948 resultados para Children Born


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La thérapie antirétrovirale prévient la transmission mère-enfant du VIH dans plus de 98% des cas lorsqu’administrée pendant la grossesse, le travail et au nouveau-né. L’accessibilité à la thérapie antirétrovirale dans près de 70% des 1,5 millions cas de grossesses VIH+ dans le monde mène à la naissance de plus d’un million d’enfants exposés non infectés chaque année. Le nombre d’enfants exposés non infectés est à la hausse ainsi que les préoccupations concernant leur santé. En effet, plusieurs groupes ont signalé une augmentation de la morbidité et de la mortalité chez les enfants exposés non infectés. L’analyse des données rétrospectives de 705 enfants exposés non infectés de la cohorte mère-enfant du CMIS a révélé qu’à 2 mois d’âge, les enfants nés de mères ayant une charge virale supérieure à 1,000 copies d’ARN / ml avaient une fréquence de lymphocytes B significativement plus élevés par rapport aux enfants exposés non infectés nés de mères ayant une charge virale indétectable. L’objectif de cette étude est de caractériser ces anomalies. Les lymphocytes, provenant du sang de cordon ombilical et de sang veineux obtenu à 6 et 12 mois d’âge, ont été phénotypés par cytométrie en flux à l’aide des marqueurs CD3 / CD10 / CD14 / CD16 / CD19 / CD20 / CD21 / CD27 / IgM pour les lymphocytes B et CD4 / CD8 / CD3 / CCR7 / CD45RA pour les lymphocytes T. De plus, afin d’étudier les capacités fonctionnelles des lymphocytes B CD19+, la réponse antigène-spécifique au vaccin antitétanique a été mesurée par marquage avec des tétramères fluorescents de fragment C du toxoïde tétanique. Nos travaux ont mis en évidence des différences statistiquement significatives entre les enfants exposés non-infectés (ENI) nés de mères avec une charge virale détectable comparativement à ceux nés de mères avec une charge virale indétectable. À la naissance, les enfants ENI nés de mères avec une charge virale détectable avaient significativement moins de lymphocytes B totaux, plus de lymphocytes B mémoires classiques, activés, plasmablastes et lymphocytes T CD8+ mémoires centrales. À 6 mois, ils avaient significativement plus de lymphocytes B naïfs et significativement moins de lymphocytes T CD8+ effecteurs mémoires. À 12 mois d’âge, ils avaient significativement plus de lymphocytes B et T CD8+ totaux; significativement moins de lymphocytes T CD4+ totaux et leurs lymphocytes T affichaient un profil significativement plus activé (plus de cellules mémoires). L’analyse de la réponse antigène-spécifique a révélé une fréquence plus élevé de lymphocytes B mémoires IgM+ suggérant que les enfants nés de mères avec une virémie détectable ont plus de mal à établir une mémoire immunitaire efficace face au vaccin antitétanique. Nos données suggèrent qu’il y a exposition durant le premier trimestre de grossesse à la virémie maternelle et que cette exposition impacte le système immunitaire en développement du fœtus. Les mécanismes sous-jacents causant ces anomalies doivent encore être élucidés et l’épuisement du compartiment T à la naissance et à 6 mois reste à être investigué. Dans un pays industrialisé où l’accès aux soins est facilité, ces anomalies ont des conséquences modérées mais dans des pays à faible et moyen revenu, les conséquences peuvent être beaucoup plus tragiques voir fatales.


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OBJECTIVES: We summarize and critique the methodology and outcomes from a substantial study which has investigated the impact of reconfigured cleft care in the United Kingdom (UK) 15 years after the UK government started to implement the centralization of cleft care in response to an earlier survey in 1998, the Clinical Standards Advisory Group (CSAG). SETTING AND SAMPLE POPULATION: A UK multicentre cross-sectional study of 5-year-olds born with non-syndromic unilateral cleft lip and palate. Data were collected from children born in the UK with a unilateral cleft lip and palate between 1 April 2005 and 31 March 2007. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We discuss and contextualize the outcomes from speech recordings, hearing, photographs, models, oral health and psychosocial factors in the current study. We refer to the earlier survey and other relevant studies. RESULTS: We present arguments for centralization of cleft care in healthcare systems, and we evidence this with improvements seen over a period of 15 years in the UK. We also make recommendations on how future audit and research may configure. CONCLUSIONS: Outcomes for children with a unilateral cleft lip and palate have improved after the introduction of a centralized multidisciplinary service, and other countries may benefit from this model. Predictors of early outcomes are still needed, and repeated cross-sectional studies, larger longitudinal studies and adequately powered trials are required to create a research-led evidence-based (centralized) service.


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La thérapie antirétrovirale prévient la transmission mère-enfant du VIH dans plus de 98% des cas lorsqu’administrée pendant la grossesse, le travail et au nouveau-né. L’accessibilité à la thérapie antirétrovirale dans près de 70% des 1,5 millions cas de grossesses VIH+ dans le monde mène à la naissance de plus d’un million d’enfants exposés non infectés chaque année. Le nombre d’enfants exposés non infectés est à la hausse ainsi que les préoccupations concernant leur santé. En effet, plusieurs groupes ont signalé une augmentation de la morbidité et de la mortalité chez les enfants exposés non infectés. L’analyse des données rétrospectives de 705 enfants exposés non infectés de la cohorte mère-enfant du CMIS a révélé qu’à 2 mois d’âge, les enfants nés de mères ayant une charge virale supérieure à 1,000 copies d’ARN / ml avaient une fréquence de lymphocytes B significativement plus élevés par rapport aux enfants exposés non infectés nés de mères ayant une charge virale indétectable. L’objectif de cette étude est de caractériser ces anomalies. Les lymphocytes, provenant du sang de cordon ombilical et de sang veineux obtenu à 6 et 12 mois d’âge, ont été phénotypés par cytométrie en flux à l’aide des marqueurs CD3 / CD10 / CD14 / CD16 / CD19 / CD20 / CD21 / CD27 / IgM pour les lymphocytes B et CD4 / CD8 / CD3 / CCR7 / CD45RA pour les lymphocytes T. De plus, afin d’étudier les capacités fonctionnelles des lymphocytes B CD19+, la réponse antigène-spécifique au vaccin antitétanique a été mesurée par marquage avec des tétramères fluorescents de fragment C du toxoïde tétanique. Nos travaux ont mis en évidence des différences statistiquement significatives entre les enfants exposés non-infectés (ENI) nés de mères avec une charge virale détectable comparativement à ceux nés de mères avec une charge virale indétectable. À la naissance, les enfants ENI nés de mères avec une charge virale détectable avaient significativement moins de lymphocytes B totaux, plus de lymphocytes B mémoires classiques, activés, plasmablastes et lymphocytes T CD8+ mémoires centrales. À 6 mois, ils avaient significativement plus de lymphocytes B naïfs et significativement moins de lymphocytes T CD8+ effecteurs mémoires. À 12 mois d’âge, ils avaient significativement plus de lymphocytes B et T CD8+ totaux; significativement moins de lymphocytes T CD4+ totaux et leurs lymphocytes T affichaient un profil significativement plus activé (plus de cellules mémoires). L’analyse de la réponse antigène-spécifique a révélé une fréquence plus élevé de lymphocytes B mémoires IgM+ suggérant que les enfants nés de mères avec une virémie détectable ont plus de mal à établir une mémoire immunitaire efficace face au vaccin antitétanique. Nos données suggèrent qu’il y a exposition durant le premier trimestre de grossesse à la virémie maternelle et que cette exposition impacte le système immunitaire en développement du fœtus. Les mécanismes sous-jacents causant ces anomalies doivent encore être élucidés et l’épuisement du compartiment T à la naissance et à 6 mois reste à être investigué. Dans un pays industrialisé où l’accès aux soins est facilité, ces anomalies ont des conséquences modérées mais dans des pays à faible et moyen revenu, les conséquences peuvent être beaucoup plus tragiques voir fatales.


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The hypothesis that twinning raises risk for behavioral difficulties in childhood is persistent, yet there is limited and inconsistent empirical evidence. Simple mean comparison without control for confounders provides data on prevalence rates but cannot provide knowledge about risk or etiology. To assess the effect of twin relationship on behavior, comparison of patterns of association with single-born siblings may be informative. Analyses of data from an Australian sample of twins and single-born children (N = 305, mean age 4 years 9 months, and a follow-up 12 months later) were undertaken. The outcome measure was the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Predictor and control measures were obtained from parent report on the sibling/co-twin relationship behavior, family demographics, and obstetric history. We assessed difference between twins and single-born children in two respects: (a) mean behavioral difficulties, and (b) patterns of association between sibling relationship and behavioral difficulties, controlling for confounders. Results showed no differences in mean levels of behavioral difficulties between twins and single-born siblings identifying the importance of statistical control for family and obstetric adversity. Differences in patterns of association were found; for twin children, conflict in their co-twin relationship predicted externalizing behaviors, while for single-born children conflict predicted internalizing behaviors. The findings of mean differences between twin and single-born children in social background, but not in behavioral difficulties, underscore the necessity of statistical control to identify risk associated with twinning compared with risk associated with family and obstetric background factors.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare sun protection by Australian-born and migrant mothers of three-year-old children. METHODS: Australian-born and migrant mothers taking part in the Environments for Healthy Living prospective birth-cohort study were asked standard questions about their child's sun protection. Children were given a skin cancer susceptibility score based on grandparents' ethnic origin. Logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) to measure the association of sun protection of children according to mothers' migrant status adjusted for socio-demographic characteristics. RESULTS: A total of 613 Australian-born and 224 migrant mothers of three-year-old children were studied. Mothers who had migrated less than four years ago were more likely to allow their three-year-old to spend more than two hours outdoors between 10 am and 3 pm compared to Australian-born mothers (OR=2.80, 95%CI 1.20-6.57). Mothers from high latitude countries (>45 degrees) were more likely to apply sunscreen to their child than those from lower latitude countries (OR=3.15, 95%CI 1.03-9.61). CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Strategies should aim to increase general awareness about the need for sun protection of young children, and recent migrants should be alerted to the harms of excessive sun exposure.


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Working memory is crucial for meeting the challenges of daily life and performing academic tasks, such as reading or arithmetic. Very preterm born children are at risk of low working memory capacity. The aim of this study was to examine the visuospatial working memory network of school-aged preterm children and to determine the effect of age and performance on the neural working memory network. Working memory was assessed in 41 very preterm born children and 36 term born controls (aged 7–12 years) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and neuropsychological assessment. While preterm children and controls showed equal working memory performance, preterm children showed less involvement of the right middle frontal gyrus, but higher fMRI activation in superior frontal regions than controls. The younger and low-performing preterm children presented an atypical working memory network whereas the older high-performing preterm children recruited a working memory network similar to the controls. Results suggest that younger and low-performing preterm children show signs of less neural efficiency in frontal brain areas. With increasing age and performance, compensational mechanisms seem to occur, so that in preterm children, the typical visuospatial working memory network is established by the age of 12 years.


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BACKGROUND: Cortical gray matter thinning occurs during childhood due to pruning of inefficient synaptic connections and an increase in myelination. Preterms show alterations in brain structure, with prolonged maturation of the frontal lobes, smaller cortical volumes and reduced white matter volume. These findings give rise to the question if there is a differential influence of age on cortical thinning in preterms compared to controls. AIMS: To investigate the relationship between age and cortical thinning in school-aged preterms compared to controls. STUDY DESIGN AND OUTCOME MEASURES: The automated surface reconstruction software FreeSurfer was applied to obtain measurements of cortical thickness based on T1-weighted MRI images. SUBJECTS: Forty-one preterms (<32weeks gestational age and/or <1500g birth weight) and 30 controls were included in the study (7-12years). RESULTS: In preterms, age correlated negatively with cortical thickness in right frontal, parietal and inferior temporal regions. Furthermore, young preterms showed a thicker cortex compared to old preterms in bilateral frontal, parietal and temporal regions. In controls, age was not associated with cortical thickness. CONCLUSION: In preterms, cortical thinning still seems to occur between the age of 7 and 12years, mainly in frontal and parietal areas whereas in controls, a substantial part of cortical thinning appears to be completed before they reach the age of 7years. These data indicate slower cortical thinning in preterms than in controls.


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This study investigates neural language organization in very preterm born children compared to control children and examines the relationship between language organization, age, and language performance. Fifty-six preterms and 38 controls (7–12 y) completed a functional magnetic resonance imaging language task. Lateralization and signal change were computed for language-relevant brain regions. Younger preterms showed a bilateral language network whereas older preterms revealed left-sided language organization. No age-related differences in language organization were observed in controls. Results indicate that preterms maintain atypical bilateral language organization longer than term born controls. This might reflect a delay of neural language organization due to very premature birth.


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Objective: Cortical gray matter thinning takes place during childhood due to pruning of inefficient synaptic connections and an increase in myelination. Alterations in brain structure occur in very preterm born children with prolonged maturation of the frontal lobes and smaller cortical and white matter volume. These findings give rise to the question if age affects cortical thinning differently in very preterm born children compared to controls. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between age and cortical thickness in very preterm born children when compared to controls. Participants and Methods: Forty-one very preterm born children (<32 weeks gestational age and/or < 1500 gram birth weight) and 30term born controls were included in the study (7-12 years). The automated surface reconstruction software FreeSurfer was applied to obtain measurements of cortical thickness based on T1-weighted MRI images. Results: Cortical thickness was lower in bilateral frontal and left parietal regions and higher in left temporal gyri in very preterm born children compared to controls. However, these differences depended on age. In very preterm born children, age correlated negatively with cortical thickness in right frontal, parietal and inferior temporal regions. Accordingly, cortical thickness was higher in young compared to old very preterm born children in bilateral frontal, parietal and temporal regions. In controls, age was not associated with cortical thickness. Conclusions: In very preterm born children, cortical thinning still occurs between the age of 7 and 12 years, mainly in frontal and parietal areas. In controls, however, a substantial part of cortical thinning appears to be completed in these regions before they reach the age of 7 years. These data indicate a delay in cortical thinning in very preterm born children.


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Background: Cortical gray matter thinning occurs during childhood due to pruning of inefficient synaptic connections and an increase in myelination. Preterms show alterations in brain structure, with prolonged maturation of the frontal lobes, smaller cortical volumes and reduced white matter volume. These findings give rise to the question if there is a differential influence of age on cortical thinning in preterms compared to controls. Aims: To investigate the relationship between age and cortical thickness in preterms when compared to controls. Study design and outcome measures: The automated surface reconstruction software FreeSurfer was applied to obtain measurements of cortical thickness based on T1-weighted MRI images. Subjects: Forty-one preterms (< 32 weeks gestational age and/or < 1500 gram birth weight) and 30 controls were included in the study (7-12 years). Results: Cortical thickness was lower in bilateral frontal and left parietal regions and higher in left temporal gyri in preterms compared to controls. However, these differences depended on age. In preterms, age correlated negatively with cortical thickness in right frontal, parietal and inferior temporal regions. Accordingly, cortical thickness was higher in young compared to old preterms in bilateral frontal, parietal and temporal regions. In controls, age was not associated with cortical thickness. Conclusion: In preterms, cortical thinning still seems to occur between the age of 7 and 12 years, mainly in frontal and parietal areas whereas in controls, a substantial part of cortical thinning appears to be completed before they reach the age of 7 years. These data indicate slower cortical thinning in preterms than in controls.