 10 LLA non-HeH ont été analysées par I-FISH et les valeurs de CIN numérique ont étédéterminées pour les 4 chromosomes ensemble et pour chaque chromosome et groupe de patients,approche originale dans la LLA. Ces valeurs étant beaucoup plus élevées dans la LLA HeH que dansla LLA non-HeH, elles favorisent l'hypothèse selon laquelle la CIN serait à l'origine de l'hétérogénéitéclonale révélée par I-FISH. Le troisième but de notre travail a été d'étudier l'évolution de cescaractéristiques cytogénétiques au cours de la maladie dans 10 cas de LLA HeH. L'hétérogénéitéclonale a été retrouvée lors de la progression de la maladie, en particulier en rechute, où les clonesanormaux détectés en présentation initiale réapparaissent, généralement accompagnés de clonesnouveaux. La corrélation existant entre nombre de clones anormaux et valeurs de CIN suggère queplus l'instabilité est élevée, plus le nombre de clones anormaux est grand. Bien que l'hétérogénéitéclonale et son évolution résultent très probablement de l'instabilité chromosomique, les processus àl'oeuvre ne sont pas entièrement élucidés.
During a search for genes controlling conidial dormancy in Aspergillus fumigatus, two dehydrin-like genes, DprA and DprB, were identified. The deduced proteins had repeated stretches of 23 amino acids that contained a conserved dehydrin-like protein (DPR) motif. Disrupted DprAΔ mutants were hypersensitive to oxidative stress and to phagocytic killing, whereas DprBΔ mutants were impaired in osmotic and pH stress responses. However, no effect was observed on their pathogenicity in our experimental models of invasive aspergillosis. Molecular dissection of the signaling pathways acting upstream showed that expression of DprA was dependent on the stress-activated kinase SakA and the cyclic AMP-protein kinase A (cAMP-PKA) pathways, which activate the bZIP transcription factor AtfA, while expression of DprB was dependent on the SakA mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway, and the zinc finger transcription factor PacC. Fluorescent protein fusions showed that both proteins were associated with peroxisomes and the cytosol. Accordingly, DprA and DprB were important for peroxisome function. Our findings reveal a novel family of stress-protective proteins in A. fumigatus and, potentially, in filamentous ascomycetes.
Invasive opportunistic fungal diseases (IFDs) are important causes of morbidity and mortality in paediatric patients with cancer and those who have had an allogeneic haemopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT). Apart from differences in underlying disorders and comorbidities relative to those of adults, IFDs in infants, children, and adolescents are unique with respect to their epidemiology, the usefulness of diagnostic methods, the pharmacology and dosing of antifungal agents, and the absence of interventional phase 3 clinical trials for guidance of evidence-based decisions. To better define the state of knowledge on IFDs in paediatric patients with cancer and allogeneic HSCT and to improve IFD diagnosis, prevention, and management, the Fourth European Conference on Infections in Leukaemia (ECIL-4) in 2011 convened a group that reviewed the scientific literature on IFDs and graded the available quality of evidence according to the Infectious Diseases Society of America grading system. The final considerations and recommendations of the group are summarised in this manuscript.
Fungal infections represent a serious threat, particularly in immunocompromised patients. Interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) is a key pro-inflammatory factor in innate antifungal immunity. The mechanism by which the mammalian immune system regulates IL-1beta production after fungal recognition is unclear. Two signals are generally required for IL-1beta production: an NF-kappaB-dependent signal that induces the synthesis of pro-IL-1beta (p35), and a second signal that triggers proteolytic pro-IL-1beta processing to produce bioactive IL-1beta (p17) via Caspase-1-containing multiprotein complexes called inflammasomes. Here we demonstrate that the tyrosine kinase Syk, operating downstream of several immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-coupled fungal pattern recognition receptors, controls both pro-IL-1beta synthesis and inflammasome activation after cell stimulation with Candida albicans. Whereas Syk signalling for pro-IL-1beta synthesis selectively uses the Card9 pathway, inflammasome activation by the fungus involves reactive oxygen species production and potassium efflux. Genetic deletion or pharmalogical inhibition of Syk selectively abrogated inflammasome activation by C. albicans but not by inflammasome activators such as Salmonella typhimurium or the bacterial toxin nigericin. Nlrp3 (also known as NALP3) was identified as the critical NOD-like receptor family member that transduces the fungal recognition signal to the inflammasome adaptor Asc (Pycard) for Caspase-1 (Casp1) activation and pro-IL-1beta processing. Consistent with an essential role for Nlrp3 inflammasomes in antifungal immunity, we show that Nlrp3-deficient mice are hypersusceptible to Candida albicans infection. Thus, our results demonstrate the molecular basis for IL-1beta production after fungal infection and identify a crucial function for the Nlrp3 inflammasome in mammalian host defence in vivo.
We investigated sex-specific recombination rates in Hyla arborea, a species with nascent sex chromosomes and male heterogamety. Twenty microsatellites were clustered into six linkage groups, all showing suppressed or very low recombination in males. Seven markers were sex linked, none of them showing any sign of recombination in males (r=0.00 versus 0.43 on average in females). This opposes classical models of sex chromosome evolution, which envision an initially small differential segment that progressively expands as structural changes accumulate on the Y chromosome. For autosomes, maps were more than 14 times longer in females than in males, which seems the highest ratio documented so far in vertebrates. These results support the pleiotropic model of Haldane and Huxley, according to which recombination is reduced in the heterogametic sex by general modifiers that affect recombination on the whole genome.
The richness of the parasitic community associated with social insect colonies has rarely been investigated. Moreover, understanding how hosts and pathogens interact in nature is important to interpret results from laboratory experiments. Here, we assessed the diversity, prevalence and virulence of fungal entomopathogens present around and within colonies of the ant Formica selysi. We detected eight fungal species known to be entomopathogenic in soil sampled from the habitat of ants. Six of these entomopathogens were found in active nests, abandoned nests, and corpses from dump piles or live ants. A systematic search for the presence of three generalist fungal entomopathogens in ant colonies revealed a large variation in their prevalence. The most common of the three pathogens, Paecilomyces lilacinus, was detected in 44% of the colonies. Beauveria bassiana occurred in 17% of the colonies, often in association with P. lilacinus, whereas we did not detect Metarhizium brunneum (formerly M. anisopliae) in active colonies. The three fungal species caused significant mortality to experimentally challenged ants, but varied in their degree of virulence. There was a high level of genetic diversity within B. bassiana isolates, which delineated three genetic strains that also differed significantly in their virulence. Overall, our study indicates that the ants encounter a diversity of fungal entomopathogens in their natural habitat. Moreover, some generalist pathogens vary greatly in their virulence and prevalence in ant colonies, which calls for further studies on the specificity of the interactions between the ant hosts and their fungal pathogens.