673 resultados para Cardiac-Diabetes Self-Management Program (CDSMP)
BACKGROUND: Diabetes represents an increasing health burden worldwide. In 2010, the Public Health Department of the canton of Vaud (Switzerland) launched a regional diabetes programme entitled "Programme cantonal Diabète" (PcD), with the objectives to both decrease the incidence of diabetes and improve care for patients with diabetes. The cohort entitled CoDiab-VD emerged from that programme. It specifically aimed at following quality of diabetes care over time, at evaluating the coverage of the PcD within this canton and at assessing the impact of the PcD on care of patients with diabetes. METHODS/DESIGN: The cohort CoDiab-VD is a prospective population-based cohort study. Patients with diabetes were recruited in two waves (autumn 2011--summer 2012) through community pharmacies. Eligible participants were non-institutionalised adult patients (≥ 18 years) with diabetes diagnosed for at least one year, residing in the canton of Vaud and coming to a participating pharmacy with a diabetes-related prescription. Women with gestational diabetes, people with obvious cognitive impairment or insufficient command of French were not eligible. Self-reported data collected, included the following primary outcomes: processes-of-care indicators (annual checks) and outcomes of care such as HbA1C, (health-related) quality of life measures (Short Form-12 Health Survey--SF-12, Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life 19--ADDQoL) and Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC). Data on diabetes, health status, healthcare utilisation, health behaviour, self-management activities and support, knowledge of, or participation to, campaigns/activities proposed by the PcD, and socio-demographics were also obtained. For consenting participants, physicians provided few additional pieces of information about processes and laboratory results. Participants will be followed once a year, via a mailed self-report questionnaire. The core of the follow-up questionnaires will be similar to the baseline one, with the addition of thematic modules adapting to the development of the PcD. Physicians will be contacted every 2 years. DISCUSSION: CoDiab-VD will allow obtaining a broad picture of the care of patients with diabetes, as well as their needs regarding their chronic condition. The data will be used to evaluate the PcD and help prioritise targeted actions. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier NCT01902043, July 9, 2013.
Le diabète de type 1 (DT1) est une maladie complexe qui requiert une implication importante des patients pour contrôler leur glycémie et ainsi prévenir les complications et comorbidités. L’activité physique (AP) régulière et une attention constante pour les glucides ingérés sont des adjuvants essentiels au traitement insulinique. Nous avons démontré que le questionnaire BAPAD-1, spécifiquement développé pour des adultes atteints de DT1, est un outil valide (validité prédictive, fiabilité interne et reproductibilité) pour définir des barrières associées à l’AP. Bien que le niveau de barrières envers l’AP soit faible, la crainte de l’hypoglycémie est la barrière la plus importante chez cette population. L’adoption d’un mode de vie actif est associée à un profil corporel favorable. Les adultes, avec un DT1 et non diabétique, qui maintiennent un bon niveau d’AP, soit un ratio entre la dépense énergétique totale et celle au repos ≥ 1.7, ont une masse grasse, un indice de masse corporelle et un tour de taille significativement inférieurs à ceux d’adultes moins actifs. Le niveau d’AP peut être estimé au moyen d’un moniteur d’AP comme le SenseWear Armband™. Afin de compléter les études de validation de cet outil, nous avons évalué et démontré la reproductibilité des mesures. Toutefois, la dépense énergétique est sous-estimée durant les 10 premières minutes d’une AP d’intensité modérée sur ergocycle. L’utilisation de cet appareil est donc justifiée pour une évaluation de la dépense énergétique sur de longues périodes. Le calcul des glucides est une méthode largement utilisée pour évaluer la quantité d’insuline à injecter lors des repas. Nous avons évalué dans un contexte de vie courante, sans révision de la technique, la précision des patients pour ce calcul. L’erreur moyenne est de 15,4 ± 7,8 g par repas, soit 20,9 ± 9,7 % du contenu glucidique. L’erreur moyenne est positivement associée à de plus grandes fluctuations glycémiques mesurées via un lecteur de glucose en continu. Une révision régulière du calcul des glucides est probablement nécessaire pour permettre un meilleur contrôle glycémique. Nous avons développé et testé lors d’un essai clinique randomisé contrôlé un programme de promotion de l’AP (PEP-1). Ce programme de 12 semaines inclut une séance hebdomadaire en groupe ayant pour but d’initier l’AP, d’établir des objectifs et d’outiller les adultes atteints de DT1 quant à la gestion de la glycémie à l’AP. Bien que n’ayant pas permis d’augmenter la dépense énergétique, le programme a permis un maintien du niveau d’AP et une amélioration de la condition cardio-respiratoire et de la pression artérielle. À la fin du programme, une plus grande proportion de patients connaissait la pharmacocinétique de l’insuline et une plus grande variété de méthodes pour contrer l’hypoglycémie associée à l’AP était utilisée. En conclusion, le diabète de type 1 engendre des défis quotidiens particuliers. D’une part, le calcul des glucides est une tâche complexe et son imprécision est associée aux fluctuations glycémiques quotidiennes. D’autre part, l’adoption d’un mode de vie actif, qui est associée à un meilleur profil de composition corporelle, est limitée par la crainte des hypoglycémies. Le programme PEP-1 offre un support pour intégrer l’AP dans les habitudes de vie des adultes avec un DT1 et ainsi améliorer certains facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaire.
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre Aix-Marseille Université et l'Université de Montréal
This study examines the difficulties, particularly social, a child who is deaf/hard of hearing encounters transitioning from a self-contained program into the general education setting. The information gathered was used to create a children's story as a helpful tool.
Diabetes incurs heavy personal and health system costs. Self-management is required if complications are to be avoided. Adolescents face particular challenges as they learn to take responsibility for their diabetes. A systematic review of educational and psychosocial programmes for adolescents with diabetes was undertaken. This aimed to: identify and categorise the types of programmes that have been evaluated; assess the cost-effectiveness of interventions; identify areas where further research is required. Sixty-two papers were identified and Subjected to a narrative review. Generic programmes focus on knowledge/skills, psychosocial issues, and behaviour/self-management. They result in modest improvements across a range of outcomes but improvements are often not sustained, suggesting a need for continuous support, possibly integrated into normal care. In-hospital education at diagnosis confers few advantages over home treatment. The greatest returns may be obtained by targeting poorly controlled individuals. Few studies addressed resourcing issues and robust cost-effectiveness appraisals are required to identify interventions that generate the greatest returns on expenditure. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Syftet med studien var att belysa vilka faktorer i patientundervisningen som kan påverka resultatet av egenvård för patienter med diabetes typ 2 samt att kartlägga gruppundervisningens betydelse och dess innehåll. Studien baseras på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar daterade från år 1991 och fram till år 2003. Litteraturen har sökts manuellt och via databaserna PubMed, SweMed och Elsevier. Sökorden som använts i olika kombinationer var: education, diabetes type 2, support, obesity, self- management, changes lifestyle, factors affecting, empowerment, diabetes nurse, nurse, individually, group, diabetes typ 2, stöd, sjuksköterska, undervisning och egenvård. Urvalet av de vetenskapliga artiklarna gjordes med tanke på litteraturstudiens syfte och frågeställningar. Resultatet visade att undervisningen bör vara en ständigt pågående process. Kontinuitet, hänsyn, tillgänglighet och stöd av hela diabetesteamet under en längre tid är viktiga faktorer i behandlingen. Andra viktiga faktorer som kan påverka resultatet av egenvård är patientens självkänsla, motivation och upplevd ensamhet. Det är viktigt att undervisarens förhållningssätt varieras och anpassas efter patientens individuella resurser och behov. Undervisningsprogram som innehåller både grupp- och individuell undervisning i kombination med teoretisk- och praktisk undervisning har en positiv betydelse för patientens egenvård. Diskussioner och sociala aktiviteter i grupp, visade sig ha en god inverkan på patientens livsstilsförändringar.
Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att söka evidens för metoder som kan stödja patienter med typ-2 diabetes till livsstilsförändringar. Metod: En litteraturstudie, som innehåller 16 kvantitativa och kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar, som var publicerade mellan 2000-2010. Databasen som användes var Cinahl och sökmotorn Elin@Dalarna. Sökorden som använts var: diabetes type 2, type 2 diabetes, lifestyle changes, patient education, empowerment, health behaviour och self-management. Resultat: I resultaten kom uppsatsförfattarna fram till olika kategorier som visar olika åtgärder till livsstilsförändringar. Studierna baserades på olika åtgärder såsom; datorintervention, utbildningar, telefonsamtal, motiverande samtal, transteoretiska modellen och sjuksköterskespecialister. Empowerment var enligt uppsatsförfattarna det övergripande temat som de flesta studier baserade åtgärderna på.
Bakgrund: Diabetes Mellitus är kronisk sjukdom som är kopplat till lidande och förlust av livskvalitet. Egenvård är avgörande för att minska de negativa konsekvenserna. Mindre än hälften av alla diabetespatienter uppnår god egenvård. Anledningen är bland annat begränsad kunskap om diabetes och bristande egenvårdsföljsamhet. Införandet av Informations- och kommunikationsteknologi i diabetesvården påbörjades för att förbättra det kliniska resultatet och livskvaliteten för patienter med diabetes typ 2. Syfte: Att beskriva hur information och kommunikationsteknologi kan främja egenvård på distans för patienter med diabetes mellitus typ 2. Metod: Litteraturstudie, där artiklarna söktes i CINAHL, PubMed och Web of Science. Artiklarna som inkluderades var 15 artiklar med kvantitativ, kvalitativ samt mixed metod. Resultat: Resultatet visade att Information och kommunikationsteknologi såsom internet, dator och mobiltelefonbaserade egenvårdsprogram främjade egenvård hos patienter med diabetes typ 2 genom ökad kunskap, ökad medvetenhet, ökad motivation samt förbättrad livsstilsförändring i kost och motion. Slutsats: IKT som hjälpmedel kan underlätta dagliga utmaningarna för patienter med diabetes typ 2 eftersom den täcker kunskapsluckan och därtill ökar patienternas medvetenhet och motivation till egenvård.
Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 2 är en endokrin sjukdom och är en av de största folksjukdomarna i världen. Förhöjda blodsockervärden gör att både små och stora blodkärl tar skada och detta leder till olika komplikationer såsom hjärtinfarkt, stroke och njurskador. Med hjälp av viktnedgång, kostreglering, regelbundet fysisk aktivitet och övervakning av blodglukosnivåerna kan risken för komplikationer förebyggas. Genom att förebygga komplikationer kan livskvaliteten främja patientens dagliga liv. En del av diabetesvården består av egenvårdsprogram där patienten får stöd och rådgivning att hantera sin diabetes. Syfte: Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att studera vilka faktorer i egenvårdsprogram som främjar livskvaliteten hos patienter med diabetes typ 2. Metod: Litteraturstudie, artiklarna söktes i databaserna CINAHL, PubMed och Web of Science. 14 kvantitativa artiklar inkluderades. Resultat: Resultatet visade att information, individuell målsättning och uppföljning var viktiga faktorer i egenvårdsprogrammen för att främja livskvaliteten hos patienter med diabetes typ 2. Slutsats: Att leva med diabetes typ 2 kräver noggrannhet och planering i det dagliga livet. Egenvårdsprogram kan minska risken för komplikationer där följsamhet till egenvården främjas och livskvaliteten gynnas.
OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the structure, process and results of the Capillary Blood Glucose Self-monitoring Program in a Brazilian city. METHOD: epidemiological, cross-sectional study. The methodological framework of Donabedian was used to construct indicators of structure, process and outcome. A random sample (n = 288) of users enrolled and 96 health professionals who worked in the program was studied. Two questionnaires were used that were constructed for this study, one for professionals and one for users, both containing data for the evaluation of structure, process and outcome. Anthropometric measures and laboratory results were collected by consulting the patients' health records. The analysis involved descriptive statistics. RESULTS: most of the professionals were not qualified to work in the program and were not knowledgeable about the set of criteria for patient registration. None of the patients received complete and correct orientations about the program and the percentage with skills to perform conducts autonomously was 10%. As regards the result indicators, 86.4% of the patients and 81.3% of the professionals evaluated the program positively. CONCLUSION: the evaluation indicators designed revealed that one of the main objectives of the program, self-care skills, has not been achieved.
Judo competitions are divided into weight classes. However, most athletes reduce their body weight in a few days before competition in order to obtain a competitive advantage over lighter opponents. To achieve fast weight reduction, athletes use a number of aggressive nutritional strategies so many of them place themselves at a high health-injury risk. In collegiate wrestling, a similar problem has been observed and three wrestlers died in 1997 due to rapid weight loss regimes. After these deaths, the National Collegiate Athletic Association had implemented a successful weight management program which was proven to improve weight management behavior. No similar program has ever been discussed by judo federations even though judo competitors present a comparable inappropriate pattern of weight control. In view of this, the basis for a weight control program is provided in this manuscript, as follows: competition should begin within 1 hour after weigh-in, at the latest; each athlete is allowed to be weighed-in only once; rapid weight loss as well as artificial rehydration (i.e., saline infusion) methods are prohibited during the entire competition day; athletes should pass the hydration test to get their weigh-in validated; an individual minimum competitive weight (male athletes competing at no less than 7% and females at no less than 12% of body fat) should be determined at the beginning of each season; athletes are not allowed to compete in any weight class that requires weight reductions greater than 1.5% of body weight per week. In parallel, educational programs should aim at increasing the athletes', coaches' and parents' awareness about the risks of aggressive nutritional strategies as well as healthier ways to properly manage body weight.
SMARTDIAB is a platform designed to support the monitoring, management, and treatment of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), by combining state-of-the-art approaches in the fields of database (DB) technologies, communications, simulation algorithms, and data mining. SMARTDIAB consists mainly of two units: 1) the patient unit (PU); and 2) the patient management unit (PMU), which communicate with each other for data exchange. The PMU can be accessed by the PU through the internet using devices, such as PCs/laptops with direct internet access or mobile phones via a Wi-Fi/General Packet Radio Service access network. The PU consists of an insulin pump for subcutaneous insulin infusion to the patient and a continuous glucose measurement system. The aforementioned devices running a user-friendly application gather patient's related information and transmit it to the PMU. The PMU consists of a diabetes data management system (DDMS), a decision support system (DSS) that provides risk assessment for long-term diabetes complications, and an insulin infusion advisory system (IIAS), which reside on a Web server. The DDMS can be accessed from both medical personnel and patients, with appropriate security access rights and front-end interfaces. The DDMS, apart from being used for data storage/retrieval, provides also advanced tools for the intelligent processing of the patient's data, supporting the physician in decision making, regarding the patient's treatment. The IIAS is used to close the loop between the insulin pump and the continuous glucose monitoring system, by providing the pump with the appropriate insulin infusion rate in order to keep the patient's glucose levels within predefined limits. The pilot version of the SMARTDIAB has already been implemented, while the platform's evaluation in clinical environment is being in progress.
Pregnant women with preterm labour (PTL) in pregnancy often experience increased distress and anxieties regarding both the pregnancy and the child's health. The pathogenesis of PTL is, among other causes, related to the stress-associated activation of the maternal-foetal stress system. In spite of these psychobiological associations, only a few research studies have investigated the potential of psychological stress-reducing interventions. The following paper will present an online anxiety and stress management self-help program for pregnant women with PTL. Structure and content of the program will be illustrated by a case-based experience report. L.B., 32 years (G3, P1), was recruited at gestational week 27 while hospitalized for PTL for 3 weeks. She worked independently through the program for 6 weeks and had regular written contact with a therapist. Processing the program had a positive impact on L.B.'s anxiety and stress levels, as well as on her experienced depressive symptoms and bonding to the foetus. As PTL and the risk of PTB are associated with distress, psychological stress-reducing interventions might be beneficial. This study examines the applicability of an online intervention for pregnant women with PTL. The case report illustrates how adequate low-threshold psychological support could be provided to these women.
PRINCIPLES We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of, and treatment satisfaction with, insulin glargine administered with SoloSTAR® or ClikSTAR® pens in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus managed by primary care physicians in Switzerland. METHODS A total of 327 patients with inadequately controlled type 2 diabetes were enrolled by 72 physicians in this prospective observational study, which aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a 6-month course of insulin glargine therapy measured as development of glycaemic control (glycosylated haemoglobin [HbA1c] and fasting plasma glucose [FPG]) and weight change. We also assessed preference for reusable or disposable pens, and treatment satisfaction. RESULTS After 6 months, the mean daily dose of insulin glargine was 27.7±14.3 U, and dose titration was completed in 228 (72.4%) patients. Mean HbA1c decreased from 8.9%±1.6% (n=327) to 7.3%±1.0% (n=315) (p<0.0001), and 138 (43.8%) patients achieved an HbA1c≤7.0%. Mean FPG decreased from 10.9±4.5 to 7.3±1.8 mmol/l (p<0.0001). Mean body weight did not change (85.4±17.2 kg vs 85.0±16.5 kg; p=0.11). Patients' preference was in favour of the disposable SoloStar® pen (80%), as compared with the reusable ClickStar® pen (20%). Overall, 92.6% of physicians and 96.3% of patients were satisfied or very satisfied with the insulin glargine therapy. CONCLUSIONS In patients with type 2 diabetes insulin glargine administered by SoloSTAR® or ClikSTAR® pens, education on insulin injection and on self-management of diabetes was associated with clinically meaningful improvements in HbA1c and FPG without a mean collective weight gain. The vast majority of both patients and primary care physicians were satisfied with the treatment intensification.
Purpose of the study. The purpose of this randomized controlled clinical trial was to determine if a brief intervention would improve foot self-care behaviors in adult patients with Type 2 diabetes who presented to the emergency department for non-emergent care in a predominantly Hispanic southwestern border community. ^ Methods. A pre-post-test, three-group design was used to compare the foot self-care behaviors of patients who received usual care to those who received lower extremity amputation (LEA) risk assessment and to those who received LEA risk assessment plus a brief foot self-care intervention. After being randomized into 3 groups (N = 167), baseline assessments of demographics, diabetes history, acculturation, and the Summary of Diabetes Self Care Activities (SDSCA) questionnaire and Modified Insulin Management Diabetes Self Efficacy Scale (MIMDSES) were completed in English or Spanish. At one-month, 144 (84%) participants were available for follow-up by the research assistant masked to group assignment. ^ Results. At baseline, significant differences in foot self-care behaviors and self monitoring blood glucose were noted based on ethnicity and gender. Men had significantly lower confidence in their ability to manage their diabetes overall. There was a significant difference between baseline and follow up self reported foot self-care behaviors within the intervention group (t (47) = −4.32, p < .01) and the control group (t (46) = −2.06, p < .05). There were no significant differences between groups for self-reported foot self-care behaviors. There was a significant difference in observed foot self-care behaviors between groups (F(2,135) = 2.99, p < .05). Self-efficacy scores were positively correlated with self-reported self-care behaviors. ^ Conclusions. This predominantly Hispanic population with type 2 diabetes reported performing diabetes self-care behaviors less than five days a week. There were within group changes, but no significant between group changes in reported self-care behaviors. However, at the one month follow up, there were significant differences between groups in observed foot self-care behaviors with the intervention group demonstrating the most accurate behaviors. Differences based on gender and ethnicity emphasize the need to individualize diabetes education. Priorities for culturally competent diabetes education, approaches to increasing self-efficacy and future research directions are suggested. ^