951 resultados para Candida albicans morphology and interaction with Pseudomonas aeruginosa


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Plusieurs souches cliniques de Candida albicans résistantes aux médicaments antifongiques azolés surexpriment des gènes encodant des effecteurs de la résistance appartenant à deux classes fonctionnelles : i) des transporteurs expulsant les azoles, CDR1, CDR2 et MDR1 et ii) la cible des azoles 14-lanostérol déméthylase encodée par ERG11. La surexpression de ces gènes est due à la sélection de mutations activatrices dans des facteurs de transcription à doigts de zinc de la famille zinc cluster (Zn2Cys6) qui contrôlent leur expression : Tac1p (Transcriptional activator of CDR genes 1) contrôlant l’expression de CDR1 et CDR2, Mrr1p (Multidrug resistance regulator 1), régulant celle de MDR1 et Upc2p (Uptake control 2), contrôlant celle d’ERG11. Un autre effecteur de la résistance clinique aux azoles est PDR16, encodant une transférase de phospholipides, dont la surexpression accompagne souvent celle de CDR1 et CDR2, suggérant que les trois gènes appartiennent au même régulon, potentiellement celui de Tac1p. De plus, la régulation transcriptionnelle du gène MDR1 ne dépend pas seulement de Mrr1p, mais aussi du facteur de transcription de la famille basic-leucine zipper Cap1p (Candida activator protein 1), un régulateur majeur de la réponse au stress oxydatif chez C. albicans qui, lorsque muté, induit une surexpression constitutive de MDR1 conférant la résistance aux azoles. Ces observations suggèrent qu’un réseau de régulation transcriptionnelle complexe contrôle le processus de résistance aux antifongiques azolés chez C. albicans. L’objectif de mon projet au doctorat était d’identifier les cibles transcriptionnelles directes des facteurs de transcription Tac1p, Upc2p et Cap1p, en me servant d’approches génétiques et de génomique fonctionnelle, afin de i) caractériser leur réseau transcriptionnel et les modules transcriptionnels qui sont sous leur contrôle direct, et ii) d’inférer leurs fonctions biologiques et ainsi mieux comprendre leur rôle dans la résistance aux azoles. Dans un premier volet, j’ai démontré, par des expériences de génétique, que Tac1p contrôle non seulement la surexpression de CDR1 et CDR2 mais aussi celle de PDR16. Mes résultats ont identifié une nouvelle mutation activatrice de Tac1p (N972D) et ont révélé la participation d’un autre régulateur dans le contrôle transcriptionnel de CDR1 et PDR16 dont l’identité est encore inconnue. Une combinaison d’expériences de transcriptomique et d’immunoprécipitation de la chromatine couplée à l’hybridation sur des biopuces à ADN (ChIP-chip) m’a permis d’identifier plusieurs gènes dont l’expression est contrôlée in vivo et directement par Tac1p (PDR16, CDR1, CDR2, ERG2, autres), Upc2p (ERG11, ERG2, MDR1, CDR1, autres) et Cap1p (MDR1, GCY1, GLR1, autres). Ces expériences ont révélé qu’Upc2p ne contrôle pas seulement l’expression d’ERG11, mais aussi celle de MDR1 et CDR1. Plusieurs nouvelles propriétés fonctionnelles de ces régulateurs ont été caractérisées, notamment la liaison in vivo de Tac1p aux promoteurs de ses cibles de façon constitutive et indépendamment de son état d’activation, et la liaison de Cap1p non seulement à la région du promoteur de ses cibles, mais aussi celle couvrant le cadre de lecture ouvert et le terminateur transcriptionnel putatif, suggérant une interaction physique avec la machinerie de la transcription. La caractérisation du réseau transcriptionnel a révélé une interaction fonctionnnelle entre ces différents facteurs, notamment Cap1p et Mrr1p, et a permis d’inférer des fonctions biologiques potentielles pour Tac1p (trafic et la mobilisation des lipides, réponse au stress oxydatif et osmotique) et confirmer ou proposer d’autres fonctions pour Upc2p (métabolisme des stérols) et Cap1p (réponse au stress oxydatif, métabolisme des sources d’azote, transport des phospholipides). Mes études suggèrent que la résistance aux antifongiques azolés chez C. albicans est intimement liée au métabolisme des lipides membranaires et à la réponse au stress oxydatif.


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Candida albicans, le pathogène opportuniste le plus commun, peut subir des transitions morphologiques entre la forme levure et la forme hyphe, jouant un rôle dans la formation de biofilm. Le farnésol, un lipide endogène produit par C. albicans, est une molécule de quorum sensing qui inhibe cette transition morphologique. Certaines souches ne répondent pas au farnésol et nous avons vérifié les hypothèses que : 1) l’isolat clinique SC5314, la souche la mieux caractérisée, est un répondeur au farnésol; 2) la germination, la croissance et la formation de biofilm des non répondeurs diffèrent des répondeurs; 3) l’absence de la réponse au farnésol se manifeste en dehors de conditions de culture précises; 4) le farnésol agit via un récepteur nucléaire qui présente des altérations chez les non répondeurs; 5) la différence de la réponse au farnésol entre les souches s’explique par des variations au niveau transcriptionnel de certains gènes (CHK1, HST7, CPH1, GAP1, RAM2 et DPP3). Les non répondeurs produisent un plus grand nombre d’hyphes, forment 60% plus de biofilm et croissent 50% moins vite que les répondeurs. La souche SC5314 se comporte comme un répondeur. L’absence de la réponse au farnésol se manifeste indépendamment des conditions de culture. Cependant, elle ne s’explique pas par une différence dans le niveau d’expression des gènes proposés, excepté pour DPP3 qui est surexprimé chez le non répondeur ATTC® 36802, suggérant ainsi une surproduction de farnésol chez cette souche. De plus, si le farnésol agit via un récepteur nucléaire, il sera d’un type non décrit précédemment.


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Chilled breasts of chicken were inoculated with Salmonella infantis or Pseudomonas aeruginosa and then given one of the following treatments: (i) exposure to gaseous ozone (>2000 ppm for up to 30 min); (ii) storage under 70% CO2:30% N-2; and (iii) exposure to gaseous ozone (>2000 ppm for 15 min) followed by storage under 70% CO2:30% N-2; all storage at 7degreesC. Gaseous ozone reduced the counts of samnonellae by 97(Y,, and pseudomonads by 95%, but indigenous coliforms were unaffected. Under the modified atmosphere, the cell count of S. infantis was reduced by 72% following initial exposure and then stabilised, coliforms grew, but Ps. aeruginosa behaved like S. infantis-initial reduction (58%) followed by stability. Exposure to gaseous ozone followed by gas packaging allowed survival of S. infantis, Ps. aeruginosa and coliforms over 9 days at 7degreesC, but there was no evidence of any sensory deterioration. It is proposed that the latter treatment could, in a modified form perhaps, be used to reduce the contamination of chicken carcasses with salmonellae and improve their shelf-life. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The permeability parameter (C) for the movement of cephalosporin C across the outer membrane of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was measured using the widely accepted method of Zimmermann & Rosselet. In one experiment, the value of C varied continuously from 4·2 to 10·8 cm3 min-1 (mg dry wt cells)-1 over a range of concentrations of the test substrate, cephalosporin C, from 50 to 5 μm. Dependence of C on the concentration of test substrate was still observed when the effect of a possible electric potential difference across the outer membrane was corrected for. In quantitative studies of β-lactam permeation the dependence of C on the concentration of β-lactam should be taken into account.


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The production of PHA from plant oils by Pseudomonas species soil isolated from a sugarcane crop was evaluated. Out of 22 bacterial strains three were able to use efficiently plant oils to grow and to accumulate PHA. Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains produced PHA presenting differences on monomer composition compatible with variability on monomer specificity of their PHA biosynthesis system. The molar fraction of 3-hydroxydodecanoate detected in the PHA was linearly correlated to the oleic acid supplied. A non-linear relationship between the molar fractions of 3-hydroxy-6-dodecenoate (3HDd Delta(6)) detected in PHA and the linoleic acid supplied was observed, compatible with saturation in the biosynthesis system capability to channel intermediate of P-oxidation to PHA synthesis. Although P. putida showed a higher 3HDd Delta(6) yield from linoleic acid when compared to P. aeruginosa, in both species it was less than 10% of the maximum theoretical value. These results contribute to the knowledge about the biosynthesis of PHA with a controlled composition from plant oils allowing in the future establishing the production of these polyesters as tailor-made polymers. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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P>Although photodynamic therapy (PDT) has shown great promise for the inactivation of Candida species, its effectiveness against azole-resistant pathogens remains poorly documented. This in vitro study describes the association of Photogem (R) (Photogem, Moscow, Russia) with LED (light emitting diode) light for the photoinactivation of fluconazole-resistant (FR) and American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) strains of Candida albicans and Candida glabrata. Suspensions of each Candida strain were treated with five Photogem (R) concentrations and exposed to four LED light fluences (14, 24, 34 or 50 min of illumination). After incubation (48 h at 37 degrees C), colonies were counted (CFU ml-1). Single-species biofilms were generated on cellulose membrane filters, treated with 25.0 mg l-1 of Photogem (R) and illuminated at 37.5 J cm-2. The biofilms were then disrupted and the viable yeast cells present were determined. Planktonic suspensions of FR strains were effectively killed after PDT. It was observed that the fungicidal effect of PDT was strain-dependent. Significant decreases in biofilm viability were observed for three strains of C. albicans and for two strains of C. glabrata. The results of this investigation demonstrated that although PDT was effective against Candida species, fluconazole-resistant strains showed reduced sensitivity to PDT. Moreover, single-species biofilms were less susceptible to PDT than their planktonic counterparts.


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This study was addressed to investigate the composition and antifungal activity of essential oils from leaves of Piperaceae species (Piper aduncum, Piper amalago, Piper cernuum, Piper diospyrifolium, Piper crassinervium, Piper gaudichaudianum, Piper solmsianum, Piper regnellii, Piper tuberculatum, Piper umbelata and Peperomia obtusifolia) against Candida albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. krusei and Cryptococcus neoformans. The essential oils from P. aduncum, P. gaudichaudianum and P. solmsianum showed the highest antifungal activity against Cryptococcus neoformans with the MIC of 62.5, 62.5 and 3.9 mg.mL-1, respectively. The oil from P. gaudichaudianum showed activity against C. krusei with MIC of 31.25 mg.mL-1.


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Abscisic acid (ABA) has been implicated in determining the outcome of interactions between many plants and their pathogens. We had previously shown that increased concentrations of ABA within leaves of Arabidopsis induced susceptibility towards an avirulent strain of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar (pv.) tomato. We now show that ABA induces susceptibility via suppression of the accumulation of components crucial for a resistance response. Lignin and salicylic acid concentrations in leaves were increased during a resistant interaction but reduced when plants were treated with ABA. The reduction in lignin and salicylic acid production was independent of the development of the hypersensitive response (HR), indicating that, in this host-pathogen system, HR is not required for resistance. Genome-wide gene expression analysis using microarrays showed that treatment with ABA suppressed the expression of many defence-related genes, including those important for phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and those encoding resistance-related proteins. Together, these results show that resistance induction in Arabidopsis to an avirulent strain of P. syringae pv. tomato is regulated by ABA.


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Bacteria use a variety of secreted virulence factors to manipulate host cells, thereby causing significant morbidity and mortality. We report a mechanism for the long-distance delivery of multiple bacterial virulence factors, simultaneously and directly into the host cell cytoplasm, thus obviating the need for direct interaction of the pathogen with the host cell to cause cytotoxicity. We show that outer membrane–derived vesicles (OMV) secreted by the opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa deliver multiple virulence factors, including b-lactamase, alkaline phosphatase, hemolytic phospholipase C, and Cif, directly into the host cytoplasm via fusion of OMV with lipid rafts in the host plasma membrane. These virulence factors enter the cytoplasm of the host cell via N-WASP–mediated actin trafficking, where they rapidly distribute to specific subcellular locations to affect host cell biology. We propose that secreted virulence factors are not released individually as naked proteins into the surrounding milieu where they may randomly contact the surface of the host cell, but instead bacterial derived OMV deliver multiple virulence factors simultaneously and directly into the host cell cytoplasm in a coordinated manner.


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P-glycoprotein (Pgp), a member of the adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily, is a major drug efflux pump expressed in normal tissues, and is overexpressed in many human cancers. Overexpression of Pgp results in reduced intracellular drug concentration and cytotoxicity of chemotherapeutic drugs and is thought to contribute to multidrug resistance of cancer cells. The involvement of Pgp in clinical drug resistance has led to a search for molecules that block Pgp transporter activity to improve the efficacy and pharmacokinetics of therapeutic agents. We have recently identified and characterized a secreted toxin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, designated cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) inhibitory factor (Cif). Cif reduces the apical membrane abundance of CFTR, also an ABC transporter, and inhibits the CFTR-mediated chloride ion secretion by human airway and kidney epithelial cells. We report presently that Cif also inhibits the apical membrane abundance of Pgp in kidney, airway, and intestinal epithelial cells but has no effect on plasma membrane abundance of multidrug resistance protein 1 or 2. Cif increased the drug sensitivity to doxorubicin in kidney cells expressing Pgp by 10-fold and increased the cellular accumulation of daunorubicin by 2-fold. Thus our studies show that Cif increases the sensitivity of Pgp-overexpressing cells to doxorubicin, consistent with the hypothesis that Cif affects Pgp functional expression. These results suggest that Cif may be useful to develop a new class of specific inhibitors of Pgp aimed at increasing the sensitivity of tumors to chemotherapeutic drugs, and at improving the bioavailability of Pgp transport substrates.


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Background: The CASTLE (Candida and Staphylococcus Transmission: Longitudinal Evaluation) study will investigate the micro-organisms involved in the development of mastitis and “breast thrush” among breastfeeding women. To date, the organism(s) associated with the development of breast thrush have not been identified. The CASTLE study will also investigate the impact of physical health problems and breastfeeding problems on maternal psychological health in the early postpartum period.

Methods/Design: The CASTLE study is a longitudinal descriptive study designed to investigate the role of Staphylococcus spp (species) and Candida spp in breast pain and infection among lactating women, and to describe the transmission dynamics of S. aureus and Candida spp between mother and infant. The relationship between breastfeeding and postpartum health problems as well as maternal psychological well-being is also being investigated. A prospective cohort of four hundred nulliparous women who are at least thirty six weeks gestation pregnant are being recruited from two hospitals in Melbourne, Australia (November 2009 to June 2011). At recruitment, nasal, nipple (both breasts) and vaginal swabs are taken and participants complete a questionnaire asking about previous known staphylococcal and candidal infections. Following the birth, participants are followed-up six times: in hospital and then at home weekly until four weeks postpartum. Participants complete a questionnaire at each time points to collect information about breastfeeding problems and postpartum health problems. Nasal and nipple swabs and breast milk samples are collected from the mother. Oral and nasal swabs are collected from the baby. A telephone interview is conducted at eight weeks postpartum to collect information about postpartum health problems and breastfeeding problems, such as mastitis and nipple and breast pain.

Discussion: This study is the first longitudinal study of the role of both staphylococcal and candidal colonisation in breast infections and will help to resolve the current controversy about which is the primary organism in the condition known as breast thrush. This study will also document transmission dynamics of S. aureus and Candida spp between mother and infant. In addition, CASTLE will investigate the impact of common maternal physical health symptoms and the effect of breastfeeding problems on maternal psychological well-being.


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New antifungal agents are required to compensate for the increase in resistance to standard antifungal agents of Candida albicans, which is an important opportunistic fungal pathogen that causes minor infections in many individuals but very serious infections in those who are immune-compromised. In this study, combinations of theaflavin and epicatechin are investigated as potential antifungal agents and also to establish whether antifungal synergy exists between these two readily accessible and cost-effective polyphenols isolated from black and green tea. The results of disc diffusion assays showed stronger antibacterial activity of theaflavin:epicatechin combinations against C. albicans NCTC 3255 and NCTC 3179, than that of theaflavin alone. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 1,024 μg/ml with theaflavin and 128-256 μg/ml with theaflavin:epicatechin combinations were found. The fractional inhibitory concentration indexes were calculated, and the synergy between theaflavin and epicatechin against both isolates of C. albicans was confirmed. Theaflavin:epicatechin combinations show real potential for future use as a treatment for infections caused by C. albicans.


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The interfacial interaction of composites dominates the properties of polymeric/inorganic nanocomposites. Herein, epoxy and hydroxyl groups are introduced into the natural rubber (NR) molecular chains to anchor oxygenous functional groups on the surface of graphene oxide (GO) sheets and therefore enhance the interfacial interaction between GO and rubber. From the morphological observation and interaction analysis, it is found that epoxidized natural rubber (ENR) latex particles are assembled onto the surfaces of GO sheets by employing hydrogen bonding interaction as driving force. This self-assembly depresses restacking and agglomeration of GO sheets and leads to homogenous dispersion of GO within ENR matrix. The formation of hydrogen bonding interface between ENR and GO demonstrates a significant reinforcement for the ENR host. Compared with those of pure ENR, the composite with 0.7 wt% GO loading receives 87% increase in tensile strength and 8.7 fold increase in modulus at 200% elongation after static in-situ vulcanization.


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The surface nanotopography and architecture of medical implant devices are important factors that can control the extent of bacterial attachment. The ability to prevent bacterial attachment substantially reduces the possibility of a patient receiving an implant contracting an implant-borne infection. We now demonstrated that two bacterial strains, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, exhibited different attachment affinities towards two types of molecularly smooth titanium surfaces each possessing a different nanoarchitecture. It was found that the attachment of S. aureus cells was not restricted on surfaces that had an average roughness (S a) less than 0.5 nm. In contrast, P. aeruginosa cells were found to be unable to colonise surfaces possessing an average roughness below 1 nm, unless sharp nanoprotrusions of approximately 20 nm in size and spaced 35.0 nm apart were present. It is postulated that the enhanced attachment of P. aeruginosa onto the surfaces possessing these nanoprotrusions was facilitated by the ability of the cell membrane to stretch over the tips of the nanoprotrusions as confirmed through computer simulation, together with a concomitant increase in the level of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) being produced by the bacterial cells.


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BACKGROUND: We describe Pseudomonas aeruginosa acquisitions in children with cystic fibrosis (CF) aged ≤5-years, eradication treatment efficacy, and genotypic relationships between upper and lower airway isolates and strains from non-CF sources. METHODS: Of 168 CF children aged ≤5-years in a bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)-directed therapy trial, 155 had detailed microbiological results. Overall, 201/271 (74%) P. aeruginosa isolates from BAL and oropharyngeal cultures were available for genotyping, including those collected before and after eradication therapy. RESULTS: Eighty-two (53%) subjects acquired P. aeruginosa, of which most were unique strains. Initial eradication success rate was 90%, but 36 (44%) reacquired P. aeruginosa, with genotypic substitutions more common in BAL (12/14) than oropharyngeal (3/11) cultures. Moreover, oropharyngeal cultures did not predict BAL genotypes reliably. CONCLUSIONS: CF children acquire environmental P. aeruginosa strains frequently. However, discordance between BAL and oropharyngeal strains raises questions over upper airway reservoirs and how to best determine eradication in non-expectorating children.