159 resultados para Chlorocatechol dioxygenase


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The term oxylipin is applied to the generation of oxygenated products of polyunsaturated fatty acids that can arise either through non-enzymatic or enzymatic processes generating a complex array of products, including alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, acids and hydrocarbon gases. The biosynthetic origin of these products has revealed an array of enzymes involved in their formation and more recently a radical pathway. These include lipoxygenases and α-dioxygenase that insert both oxygen atoms in to the acyl chain to initiate the pathways, to specialised P450 monooxygenases that are responsible for their downstream processing. This latter group include enzymes at the branch points such as allene oxide synthase, leading to jasmonate signalling, hydroperoxide lyase, responsible for generating pathogen/pest defensive volatiles and divinyl ether synthases and peroxygenases involved in the formation of antimicrobial compounds. The complexity of the products generated raises significant challenges for their rapid identification and quantification using metabolic screening methods. Here the current developments in oxylipin metabolism are reviewed together with the emerging technologies required to expand this important field of research that underpins advances in plant-pest/pathogen interactions.


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Cardiac Syndrome X (CSX), the presence of angina pectoris with objective signs of myocardial ischaemia despite angiographically normal epicardial coronary arteries, appears to be due to coronary microvascular dysfunction and is known to be associated with an elevation of several inflammatory biomarkers, suggesting a possible role for inflammation in its pathogenesis. We aimed to further characterise this relationship by prospectively analysing a wide variety of molecular biomarkers in a cohort of CSX patients thereby charting the changes in biomarkers throughout the natural history of CSX from its initial diagnosis to eventual disease quiescence. We found that CSX patients, when compared to healthy controls, have a persistent low-grade systemic inflammatory response characterised by an elevation of Tumour Necrosis Factor and Interferon-gamma, regardless of the presence of contemporaneous signs or symptoms of disease activity. Interleukin-6 and C-reactive Protein (CRP) are only elevated when patients have clinical evidence of disease activity and may be state markers in CSX. Moreover, CRP levels appear to correlate with signals of disease severity such as the time taken to develop symptoms during exercise stress testing. We have also demonstrated that the enzyme Indoleamine-2,3- dioxygenase is upregulated in active disease thus providing a possible explanation for the increased burden of psychological disease encountered in CSX. Analysis of the microRNA transcriptome showed that miR-143 is significantly under-expressed in CSX patients. This could allow phenotype switching in vascular smooth muscle cells with the resultant vascular remodelling causing reduced vessel responsiveness to local rheological stimuli and reduced luminal diameter with consequent increased microvascular resistance during times of increased myocardial oxygen demand, thereby limiting maximal hyperaemia during exercise. Our findings corroborate many previous hypotheses regarding the role of inflammation in CSX, generate new insights into possible pathogenic mechanisms and offer new therapeutic targets for the future management of this important cardiological condition.


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La maladie du greffon contre l’hôte (GVHD) est la principale cause de mortalité et de morbidité suite aux greffes de cellules souches hématopoïétiques. Plusieurs patients demeurent réfractaires aux traitements actuels ce qui rend nécessaire le développement de nouvelles stratégies afin de combattre cette maladie. Dans l’étude qui suit, nous avons utilisé un nouvel agent thérapeutique, le TH9402, une molécule photosensible et démontré qu’elle permet, lorsqu’exposée à la lumière visible (514 nm), d’éliminer sélectivement les cellules T activées in vivo tout en préservant les cellules T au repos et les cellules T régulatrices (Tregs). Les Tregs ainsi préservés peuvent abroger la réponse alloréactive par la sécrétion d’IL-10 ou par contact cellule-cellule via un mécanisme impliquant le CTLA-4. Nous avons découvert que la signalisation du CTLA-4 était associée à une hausse de la population Treg in vitro. Cette hausse est due à la conversion de cellules T CD4+CD25- en Tregs et non à une prolifération sélective des Tregs. Dans la deuxième partie de cette étude, nous avons démontré que la signalisation de CTLA-4 était associée à une augmentation de l’expression de la protéine Indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase (IDO). Ces effets nécessitent la déplétion du tryptophane ainsi que de la protéine de phase aigue GCN2. Finalement, nous avons observé que l’infusion de cellules traitées au TH9402 chez des patients souffrant de GVHD chronique est associée à une augmentation de la population Treg chez ces patients sans causer de lymphopénie ni de diminution de la réponse immunitaire dirigée contre les antigènes viraux. Ces résultats suggèrent que le traitement au TH9402 pourrait représenter une approche particulièrement intéressante pour le traitement de la GVHD chronique réfractaire aux traitements actuels. De plus, l’augmentation de l’expression d’IDO pourrait être utilisée comme valeur prédictive de la réponse du patient au traitement. Ceci pourrait permettre d’améliorer la qualité de soins ainsi que de la qualité de vie des patients souffrant de GVHD chronique.


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Bacteria that degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the estuarine surface microlayer (SML) of the Ria de Aveiro, Portugal—which is chronically polluted with oil hydrocarbons (OH)—were isolated and characterized; Pseudomonas was dominant among the PAH-degrading bacteria. Screening for PAH dioxygenase genes detected almost identical nahAc genes (encoding the alpha subunits of naphthalene dioxygenase) in 2 phylogenetically distinct isolates: Pseudomonas sp. and an unknown species of the family Enterobacteriaceae; this suggested that horizontal transfer of nah genes might be involved in PAH degradation in the SML. We also investigated the effect of PAH contamination on the spatial variability of the bacterioneuston along a gradient of pollution in the estuarine system of the Ria de Aveiro. Culture-independent techniques—fluorescence in situ hy - bridization (FISH) and denaturing-gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)—revealed a similar structure among the bacterioneuston communities along the estuary. In contrast, we detected differences in the relative abundance and diversity of organisms of the Gammaproteobacteria, including those of the genus Pseudomonas (which belongs to the Gammaproteobacteria). This is the first insight into the hydrocarbonoclastic bacterial communities in the SML of an estuarine area polluted with hydrocarbons. Our findings highlight the importance of SML-adapted hydrocarbonoclastic bacterioneuston as a potential source of new PAH-degrading bacteria (including new pseudomonads) with potential use in the bioremediation of hydrocarbon-polluted ecosystems.


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Strigolactones are a group of plant compounds of diverse but related chemical structures. They have similar bioactivity across a broad range of plant species, act to optimize plant growth and development, and promote soil microbe interactions. Carlactone, a common precursor to strigolactones, is produced by conserved enzymes found in a number of diverse species. Versions of the MORE AXILLARY GROWTH1 (MAX1) cytochrome P450 from rice and Arabidopsis thaliana make specific subsets of strigolactones from carlactone. However, the diversity of natural strigolactones suggests that additional enzymes are involved and remain to be discovered. Here, we use an innovative method that has revealed a missing enzyme involved in strigolactone metabolism. By using a transcriptomics approach involving a range of treatments that modify strigolactone biosynthesis gene expression coupled with reverse genetics, we identified LATERAL BRANCHING OXIDOREDUCTASE (LBO), a gene encoding an oxidoreductase-like enzyme of the 2-oxoglutarate and Fe(II)-dependent dioxygenase superfamily. Arabidopsis lbo mutants exhibited increased shoot branching, but the lbo mutation did not enhance the max mutant phenotype. Grafting indicated that LBO is required for a graft-transmissible signal that, in turn, requires a product of MAX1. Mutant lbo backgrounds showed reduced responses to carlactone, the substrate of MAX1, and methyl carlactonoate (MeCLA), a product downstream of MAX1. Furthermore, lbo mutants contained increased amounts of these compounds, and the LBO protein specifically converts MeCLA to an unidentified strigolactone-like compound. Thus, LBO function may be important in the later steps of strigolactone biosynthesis to inhibit shoot branching in Arabidopsis and other seed plants.


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Aluminium (Al) toxicity and drought are two major factors limiting common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) production in the tropics. Short-term effects of Al toxicity and drought stress on root growth in acid, Al-toxic soil were studied, with special emphasis on Al-drought interaction in the root apex. Root elongation was inhibited by both Al and drought. Combined stresses resulted in a more severe inhibition of root elongation than either stress alone. This result was different from the alleviation of Al toxicity by osmotic stress (-0.60 MPa polyethylene glycol) in hydroponics. However, drought reduced the impact of Al on the root tip, as indicated by the reduction of Al-induced callose formation and MATE expression. Combined Al and drought stress enhanced up-regulation of ACCO expression and synthesis of zeatin riboside, reduced drought-enhanced abscisic acid (ABA) concentration, and expression of NCED involved in ABA biosynthesis and the transcription factors bZIP and MYB, thus affecting the regulation of ABA-dependent genes (SUS, PvLEA18, KS-DHN, and LTP) in root tips. The results provide circumstantial evidence that in soil, drought alleviates Al injury, but Al renders the root apex more drought-sensitive, particularly by impacting the gene regulatory network involved in ABA signal transduction and cross-talk with other phytohormones necessary for maintaining root growth under drought.


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La maladie du greffon contre l’hôte (GVHD) est la principale cause de mortalité et de morbidité suite aux greffes de cellules souches hématopoïétiques. Plusieurs patients demeurent réfractaires aux traitements actuels ce qui rend nécessaire le développement de nouvelles stratégies afin de combattre cette maladie. Dans l’étude qui suit, nous avons utilisé un nouvel agent thérapeutique, le TH9402, une molécule photosensible et démontré qu’elle permet, lorsqu’exposée à la lumière visible (514 nm), d’éliminer sélectivement les cellules T activées in vivo tout en préservant les cellules T au repos et les cellules T régulatrices (Tregs). Les Tregs ainsi préservés peuvent abroger la réponse alloréactive par la sécrétion d’IL-10 ou par contact cellule-cellule via un mécanisme impliquant le CTLA-4. Nous avons découvert que la signalisation du CTLA-4 était associée à une hausse de la population Treg in vitro. Cette hausse est due à la conversion de cellules T CD4+CD25- en Tregs et non à une prolifération sélective des Tregs. Dans la deuxième partie de cette étude, nous avons démontré que la signalisation de CTLA-4 était associée à une augmentation de l’expression de la protéine Indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase (IDO). Ces effets nécessitent la déplétion du tryptophane ainsi que de la protéine de phase aigue GCN2. Finalement, nous avons observé que l’infusion de cellules traitées au TH9402 chez des patients souffrant de GVHD chronique est associée à une augmentation de la population Treg chez ces patients sans causer de lymphopénie ni de diminution de la réponse immunitaire dirigée contre les antigènes viraux. Ces résultats suggèrent que le traitement au TH9402 pourrait représenter une approche particulièrement intéressante pour le traitement de la GVHD chronique réfractaire aux traitements actuels. De plus, l’augmentation de l’expression d’IDO pourrait être utilisée comme valeur prédictive de la réponse du patient au traitement. Ceci pourrait permettre d’améliorer la qualité de soins ainsi que de la qualité de vie des patients souffrant de GVHD chronique.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2016.


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Se describe la variante homocigota c.320-2A>G de TGM1 en dos hermanas con ictiosis congénita autosómica recesiva. El clonaje de los transcritos generados por esta variante permitió identificar tres mecanismos moleculares de splicing alternativos.