967 resultados para Chinese studies (Sinology)


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Comparative studies on macrozoobenthos were done in 2 shallow mesotrophic lakes in the middle basins of the Yangtze River, China: Lake Biandantang where macrophytes were abundant, and Lake Houhu where macrophytes were scarce Samples were taken monthly at 4 stations in each lake from April 1997 to March 1999, and a total of 67 and 31 tara of macrozoobenthos were recorded in Lake Biandantang and Lake Houhu, respectively. Both annual mean density and biomass of macrozoobenthos were higher in Lake Biandantang than in Lake Houhu: 780 vs 532 indivials/m(2) and 37.1 vs 25.9 g wet mass/m(2), respectively. Abundance of functional feeding groups followed the order: scraper > collector > predator > shredder in Lake Biandantang, and collector > predator > scraper > shredder in Lake Houhu. Only 1 density peak occurred from winter to early spring in Lake Houhu; however, in Lake Biandantang, there were 2 peaks, the winter peak and spring peak. K-dominance curves and Shannon-Wiener, Simpson, and Margelef indices indicated that macrozoobenthos were more diverse in Lake Biandantang than in Lake Houhu Our study suggests that, in shallow lakes, submerged macrophytes are essential for the maintenance of biodiversity of macrozoobenthos mainly because the macrophytes increase habit heterogeneity and availability of suitable food, and may also decrease predation by fish on the macrozoobenthos.


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The study of inland free-living nematodes is relatively imperfect in China, only seventeen papers were previously published. Since the early researches in 20-30s, few works have been accomplished until 80s. Altogether 171 taxa were formerly recorded, among which, over eighty species have been re-combined. A checklist of the former records with notes on their distribution is presented in this paper. Recently, the function of free-living nematodes has received much attention from Chinese zoologists. Hence, the present authors carried out their studies with emphasis on taxonomy of inland nematodes. During the survey of freshwater lakes, two species are found to be nem to science. Aphanonchus orientalis sp. nov. is characterized by having sclerotized vagina, the presence of 10-11 tubular supplements and 42-62 alveoli supplements in males, but no alveoli in females. Daptonema limnobia sp, nov. is distinguished from other species of the genus in the presence of larger and more anteriorly located amphids, shorter bifurcated spicules, smaller apophysis of gubernaculum, shorter terminal setae, and postvulval uterine sac in females.


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Ecological studies on benthic nematodes were conducted in two small, shallow lakes in the middle Yangtze basin, China; Lake Houhu, where the main source of primary production is phytoplankton and Lake Biandantang where it is predominantly macrophytic in origin. Monthly sampling was carried out from April 1996 to March 1997. A total of 36 species of nematodes was found in Lake Houhu and 51 species in Lake Biandantang. The dominant trophic groups of nematodes were algophages in Lake Houhu and bacteriophages associated with omniphages and phytophages in Lake Biandantang. Community analyses based on K-dominance curves, Shannon-Wiener and Simpson diversity indices, demonstrate that the benthic nematodes are more diverse in Lake Biandantang than in Lake Houhu. The results suggest that the abundance of submerged vegetation is essential for maintenance of habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity of nematodes in shallow lakes.


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Ce-doped Bi12SiO20 (BSO) single crystal was grown on board of the Chinese Spacecraft-Shenzhou No. 3. A cylindrical crystal, 10 mm in diameter and 40 mm in length, was obtained. The morphology of crystals is significantly different for ground- and space-grown portions. The space- and ground-grown crystals have been characterized by Cc concentration distribution, X-ray rocking curve absorption spectrum and micro-Raman spectrum. The results show that the quality of Ce-doped BSO crystal grown in space is more homogeneous and more perfect than that of ground grown one. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We study the two samples of AIInGaN, i.e., 1-mum GaN grown at 1030degreesC on the buffer and followed by a 0.6-mum-thick epilayer of AIInGaN under the low pressure of 76 Torr and the AIInGaN layer deposited directly on the buffer layer without the high-temperature GaN layer, by temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and picosecond time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) spectroscopy. The TRPL signals of both the samples were fitted well as a stretched exponential decay at all temperatures, indicating significant disorder in the material. We attribute the disorder to nanoscale quantum dots or discs of high indium concentration. Temperature dependence of dispersive exponent beta shows that the stretched exponential decay of the two samples comes from different mechanisms. The different depths of the localization potential account for the difference, which is illustrated by the results of temperature dependence of radiative recombination lifetime and PL peak energy.


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An ultra-compact silicon-on-insulator based photonic crystal corner mirror is designed and optimized. A sample is then successfully fabricated with extra losses 1.1 +/- 0.4dB for transverse-electronic (M) polarization for wavelength range of 1510-1630nm.


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Microscopic characteristics of the GaAs(100) surface treated with P2S5/NH4OH solution has been investigated by using Auger-electron spectroscopy (AES) and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). AES reveals that only phosphorus and sulfur, but not oxygen, are contained in the interface between passivation film and GaAs substrate. Using XPS it is found that both Ga2O3 and As2O3 are removed from the GaAs surface by the P2S5/NH4OH treatment; instead, gallium sulfide and arsenic sulfide are formed. The passivation film results in a reduction of the density of states of the surface electrons and an improvement of the electronic and optical properties of the GaAs surface.


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We report a detailed analysis of optical properties of single submonolayer InAs structures grown on GaAs (001) matrix. It is shown that the formation of InAs dots with 1 monolayer (ML) height leads to localization of exciton under certain submonolayer InAs coverage, which play a key role in the highly improved luminescence efficiency of the submonolayer InAs/GaAs structures.


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We present photoluminescence studies on highly dense two-dimensional electron gases in selectively Si delta-doped GaAs/In0.18Ga0.82As/Al0.25Ga0.75As quantum wells (N(s) = 4.24 x 10(12) cm-2). Five well-resolved photoluminescence lines centered at 1.4194, 1.4506, 1.4609, 1.4695 and 1.4808 eV were observed, which are attributed to the subband excition emission. The subband separations clearly exhibit the feature of a typical quantum well with triangle and square potential. These very intensive and sharp luminescence peaks with linewidths of 2.2 to 3.5 meV indicate the high quality of the structures. Their dependence on the excitation intensity and temperatures are also discussed.


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The effect of molecular nitrogen exposure on the surfaces of InP(100) modified by potassium overlayers is investigated by core-level and valence-band photoemission spectroscopy using Synchrotron radiation. In comparison with InP(110) surface, we found the promotion is much stronger for InP(100) surface due to the central role of surface defects in the promotion; furthermore, in contrast with K-promoted oxidation of InP(100) where the bonding is observed between indium and oxygen, indium atoms did not react directly with nitrogen atoms during the K-promoted nitridation of InP(100).


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Ultrashort pulses were generated in passively mode-locked Nd:YAG and Nd:GdVO4 lasers pumped by a pulsed laser diode with 10-Hz repetition rate. Stable mode-locked pulse trains were produced with the pulse width of 10 ps. The evolution of the mode-locked pulse was observed in the experiment and was discussed in detail. Comparing the pulse evolutions of Nd:YAG and Nd:GdVO4 lasers, we found that the buildup time of the steady-state mode-locking with semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs) was relevant to the upper-state lifetime and the emission cross-section of the gain medium.


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