961 resultados para Calorie Restriction
Among the herbicides recommended for the dry season and registered to sugarcane crop, amicarbazone, isoxaflutole and the association diuron + hexazinone + sulfomethuron-methyl can be highlighted. These are pre-emergence herbicides efficient against broad-leaved weeds. Morning glory causes large losses in infested sugarcane fields by bending the stalks and interfering in harvesting. In this study the effectiveness of pre-emergence herbicides for two species of morning glory (Ipomoea hederifolia and Ipomoea grandifolia) was evaluated. Treatments were arranged in completely randomized factorial design (4 x 7). There were four periods of water restriction (0, 30, 60 and 90 days), seven chemical treatments [diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl (1387 + 391 + 33.35 g a.i. ha-1), diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl (1507.5 + 425 + 36.25 g a.i. ha-1), diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl (1658.25 + 467.5 + 39.87 g a.i. ha-1), diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuronmethyl (1809 + 510 + 43.5 g a.i. ha-1), amicarbazone (1190 g a.i. ha-1), amicarbazone + isoxaflutole (840 + 82.5 g a.i. ha-1)] and a control with no application. At 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after the restoration of moisture, control was visually evaluated. After the final evaluation, the dry mass of morning glories was measured. At 90 days of water restriction, diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl was more effective to control I. hederifolia than the amicarbazone + isoxaflutole tank mixture. The four diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuronmethyl doses have reduced morning glory dry mass to zero; whereas treatments with amicarbazone have not. The most effective treatment for morning glory control was diuron + hexazinone + sulfometuron-methyl. This result may be due to a possible synergistic interaction.
The human immunoglobulin lambda variable locus (IGLV) is mapped at chromosome 22 band q11.1-q11.2. The 30 functional germline v-lambda genes sequenced untill now have been subgrouped into 10 families (Vl1 to Vl10). The number of Vl genes has been estimated at approximately 70. This locus is formed by three gene clusters (VA, VB and VC) that encompass the variable coding genes (V) responsible for the synthesis of lambda-type Ig light chains, and the Jl-Cl cluster with the joining segments and the constant genes. Recently the entire variable lambda gene locus was mapped by contig methodology and its one- megabase DNA totally sequenced. All the known functional V-lambda genes and pseudogenes were located. We screened a human genomic DNA cosmid library and isolated a clone with an insert of 37 kb (cosmid 8.3) encompassing four functional genes (IGLV7S1, IGLV1S1, IGLV1S2 and IGLV5a), a pseudogene (VlA) and a vestigial sequence (vg1) to study in detail the positions of the restriction sites surrounding the Vl genes. We generated a high resolution restriction map, locating 31 restriction sites in 37 kb of the VB cluster, a region rich in functional Vl genes. This mapping information opens the perspective for further RFLP studies and sequencing
Studies on rats maintained on low-protein-calorie diets during the lactation period show that food intake decreases. This process results in weight loss and a delay in litter development. The purpose of the present study was to determine the alterations in food intake, maternal weight and litter growth during lactation when dams were exposed to diets with different levels of protein and carbohydrate. Female Wistar rats receiving one of 4 different diets, A (N = 14), B (N = 14), C (N = 9) and D (N = 9), were used. Diet A contained 16% protein and 66% carbohydrate; diet B, 6% protein and 77% carbohydrate; diet C, 6% protein and 66% carbohydrate; diet D, 16% protein and 56% carbohydrate. Thus, C and D diets were hypocaloric, while A and B were isocaloric. The intake of a low-protein diet in groups B and C affected the weight of dams and litters during the last two weeks of lactation, while the low-calorie diets limited the growth of D litters at 21 days compared with A litters, but had no effect on the weight of D dams. Group B showed an increase in intake during the first five days of lactation, resulting in a behavioral calorie compensation due to the increase in carbohydrate content, but the intake decreased during the last part of lactation. Food intake regulation predominantly involves the recruitment of a variety of peripheral satiety systems that attempt to decrease the central feeding command system.
Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was used to examine the extent of mtDNA polymorphism among six strains of rats (Rattus norvegicus) - Wistar, Wistar Munich, Brown Norway, Wistar Kyoto, SHR and SHR-SP. A survey of 26 restriction enzymes has revealed a low level of genetic divergence among strains. The sites of cleavage by EcoRI, NcoI and XmnI were shown to be polymorphic. The use of these three enzymes allows the 6 strains to be classified into 4 haplotypes and identifies specific markers for each one. The percentage of sequence divergence among all pairs of haplotypes ranged from 0.035 to 0.33%, which is the result of a severe population constriction undergone by the strains. These haplotypes are easily demonstrable and therefore RFLP analysis can be employed for genetic monitoring of rats within animal facilities or among different laboratories.
Mycobacterium avium is an important pathogen among immunodeficient patients, especially patients with AIDS. The natural history of this disease is unclear. Several environmental sources have been implicated as the origin of this infection. Polyclonal infection with this species is observed, challenging the understanding of its pathogenesis and treatment. In the present study 45 M. avium strains were recovered from 39 patients admitted to a reference hospital between 1996 and 1998. Species identification was performed using a species-specific nucleic acid hybridization test (AccuProbe®) from Gen-Probe®. Strains were genotyped using IS1245 restriction fragment length polymorphism typing. Blood was the main source of the organism. In one patient with disseminated disease, M. avium could be recovered more than once from potentially sterile sites. Strains isolated from this patient had different genotypes, indicating that the infection was polyclonal. Four patient clones were characterized in this population, the largest clone being detected in eight patients. This finding points to a common-source transmission of the organism.
Homoplasmy is a feature usually found in the mtDNA of higher animal taxa. On the other hand, the presence of two classes of mtDNA in the same cell or organism is rare and may appear in length or site variation. Data from mtDNA RFLP analysis of Brycon opalinus populations (Cuvier, 1819; Characiformes, Characidae, Bryconinae) revealed site heteroplasmy from endonuclease NheI digestion. Southern blotting hybridization was used to survey a total of 257 specimens with 24 restriction enzymes. Three different restriction fragment patterns of mtDNA were obtained from NheI digestion. Two individuals from hatchery broodstock were found to have two of them. NheI digests of heteroplasmic individuals yielded two fragments of approximately 1180 and 1260 bp. Despite the low frequency of this type of heteroplasmy in the whole B. opalinus population, the presence of site heteroplasmy in this species supports the evidence of this phenomenon in lower vertebrate groups.
Obesity is one of the rising public health problems characterized as a risk factor for many chronic diseases in adulthood. Early life events such as intrauterine growth restriction, as well as life style, are associated with an increased prevalence of this disease. The present study was performed to determine if intrauterine growth restriction interacts with overweight at primary school age to affect body mass index (BMI) in young adults. From June 1, 1978 to May 31, 1979, 6827 singleton liveborns from Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil, corresponding to 98% of all births at the 8 maternity hospitals, were examined and their mothers were interviewed. Samples from the initial cohort were examined again at primary school age (8 to 11 years of age) and at the time of military service (18 years of age). There were 519 male individuals with complete measurements taken in the three surveys. Intrauterine growth-restricted individuals had a BMI 0.68 kg/m² lower than that of individuals who were not restricted (95%CI = -1.34 to -0.03) and overweight at primary school age showed a positive and strong effect on BMI at 18 years of age (coefficient 5.03, 95%CI = 4.27 to 5.79). However, the increase in BMI was much higher - 6.90 kg/m² - when the conscript had been born with intrauterine growth restriction and presented overweight at primary school age (95%CI = 4.55 to 9.26). These findings indicate that the effect of intrauterine growth restrictionon BMI at 18 years of age is modified by later weight gain during school age.
Prompt and specific identification of fungemia agents is important in order to define clinical treatment. However, in most cases conventional culture identification can be considered to be time-consuming and not without errors. The aim of the present study was to identify the following fungemia agents: Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis, Candida glabrata, Cryptococcus neoformans, Cryptococcus gattii, and Histoplasma capsulatum using the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (PCR/RFLP). More specifically: a) to evaluate 3 different amplification regions, b) to investigate 3 different restriction enzymes, and c) to use the best PCR/RFLP procedure to indentify 60 fungemia agents from a culture collection. All 3 pairs of primers (ITS1/ITS4, NL4/ITS5 and Primer1/Primer2) were able to amplify DNA from the reference strains. However, the size of these PCR products did not permit the identification of all the species studied. Three restriction enzymes were used to digest the PCR products: HaeIII, Ddel and Bfal. Among the combinations of pairs of primers and restriction enzymes, only one (primer pair NL4/ITS5 and restriction enzyme Ddel) produced a specific RFLP pattern for each microorganism studied. Sixty cultures of fungemia agents (selected from the culture collection of Fundação de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas - FMTAM) were correctly identified by PCR/RFLP using the prime pair NL4/ITS5 and Ddel. We conclude that the method proved to be both simple and reproducible, and may offer potential advantages over phenotyping methods.
This study investigated the consequences of intrauterine protein restriction on the gastrointestinal tract and particularly on the gene expression and activity of intestinal disaccharidases in the adult offspring. Wistar rat dams were fed isocaloric diets containing 6% protein (restricted, n = 8) or 17% protein (control, n = 8) throughout gestation. Male offspring (n = 5-8 in each group) were evaluated at 3 or 16 weeks of age. Maternal protein restriction during pregnancy produced offspring with growth restriction from birth (5.7 ± 0.1 vs 6.3 ± 0.1 g; mean ± SE) to weaning (42.4 ± 1.3 vs 49.1 ± 1.6 g), although at 16 weeks of age their body weight was similar to control (421.7 ± 8.9 and 428.5 ± 8.5 g). Maternal protein restriction also increased lactase activity in the proximal (0.23 ± 0.02vs 0.15 ± 0.02), medial (0.30 ± 0.06vs 0.14 ± 0.01) and distal (0.43 ± 0.07vs 0.07 ± 0.02 U·g-1·min-1) small intestine, and mRNA lactase abundance in the proximal intestine (7.96 ± 1.11vs 2.38 ± 0.47 relative units) of 3-week-old offspring rats. In addition, maternal protein restriction increased sucrase activity (1.20 ± 0.02 vs 0.91 ± 0.02 U·g-1·min-1) and sucrase mRNA abundance (4.48 ± 0.51 vs 1.95 ± 0.17 relative units) in the duodenum of 16-week-old rats. In conclusion, the present study shows for the first time that intrauterine protein restriction affects gene expression of intestinal enzymes in offspring.
The purpose of this study was to follow-up color changes in low-calorie strawberry and guava jellies during storage. To this end, one formulation of each flavor was prepared varying the application of hydrocolloids (pectin and modified starch). The jellies were studied regarding pH, soluble solids, water activity and syneresis. In order to follow-up color changes, the samples remained stored for 180 days in chambers with controlled temperatures of 10 °C (control) and 25 °C (commercial), and color instrumental analyses (L*, a*, and b*) were performed every 30 days. Arrhenius model was applied to reaction speeds (k) at different temperatures, where light strawberry and guava jellies showed greater color changes when stored at 25 °C compared to the samples stored at 10 °C. Activation energy values between 13 and 15 kcal.mol-1 and Q10 values between 2.1 and 2.3 were obtained for light strawberry jelly and light guava jelly, respectively. Therefore, it was concluded that, with respect to color changes, every 10 °C temperature increase reduces light jellies shelf-life by half.
This study aimed to evaluate the attitude of consumers towards information about dishes in a commercial restaurant. This research was conducted from January to April 2009 in a restaurant in the city of Santa Maria (RS), Brazil. Food information including the name of the dish, ingredients, health benefits and warnings, and calorie value was displayed. After providing this nutritional information, a questionnaire was applied to 300 consumers at the restaurant to observe their attitudes towards the food information. It was found that 10.57% of the respondents reported allergy or intolerance to some kinds of food and that 10.98% of the respondents reported having diseases that require moderate consumption and/or total restriction on the consumption of those foods. However, 84.96% of the respondents did not restrict consumption of any food, even though those foods may have posed a risk to their health, and 58.54% of the respondents consumed some food due to the potential benefits to their health. With regard to the respondents' level of satisfaction concerning the food information provided, 72.76% considered the information provided as very good. The respondents had a tendency to change their behavior towards consumption after having access to information about the dishes displayed.
The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of using hydric restriction as a method for evaluating vigor of soybean seeds. The soybean seeds, cultivar BRS 245RR, represented by four different seed lots, were characterized by germination and vigor. For the treatment of hydric restriction and temperature, the combination of substrate water potential and temperature were the following: deionized water (0.0 MPa); polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) aqueous solution (-0.1, -0.3 and -0.5 MPa); and four temperatures (20 ºC, 25 ºC, 30 ºC, and 35 ºC), respectively. A completely randomized experimental design was used, with four replications per treatment, and the ANOVA was performed individually for each combination of temperature and water potential of substrate. According to results obtained, the test of hydric restriction has the same efficiency of the accelerated aging test in estimating vigor of soybean seeds, cv. BRS 245RR, when water potentials of -0.1 MPa or -0.3 MPa at a temperature of 25 ºC, or -0.3 MPa at a temperature of 30 ºC are used.
Recent dose-response sleep restriction studies, in which nightly sleep is curtailed to varying degrees (e.g., 3-, 5-, 7-hours), have found cumulative, dose-dependent changes in sleepiness, mood, and reaction time. However, brain activity has typically not been measured, and attentionbased tests employed tend to be simple (e.g., reaction time). One task addressing the behavioural and electrophysiological aspects of a specific attention mechanism is the Attentional Blink (AB), which shows that the report accuracy of a second target (T2) is impaired when it is presented soon after a first target (Tl). The aim of the present study was to examine behavioural and electrophysioiogical responses to the AB task to elucidate how sleep restriction impacts attentional capacity. Thirty-six young-adults spent four consecutive days and nights in a sleep laboratory where sleep, food, and activity were controlled. Nightly sleep began with a baseline sleep (8 hours), followed by two nights of sleep restriction (3,5 or 8 hours of sleep), and a recovery sleep (8 hours). An AB task was administered each day at 11 am. Results from a basic battery oftests (e.g., sleepiness, mood, reaction time) confirmed the effectiveness of the sleep restriction manipulation. In terms of the AB, baseline performance was typical (Le., T2 accuracy impaired when presented soon after Tl); however, no changes in any AB behavioural measures were observed following sleep restriction for the 3- or 5-hour groups. The only statistically significant electrophysiological result was a decrease in P300 amplitude (for Tl) from baseline to the second sleep restriction night for the 3-hour group. Therefore, following a brief, two night sleep restriction paradigm, brain functioning was impaired for the TI of the AB in the absence of behavioural deficit. Study limitations and future directions are discussed.
University, 2006 Dr. Sandra J. Peters Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) catalyses the decarboxylation of pyruvate, to form acetyl-CoA. PDH activity is down-regulated by intrinsic PDH kinases (predominantly PDK2 and PDK4 isoforms), but the understanding of the PDK isoform distribution and adaptation to nutritional stresses has been restricted to mixed mitochondrial populations, and not delineated between subsarcolemmal (SS) and intermyofibrillar (IMF) subpopulations. SS and IMF mitochondria exhibit distinct morphological and biochemical properties; however the functional differences are not well understood. This study investigated the effect of fed (FED) versus 48 h total foodrestriction (FR) on rat red gastrocnemius muscle PDK2 and 4 isoform content in SS and IMF mitochondria. PDK4 content was ~3-5 fold higher in SS mitochondria compared to IMF (p=0.001), and increased with FR -3-4- fold in both subpopulations (p<0.001). PDK2 was -2.5-4 fold higher in SS mitochondria compared to IMF (p=0.001), but PDK2 was unaltered with FR. Citrate synthase activity (|imol/min/mg mitochondrial protein) was not different between either subpopulation. As well there were no significant differences between mitochondrial subpopulations in PDH complex components in both fed and FR states. These results demonstrate that there is a markedly higher content of both PDK isofonns in SS compared to IMF mitochondria. Although PDK2 does not increase in either subpopulation in response to FR, PDK4 increases to a similar extent in both SS and IMF after 48 h food-restriction.
Bovine adenovirus type 3 (BAV3) is a medium size DNA virus that causes respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders in cattle. The viral genome consists of a 35,000 base pair, linear, double-stranded DNA molecule with inverted terminal repeats and a 55 kilodalton protein covalently linked to each of the 5' ends. In this study, the viral genome was cloned in the form of subgenomic restriction fragments. Five EcoRI internal fragments spanning 3.4 to 89.0 % and two Xb a I internal fragments spanning 35.7 to 82.9 % of the viral genome were cloned into the EcoRI and Xbal sites of the bacterial vector pUC19. To generate overlap between cloned fragments, ten Hi n dIll internal fragments spanning 3.9 to 84.9 and 85.5 to 96% and two BAV3 BamHI internal fragments spanning 59.8 to 84.9% of the viral genome were cloned into the HindllI and BamHI sites of pUC19. The HindlII cloning strategy also resulted in six recombinant plasmids carrying two or more Hi ndII I fragments. These fragments provided valuable information on the linear orientation of the cloned fragments within the viral genome. Cloning of the terminal fragments required the removal of the residual peptides that remain attached to the 5' ends of the genome. This was accomplished by alkaline hydrolysis of the DNA-peptide bond. BamH I restriction fragments of the peptide-free DNA were cloned into pUC19 and resulted in two plasmids carrying the BAV3 Bam HI terminal fragments spanning 0 to 53.9% and 84.9 to 100% of the viral genome.