294 resultados para Charitable bequests
This briefing paper offers insight into various open access business models, from institutional to subject repositories, from open access journals to research data and monographs. This overview shows that there is a considerable variety in business models within a common framework of public funding. Open access through institutional repositories requires funding from particular institutions to set up and maintain a repository, while subject repositories often require contributions from a number of institutions or funding agencies to maintain a subject repository hosted at one institution. Open access through publication in open access journals generally requires a mix of funding sources to meet the cost of publishing. Public or charitable research funding bodies may contribute part of the cost of publishing in an open access journal but institutions also meet part of the cost, particularly when the author does not have a research grant from a research funding body
De acordo com dados do DATASUS, o setor filantrópico no país possui cerca de 2.100 estabelecimentos hospitalares, com mais de 155.000 leitos, o que representa 31% do total de leitos do país. Ou seja, 1/3 dos leitos existentes no país são filantrópicos, caracterizando o setor como importante prestador de serviços ao Sistema Único de Saúde, assim como à saúde suplementar. Estes números demonstram a importância do setor filantrópico para o país, mas também para muitas regiões, como a região centro sul fluminense do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A enorme complexidade e diversidade da rede hospitalar filantrópica traz muitos e variados desafios, tanto para a operação hospitalar, como para as políticas governamentais de manutenção do setor saúde. Além da defasagem da tabela do SUS, outros problemas também são enfrentados por estes hospitais como os tetos financeiros, que levam ao pagamento menor do que é efetivamente produzido, atrasos de pagamentos, que dificultam o planejamento e o equilíbrio financeiro, fechamento de linhas de créditos, dificuldades nas negociações com gestores, entre muitos outros. Todas essas dificuldades têm reflexos críticos na gestão dessas organizações que passam por crises financeiras, necessidade de qualificação profissional e de adequações em suas instalações e equipamentos. Esta pesquisa propõe-se a estudar a situação dos hospitais filantrópicos da região Centro-Sul Fluminense do Estado do Rio de Janeiro no âmbito financeiro, assim como conhecer a percepção dos gestores sobre as dificuldades do setor, suas perspectivas e propostas de possíveis soluções. A metodologia utilizada foi de natureza exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, com estudo de casos múltiplos, utilizando-se de diversas fontes para coleta de dados, como fontes primárias, secundárias e entrevista semi-estruturada. Os resultados demonstraram a importância dos hospitais filantrópicos na produção de serviços de saúde para o SUS e a necessidade da formulação de políticas especificas para a manutenção do setor filantrópico conveniado ao SUS. Na região centro sul fluminense há uma complementaridade entre a rede pública e a rede filantrópica. Embora seja reconhecida a importância histórica e estratégica desses hospitais na prestação de serviços ao SUS, mantidas as condições atuais nos âmbitos de capacidade instalada, organizacional ou financeira, não há dúvidas de que o futuro dessas instituições será incerto com riscos importantes para a continuidade dos serviços prestados e da própria sobrevivência dos hospitais.Existe a necessidade urgente de que os gestores públicos busquem a implantação de modelos flexíveis de gestão, visando o estabelecimento de um relacionamento de parceria com os hospitais filantrópicos e suas ações sejam definidas por metas tangíveis e alcançáveis.
Opengazer is an open source application that uses an ordinary webcam to estimate head pose, facial gestures, or the direction of your gaze. This information can then be passed to other applications. For example, used in conjunction with Dasher, opengazer allows you to write with your eyes. Opengazer aims to be a low-cost software alternative to commercial hardware-based eye trackers. The first version of Opengazer was developed by Piotr Zieliński, supported by Samsung and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. Research and development for Opengazer has been continued by Emli-Mari Nel, and was supported until 2012 by the European Commission in the context of the AEGIS project, and also by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation.
The work examines the change involving the Church in Tunisia from the period of the Protectorate to the present through the fundamental moments of independence (1956) and the signing of the ‘Modus vivendi’ (1964). In the first structure of the “modern” Church, a fundamental role was played by the complex figure of the French Cardinal Charles-Allemand Lavigerie who, while giving strong impulse to setting up disinterested charitable social initiatives by the congregations (Pères Blancs, Soeurs Blanches and others), also represented the ideal of the ‘evangelizing’ (as well as colonial) Church which, despite its declared will to avoid proselytism, almost inevitably tended to slip into it. During the French Protectorate (1881-1956) the ecclesiastic institution concentrated strongly on itself, with little heed for the sensitivity of its host population, and developed its activities as if it were in a European country. From the social standpoint, the Church was mostly involved in teaching, which followed the French model, and health facilities. In the Church only the Pères Blancs missionaries were sincerely committed to promoting awareness of the local context and dialogue with the Muslims. The Catholic clergy in the country linked its religious activity close to the policy of the Protectorate, in the hope of succeeding in returning to the ancient “greatness of the African Church”, as the Eucharistic Congress in Carthage in 1930 made quite clear. The Congress itself planted the first seed in the twentyfive- year struggle that led the Tunisian population to independence in 1956 and the founding of the Republic in 1957. The conquest of independence and the ‘Modus vivendi’ marked a profound change in the situation and led to an inversion of roles: the Catholic community was given the right to exist only on the condition that it should not interfere in Tunisian society. The political project of Bourguiba, who led the Republic from 1957 to 1987, aimed to create a strongly egalitarian society, with a separation between political and religious powers. In particular, in referring to the Church, he appeared as a secularist with no hostility towards the Catholics who were, however, considered as “cooperators”, welcome so long as they were willing to place their skills at the service of the construction of the state. So, in the catholic Community was a tension between the will of being on the side of the country and that of conserving a certain distance from it and not being an integral part of it. In this process of reflection, the role of the Second Vatican Council was fundamental: it spread the idea of a Church open to the world and the other religions, in particular to Islam: the teaching of the Council led the congregations present in the country to accept the new condition. This new Church that emerged from the Council saw some important events in the process of “living together”, of “cultural mixing” and the search for a common ground between different realities. The almost contemporary arrival of Arab bishops raised awareness among the Tunisians of the existence of Christian Arabs and, at the same time, the Catholic community began considering their faith in a different way. In the last twenty years the situation has continued to change. Side by side with the priests present for decades or even those born there, some new congregations have begun to operate, albeit in small numbers: they have certainly revitalized the community of the faithful, but they sometimes appear more devoted to service “within” the Church, than to services for the population, and are thus characterized by exterior manifestations of their religion. This sort of presence has made it possible for Bourguiba's successor, Ben Ali (president from 1987 to 2011), to practice forms of tolerance even more clearly, but always limited to formal relations; the Tunisians are still far from having a real understanding of the Catholic reality, with certain exceptions connected to relations on a personal and not structured plane, as was the case in the previous period. The arrival of a good number of young people from sub-Saharan Africa, most of all students, belonging to the JCAT, and personnel of the BAD has “Africanized” the Church in Tunisia and has brought about an increase in Christians' exterior manifestations; but this is a visibility that is not blatant but discreet, with the implicit risk of the Church continuing to be perceived as a sort of exterior body, alien to the country; nor can we say, lacking proper documentation, how it will be possible to build a bridge between different cultures through the “accompaniment” of Christian wives of Tunisians. Today, the Church is living in a country that has less and less need of it; its presence, in the schools and in health facilities, is extremely reduced. And also in other sectors of social commitment, such as care for the disabled, the number of clergymen involved is quite small. The ‘revolution’ in 2011 and the later developments up to the present have brought about another socio-political change, characterized by a climate of greater freedom, but with as yet undefinable contours. This change in the political climate will inevitable have consequences in Tunisia’s approach to religious and cultural minorities, but it is far too soon to discuss this on the historical and scientific planes.
Artykuł prezentuje sylwetki konserwatorów zbiorów, kierowników i dyrektorów Biblioteki Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk (PTPN) oraz to, co po nich pozostało w postaci archiwaliów. Od momentu powstania Biblioteka PTPN gromadziła rękopisy lub całe spuścizny wybitnych osób, w tym kierujących tą placówką. Również inne biblioteki i archiwa zakładowe instytucji, z którymi byli oni związani, włączały do swych zbiorów ich materiały archiwalne. Spuścizny Ludwiki Dobrzyńskiej-Rybickiej i Ryszarda Marciniaka znajdują się zarówno w Bibliotece PTPN, jak i w Polskiej Akademii Nauk Archiwum w Warszawie Oddział w Poznaniu. Znaczna część materiałów archiwalnych Bolesława Erzepkiego trafiła natomiast do Działu Zbiorów Specjalnych Biblioteki Raczyńskich w Poznaniu. Szczątkowe materiały archiwalne można też znaleźć w Archiwum Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (Ludwika Dobrzyńska-Rybicka) oraz w Archiwum Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu (Ludwika Dobrzyńska-Rybicka, Jan Baumgart, Aniela Koehlerówna).
Paper published in PLoS Medicine in 2007.
Humans make decisions in highly complex physical, economic and social environments. In order to adaptively choose, the human brain has to learn about- and attend to- sensory cues that provide information about the potential outcome of different courses of action. Here I present three event-related potential (ERP) studies, in which I evaluated the role of the interactions between attention and reward learning in economic decision-making. I focused my analyses on three ERP components (Chap. 1): (1) the N2pc, an early lateralized ERP response reflecting the lateralized focus of visual; (2) the feedback-related negativity (FRN), which reflects the process by which the brain extracts utility from feedback; and (3) the P300 (P3), which reflects the amount of attention devoted to feedback-processing. I found that learned stimulus-reward associations can influence the rapid allocation of attention (N2pc) towards outcome-predicting cues, and that differences in this attention allocation process are associated with individual differences in economic decision performance (Chap. 2). Such individual differences were also linked to differences in neural responses reflecting the amount of attention devoted to processing monetary outcomes (P3) (Chap. 3). Finally, the relative amount of attention devoted to processing rewards for oneself versus others (as reflected by the P3) predicted both charitable giving and self-reported engagement in real-life altruistic behaviors across individuals (Chap. 4). Overall, these findings indicate that attention and reward processing interact and can influence each other in the brain. Moreover, they indicate that individual differences in economic choice behavior are associated both with biases in the manner in which attention is drawn towards sensory cues that inform subsequent choices, and with biases in the way that attention is allocated to learn from the outcomes of recent choices.
Argues for the introduction of statutory reform to enable valid private purpose trusts to be created by those wishing to make testamentary gifts for non-charitable purposes, with no human beneficiary. Examines the rationale employed in cases where the validity of a private purpose trust has been upheld despite the absence of a human beneficiary. Considers the approaches adopted by five offshore jurisdictions when introducing purpose trust legislation. Identifies key features to be included in any new purpose trust legislation introduced in the UK.
This article examines the two main reasons for the setting up of the Irish sweepstakes in 1930; the financial crisis facing voluntary hospitals and the tradition of using sweepstake gambling to raise funds for charitable purposes. Such gambling, although technically illegal, was prevalent and widely tolerated during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The change of government that accompanied Irish independence in 1921 led to much confusion surrounding the law on gambling and large-scale sweepstakes proliferated during the early 1920s, many of them selling tickets illegally in Britain. At the same time the Irish voluntary hospitals faced a financial crisis that threatened their future, brought about by the adverse impact of war-time inflation on the value of their endowments, the emigration of supporters of the Protestant voluntary hospitals after independence, the political upheaval of the revolutionary period, the decline in fees from medical students and the increasing cost of and demand for hospital treatment. This article provides a detailed account of the enactment of the sweepstake legislation and of the first sweepstake on the 1930 Manchester November Handicap.
La realidad del voluntariado es sumamente compleja hasta el punto de que resulta complicado definir y caracterizar el trabajo voluntario, dada la gran variedad de interpretaciones, motivaciones, variables sociodemográficas y aspectos culturales que configuran el perfil de los voluntarios. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la influencia conjunta de algunas variables sociodemográficas, así como de los valores culturales de índole secular o tradicional, sobre el perfil de los voluntarios en Europa. Además, se investiga qué variables orientan a los voluntarios hacia un determinado tipo de voluntariado u otro. Para ello se ha aplicado principalmente una metodología de regresión logística a partir de la información disponible en la European Value Study. Los resultados obtenidos ayudan a establecer una caracterización del voluntariado en Europa, y confirman la influencia de los valores culturales, en primer lugar, en la realización o no de trabajos de voluntariado, y en segundo lugar, en la elección que hacen estas personas del tipo de actividad con la que están comprometidos. Al analizar dos tipos de voluntariado de motivación supuestamente muy diferente, se concluye que existe un grupo de valores que influyen en ambos, aunque el sentido y la intensidad en la que lo hacen sea diferente; por otra parte, algunos valores tienen influencia o no en la realización de trabajos de voluntariado, dependiendo del tipo específico al que nos refiramos.
Transparency in nonprofit sector and foundations, as an element to enhance the confidence of stakeholders in the organization, is a fact shown by several studies in recent decades. Transparency can be considered in various fields and through different channels. In our study we focused on the analysis of the organizational and economic transparency of foundations, shown through the voluntary information on their Website. We review the theoretical previous studies published to put to the foundations within the framework of the social economy. This theoretical framework has focused on accountability that make foundations in relation to its social function and its management, especially since the most recent focus of information transparency across the Website.In this theoretical framework was made an index to quantify the voluntary information which is shown on its website. This index has been developed ad hoc for this study and applied to a group of large corporate foundations.With the application of these data are obtained two kind of results, to a descriptive level and to a inferential level.We analyzed the statistical correlation between economic transparency and organizational transparency offered in the Website through quantified variables by a multiple linear regression. This empirical analysis allows us to draw conclusions about the level of transparency offered by these organizations in relation to their organizational and financial information, as well as explain the relation between them.
The concept of governance has been widely discussed in both the business and non-business sectors. The debate has also been entered into within the charity sector, which comprises over 169,000 organizations in the UK. The UK-based Charity Commission, which describes itself as existing to ‘promote sound governance and accountability’, has taken a lead in this debate by promoting greater regulation and producing numerous recommendations with regard to the proper governance of charitable organizations. However, the concept of what is meant by governance is unclear and a myriad of ideas are placed under the umbrella of ‘good governance’. This paper explores the major themes that form the basis of much of this discussion, examining both the theoretical underpinnings and empirical investigations relating to this area (looking from the perspective of the key stakeholders in the charity sector). Based on an analysis of the extant literature, this paper presents a broad definition of governance with respect to charities and outlines a future research agenda for those interested in adding to knowledge in this area.
This paper argues that religious associations have a number of substantive rights when it comes to their external relations. It does so though comparing the position of the OSCE and the Council of Europe. This paper considers whether the emerging framework includes: (1) a right to legal entity status, (2) a right to establish and run charitable or educational institutions, (3) a right to privileges and substantive benefits and (4) a right to anything else. It concludes that the current developments are welcome because religious freedom has a collective aspect that is essential to the lives of many believers.
Marie Curie Cancer Care (MCCC) is a national charitable organisation which provides specialist palliative care services to patients with cancer and other life limiting illnesses. Marie Curie Nursing Service (MCNS) provides nursing services to patients in their own homes. The administration of blood transfusions to palliative care patients is required to improve symptom management and quality of life; however this procedure often results in unnecessary hospital admissions. Recognising that the majority of patients wish to be cared for and die in their own home, and with National Guidance recommending that specialist palliative care services should be provided to patients in their preferred place of care, a recent service initiative by MCNS was domiciliary blood transfusions. Whilst this is not a new service within domiciliary care, this pilot project aimed to capture patient views to evaluate this service initiative. Telephone interviews were conducted, using a questionnaire, with 11 patients who had received the service. Findings indicated positive evaluation of the service. Domiciliary blood transfusions helped to avoid unnecessary hospital admissions, the quality of life of patients and their families was improved in the palliative phase of illness and they received the service in their preferred place of care.
Accounting in the UK charity sector has changed massively over the last 25 years, with various stakeholders influencing what has occurred. Using insights from stakeholder theory, and interviews with a number of key actors, this article focuses on the influence of one definitive stakeholder – government – in developing a regime of quality accounting and reporting in the sector. In particular, the evolution of the Statement of Recommended Practice for charities is explored. It is argued that a much tighter and more meaningful regime of accounting and reporting has been encouraged by government, amongst other stakeholders, and this has led to a more accountable and healthier charitable sector.