993 resultados para Cerro colorado
El objetivo de la presente memoria es describir la serie de operaciones que sufren los minerales de cinabrio en Almadén desde su salida de los pozos de extracción a su entrada en los hornos de destilación.
Esta tesis doctoral se especializa en el estudio desde el interior de casas de maestros españoles proyectadas y construidas para ellos y sus familias. Casas proyectadas y construidas para ellos mismos por arquitectos “maestros” de la arquitectura española del siglo XX, que acabaron sus estudios de arquitectura después de la guerra civil y que se habían formado en la Escuela de Madrid. Las cinco casas escogidas están situadas en la provincia de Madrid, en la hoy definida como Comunidad de Madrid. Las cinco casas son para el arquitecto y su familia. También las cinco casas son de tipología unifamiliar aislada. Todas ellas tuvieron el carácter de vivienda estable, no de fin de semana, no de refugios experimentales. El método de análisis se estructura en dos grandes bloques, lo que hemos denominado “Enfocando” y “Desde dentro”. Enfocando: Se analizan las obras precedentes de similares características y se realiza un estudio de aproximación al lugar cuyo punto final es la entrada de la casa Desde dentro: Se Inicia el estudio de la vivienda en un recorrido que atiende a los parámetros de relaciones con el exterior, materiales de acabado, mobiliario, condiciones de flexibilidad y crecimiento y relaciones vivienda-estudio. Siempre con el espacio interior como protagonista del estudio Abstract The dissertation focuses on the interior space of "master`s houses" which were conceived and built for the architect and his family. The five houses selected were built in the XX Century .The five houses are located in Madrid. The five houses are detached houses, the five houses are "residences", not experimental houses, or weekend houses. The method has two parts. Focusing and Inside Focusing: This part studies previous works, with similar characteristics. Moreover this part looks at the path from the street to the main door, through the private exterior. Inside: This part studies the relationship between interior and exterior, finishing materials, furniture, flexibility and relation with the professional spaces. All these elements are studied, always with the interior space as the main character.
Aeolian dust (windblown silt and clay) is an important component in arid-land ecosystems because it may contribute to soil formation and furnish essential nutrients. Few geologic surfaces, however, have been characterized with respect to dust-accumulation history and resultant nutrient enrichment. We have developed a combination of methods to identify the presence of aeolian dust in arid regions and to evaluate the roles of this dust in ecosystem processes. Unconsolidated sandy sediment on isolated surfaces in the Canyonlands region of the Colorado Plateau differs greatly in mineralogical and chemical composition from associated bedrock, mainly aeolian sandstone. Detrital magnetite in the surficial deposits produces moderately high values of magnetic susceptibility, but magnetite is absent in nearby bedrock. A component of the surficial deposits must be aeolian to account for the abundance of magnetite, which formed originally in far-distant igneous rocks. Particle-size analysis suggests that the aeolian dust component is typically as much as 20–30%. Dust inputs have enriched the sediments in many elements, including P, Mg, Na, K, and Mo, as well as Ca, at sites where bedrock lacks calcite cement. Soil-surface biologic crusts are effective dust traps that apparently record a change in dust sources over the past several decades. Some of the recently fallen dust may result from human disturbance of land surfaces that are far from the Canyonlands, such as the Mojave Desert. Some land-use practices in the study area have the potential to deplete soil fertility by means of wind-erosion removal of aeolian silt.
The number of seniors in the U.S. today is growing rapidly because of longer life expectancies and the aging Baby Boomer generation. This age groups' travel behavior will have substantial impacts on transportation, economics, safety, and the environment. This research used a mixed-methods approach to address issues of mobility and aging in Denver, Colorado. A quantitative approach was used to answer broad questions about travel behavior and the effects of age, gender, work status, disability, residential location and socio-economic status on mobility. Qualitative interviews with seniors in the Denver metro area were conducted to identify barriers to mobility, decision-making processes and travel decisions, and seniors' perceptions of public transit. The results of the quantitative and qualitative analyses show that residential location is an important variable for determining seniors' travel behaviors and transportation options. Perceptions of public transit were positive, but accessibility and information barriers exist that prevent older adult from using transit. The findings of this study will help to provide transportation and service recommendations to policymakers and planners in the Denver area as well as to inform studies of other North American cities with large aging populations.
In 2013, many public education reform efforts in the United States of America center on testing and accountability. Recent data revealed that teachers have the single greatest in-school impact on student learning; however, the methods to assess teacher effectiveness are widely criticized for not holding teachers accountable and, consequently, are experiencing significant legislative attention. In 2010, Colorado passed Senate Bill 10-191: The Great Teachers and Leaders Act to improve student learning by revising teacher and principal evaluations, including linking them to student learning data, and eradicating tenure. Teachers, administrators, and policymakers hold critical roles in the implementation of this bill, yet little is known about how members of each group perceive their respective roles in the implementation. This explanatory sequential mixed methods study was designed to gather perception data from these three groups, through surveys and interviews. Data revealed that teachers and administrators do not have similar perceptions of many matters related to teacher evaluations, education reform, and the implementation of Senate Bill 10-191 (SB 191). The data also revealed that teachers and administrators expected they would agree on these matters. These collective findings led to multiple recommendations, such as the need for increased dialogue between teachers and administrators about their own perceptions of education reforms.
To combat unsustainable transportation systems characterized by reliance on petroleum, polluting emissions, traffic congestion and suburban sprawl, planners encourage mixed use, densely populated areas that provide individuals with opportunities to live, work, eat and shop without necessarily having to drive private automobiles to accommodate their needs. Despite these attempts, the frequency and duration of automobile trips has consistently increased in the United States throughout past decades. While many studies have focused on how residential proximity to transit influences travel behavior, the effect of workplace location has largely been ignored. This paper asks, does working near a TOD influence the travel behaviors of workers differently than workers living near a TOD? We examine the non-work travel behaviors of workers based upon their commuting mode and proximity to TODs. The data came from a 2009 travel behavior survey by the Denver Regional Council of Governments, which contains 8,000 households, 16,000 individuals, and nearly 80,000 trips. We measure sustainable travel behaviors as reduced mileage, reduced number of trips, and increased use of non-automobile transportation. The results of this study indicate that closer proximity of both households and workplaces to TODs decrease levels of car commuting and that non-car commuting leads to more sustainable personal travel behaviors characterized by more trips made with alternative modes.
En esta tesis doctoral se aborda el estudio sistemático y paleobiológico de los fósiles del hiénido Protictitherium crassum FILHOL, 1883 del sistema de yacimientos miocenos del Cerro de los Batallones (Torrejón de Velasco, Madrid, España). La abundancia, representatividad y el excepcional estado de conservación de los restos fósiles hallados en los yacimientos del Cerro de los Batallones, de edad Vallesiense (MN 10), han permitido contar con una excelente colección de material fósil para un estudio morfológico, sistemático, filogenético y paleobiológico detallado...
In 2012 Colorado became the first jurisdiction anywhere in the world to legalize marijuana possession and use for all adults. The regulated and taxed marijuana industry that arose in Colorado following legalization was also the first of its kind and stands a model for other states considering marijuana law reform. In this brief article I discuss the results of the Colorado experiment; I demonstrate that while Colorado’s regulatory model was largely successful, it also demonstrates the limits of generating revenue through taxing and regulating marijuana. I then discuss the implications of this conclusion for post-conflict Colombia, drawing a comparison to the situation California confronts as it considers legalizing marijuana for adult use.