306 resultados para Calcitonina de salmão
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
In order to study caudal fin rot with emphasis on Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas fluorescens in Salmo trutta caspius from the salmonids propagation and breeding center of Shahid Bahonar of kelardasht region, One hundred and eighty brood stocks having fin damage symptoms were chosen. Two bacterial samples from each fish were cultured on Aeromonas and Pseudomonas specific media. Biochemical tests, API2OE identification system and antibiogram test using six antibiotic disks were performed for diagnosing isolates bacteria and finding suitable antibiotic. Thirty samples from caudal fin of damaged fishes were fixed in 10% formalin and 51.tm microscopic sections were prepared using standard scatological methods and then stained by Haematoxylin-Eosin staining method to observe the pathological changes and also Maccallum-Goodpasture staining method to observe the bacterial colonies. In second stage of the study, bacterial samples were taken from thirty brood stocks using similar method at the first stage of sampling. For isolation and biochemical diagnosis of Aeromonas and Pseudormonas genus, the samples were analyzed by molecular research included PCR amplification (using 16S rDNA genes of the genus pseudomonas and 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer of the genus Aeromonas) and restriction analysis by four restriction enzymes for each genus. The results of biochemical tests showed that isolated bacteria were belonged to Aeromonas caviae and Aeromonas hydrophila (subspecies anaerogenes), Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas alcaligenes while the results of API2OE identification system showed that the isolated bacteria belonged to Aeromonas hydrophila, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Restriction analysis of Aeromonas samples with Hin6l, Csp6I, Taql, and Tasl revealed three samples were different from others while restriction analysis of Pseudomonas samples with Alul, Hinfl, Rsal, and Trull showed at least five species or biovars. The results of antibiogram test showed all Aeromonas samples were sensitive to Trimethoprim, Chloramphenicol and Nitrofurazone, mostly to Nalidixic acid and Chloramphenicol, while most of samples were resistant to Erythromycin and Oxytetracycline. Pseudomonas samples were only sensitive to Nitrofurazone and mostly resistant to Oxytetracycline, Nalidixic acid, Erythromycin, Trimethoprim and Chloramphenicol. The results of light microscope study showed hyperplasia and spongiosis of the malpigian cells of epidermis, increasing of melanin pigments underlying epidermis; sever necrosis in both epidermis and dermis and also sloughing the epidermis in some cases. Occurrence of clefts through the epithelium, neovascularization, hyperemia and mild inflammatory response in dermis and separation of the fin rays also were observed. No bacterial colonies were found in the sections.
Since 1966 especially recent decade, Caspian trout (Salmo trutta caspius Kessler, 1877) considered as a strategic endemic species for Caspian Sea fisheries resources also coldwater aquaculture in Iran. Nowadays habitat condition effects on this subspecies during life stages, artificial breeding and incubation period noticed by research and execution sessions of fisheries in Iran. Incubation duration of Caspian trout from artificial fertilization followed by green egg and eyed egg, hatching and yolk sac absorption identified as most sensitive stages for fish and any pollution, stress and deviation by natural life conditions of embryo up to larvae could provide possible mortalities and observable or hidden alterations. Among all vital factors for Caspian trout welfare even in conservation plans and stocks rehabilitation programs or recent attempts for domestication of this fish for introduction to cold water aquaculture industry, water temperature as the most important physical factor which might conserve or induce stress to rearing environment condition is not considered yet. In hatcheries activities, the temperature for incubation and rearing Caspian trout eggs is determining by available water temperature and wide range of temperatures in governmental or private farms is using depend on the water resources availability. Also global climate change consideration and increase temperature trend accompany with group of physical and chemical factors provided by fish farm discharges and other source points entered to the migration pathway of Caspian trout in spawning season were not investigated before. Natural spawning migration pathway is upstream of Caspian tout south and south west rivers especially in Cheshmehkileh upstream in Tonekabon, Iran directed this research focus on the mentioned location. For simulation of natural spawning bed for Caspian trout, water supplied from the upstream of Daryasar branch as headwater of Cheshmehkileh River which provided REDD water condition for in vitro incubation. Green eggs treatments of wild and F1 cultured brooders both 3+ were incubated. Incubation implemented in dark, constant temperature (4, 8, 12 degree centigrade) and DO–pH–temperature digital monitoring in 3 recycling incubators ended to yolk sac absorption and entering larval stage. Hatching success, possible genome alterations by HSP70 gene expression and comet assay implemented as diagnostic tools in 3 life stages of eyed egg– Alevin and Larvae. Numbers and diameters of larvae white fiber muscles measured by histology experiment and Hematoxylin–eosine staining. Results stated significant effect of incubation temperature on hatching success, genome and white fiber muscles of wild and F1 samples. Hatching success measured as 31% and 38% for cultured and wild cold treatments, 79% and 91% for normal and 64% and 73% for warm cultured and wild treatments respectively. Considerable mortality occurred for cold treatment and 8 degree centigrade stated the best thermal condition in normal incubator according to hatching success in wild Caspian trout samples.
Amoebic gill disease (AGD) is a parasite-mediated proliferative gill disease capable of affecting a range of teleost hosts. While a moderate heritability for AGD resistance in Atlantic salmon has been reported previously, the mechanisms by which individuals resist the proliferative effects remain poorly understood. To gain more knowledge of this commercially important trait, we compared gill transcriptomes of two groups of Atlantic salmon, one designated putatively resistant, and one designated putatively susceptible to AGD. Utilising a 17k Atlantic salmon cDNA microarray we identified 196 transcripts that were differentially expressed between the two groups. Expression of 11 transcripts were further examined with real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qPCR) in the AGD-resistant and AGD-susceptible animals, as well as non-infected naïve fish. Gene expression determined by qPCR was in strong agreement with the microarray analysis. A large number of differentially expressed genes were involved in immune and cell cycle responses. Resistant individuals displayed significantly higher expression of genes involved in adaptive immunity and negative regulation of the cell cycle. In contrast, AGD-susceptible individuals showed higher expression of acute phase proteins and positive regulators of the cell cycle. Combined with the gill histopathology, our results suggest AGD resistance is acquired rather than innately present, and that this resistance is for the most part associated with the dysregulation of immune and cell cycle pathways. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A recently developed radioimmunoassay (RIA) for measuring insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) in a variety of fish species was used to investigate the correlation between growth rate and circulating IGF-I concentrations of barramundi (Lates calcarifer), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Southern Bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii). Plasma IGF-I concentration significantly increased with increasing ration size in barramundi and IGF-I concentration was positively correlated to growth rates obtained in Atlantic salmon (r2=0.67) and barramundi (r2=0.65) when fed a variety of diet formulations. IGF-I was also positively correlated to protein concentration (r2=0.59). This evidence suggested that measuring IGF-I concentration may provide a useful tool for monitoring fish growth rate and also as a method to rapidly assess different aquaculture diets. However, no such correlation was demonstrated in the tuna study probably due to seasonal cooling of sea surface temperature shortly before blood was sampled. Thus, some recommendations for the design and sampling strategy of nutritional trials where IGF-I concentrations are measured are discussed
Long-term monitoring data collected from wild smolts of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Simojoki river, northern Finland, were used in studying the relationships between the smolt size and age, smolt and postsmolt migration, environmental conditions and postsmolt survival. The onset of the smolt run was significantly dependent on the rising water temperature and decreasing discharge of the river in the spring. The mean length of smolts migrating early in the season was commonly higher and the mean age always older than among smolts migrating later. Many of the smolts migrating early in the season and almost all smolts migrating later had started their new growth in spring in the river before their sea entry. Among postsmolts, the time required for emigration from the estuary was dependent on the sea surface temperature (SST) off the river, being significantly shorter in years with warm than cold sea temperatures. After leaving the estuary, the postsmolts migrated southwards along the eastern coast of the northern Gulf of Bothnia, the geographical distribution of the tag recoveries coinciding with the warm thermal zone in spring in the coastal area. After arriving in the southern Gulf of Bothnia in late summer the postsmolts mostly migrated near the western coast, reaching the Baltic Main Basin in late autumn. Until the early 1990s there was only a weak positive association between smolt length and postsmolt survival. However, following a subsequent decrease in the mean smolt size, a significant positive dependence was observed between smolt size and the reported recapture rate of tagged salmon. The differences in recapture rates between smolts tagged during the first and second half of the annual migration season were insignificant, indicating that the seasonal variation in smolt size and age seem to be too small to affect survival. Among the climatic factors examined, the summer SST in the Gulf of Bothnia was most clearly related to the survival of the wild postsmolts. Postsmolt survival appeared to be highest in years when the SST in June in the Bothnian Bay varied between 9 and 12 ºC. In addition, the survival of wild postsmolts showed a significant positive dependence on the SST in July in the Bothnian Sea, but not on the abundance of the prey fish (0+ herring, Clupea harengus and sprat, Sprattus sprattus) in the Bothnian Sea and in the Baltic Main Basin. The results suggest, that if the incidence of extreme weather conditions were to increase due to climatic changes, it would probably reduce the postsmolt survival of wild salmon populations. For improving the performance of hatchery-reared smolts, it could be useful to examine opportunities to produce smolts that are in their smolt traits and abilities more similar to the wild smolts described in this thesis.
The Baltic Sea is a geologically young, large brackish water basin, and few of the species living there have fully adapted to its special conditions. Many of the species live on the edge of their distribution range in terms of one or more environmental variables such as salinity or temperature. Environmental fluctuations are know to cause fluctuations in populations abundance, and this effect is especially strong near the edges of the distribution range, where even small changes in an environmental variable can be critical to the success of a species. This thesis examines which environmental factors are the most important in relation to the success of various commercially exploited fish species in the northern Baltic Sea. It also examines the uncertainties related to fish stocks current and potential status as well as to their relationship with their environment. The aim is to quantify the uncertainties related to fisheries and environmental management, to find potential management strategies that can be used to reduce uncertainty in management results and to develop methodology related to uncertainty estimation in natural resources management. Bayesian statistical methods are utilized due to their ability to treat uncertainty explicitly in all parts of the statistical model. The results show that uncertainty about important parameters of even the most intensively studied fish species such as salmon (Salmo salar L.) and Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras L.) is large. On the other hand, management approaches that reduce uncertainty can be found. These include utilising information about ecological similarity of fish stocks and species, and using management variables that are directly related to stock parameters that can be measured easily and without extrapolations or assumptions.
Istutetut kalat selviävät luonnonoloissa usein huomattavasti luonnossa kasvaneita lajikumppaneitaan heikommin. Laitosten kasvatusaltaissa kasvavilla kaloilla ei ole ennen istutusta tarvetta oppia luonnossa välttämättömiä taitoja. Jos istutuskalat ovat sukupolvi sukupolven jälkeen laitoskalojen jälkeläisiä, voi myös kalojen perimä laitostua, kun perimään kertyy luonnossa selviytymisen kannalta haitallisia ja laitosoloissa hyödyllisiä ominaisuuksia. Suomessa hyvä esimerkkilaji istutuskaloista ja niiden ongelmista on lohi (Salmo salar). Yksi istutusten tuloksellisuudelle merkityksellisistä kalojen taidoista on pedonvälttämiskäyttäytyminen eli se, kuinka hyvin kalat välttävät saaliksi jäämistä. Sekä laitosoloissa kasvamisen että perimän laitostumisen on todettu voivan muuttaa kalojen pedonvälttämiskäyttäytymiseen liittyviä käyttäytymispiirteitä. On myös saatu näyttöä perimältään laitostuneiden kalojen luonnonkantaisia kaloja suuremmasta riskistä jäädä petojen saaliiksi. Luonnonkalojen ja laitoskalojen väliset erot sopeutuvuudessa luonnonoloihin ovat poikineet runsaasti tutkimuksia, joissa on selvitetty, miten laitoskalojen pedonvälttämiskäyttäytyminen saataisiin muistuttamaan enemmän luonnonkalojen käyttäytymistä. Tärkeimpiä samankaltaistamiskeinoja ovat laitosten kasvatusaltaiden muuttaminen virikkeellisiksi eli enemmän luonnonoloja vastaaviksi ja laitoskalojen kouluttaminen ennen istutusta. Tutkin kokeissani perimän laitostumisen, virikkeellisen kasvatusympäristön ja klassisen ehdollistamisen vaikutuksia yksivuotiaiden lohenpoikasten pedonvälttämiskäyttäytymiseen. Käytössäni oli Simojoen populaation lohenpoikasia neljästä eri kanta-kasvatusympäristö-käsittelystä: perinteisissä kasvatusaltaissa kasvatettuja luonnonkannan kaloja, virikkeellisissä kasvatusaltaissa kasvatettuja luonnonkannan kaloja, perinteisissä kasvatusaltaissa kasvatettuja laitostuneen kannan kaloja ja virikkeellisissä kasvatusaltaissa kasvatettuja laitostuneen kannan kaloja. Ensimmäisessä kokeessani vertailin eri käsittelyjen kalojen poistumisnopeutta ns. lähtölaatikosta sekä uintikäyttäytymistä kaukalossa, jossa ne eivät olleet aiemmin olleet. Toisessa kokeessa tarkkailin, miten ns. hälyaine vaikutti rohkeuskokeessa olleiden kalojen käyttäytymiseen, kun niitä uitettiin uudestaan samoissa kaukaloissa. Kolmannessa kokeessa ehdollistin molempien laitoskantaisten käsittelyjen kaloja hauen hajulle hälyaineen avulla. Ehdollistamisen jälkeen tarkkailin, kuinka poikaset käyttäytyvät kaukaloissa, joihin johdettiin hauen hajua. Tein myös selviytymiskokeen, jossa vapautin saman ehdollistamiskäsittelyn läpikäyneitä kaloja altaisiin, joissa hauet saivat saalistaa poikasia ja joihin oli kasattu poikasille suojapaikaksi kiviröykkiö. Odotin luonnonkantaisten, virikkeellisesti kasvatettujen ja ehdollistettujen kalojen olevan muita varovaisempia ja hauilta paremmin selviytyviä. Virikkeellinen kasvatus lisäsi monella käyttäytymismuuttujalla mitattuna kalojen varovaisuutta tai arkuutta. Joillain muuttujilla mitattuna virikkeellisyys vaikutti varovaisuutta tai arkuutta lisäten vain luonnonkantaisiin kaloihin Siten myös kalan kannalla oli merkitystä. Yhdessä käyttäytymismuuttujassa kannalla oli lisäksi kasvatusympäristöstä riippumatonkin vaikutus. Hälyaine vaikutti kaloihin lähinnä niiden liikkumista vähentäen. Ehdollistamisen vaikutus kaukalomuuttujiin riippui kasvatusympäristöstä: ehdollistaminen lisäsi virikkeellisissä oloissa kasvatettujen ja vähensi tavallisissa altaissa kasvatettujen uimista. Ehdollistamisella tai kasvatusympäristöllä ei ollut vaikutusta kalojen selviytymiseen haukien saalistukselta. Tulokset herättivät myös mahdollisia uusia tutkimuskysymyksiä. Tulosten perusteella voin sanoa, että kasvatuksessa käytetyt yksinkertaiset ja edulliset virikkeet ja ehdollistamismenetelmät voivat vaikuttaa kalojen käyttäytymiseen muuttamalla sitä varovaisemmaksi ja sopeutuvammaksi eli mahdollisesti joiltain osin luonnonmukaisemmaksi tai luonnossa selviytymistä auttavaksi. Erot virikkeellisen kasvatuksen vaikutuksissa luonnonkantaisiin ja laitoskantaisiin kaloihin voivat kertoa siitä, kuinka tärkeää oli, että kokeissa oli mukana molempien kantojen kaloja. Tulosten soveltamismahdollisuudet ovat lupaavat, koska tämä oli yksi ensimmäisistä koejärjestelyistä, joissa virikkeellistettyjen kasvatusaltaiden kalatiheydet olivat samaa luokkaa kuin kalankasvatuslaitoksissa tavallisesti käytetyt tiheydet.
Abstract: Focusing on Obadiah and Psalm 137, this article provides biblical evidence for an Edomite treaty betrayal of Judah during the Babylonian crisis ca. 588–586 B.C.E. After setting a context that includes the use of treaties in the ancient Near East to establish expectations for political relationships and the likelihood that Edom could operate as a political entity in the Judahite Negev during the Babylonian assault, this article demonstrates that Obadiah’s poetics include a density of inverted form and content (a reversal motif) pointing to treaty betrayal. Obadiah’s modifications of Jeremiah 49, a text with close thematic and terminological parallels, evidence an Edomite treaty betrayal of Judah. Moreover, the study shows that Obadiah is replete with treaty allusions. A study of Psalm 137 in comparison with Aramaic treaty texts from Sefire reveals that this difficult psalm also evidences a treaty betrayal by Edom and includes elements appropriate for treaty curses. The article closes with a discussion of piecemeal data from a few other biblical texts, a criticism of the view that Edom was innocent during the Babylonian crisis, and a suggestion that this treaty betrayal may have contributed to the production of some anti-Edom biblical material.
Razón cristiana y cultura contemporánea / Eduardo Briancesco -- La Recepción en la historia de la Iglesia / Carlos Castro -- Los antecedentes y las raíces filosóficas de las posmodernidad / Alfredo H. Zecca -- Salmo 22: Dios abandona y salva al pobre / Enzo Cortese -- Pensar la cuestión de Dios a partir del “argumento único” de San Anselmo / Ricardo O. Diez -- Crónica de la Facultad -- Tesis para el doctorado y disertaciones escritas para la licenciatura -- Notas bibliográficas -- Índice del tomo XXX
A study/predation control program was conducted at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in Seattle, Washington from 20 December through 23 April 1986. The principal objectives were to document the rate and effects of predation on winter-run steelhead (Salmo gairdneri Richardson) by California sea lions (Zalophus californianus); to control and minimize predation in order to increase the escapement of wild winter-runs to the Lake Washington watershed; to evaluate and recommend potential long term procedures for control of steelhead predation; and to document the abundance and distribution of California sea lions in Puget Sound.
The food habits of 20 species of pelagic nekton were investigated from collections made with small-mesh purse seines from 1979-84 off Washington and Oregon. Four species (spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias; soupfin shark, Galeorhinus zyopterus; blue shark, Prionace glauca; and cutthroat trout, Salmo clarki) were mainly piscivorous. Six species (coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch; chinook salmon, O. tshawytscha; black rockfish, Sebastes melanops; yellowtail rockfish, S. f1avidus; sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria; and jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus) consumed both nektonic and planktonic organisms. The remaining species (market squid, Loligo opalescens; American shad, Alosa sapidissima; Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi; northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax; pink salmon, O. gorbuscha; surf smelt, Hypomesus pretiosus; Pacific hake, Merluccius productus; Pacific saury, Cololabis saira; Pacific mackerel, Scomber japonicus; and medusafish, Icichthys lockingtom) were primarily planktonic feeders. There were substantial interannual, seasonal, and geographic variations in the diets of several species due primarily to changes in prey availability. Juvenile salmonids were not commonly consumed by this assemblage of fishes (PDF file contains 36 pages.)
Four groups of fin clipped brown trout (Salmo trutta) fingerlings were planted in Hot Creek over a six year period. Survival and growth were estimated by fall and/or spring mark-and-recapture surveys. Yield to the angler for two of the tour groups stocked was estimated by stratified random creel surveys. Fingerling survival from the midsummer stocking period to fall averaged 51 %. Overwinter survival from young-of-the-year to yearling fish averaged 49%. Angler harvest of two groups of fingerlings stocked at densities of 16,082 fish/mile averaged 1,704 trout/mile (10.6%) and 194 lbs/acre. Abundant cover and microhabitat suitable tor young trout, ice-free winters, and rapid growth were factors viewed as contributing to high yields. Results do not suggest a change is needed in the general policy of not stocking brown trout fingerlings in California streams. Results do show that fingerlings stocked in Hot Creek, and presumably other productive streams with abundant cover, can effectively fill a void created by limited recruitment. (PDF contains 24 pages.)
No momento em que há a agressão tecidual e a defesa inata é deflagrada, mediadores químicos são liberados no local afetado. Esses mediadores podem ser de origem celular tais como CGRP, VEGF e TGFß. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram avaliar a expressão e distribuição de CGRP, TGFß e VEGF na gengiva do primeiro molar inferior esquerdo de rato no 7 e 14 dias após a indução por ligadura; a expressão e distribuição de CGRP, TGFß e VEGF na gengiva do dente contralateral correspondente sem ligadura, no 7 e 14 dias, e se a indução da periodontite por ligadura no dente experimental provoca uma inflamação na gengiva do dente contralateral correspondente no 7 e 14 dias após a ligadura. Para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foram selecionados 15 ratos Rattus Novergicus, Albinus, Wistar. O grupo experimental de 12 ratos foi dividido em 2 subgrupos compostos por 6 ratos cada um deles distribuídos da seguinte maneira: os do subgrupo A1 permaneceram com a ligadura no primeiro molar inferior esquerdo por 7 dias e foram sacrificados; os do subgrupo A-2 -permaneceram com a ligadura no primeiro molar inferior esquerdo por 14 dias e foram sacrificados. Outros três animais constituíram o grupo controle. Após o sacrifício dos 12 animais dos grupos experimentais e controle suas mandíbulas foram colocadas em ácido etilenodiaminotetracético (EDTA) neutro para sofrerem descalcificação. Então foram processadas para inclusão em parafina e os cortes histológicos foram corados pela hematoxilina-eosina e submetidos à técnica imunohistoquímica para imunomarcação de CGRP, VEGF e TGFß. Aos 7 dias de ligadura observou-se na lâmina própria gengival, epitélio juncional e epitélio oral, expressiva marcação para CGRP. A expressão de VEGF foi intensa na lamina própria e com pouca ou nenhuma marcação no epitélio oral e juncional. O TGFß apresentou pouca marcação na lâmina própria ou nenhuma marcação no epitélio oral e juncional. Aos 14 dias de ligadura houve expressiva marcação de CGRP na lâmina própria, epitélios oral e juncional. O VEGF e o TGFß apresentaram muita marcação na lâmina própria e pouca ou nenhuma marcação no epitélio oral e juncional. Na gengiva dos dentes contralaterais nos 7 e 14 dias houve pouca marcação do CGRP do TGFß na lâmina própria e muita marcação do VEGF. Na gengiva dos dentes controle observou-se muita marcação do CGRP no epitélio juncional e oral e na lâmina própria. O TGFß e o VEGF se expressaram muito pouco ou não se expressaram. Devido à marcação expressiva do VEGF na lâmina própria dos dentes contralaterais, permanece inconclusiva a adequação do uso dos dentes contralaterais nos estudos experimentais das doenças periodontais, embora a expressão de TGFß e CGRP tenham sido menores nestes dentes. A maior marcação do CGRP, VEGF e TGFß nos animais com 14 dias de ligadura do que aos 7 dias demonstra a progressão do processo inflamatório crônico, não se observando processo de reparação cicatricial.
Popular articles about the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) usually state that ‘the Atlantic salmon is an anadromous species’, e.g. publications by the Atlantic Salmon Federation (North America), Atlantic Salmon Trust (UK), and WWF (World Wildlife Fund), and the life history is depicted as migration of juveniles from fresh water to the marine environment, with a return to where the fish were born as spawning adults. This article reviews the life history tactics of Atlantic salmon in Newfoundland.