998 resultados para Canvi exterior -- Unió Europea, Països de la


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A comparison between Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic concerning regional cooperation, European Enlargement and further integration and relations with Germany might lead to the conclusion that the Czech Republic, once Member State of the European Union, might be more prone to cause tensions and problems than the other two countries


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Since its origins, the European Union has striven to be an actor on the International scene and a place in conflict Management. Yet the EU’s lack of activity cannot be justified by a mere lack of capacities. The EU counts with numerous political, economic, and, since 2003, civil and military instruments that should allow it to precede a comprehensive conflict response. This publication consists of a description of these instruments and an analysis of the final use that the Union makes of them in the different stages of a conflict. Examples will show us the EU’s main weakness in providing a comprehensive and timely response when a conflict breaks out.


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Pensar globalmente, actuar localmente” es un slogan imprescindible en el discurso político de nuestros días. Pues bien, la práctica política, en materia de Unión Europea, de los dos gobiernos del Partido Popular, presididos por José María Aznar (1996-2004), nos permite acuñar un slogan de signo bien diferente: “pensar localmente, actuar en Europa”. En efecto, si algo caracteriza a estos ocho años de práctica política de José María Aznar es haber convertido sus preocupaciones domésticas en factor exclusivo de su estrategia europea, con independencia del contexto de cada momento y de la necesidad de encajar objetivos nacionales con objetivos europeos. De ahí que sea lógico que la campaña electoral que ha precedido a las elecciones generales del 14 de marzo no haya recogido ninguno de los temas que dominan en la agenda de la UE en el momento actual. Ni la ampliación, ni la Constitución, ni tampoco el proceso de conformación de un núcleo duro tienen cabida en el debate político españo


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“Thinking globally, acting locally" is an essential slogan in the current political discourse. Yet, in view of the policies on the European Union carried out by the two governments of the People’s Party (PP) headed by José María Aznar between 1996 and 2004, we could coin a quite different slogan: "thinking locally, acting in Europe". Indeed, José María Aznar’s policy-making during the last eight years has been characterised by turning his domestic concerns into the ‘exclusive factor’ of his European strategy, regardless of the context and the need for fitting in national objectives with Europeans’. Hence, it was natural that the electoral campaign preceding the general elections held on Sunday, 14 March, did not deal with any of the topics prevailing in the EU’s current agenda. Neither enlargement nor the Constitution, nor the process of shaping a core group within the EU, seem to have room in Spain’s political debate...


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El 11 de septiembre marcó un antes y un después para el conjunto de la sociedad internacional. Los terribles atentados contra las Torres Gemelas pusieron sobre la mesa un nuevo conjunto de amenazas y riesgos difusos que diluyeron el tradicional escenario de seguridad. Asimismo, la subsecuente operación armada contra Afganistán abrió un nuevo debate sobre la intervención internacional y sobre la pervivencia de las organizaciones regionales e internacionales. Esta monografía se sitúa precisamente en este contexto e intenta ofrecer al lector unas primeras reflexiones sobre unos hechos que marcaron dramáticamente la historia contemporánea.


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La IV Cumbre Unión Europea – América Latina y el Caribe (UE-ALC), celebrada en Viena los días 11, 12 y 13 de mayo, estuvo marcada por una creciente polarización interna latinoamericana, por los problemas europeos para definir un liderazgo sobre el futuro del proyecto de integración y por la crisis global de energía.


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In this paper we construct a data set on EU cohesion aid to Spain during the planning period 1994-99. The data are disaggregated by region, year and function and attempt to approximate the timing of actual executed expenditure on assisted projects.


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Dins del 7è Programa marc de la Unió Europea, s'ha endegat un estudi, que va del 2008 al 2010 a cinc països –Regne Unit, Dinamarca, Hongria, Suècia i Espanya (centrat a Catalunya)– que té per objectiu explorar els factors que afavoreixen i ajuden els joves tutelats i extutelats a continuar els seus estudis després de l'escolaritat obligatòria. Cada equip de recerca esta duent a terme un estudi de casos que consisteixen a fer, d'una banda, entrevistes amb responsables de serveis socials i de protecció a la infància, i, d'altra banda, entrevistes en profunditat amb joves d'entre 19 i 21 anys que han estat tutelats almenys un any de la seva vida i que ho estaven a l'edat de 16 anys, i, finalment, entrevistes amb educadors, acollidors o persones que han estat claus a les seves vides. Els joves seleccionats seran entrevistats de nou un any més tard per veure en quina mesura s'han pogut fer els seus plans. L'objectiu del present article és doble: d'una banda, aportar algunes de les dades que s'han obtingut de la primera fase ja conclosa sobre revisió dels estudis existents en aquest àmbit i, de l'altra, obrir un debat, poc present encara al nostre país, que pot culminar el proper març del 2010 amb motiu d'unes jornades a Catalunya on es podran presentar, compartir i debatre els primers resultats de la investigació


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Energy security is an important topic on the world agenda and has augmented its importance since the term “peak oil” was coined. Energy security is a crucial issue for most countries but some are more dependent on foreign supply than others. Traditionally, the Baltic States have been dependent on Russia for much of their oil and gas supplies, which makes them vulnerable to political pressure. Therefore, energy security, that is ensuring sufficient supply and safe delivery and in this case reduce dependency on a single provider – Russia, entails a conspicuous foreign policy dimension. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been described as energy islands within the EU. This paper tries to answer the question if energy security of the Baltic States has improved since their accession to the EU in 2004. Additionally, it will analyse the prospects of energy security, noting that one of the Lithuanian aims during its European presidency in 2013 is to improve energy security of the Baltic States by fostering cooperation with EU member states.


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This report aims to analyse how European accounting standards (European System of Accounts ESA-95) are interpreted and applied to the public healthcare sector, from the standpoint of comparative law. Specifically, the study focuses on the application of ESA-95 to healthcare centres in the United Kingdom, France and Germany, with the aim of reaching useful conclusions for the Public Companies and Consortia (EPIC, for their initials in Catalan) in the Catalan Public Healthcare System.


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Companies are under IAS 40 required to report fair values of investment properties on the balance sheet or to disclose them in the notes. The standard requires also that companies have to disclose the methods and significant assumptions applied in determining fair values of investment properties. However, IAS 40 does not include any illustrative examples or other guidance on how to apply the disclosure requirements. We use a sample with publicly traded companies from the real estate sector in the EU. We find that a majority of the companies use income based methods for the measurement of fair values but there are considerable cross-country variations in the level of disclosures about the assumptions used in determining fair values. More specifically, we find that Scandinavian and German origin companies disclose more than French and English origin companies. We also test whether disclosure quality is associated with enforcement quality measured with the “Rule of Law” index according to Kaufmann et al. (2010), and associated with a secrecy- versus transparency-measure based on Gray (1988). We find a positive association between disclosure and earnings quality and a negative association with secrecy.


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The Water Framework Directive (WFD) defines common objectives for water resources throughout the European Union (EU). Given this general approach to water preservation and water policy, the objective of this paper is to analyse whether common patterns of water consumption exist within Europe. In particular, our study uses two methods to reveal the reasons behind sectoral water use in all EU countries. The first method is based on an accounting indicator that calculates the water intensity of an economy as the sum of sectoral water intensities. The second method is a subsystem input‐output model that divides total water use into different income channels within the production system. The application uses data for the years 2005 and 2009 on water consumption in the production system of the 27 countries of the EU. From our analysis it emerges that EU countries are characterized by very different patterns of water consumption. In particular water consumption by the agriculture sector is extremely high in Central/Eastern Europe, relative to the rest of Europe. In most countries, the water used by the fuel, power and water sector is consumed to satisfy domestic final demand. However, our analysis shows that for some countries exports from this sector are an important driver of water consumption. Focusing on the agricultural sector, the decomposition analysis suggests that water usage in Mediterranean countries is mainly driven by final demand for, and exports of, agricultural products. In Central/Eastern Europe domestic final demand is the main driver of water consumption, but in this region the proportion of water use driven by demand for exports is increasing over time. Given these heterogeneous water consumption patterns, our analysis suggests that Mediterranean and Central/Eastern European countries should adopt specific water policies in order to achieve efficient levels of water consumption in the European Union. JEL codes: N5; C67 Keywords: Water use, Subsystem input–output model; Water intensity, European Union.


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El trabajo aborda una comparación de los diversos sistemas de penas estatales en Europa, con el objetivo de sistematizar los diversos modelos político-criminales y de calibrar la aflictividad de los mismos. A través de determinados indicadores se pone de relieve que los sistemas jurídicos que abren un mayor espacio a la discrecionalidad judicial en la selección y la determinación de la pena muestran una mayor moderación del rigor punitivo y están en mejores condiciones de dar respuesta a una fenomenología criminal cada vez más diversa.


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This paper analyses the financial impact of the enlargement of the European Union (EU) to include 10 new Central and Eastern European Nations (CEEN) on firms’ business and financial structures. To this end, we employ quantitative analytic techniques and financial ratios. In this context, we hope to discover whether firms in the new EU member States tend to converge with business in the Europe of the 15 in terms of the structure of firms’ financial statements. We examine the extent to which the increasing integration of the former may foster the convergence of productive structures. The methodology followed consists of an analysis of the evolution of 12 financial ratios in a sample of firms obtained from the AMADEUS data base. To that end, we perform a Dynamic Factor Analysis that identifies the determining factors of the joint evolution of deviations in the financial ratios with respect to the average value of firms in the EU-15. This analysis allows us to analyse the convergence in each of the CEEN nations with respect to the EU-15.


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Introduction. The current study describes the planning process and aims of the university reforms in Spain and suggests an innovative proposal, namely the design and evaluation of a week-long induction programme for first-year bachelor‟s degree students at the University of Lleida (Spain), organised within the European higher education framework. The purpose of this induction programme is to help new students adapt to university life. Method. A total of 102 students and ten lecturers were involved in the study. These participants responded questionnaires and interviews. We contrasted all the results in order to obtain some results that were useful to evaluate the induction programmee which the University introduced in the first four degrees. Results. Findings of the study revealed that participants gave very positive feedback regarding the programme, and the results also highlighted areas which could be improved. Conclusion. The new proposals clearly require a higher level of staff participation to make them work, highlighting the need for appropriate training of university staff and improving coordination with appropriate systems.