285 resultados para Candidatus Rickettsia andeanae
The rickettsial infections in 174 Amblyomma nodosum found on passeriform birds in the Atlantic forest, eastern Brazil, have recently been evaluated. Rickettsiae were successfully isolated from two ticks, using cultures of Vero cells. Both isolates were molecularly characterised, using the rickettsial genes gltA and htrA and, when possible, also ompA and ompB. Portions of the gltA and htrA genes from one of the rickettsial isolates were found be closely match the corresponding GenBank sequences for Rickettsia bellii, with 99.9% and 100% homology, respectively. This isolate was named R. bellii strain Pontal. Portions of the gltA, htrA and ompB genes from the second isolate most closely matched the corresponding sequences of R. parkeri, whereas a portion of the ompA gene from this isolate was closest to the relevant sequence of Rickettsia sp. strain COOPERI (which has been considered to be a strain of R. parkeri in Brazil). The second isolate was named R. parkeri strain NOD. Further investigation of the 172 ticks from which isolates were not recovered revealed R. parkeri strain NOD in 40 and R. bellii strain Pontal in nine, giving overall infection prevalences of 23.6% (41/174) and 5.7% (10/174), respectively. This appears to be the first report of R. bellii and R. parkeri in A. nodosum.
The organisation of cells of the planctomycete species Pirellula marina, Isosphaera pallida, Gemmata obscuriglobus, Planctomyces mat-is and Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans was investigated based on ultrastructure derived from thin-sections of cryosubstituted cells, freeze-fracture replicas, and in the case of Gemmata obscuriglobus and Pirellllla marina, computer-aided 3-D reconstructions from serial sections of cryosubstituted cells. All planctomycete cells display a peripheral ribosome-free region, termed here the paryphoplasm, surrounding the perimeter of the cell, and an interior region including any nucleoid regions as well as ribosome-like particles, bounded by a single intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM), and termed the pirellulosome in Pirellula species. Immunogold labelling and RNase-gold cytochemistry indicates that in planctomycetes all the cell DNA is contained wholly within the interior region bounded by the ICM, and the paryphoplasm contains no DNA but at least some of the cell's RNA. The ICM in Isosphaera pallida and Planctomyces mat-is is invaginated such that the paryphoplasm forms a major portion of the cell interior in sections, but in other planctomycetes it remains as a peripheral zone. In the anaerobic ammonium-oxidising (anammox process) chemoautotroph Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans the interior region bounded by ICM contains a further internal single-membrane-bounded region, the anam-moxosome. In Gemmata obscuriglobus. the interior ICM-bounded region contains the nuclear body, a double-membrane-bounded region containing the cell's nucleoid and all genomic DNA in addition to some RNA. Shared features of cell compartmentalisation in different planctomycetes are consistent with the monophyletic nature of the planctomycetes as a distinct division of the Bacteria. The shared organisational plan for the planctomycete cell constitutes a new type not known in cells of other bacteria.
Ten years ago, an anaerobic ammonium oxidation ('anammox') process was discovered in a denitrifying pilot plant reactor. From this system, a highly enriched microbial community was obtained, dominated by a single deep-branching planctomycete, Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans. Phylogenetic inventories of different wastewater treatment plants with anammox activity have suggested that at least two genera in Planctomycetales can catalyse the anammox process. Electron microscopy of the ultrastructure of B. anammoxidans has shown that several membrane-bounded compartments are present inside the cytoplasm. Hydroxylamine oxidoreductase, a key anammox enzyme, is found exclusively inside one of these compartments, tentatively named the 'anammoxosome'.
A laboratory scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) operating for enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) and fed with a mixture of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) showed stable and efficient EBPR capacity over a four-year-period. Phosphorus (P), poly-beta-hydroxyalkanoate (PHA) and glycogen cycling consistent with classical anaerobic/aerobic EBPR were demonstrated with the order of anaerobic VFA uptake being propionate, acetate then butyrate. The SBR was operated without pH control and 63.67+/-13.86 mg P l(-1) was released anaerobically. The P% of the sludge fluctuated between 6% and 10% over the operating period (average of 8.04+/-1.31%). Four main morphological types of floc-forming bacteria were observed in the sludge during one year of in-tensive microscopic observation. Two of them were mainly responsible for anaerobic/aerobic P and PHA transformations. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and post-FISH chemical staining for intracellular polyphosphate and PHA were used to determine that 'Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis' was the most abundant polyphosphate accumulating organism (PAO), forming large clusters of coccobacilli (1.0-1.5 mum) and comprising 53% of the sludge bacteria. Also by these methods, large coccobacillus-shaped gammaproteobacteria (2.5-3.5 mum) from a recently described novel cluster were glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs) comprising 13% of the bacteria. Tetrad-forming organisms (TFOs) consistent with the 'G bacterium' morphotype were alphaproteobacteria , but not Amaricoccus spp., and comprised 25% of all bacteria. According to chemical staining, TFOs were occasionally able to store PHA anaerobically and utilize it aerobically.
The anaerobic ammonium oxidation process is a new process for ammonia removal from wastewater. It is also a new microbial physiology that was previously believed to be impossible. The identification of Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans and its relatives as the responsible bacteria was only possible with the development of a new experimental approach. That approach is the focus of this paper. The approach is a modernisation of the Winogradsky/Beyerinck strategy of selective enrichment and is based on the introduction of the molecular toolbox and modern bioreactor engineering to microbial ecology. It consists of five steps: (1) postulation of an ecological niche based on thermodynamic considerations and macro-ecological field data; (2) engineering of this niche into a laboratory bioreactor for enrichment culture; (3) black-box physiological characterisation of the enrichment culture as a whole; (4) phylogenetic characterisation of the enriched community using molecular tools; (5) physical separation of the dominant members of the enrichment culture using gradient centrifugation and the identification of the species of interest in accordance with Koch's postulates; (6) verification of the in situ importance of these species in the actual ecosystems. The power of this approach is illustrated with a case study: the identification of the planctomycetes responsible for anaerobic ammonium oxidation. We argue that this was impossible using molecular ecology or conventional 'cultivation based techniques' alone. We suggest that the approach might also be used for the microbiological study of many interesting microbes such as anaerobic methane oxidisers.
Laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) as models for wastewater treatment processes were used to identify glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs), which are thought to be responsible for the deterioration of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR). The SBRs (called Q and T), operated under alternating anaerobic-aerobic conditions typical for EBPR, generated mixed microbial communities (sludges) demonstrating the GAO phenotype. Intracellular glycogen and poly-beta-hydroxyalkanoate (PHA) transformations typical of efficient EBPR occurred but polyphosphate was not bioaccumulated and the sludges contained 1.8% P (sludge Q) and 1.5% P (sludge T). 16S rDNA clone libraries were prepared from DNA extracted from the Q and T sludges. Clone inserts were grouped into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) by restriction fragment length polymorphism banding profiles. OTU representatives were sequenced and phylogenetically analysed. The Q sludge library comprised four OTUs and all six determined sequences were 99.7% identical, forming a cluster in the gamma-Proteobacteria radiation. The T sludge library comprised eight OTUs and the majority of clones were Acidobacteria subphylum 4 (49% of the library) and candidate phylum OPU (39% of the library). One OTU (two clones, of which one was sequenced) was in the gamma-Proteobacteria radiation with 95% sequence identity to the Q sludge clones. Oligonucleotide probes (called GAOQ431 and GAOQ989) were designed from the gamma-Proteobacteria clone sequences for use in fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH); 92 % of the Q sludge bacteria and 28 % of the T sludge bacteria bound these probes in FISH. FISH and post-FISH chemical staining for PHA were used to determine that bacteria from a novel gamma-Proteobacteria cluster were phenotypically GAOs in one laboratory-scale SBR and two fullscale wastewater treatment plants. It is suggested that the GAOs from the novel cluster in the gamma-Proteobacteria radiation be named 'Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis'.
Recently, two fresh water species, 'Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans' and 'Candidatus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis', and one marine species, 'Candidatus Scalindua sorokinii', of planctomycete anammox bacteria have been identified. 'Candidatus Scalindua sorokinii' was discovered in the Black Sea, and contributed substantially to the loss of fixed nitrogen. All three species contain a unique organelle-the anammoxosome-in their cytoplasm. The anammoxosome contains the hydrazine/hydroxylamine oxidoreductase enzyme, and is thus the site of anammox catabolism. The anammoxosome is surrounded by a very dense membrane composed almost exclusively of linearly concatenated cyclobutane-containing lipids. These so-called 'ladderanes' are connected to the glycerol moiety via both ester and ether bonds. In natural and man-made ecosystems, anammox bacteria can cooperate with aerobic ammonium-oxidising bacteria, which protect them from harmful oxygen, and provide the necessary nitrite. The cooperation of these two groups of ammonium-oxidising bacteria is the microbial basis for a sustainable one reactor system, CANON (completely autotrophic nitrogen-removal over nitrite) to remove ammonia from high strength wastewater.
Two laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were operated for enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) in alternating anaerobic-aerobic or alternating anaerobic-anoxic modes, respectively. Polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) were enriched in the anaerobic-aerobic SBR and denitrifying PAOs (DPAOs) were enriched in the anaerobic-aerobic SBR. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) demonstrated that the well-known PAO, Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis was abundant in both SBRs, and post-FISH chemical staining with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindol (DAPI) confirmed that they accumulated polyphosphate. When the anaerobic-anoxic SBR enriched for DPAOs was converted to anaerobic-aerobic operation, aerobic uptake of phosphorus by the resident microbial community occurred immediately. However, when the anaerobic-aerobic SBR enriched for PAOs was exposed to one cycle with anoxic rather than aerobic conditions, a 5-h lag period elapsed before phosphorus uptake proceeded. This anoxic phosphorus-uptake lag phase was not observed in the subsequent anaerobic-aerobic cycle. These results demonstrate that the PAOs that dominated the anaerobic-aerobic SBR biomass were the same organisms as the DPAOs enriched under anaerobic-anoxic conditions. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Resumo: a febre botonosa, também conhecida por febre escaro-nodular (FEN) é uma doença endémica nos Países da bacia do Mediterrâneo, África, Médio Oriente, Índia e Paquistão. O agente etiológico responsável por esta patologia é a bactéria Rickettsia conorii. Contudo, em alguns países, como Portugal e Itália, esta patologia é causada por duas estirpes diferentes: R conorii Malish e R conorii Israeli spotted fever strain. O principal vector e reservatório é o ixodídeo Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Mesmo com uma elevada taxa de subnotificação detectada no nosso País, a taxa incidência da FEN é de 8.4/105 habitantes (1989-2005), uma das mais altas quando comparada coom a de outros países da bacia do Mediterrâneo. De todos os distritos portugueses, Bragança e Beja são aqueles que apresentam as taxas de incidência mais elevadas, 56,8/105 habitantes e 47,4 / 105 habitantes respectivamente. Em Portugal, as alterações climáticas verificadas na última década, nomeadamente a subida das temperaturas médias anuais, parecem ter influenciado o ciclo de vida do vector e a sua dinâmica sazonal, permitindo ao R. sanguineus completar mais de um ciclo de vida por ano. Este facto, e a possibilidade deste vector se manter activo noutros meses do ano, nomeadamente nos meses de inverno, tem influenciado consequentemente o padrão de distribuição anual dos casos de FEN. A febre escaro-nodular caracteriza-se clinicamente como uma doença exantemática, com um processo de vasculite generalizado. Apesar de na generalidade ser considerada uma doença benigna (quando tratada atempadamente e com terapêutica adequada e específica)e de estarem descritos casos graves em cerca de 5-6% dos doentes, em Portugal essa percentagem aumentou e consequentemente levou a um aumento de casos fatais. Este facto tornou-se mais evidente em 1997, no Hospital Distrital de Beja e no Hospital Garcia de Orta, onde a taxa de letalidade atingiu os 32% e 18% respectivamente.Para além dos factores de co-morbilidade encontrados nos doentes mais graves, como diabetes mellitus, ou o atraso na instituição da terapêutica específica, foi colocada de que a estirpe R. conorii Israel spotted fever strain pudesse ser mais virulenta ou então estivesse associada a diferentes manifestações clínicas que dificultassem o diagnóstico clínico e a instituição atempada da terapêutica. Houve ainda a necessidade de avaliar alguns parâmetros imunológicos dos doentes e tentar identificar que factores, nomeadamente que citoquinas, poderiam estar envolvidos na resposta a uma infecção por R.conorii.Face a estas questões foi avaliada e comparada a epidemiologia, manifestações clínicas e laboratoriais de 140 doentes (71 infectados com R. conorii Malish e 69 infectados com R. conorii Israel spotted fever strain). Concluiu-se que existe uma sobreposição de manifestações clinicas entre os dois grupos de doentes, mas que a percentagem da escara de inoculação é significativamente inferior em doentes infectados com R. conorii Israel spotted fever strain. Dos resultados mais importantes encontrados neste estudo concluiu-se que a estirpe R. conorii Malish e é demonstrado, pela primeira vez, estatisticamente que o alcoolismo é um factor de risco para a morte de doentes com FEN. Associadas a factores de um mau prognósitco da doença, estão as manifestações gastrointestinais, que poderão ser ou não reflexo de alterações do sistema nervoso central, e ainda a alteração de parâmetros laboratoriais como a presença de hiperbilirubinemia e aumento dos valores da ureia.A maior parte dos estudos realizados sobre os mecanismos da resposta imunitária à infecção por R. conorii e as interacções hospedeiro - agente etiológico têm sido elucidados com base em modelos animais. Poucos estudos têm sido efectuados em doentes e nenhum estudo prévio tinha sido realizado no sentido de avaliar localmente (escara/pele) quais os mediadores ou outras moléculas envolvidas na resposta imunitária às rickettsioses. Foi avaliado o nível de expressão génica de RNA mensageiro (RNAm)de diferentes citoquinas em amostras de pele de doentes com FEN pela técnica de PCR em tempo real.Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que, quando comparado com o grupo controlo, os 23 doentes analisados apresentavam níveis estatisticamente significativos, mais elevados de expressão génica de interferão (IFN-γ, Tumor necrosis factor (TFN-α, interleucina 10 (IL-10, RANTES (regulated by activation, normal T-cell-expressed and secreted chemokine)e indolamina 2-3 desoxigenase (IDO),uma enzima envolvida no controlo e limitação do crescimento intracelular das rickettsias, através da degradação do triptofano. Seis dos 23 doentes apresentaram ainda niveis de expressão elevados de óxido nítrico indutível (iNOS)que actua como microbicida. Encontrou-se uma correlação positiva entre a expressão de RNAm de TNF-α, γ, iNOS e IDO e os casos menos graves de FEN sugerindo um tipo de resposta imunitária tipo Th1, i.e. com papel protector na resposta à infecção.Verificou-se também que os valores de expressão genética do RNAm de IL-10, estavam inversamente correlacionados com a expressão do RNAm de TNF-α e IFN-γ. Os casos menos graves de FEN parecem assim envolver um balanço entre a resposta pró-inflamatória e anti-inflamatória. Já os níveis de expressão génica do RNAm de IL-10 estavam inversamente correlacionados com a expressão RNAm de TNF-α e IFN-γ. Os casos menos graves de FEN parecem assim envolver um balanço entre uma resposta pró-inflamatória e anti-inflamatória. Já os níveis de expressão RNAm da quimoquina RANTES foram estatisticamente mais elevados em doentes graves.Nesta dissertação é ainda descrita uma nova rickettsiose presente em Portugal, causada pela bactéria R. sibirica mongolitimonae, que foi identificada laboratorialmente por isolamento do agente, e por detecção do DNA em biopsia de pele. A presença deste agente foi ainda corroborada pela detecção em paralelo do mesmo agente no ixodídeos como R. africae like e em pulgas como R. felis e R.typhi alertam para a possibilidade de existência de outras rickettsioses que possam estar diagnosticadas em Portugal. Abstract: Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF), a tick-borne disease caused by Rickettsia conorii, is widley distributed in the Old World, being endemic in the southern Europe, Africa, Middle East, India and Pakistan. In Portugal two strains cause disease: R.conorii Malish and R.conorii Israeli spotted fever.Rhipicephalus sanguineus, the brown dog tick, is considered the main vector and reservoir. MSF is characterized by seasonality, and most of cases are encountered in late spring and summer, peaking in July and August. However, CEVDI/INSA laboratory has observed that the incidence of MSF cases has changed during winter season.The increasing annual averages of air temperatures and warmer and drier winters might have influenced the dynamics of the life cycle and activity of R. sanguineus, and indirectley the number MSF cases during the so called MSF off-season.In the period of 1989-2005, the incidence rate of MSF was 8.4/105 inhabitants, one of the highest rates compared with other endemic countries. In the Portugal during the same period, the highest incidence rates were reported in the districts of Bragança, with 56.8/105 inhabitants, and Beja, with 47.4/105 inhabitants. Severe cases of MSF are reported in 6% of the patients, but it seems that this pattern of disease in Portugal has been changing.This factor became more evident in 1997, with a reported case fatality rate of 32% and 18% in patients with MSF admited at Beja and Garcia Orta Hospitals, respectively. Although it was found that diabetes mellitus and delay in therapy have been implicated as a risk factor for death, the hypothesis was considered, that the new ISF strain isolated from Portugueses patients in the same year (1997)causes different or atypical clinical conorii Malish strain. The local (skin biopsies) immune response to R. conorii infection was also evaluated.A prospective study was performed to characterized epidemiological, clinical, laboratory features and determined risk factors for a fatal outcome. One hundred forty patients (51% patients were infected with Rickettsia conorii Malish stain and 49% with Israeli spotted fever strain)with diagnosis documented with identification of the causative rickettsial strain were admitted to 13 Portugueses Hospitals during 1994-2006.Comparison of the clinical manifestations of MSF caused by Malish and ISF strains revealed tremendous overlap that would not permit clinical recognition of the strain envolved, but an eschar was observed in a significantly higher percentage of patients with Malish than ISF strain.A fatal outcome was significantly more likely for patients with ISF strain infection meaning that ISF strain was more virulent than Malish strain, and also alcoholism was a host risk factor for a fatal outcome.The pathophysiology of a fatal outcome involved significantly greater incidence of petechial rash, gastrointestinal symptoms, confusion/obtundation, dehydration, tachypnea, hepatomegaly, leukocytosis, coagulopathy, azotemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and elevated hepatic enzymes and creatine kinase. Multivariate analysis revealed that acute renal failure and hyperbilirubinemia were most strong associated with a fatal oucome of infections with both strains.The immune response to R. conorii infection determined with both strains. The immune response to R. conorii infection determined by the expression levels of inflammatory and immune mediators in skin biopsies collected from untreated patients with Mediterranean spotted fever reveal that intralesional expression of mRNA of TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-10, RANTES, and indoleamine-2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO)an enzyme involved in limiting rickettsial growth by tryptophan degradation, were elevated in skin of MSF patients compared to controls. Six patients had elevated levels of inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2, a source microbicidal nitric oxide.Positive correlations among TNF-α, IFN-γ, NOS2,IDO and mild-to-moderate disease suggested that type 1 polarization plays a protective role. Significantly high levels of intralesional IL-10 were inversely correlated with IFN-γ and TNF-α. The chemokine RANTES was significantly higher in patients with several MSF. It seems that MSF patients with mild-to-moderate disease have a strong and balanced intralesional pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory response, while severe disease is associated with higher chemokine expression.Whether these findings are simply a correlate of mild and severe disease or contribute to anti-rickettsial immunity and pathogenesis remains to be determined.In this dissertation is also described a new rickettsiois present in Portugal caused by R.sibirica mongolitimonae strain, identified based on agent isolation and DNA detection by PCR technique in a skin biopsy.The presence of this agent corroborated by its detection also in Rhipicephalus pusillus tick. Also, pathogenic tick and flea-borne rickettsial agents such as R. africae strain detected in Rhipicephalus bursa tick, and R.felis and R.typhi detected in different fleas species raise the alert for the possible existence of other rickettsioses in Portugal that might be underdiagnosed.
Ticks were obtained from dogs from February to September of 1999 at weekly intervals, in the County of Piraí, State of Rio de Janeiro. Four hundred seventy four ixodids were taxonomically identified, 103 Amblyomma cajennense, seven Amblyomma ovale, 209 Rhipicephalus sanguineus, and 155 Amblyomma sp. An hemolymph test associated with Giemsa's stain revealed two specimens in 163 ticks tested (R. sanguineus and Amblyomma sp), containing rickettsia-like organisms. Direct immunofluorescence verified the presence of spotted fever group rickettsia in one specimen of R. sanguineus. Considering the limited information on rickettsiosis in Brazil, principally in relation to the vectors involved in perpetuating it in foci, these preliminary results give us an idea on the importance of infection in ticks, allowing to expand our knowledge on this zoonosis.
Murine typhus has been increasingly recognized worldwide and is becoming a relevant differential diagnosis in febrile conditions. In Brazil, murine typhus has never received much attention. We present a recently diagnosed case and a literature review that suggests that the disease could be more prevalent in Southeastern Brazil than acknowledged until now.
The present study investigated the infection by spotted fever rickettsia in an endemic area for Brazilian spotted fever (BSF; caused by Rickettsia rickettsii) in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Human, canine and equine sera samples, and Amblyomma cajennense adult ticks collected in a rural area of Itabira City, Minas Gerais State were tested for rickettsial infection. Through Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) we demonstrated the presence of antibodies anti-R. rickettsii in 8.2%, 81.3% and 100% of the human, canine and equine sera, respectively. None of the 356 tick specimens analyzed were positive for Rickettsia by the hemolymph test or Polymerase Chain Reaction technique (PCR) for the htrA and the gltA genes. Our serological results on horses and dogs (sentinels for BSF) appoint for the circulation of a SFG Rickettsia in the study area, however in a very low infection rate among the A. cajennense tick population.
Background: Rickettsia conorii is the most frequent species of RickettsiaI causing disease in Portugal. In general the disease manifests itself by fever, exanthema, headaches and the presence of an eschar. However atypical forms can be present and physicians should be aware. Aims: Analyse the atypical presentation of rickettsiosis. Material and Methods: Children admitted at the CHLC Hospital from 2000 to 2010 with atypical presentation of rickettsiosis. Clinical diagnosis was confirmed by serology and molecular techniques (PCR). Results: Five cases of children with a median age of 2 years, 1 of which female, were admitted between June and August. The diagnoses were: myositis (1), synovitis (1), cholecystitis (1), orchiepididymitis (1) and meningitis (1). Myositis developped with functional disability, CPK 9600 U/L, lower limbs’ edema, hypoalbuminemia (1,6 g/dL) and arterial hypertension. Synovitis developped with functional disability, synovial fluid increase and CRP 16,2 mg/dL. The child with cholecystitis had abdominal pain, intraabdominal fluid increase, leukopenia (1900/μL), thrombocytopenia (75000/μL) and CRP 15,3 mg/dL. Orchiepididymitis developped with testicle’s inflammatory signs, leukopenia (2900/μL), thrombocytopenia (90000/μL) and CRP 14,45 mg/dL. The patient with meningitis, who had pleocytosis (320 cells/μL), hyperproteinorrachia (284 mg/dL), hypoglicorrachia (36 mg/dL), presented only with fever and headaches. The tache noire and the classical triad were present in 3/5 cases. The clinical course was favourable in all cases. Antibodies against Rickettsia of spotted fever group were detected in 3/5 cases. In one patient Rickettsia conorii Malish strain was identified by PCR and sequencing. Conclusions: Rickettsial infection may present itself unusually. In a country of high prevalence, especially during summer months and in the presence of an inoculation eschar, it is of the uttermost importance to study the atypical presentations for a possible rickettsial infection.
SUMMARY The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of hemoplasmas in a rural Brazilian settlement's population of human beings, their dogs and horses, highly exposed to tick bites; to identify the tick species parasitizing dogs and horses, and analyze factors associated with their infection. Blood samples from 132 dogs, 16 horses and 100 humans were screened using a pan-hemoplasma SYBR green real-time PCR assay followed by a species-specific TaqMan real-time PCR. A total of 59/132 (44.7%) dog samples were positive for hemoplasmas (21 Mycoplasma haemocanisalone, 12 ' Candidatus Mycoplasma haematoparvum' alone and 21 both). Only 1/100 (1.0%) human sample was positive by qPCR SYBR green, with no successful amplification of 16S rRNA or 23 rRNA genes despite multiple attempts. All horse samples were negative. Dogs >1 year of age were more likely to be positive for hemoplasmas ( p= 0.0014). In conclusion, although canine hemoplasma infection was highly prevalent, cross-species hemoplasma transmission was not observed, and therefore may not frequently occur despite overexposure of agents and vectors.
The authors present a case of atypical severe (malignant) Mediterranean spotted fever, with a brief review on the subject. Although not previously described in Brazil, the possibility of imported cases, especially from Portuguese tourists, is real. This case report highlights the severe form of the disease and the possibility of atypical presentation with confounding differential diagnosis. A brief review of classical presentation is also done. The authors believe it is a valid paper and a good contribution to your Journal of Infectious Diseases. The content of the manuscript represents the views of the coauthors, and neither the corresponding author nor the coauthors have submitted duplicate or overlapping manuscripts elsewhere.