166 resultados para Cereus squamosus
Ebridians and actiniscidians are described from Sites 588, 591, and 594 in the southwest Pacific. The middle Miocene to early Pliocene interval at Site 591 can be subdivided into five ebridian-actiniscidian zones. These are correlated to standard nannoplankton zones. Five new species are described from the Neogene of the southwest Pacific: Ammodochium serotinum, Hermesinum obliquum, Actiniscus flosculus, A. laciniatus, and A squamosus.
Amanita caesarea es uno de los hongos ectomicorrícicos comestibles más valorado. Se trata de un hongo silicícola que se asocia a especies de interés forestal como Castanea sativa y Quercus suber. Las bacterias facilitadoras de la micorrización (MHB) pueden promueven el crecimiento de un hongo ectomicorrícico y favorecer la colonización de éste en las raíces de su hospedante. En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado la influencia de cepas bacterianas de las especies MHB Bacillus cereus, B. subtilis, Burkholderia cepacia, y Pseudomonas fluorescens sobre el crecimiento de Amanita caesarea (in vitro).
A set of individual identification cards for rare and sensitive plant species found in the southeastern United States including Puerto Rico. Categories include forbs, shrubs, ferns, and trees. Each card has a color picture on one side and a description and map on the reverse. The description includes: family, flowering date, habitat, and identifying characteristics.
Two new antibacterial agents, rugulotrosin A (1) and B (2), were obtained from cultures of a Penicillium sp. isolated from soil samples acquired near Sussex Inlet, New South Wales, Australia. Rugulotrosin A (1) is a chiral symmetric dimer, and its relative stereostructure was determined by spectroscopic and X-ray crystallographic analysis. Rugulotrosin B (2) is a chiral asymmetric dimer isomeric with 1. Its structure was determined by spectroscopic analysis with comparison to the co-metabolite 1 and previously reported fungal metabolites. Both rugulotrosins A and B displayed significant antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, while rugulotrosin A was also strongly active against Enterococcus faecalis and B. cereus.
A rapid detection and neutralization method for biowarfare agents would be a great biodefense in war times. With this purpose, liposomes were developed following the lipid film formation, rehydration, and extrusion procedure as the production method. MgOCl2 was encapsulated in the liposomes and it was tested with three different bacterium B. cereus; B. thuringiensis; and B. subtilis. For specificity, the liposomes were modified with a polyclonal antibody against B. cereus and B. subtilis. The liposomes were characterized using a Malvern Zetasizer Instrument, and the study revealed stability of the liposomes stored at 4°C for a period of 15 days. A live/dead assay revealed a significant reduction of bacterium incubated with MgOCl2-liposomes. Smaller reduction percentages, but yet significant, were observed with the MgOCl2-immunoliposomes. A colony growth assay revealed a significant reduction percentage for empty liposomes, MgOCl2-liposomes, and MgOCl2-immunoliposomes incubated with B. thuringiensis.
Hemocytes of the insects Lambdina fiscellaria fiscellaria and Choristoneura fumiferana did not adhere to the protoplasts of ~he fungus EntomoEhthora egressa. Hemocyte reaction for both insect species to test-particles was not suppressed by the protoplasts. The spherule cells of _-L. fiscellaria fiscellaria adhered to the spherical hyphal bodies and hyphae of ~· ~gressa. The granular cells of -c. fumiferana adhered to the hyphae of ~· egress~. Protoplasts exposed to papain were attacked by the granular ·cells of -c. fumiferana. Spent growth medium of both protoplast isolates produced paralysis when injected into -c. fumiferana larvae. Evidence suggests that heat-stable proteins may be involved. Protoplast isolates showed differences in the growth rates and regeneration sequences using coagulated egg yolk medium, a highly modified version of Grace's insect tissue . culture medium (MGM) and modifications of MGM and in the presence of C0₂. The isolates also differed in the changes that they induced in MGM composition during protoplast growth and in the rates of glucose utilization and protein secretion. The serum of c. fumiferana larvae contained protein(s) which we believe adhere to the cell membranes of the protoplasts of E. egressa. Evidence is presented for hemocyteplasn~ interaction in the presence of protoplasts. Components in the larval serum were found to influence protoplast growth patterns. The possibility of antiprotoplast serum activity is presented. Melanin, toxic levels of ninhydrinpositive compounds and antiprotoplast proteins may have been involved in this activity. The granular cells of -L. fiscellaria fiscellaria and Q• fumiferana adhered to the hyphae of ,Rhizopus ~i$rican~. Spores of Absidia repens and the bacteria Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus adhered to the granular cells of both species of· insects. The granular cells and plasmatocytes of -c. fumiferana were capable of phagocytosing -B. cereus. Adhesion of .A... . repens spores to c. fumiferana granular cells ~ . - was stimulated by N-acetylglucosamine and glucosamine, moderately reduced by D-fucose, D-arabinose, D-mannose, D-galatose and sucrose and mildly reduced by D-glucose, D-fructose and trehalose. There was no evidence of humoral opsonins in larval hemolymph favoring test-particle-hemocyte interaction. Granular cells of c. fumiferana exposed to papain had reduced affinities for A. repens spores.
Este trabalho investiga o desenvolvimento socioeconômico brasileiro. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, baseada nos dados disponíveis do relatório Atlas do Desenvolvimento, Brasil, que apura o comportamento dos índices relacionados às três dimensões do desenvolvimento: renda, educação e saúde. No caso brasileiro, este estudo desdobra-se a todos os municípios. Entre os estados, o Tocantins foi o que obteve maior crescimento nas séries históricas disponíveis para consulta (1991, 2000, 2010). Diante do resultado, questionam-se quais mudanças acompanharam a evolução do indicador. Para investigar essa questão delimitou-se como objetivo desse estudo analisar os indicadores dos doze municípios que obtiveram crescimento superior a 60% entre 2000 a 2010 no IDHM. Os resultados do estudo apontam que entre as três dimensões avaliadas, a educação é a que mais se destaca. Além disso, o acesso a serviços públicos também obteve significativa melhora acompanhado de uma queda nos indicadores relacionados à pobreza.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, 13 de Maio de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
Synthetic additives used in a wide variety of food products have been associated to some toxic effects. This conducted to an increasing interest of consumers for natural additives, including food preservers [1]. Many aromatic herbs have been used to prepare bioactive extracts with benefits to the consumer's health. Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (fennel) and Matricaria recutita L. (chamomile) are examples of popular herbs rich in phenolic compounds with documented antioxidant and antimicrobial properties [2,3]. The present work confirms the antioxidant (DPPH scavenging activity, reducing power and lipid peroxidation inhibition) and antimicrobial (against bacteria such as Bacillus cereus and Salmonella Typhimurium and fungi such as Aspergillus niger, A. versicolor and PenicilliumfimicuJosum) activities of fennel and chamomile extracts, obtained by decoction. The chemical characterization of the extracts, performed by HPLC-DAD-ESIIMS, revealed the presence of five flavonoids (mainly qercetin-3-0- glucoside) and twelve phenolic acids (mainly 5-0-caffeolyquinic acid) for fennel extract and the presence of nine flavonoids (mainly luteolin-0-glucuronide) and ten phenolic acids (mainly di-caffeoyl-2,7- anhydro-3-deoxy-2-octulopyranosonic acid) for chamomile extract. Due to their high antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, both extracts were then incorporated (at DPPH scavenging activity EC25 value: 0.35 mg/mL and 0.165 mg/mL for fennel and chamomile, respectively) in cottage cheeses (prepared by Queijos Casa Matias Lda) as natural additives with two objectives: to increase the shelf-life of the cottage cheeses and to provide bioactive properties to the final products. The results showed that the use of these natural extracts did not alter significantly the nutritional characteristics of the cottage cheese in comparison with control samples (cottage cheese without extracts), but improved its antioxidant potential (more evident in the samples with chamomile extract). After 14 days of storage, only the control samples showed signs of degradation. Overall, the present study highlights the preservation potential of fennel and chamomile extracts in cottage cheeses, improving also their bioactivity.
Atualmente, existe uma grande procura de alimentos com ingredientes naturais em substituição de aditivos sintéticos que têm sido associados, em determinadas circunstâncias, a alguns efeitos tóxicos [1]. Neste trabalho, preparou-se um extrato aquoso por decocção de Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (funcho) que, após caracterização por HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS, revelou a presença de cinco flavonoides (sendo o maioritário o quercetin-3-O-glucósido) e doze ácidos fenólicos (sendo o maioritário o ácido 5-Ocafeoilquínico). O mesmo extrato revelou um enorme potencial antioxidante (efeito captador de radicais livres DPPH, poder redutor e inibição da peroxidação lipídica) e antimicrobiano (contra bactérias como Salmonella typhimurium e Bacillus cereus, e fungos como Aspergillus niger, A. versicolor e Penicillium funiculosum), o que suscitou o seu potencial de utilização como ingrediente bioativo na funcionalização de alimentos. Assim, procedeu-se à sua incorporação (atendendo ao EC25 =0,35 mg/mL obtido no ensaio de DPPH) em requeijões (preparados na empresa Queijos Casa Matias Lda.). Os resultados mostraram que a presença do extrato não alterou significativamente as características nutricionais (incluindo macronutrientes, valor energético e perfil em ácidos gordos) das amostras controlo (requeijão sem esse ingrediente), no entanto parece aumentar o amarelecimento (parâmetro da cor, b*) após 7 dias de armazenamento. Verificou-se ainda que, após duas semanas de armazenamento apenas as amostras controlo apresentaram sinais de degradação. Além disso, conseguiu-se provar que a incorporação do extrato de funcho conferiu propriedades antioxidantes ao requeijão. Os resultados obtidos provam assim que o extrato fenólico obtido através da decocção de funcho pode ser utilizado como conservante e agente bioativo natural em requeijões.
Coleta de analises; descricao e usos das especies: camaratuba, carqueija, catingueira-verdadeira, espinheiro/jacurutu/jiquiri, facheiro, favela/faveleira, feijao-brabo, imbuzeiro/umbuzeiro, juazeiro, jurema-preta, jurema-vermelha, macambira, mandacaru/mandacaru-de-boi, manicoba, marmeleiro/marmeleiro-preto, moleque-duro, mororo/unha-de-vaca, quebra-faca, sabia, sete-cascas/cascudo/pau-de-casca. Comentarios gerais e recomendacoes.
Purpose: To prepare and evaluate some 2-piperidinomethylamino-4-(7-H/substitutedcoumarin-3-yl)-6- chlorosubstitutedphenyl pyrimidines as antimicrobial agents. Methods: Some 2-piperidinomethylamino-4-(7-H/substitutedcoumarin-3-yl)-6-chlorosubstitutedphenyl pyrimidines were prepared by reacting 2-amino-4-(7-H/substitutedcoumarin-3-yl)-6- (chlorosubstitutedphenyl) pyrimidines with piperidine and formaldehyde. The chemical structures of the synthesized compounds were elucidated by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR), mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. These compounds were investigated for their antimicrobial activity against ten bacteria and five fungi by serial plate dilution method using standard drugs, namely, ofloxacin and ketoconazole, respectively, and their minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were also determined. Results: A total of eighteen new compounds (1a-18a) were synthesized. Compound 6a (MIC = 50 μg/mL; p < 0.05 or less) displayed the highest activity against S. aureus , E. faecalis , Staphylococcus epidermidis , B. subtilis , and B. cereus . Compound 6a further showed good activity (MIC = 25 μg/mL; p < 0.05 or less) against E. coli ; P. aeruginosa K. pneumonia , B. bronchiseptica , and P. vulgaris . Compounds 6a (MIC = 25 μg/mL; p < 0.0001) and 17a (MIC = 25 μg/mL; p < 0.0001) displayed very good activity against C. albicans , A. niger , A. flavus , M. purpureous , and P. citrinum , respectively. Analysis of structure-activity relationship revealed that the presence of bromo group at 7-postion of the coumarin moiety along with the 4-chlorophenyl group at position-6 of the pyrimidine ring is critical for antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, Gram negative bacteria and fungi. Conclusion: The synthesized 2-piperidino derivatives are better antifungal and antibacterial agents than the earlier reported 2-morpholino derivatives, but require further investigations against other microbial strains to ascertain their broad spectrum antimicrobial activity.
This thesis describes a study of various methods to produce bioactive peptides. Initially, the generation of anti-Cronobacter spp. peptides by fermentation of milk protein is described. Lactobacillus johnsonii DPC6026 was used to generate two previously described antimicrobial peptides. Phenotypic analysis indicated unsatisfactory casein hydrolysis. The genome of the strain was sequenced and annotated. Results showed a number of unique features present, most notably a large symmetrical inversion of approximately 750kb in comparison with the human isolate L. johnsonii NCC 533. The data suggest significant genetic diversity and intra-species genomic rearrangements within the L. johnsonii spp.. Cronobacter spp. have emerged as pathogens of concern to the powdered infant formula industry. Chapters 3 and 4 of this thesis describe novel methods to generate two antimicrobial peptides, Caseicin A and B. In Chapter 3 a bank of Bacillus strains was generated and investigated for caseicin production. Following casein hydrolysis by specific B. cereus and B. thuringiensis strains the peptides of interest were generated. Chapter 4 describes a sterile enzymatic method to generate peptides from casein. Bioinformatic tools were used to predict enzymes capable of liberating caseicin peptides from casein. Hydrolysates were generated using suitable enzymes, examined and some were found to produce peptides with activity against Cronobacter spp.. This study establishes a potential industrial-grade method to generate antimicrobial peptides. Administration of GLP-1 leads to improved glycaemic control in diabetes patients. Generation of a recombinant lactic acid bacteria capable of producing a GLP-1 analogue is described in Chapter 5. In-vivo analysis confirmed insulinotropic activity. The results illustrate a method using bacteriocin producing cellular machinery to generate bioactive peptides. This thesis describes the generation of bioactive peptides by bacterial fermentation, tailored enzymatic hydrolysis and recombinant bacterial methods. The techniques described contribute to bioactive peptide research with regards novel methods of production and industrial scale-up.