967 resultados para Ca(2 ) modulation


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Tutkimus on osa Metsäklusteri Oy:n Future Biorefinery –tutkimusohjelmaa, jossa kartoitetaan mahdollisuuksia hyödyntää metsäteollisuuden raaka-aineita aiempaa tarkemmin ja uusissa tuotteissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää männyn (Pinus sylvestris L.) ja kuusen (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) juurten ja kantopuun rakenne ja ominaisuudet. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään löytyykö männyn ja kuusen juurista reaktiopuuta ja määritetään asetoniliukoisten uuteaineiden osuus kantoja juuripuussa. Tutkimusaineistona oli viisi eri-ikäistä mäntyä ja viisi eri-ikäistä kuusta. Juuri- ja kantoaineisto kerättiin Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen toimesta Parkanon seudulta (62.017°N, 23.017°E) hakkuun jälkeen. Maanalaisista juurista otettiin näytteet kolmelta eri etäisyydeltä juurenniskaan nähden. Kummankaan lajin juurista ei löytynyt varsinaista reaktiopuuta, mutta joissakin näytteissä havaittiin lievää reaktiopuuta. Lievää reaktiopuuta löytyi enemmän männyn kuin kuusen juurista, eikä sitä löytynyt lainkaan kaikkein ohuimmista, noin 2 cm paksuisista juurenosista. Männyn kannoissa uuteaineprosentti oli korkeampi kuin kuusen. Männyn juurissa uuteaineprosentti kasvoi edettäessä kohti juuren kärkeä. Kuusella uuteaineprosentti laski aluksi, mutta lähellä juuren kärkeä taas kasvoi. Kuoren uuteainepitoisuus oli molemmilla puulajeilla korkeampi kuin puuaineen. Tutkimusaineisto oli suppea, eikä tutkimuksessa pyritty tilastolliseen yleistettävyyteen. Laajemmasta aineistosta tehdylle tutkimukselle on tarvetta, sillä turvekankailta saatavan puun tarjonta on Suomessa kasvussa, mutta juurten uuteaine- ja reaktiopuututkimuksia on tehty vain kivennäismailta kerätyistä aineistoista.


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Streptococcus agalactiae –juverinflammation var tidigare ett stort problem i många länder, inklusive Finland. I och med förbättrad mjölkningshygien och antibiotikabehandlingar har bakterien så gott som eradikerats från mjölkbesättningarna. Nu verkar bakterien i viss mån ha kommit tillbaka till våra stora mjölkgårdar. Avhandlingens experimentella del utfördes på en mjölkgård, med ca 180 mjölkande och tre mjölkningsrobotar, som haft problem med Str. agalactiae. Man hoppades utreda hur stort problemet på gården var samt möjliga smittovägar. Man undersökte också möjligheten att använda mjölkningsrobotens automatiska provtagningsutrustning för provtagning av bakteriella prov. PCRmetoden jämfördes med konventionell odling vid diagnostik av juverinflammationer orsakade av Str. agalactiae. På gården gick man igenom anteckningar samt hälso- och seminkort för att få en bild över situationen. Man gjorde en uppföljning av mjölkningen för tolv kor vid den ena mjölkningsroboten. Man tog 47 stycken kospecifika mjölkprov samt ett prov från mjölktanken. Mjölkprov i tre serier både mjölkade för hand och direkt från mjölkuppsamlaren på mjölkningsroboten togs. Man tog sammanlagt 23 renlighetsprov från mjölkningsroboten, tre från den automatiska provtagningsutrustningen samt två från djurskötarnas händer. Från den automatiska provtagningsutrustningen togs även ett genomsköljningsprov. Av mjölkprov som tidigare tagits på gården hade man hittat Str. agalactiae i ca 17%. I denna studie hittades Str. agalactiae i tre kospecifika mjölkprov, vilket motsvarar en prevalens på ca 2%. Vid uppföljningen av mjölkningarna upptäcktes inget alarmerande, men spenarnas hälsa samt tommjölkningar är något som bör följas upp. Av renlighetsproven hittades Str. agalactiae i ett prov taget från borsthållaren. Svaren från mjölkproven tagna i serier tyder på att den automatiska provtagningsutrustningen inte går att använda till bakteriella prov, eftersom mjölken från en Str. agalactiae –infekterad ko verkar påverka resultatet också hos följande kor. Resultatet är väntat, eftersom mjölkprov alltid skall tas aseptiskt och det går inte med den automatiska provtagningsutrustningen så som den i dagsläget är utvecklad. Från sju av nio mjölkprov, där man hittat Str. agalactiae med PCR-metoden, hittades bakterien också med konventionell odling. Från tankmjölksprovet kunde man inte hitta Str. agalactiae med konventionell odling. PCR-metoden verkar enligt den här studien vara mer känslig att upptäcka Str. agalactiae jämfört med konventionell odling.


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The four papers summarized in this thesis deal with the Archean and earliest Paleoproterozoic granitoid suites observed in the Suomussalmi district, eastern Finland. Geologically, the area belongs to the Kianta Complex of the Western Karelian Terrane in the Karelian Province of the Fennoscandian shield. The inherited zircons up to 3440 Ma old together with Sm Nd and Pb Pb data confirm the existence of previously anticipated Paleoarchean protocrust in Suomussalmi. The general timeline of granitoid magmatism is similar to that of the surrounding areas. TTG magmatism occurred in three distinct phases: ca 2.95 Ga, 2.83 2.78 Ga and 2.76 2.74 Ga. In Suomussalmi the TTGs sensu stricto (K2O/Na2O less than 0.5) belong to the low-HREE type and are interpreted as partial melts of garnet amphibolites, which did not significantly interact with mantle peridotites. Transitional TTGs (K2O/Na2O more than 0.5), present in Suomussalmi and absent from surrounding areas, display higher LILE concentrations, but otherwise closely resemble the TTGs sensu stricto and indicate that recycling of felsic crust commenced in Suomussalmi 200 Ma earlier than in surrounding areas. The youngest TTG phase was coeval with the intrusion of the Likamännikkö quartz alkali feldspar syenite (2741 ± 2 Ma) complex. The complex contains angular fragments of ultrabasic rock, which display considerable compositional heterogeneity and are interpreted as cumulates containing clinopyroxene (generally altered to actinolite), apatite, allanite, epidote, and albite. The quartz alkali feldspar syenite cannot be regarded as alkaline sensu stricto, despite clear alkaline affinities. Within Likamännikkö there are also calcite carbonatite patches, which display mantle-like O- and C-isotope values, as well as trace element characteristics consistent with a magmatic origin, and could thus be among the oldest known carbonatites in the world. Sanukitoid (2.73 2.71 Ga) and quartz diorite suites (2.70 Ga) overlap within error margins and display compositional similarities, but can be differentiated from each other on the basis of higher Ba, K2O and LREE contents of the sanukitoids. The Likamännikkö complex, sanukitoids and quartz diorites are interpreted as originating from the metasomatized mantle and mark the diversification of the granitoid clan after 200 Ma of evolution dominated by the TTG suite. Widespread migmatization and the intrusion of anatectic leucogranitoids as dykes and intrusions of varying size took place at 2.70 2.69 Ga, following collisional thickening of the crust. The leucogranitoids and leucosomes of migmatized TTGs are compositionally alike and characterized by high silica contents and a leucocratic appearance. Due to compositional overlap, definitive discrimination between leucogranitoids and transitional TTGs requires isotope datings and/or knowledge of field relationships. Leucogranitoids represent partial melts of the local TTGs, both the sensu stricto and transitional types, mostly derived under water fluxed conditions, with possible fluid sources being late sanukitoids and quartz diorites as well as dehydrating lower crust. The Paleoproterozoic 2.44 2.39 Ga A-type granitoids of the Kianta Complex emplaced in an extensional environment are linked to the coeval and more widespread mafic intrusions and dykes observed over most of the Archean nucleus of the Fennoscandian shield. The A-type intrusions in the Suomussalmi area are interpreted as partial melts of the Archean lower crust and display differences in composition and magnetite content, which indicate differences in the composition and oxidation state of the source.


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A phosphorylcholine-binding protein from the hemolymph of the snail Achatina fulica was purified to near homogeneity using a Sepharose phenylphosphorylcholine affinity column. The protein bound to the affinity column was eluted with 5 mM phosphorylcholine as a single symmetrical peak. The purified protein (400 Kda) contained 35–40% carbohydrate. On SDS-PAGE the protein separated into two bands of 20 and 24 Kda, and had a pI of 5.9. On immunodiffusion, antiserum to the snail phosphorylcholine binding protein did not cross-react against other phosphorylcholine binding proteins, like rat serum phosphorylcholine-binding protein (PCBP), limulus C-reactive protein (CRP), or human CRP. On pretreatment of the snail hemolymph with this antiserum, the hemagglutination titer of the hemolymph was markedly decreased. The purified snail phosphorylcholine binding protein agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes in the absence of divalent cation (Ca+2) but trace amount of Ca+2 increased its binding. The strongest inhibitor of the agglutination reaction was lactose, followed by melibiose and 2-deoxygalactose. The relationships of the snail phosphorylcholine binding protein to other hemolymph agglutinins and to CRPs are discussed in light of common phylogeny.


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Ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) granulites of the central Highland Complex, Sri Lanka, underwent some of the highest known peak temperatures of crustal metamorphism. Zircon and monazite U-Pb systems in granulites near Kandy, the highest grade region (similar to 1050 degrees C; 0.9 GPa), preserve both a record of the timing of prograde and retrograde phases of UHT metamorphism and evidence for the ages of older protolith components. Zircon grains from a quartz-saturated granulite containing relics of the peak UHT assemblage have remnant detrital cores with dates of ca. 2.5-0.83 Ga. Date clusters of ca. 1.7 and 1.04-0.83 Ga record episodes of zircon growth in the source region of the protolith sediment. Two generations of overgrowths with contrasting Th/U record metamorphic zircon growth at 569 +/- 5 and 551 +/- 7 Ma, probably in the absence and presence of monazite, respectively. The age of coexisting metamorphic monazite (547 +/- 7 Ma) is indistinguishable from that of the younger, low-Th/U zircon overgrowths. Zircon from a quartz-undersaturated monazite-absent UHT granulite with a mainly retrograde assemblage is mostly metamorphic (551 +/- 5 Ma). The ca. 570 Ma zircon overgrowths in the quartz-saturated granulite probably record partial melting just before or at the metamorphic peak. The ca. 550 Ma zircon in both rocks, and the ca. 550 Ma monazite in the quartz-saturated sample, record post-peak isothermal decompression. A possible model for this pressure-temperature-time evolution is ultrahot collisional orogeny during the assembly of Gondwana, locally superheated by basaltic underplating, followed by fast extensional exhumation.


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We describe the synthesis and structural characterization of new layered bismuth titanates, A[Bi3Ti4O13] and A[Bi3PbTi5O16]for A = K, Cs, corresponding to n = 4 and 5 members of the Dion-Jacobson series of layered perovskites of the general formula, A[A'n-1BnO3n+1]. These materials have been prepared by solid state reaction of the constituents containing excess alkali, which is required to suppress the formation of competitive Aurivillius phases. Unlike the isostructural niobates and niobium titanates of the same series, the new phases reported here are spontaneously hydrated-a feature which could make them potentially useful as photocatalysts for water splitting reaction. On hydration of the potassium compounds, the c axis expands by ca. 2 Angstrom and loses its doubling [for example, the tetragonal lattice parameters of K[Bi3Ti4O13] and its dihydrate are respectively a = 3900(1)Angstrom c 37.57(2) Angstrom; a 3.885(1) Angstrom, c = 20.82(4) Angstrom]; surprisingly, the cesium analogues do not show a similar change on hydration.


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A novel pentameric structure which differs from the previously reported tetrameric form of the diarrhea-inducing region of the rotavirus enterotoxin NSP4 is reported here. A significant feature of this pentameric form is the absence of the calcium ion located in the core region of the tetrameric structures. The lysis of cells, the crystallization of the region spanning residues 95 to 146 of NSP4 (NSP4(95-146)) of strain ST3 (ST3: NSP4(95-146)) at acidic pH, and comparative studies of the recombinant purified peptide under different conditions by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and of the crystal structures suggested pH-, Ca(2+)-, and protein concentration-dependent oligomeric transitions in the peptide. Since the NSP4(95-146) mutant lacks the N-terminal amphipathic domain (AD) and most of the C-terminal flexible region (FR), to demonstrate that the pentameric transition is not a consequence of the lack of the N- and C-terminal regions, glutaraldehyde cross-linking of the Delta N72 and Delta N94 mutant proteins, which contain or lack the AD, respectively, but possess the complete C-terminal FR, was carried out. The results indicate the presence of pentamers in preparations of these longer mutants. Detailed SEC analyses of Delta N94 prepared under different conditions, however, revealed protein concentration-dependent but metal ion-and pH-independent pentamer accumulation at high concentrations which dissociated into tetramers and lower oligomers at low protein concentrations. While calcium appeared to stabilize the tetramer, magnesium in particular stabilized the dimer. Delta N72 existed primarily in the multimeric form under all conditions. These findings of a calcium-free NSP4 pentamer and its concentration-dependent and largely calcium-independent oligomeric transitions open up a new dimension in an understanding of the structural basis of its multitude of functions.


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A galactose-specific seed lectin from Spatholobous parviflorus (SPL) has been purified, crystallized and its X-ray structure solved. It is the first lectin purified and crystallized from the genus Spatholobus (family: Fabaceae). The crystals belong to the space group P1, with a = 60.792 angstrom, b = 60.998 angstrom, c = 78.179 angstrom, alpha = 78.68 degrees, beta = 88.62 degrees, gamma = 104.32 degrees. The data were collected at 2.04 angstrom resolution under cryocondition, on a MAR image-plate detector system, mounted on a rotating anode X-ray generator. The coordinates of Dolichos biflorus lectin (1lu1) were successfully used for the structure solution by molecular replacement method. The primary structure of the SPL was not known earlier and it was unambiguously visible in the electron density. S. parviflorus lectin is a hetero-dimeric-tetramer with two alpha and two beta chains of 251 and 239 residues respectively. SPL has two metal ions, Ca(2+) and Mn(2+), bound to a loop region of each chain. The SPL monomers are in jelly roll form. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Spontaneous halide ejection from a three-coordinate Lewis acid has been shown to offer a remarkable new route to cationic metal complexes featuring a linear, multiply bonded boron-donor Ligand. The exploitation of electron-rich [CpM(PR3)(2)] fragments within boryl systems of the type LnMB(hal)NR2 leads to the spontaneous formation in polar solvents of chemically robust borylene complexes, [LnM(BNR2)](+), with exceptionally low electrophilicity and short M-B bonds. This is reflected by M-B distances (ca. 1.80 angstrom for FeB systems) which are more akin to alkyl-/aryl-substituted borylene complexes and, perhaps most strikingly, by the very low exothermicity associated with the binding of pyridine to the two-coordinate boron center (Delta H = -7.4 kcal mol(-1), cf. -40.7 kcal mol(-1) for BCl3). Despite the strong pi electron release from the metal fragment implied by this suppressed reactivity and by such short M-B bonds, the barrier to rotation about the Fe=B bond in the unsymmetrical variant [CpFe(dmpe)(BN{C6H4OMe-4}Me)](+) is found to be very small (ca. 2.9 kcal mol(-1)). This apparent contradiction is rationalized by the orthogonal orientations of the HOMO and HOMO-2 orbitals of the [CpML2](+) fragment, which mean that the M-B pi interaction does not fall to zero even in the highest energy conformation.


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A strategy called macro-(affinity ligand) facilitated three-phase partitioning (MLFTPP) is described for refolding of a diverse set of recombinant proteins starting from the solubilized inclusion bodies. It essentially consists of: (i) binding of the protein with a suitable smart polymer and (ii) precipitating the polymer-protein complex as an interfacial layer by mixing in a suitable amount of ammonium sulfate and t-butanol. Smart polymers are stimuli-responsive polymers that become insoluble on the application of a suitable stimulus (e.g., a change in the temperature, pH, or concentration of a chemical species such as Ca 2+ or K +). The MLFTPP process required approximately 10min, and the refolded proteins were found to be homogeneous on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The folded proteins were characterized by fluorescence emission spectroscopy, circular dichroism spectroscopy, biological activity, melting temperature, and surface hydrophobicity measurements by 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate fluorescence. Two refolded antibody fragments were also characterized by measuring K D by Biacore by using immobilized HIV-1 gp120. The data demonstrate that MLFTPP is a rapid and convenient procedure for refolding a variety of proteins from inclusion bodies at high concentration. Although establishing the generic nature of the approach would require wider trials by different groups, its success with the diverse kinds of proteins tried so far appears to be promising.


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The present study reports the results of the detailed in vitro bioactivity and cytocompatibility properties of the hydroxyapatite (HA) and the HA-titanium (HA-Ti) composite with varying amount of Ti (5, 10, and 20 wt %), densified using spark plasma sintering process (SPS). Using this technique and tailoring suitable processing parameters, it has been possible to retain both HA and Ti in the sintered ceramics. Importantly, the uniquely designed SPS processing with suitably chosen parameters enables in achieving better mechanical properties, such as higher indentation fracture toughness (similar to 1.5 MPa m1/2) in HA-Ti composites compared with HA. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observations reveal good bioactivity of the HA-Ti composites with the formation of thick, flaky, and porous apatite layer when immersed in simulated body fluid at 37 degrees C and pH of 7.4. Atomic absorption spectroscopic analysis of the simulated body fluid solution reveals dynamic changes in Ca+2 ion concentration with more dissolution of Ca+2 ion from the HA-20Ti composite. However, the measurements with inductively coupled plasma spectrometer do not record dissolution of Ti+4 ions. Transmission electron microscopic analysis indicates weak crystalline nature of the apatite and confirms the formation of fine-scale apatite crystals. MTT assay, fluorescence, and SEM study demonstrate good cell viability and cell adhesion/proliferation of the Saos -2 cells, cultured on the developed composites under standard culture condition, and the difference in cell viability has been discussed in reference to substrate composition and roughness. Overall, HA-Ti composites exhibit comparable and even better in vitro bioactivity and cytocompatibility properties than HA. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2013.


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We describe the synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic and electrochemical characterization of new rock salt-related oxides of formula, Li3M2RuO6 (M=Co, Ni). The M=Co oxide adopts the LiCoO2 (R-3m) structure, where sheets of LiO6 and (Co-2/Ru)O-6 octahedra are alternately stacked along the c-direction. The M=Ni oxide also adopts a similar layered structure related to Li2TiO3, where partial mixing of Li and Ni/Ru atoms lowers the symmetry to monoclinic (C2/c). Magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal that in Li3Co2RuO6, the oxidation states of transition metal ions are Co3+ (S=0), Co2+ (S=1/2) and Ru4+ (S=1), all of them in low-spin configuration and at 10 K, the material orders antiferromagnetically. Analogous Li3Ni2RuO6 presents a ferrimagnetic behavior with a Curie temperature of 100 K. The differences in the magnetic behavior have been explained in terms of differences in the crystal structure. Electrochemical studies correlate well with both magnetic properties and crystal structure. Li-transition metal intermixing may be at the origin of the more impeded oxidation of Li3Ni2RuO6 when compared to Li3CO2RuO6. Interestingly high first charge capacities (between ca. 160 and 180 mAh g(-1)) corresponding to ca. 2/3 of theoretical capacity are reached albeit, in both cases, capacity retention and cyclability are not satisfactory enough to consider these materials as alternatives to LiCoO2. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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There is increasing interest in the use of nanoparticles as fillers in polymer matrices to develop biomaterials which mimic the mechanical, chemical and electrical properties of bone tissue for orthopaedic applications. The objective of this study was to prepare poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) nanocomposites incorporating three different perovskite ceramic nanoparticles, namely, calcium titanate (CT), strontium titanate (ST) and barium titanate (BT). The tensile strength and modulus of the composites increased with the addition of nanoparticles. Scanning electron microscopy indicated that dispersion of the nanoparticles scaled with the density of the ceramics, which in turn played an important role in determining the enhancement in mechanical properties of the composite. Dielectric spectroscopy revealed improved permittivity and reduced losses in the composites when compared to neat PCL. Nanofibrous scaffolds were fabricated via electrospinning. Induction coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy indicated the release of small quantities of Ca+2, Sr+2, Ba+2 ions from the scaffolds. Piezo-force microscopy revealed that BT nanoparticles imparted piezoelectric properties to the scaffolds. In vitro studies revealed that all composites support osteoblast proliferation. Expression of osteogenic genes was enhanced on the nanocomposites in the following order: PCL/CT>PCL/ST>PCL/BT>PCL. This study demonstrates that the use of perovskite nanoparticles could be a promising technique to engineer better polymeric scaffolds for bone tissue engineering.


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A first-principles study was carried out to investigate the stability of the crystal structure of beta-form belite (beta-C2S) substituted by Sr atoms as trace impurities for Ca atoms in CaOx polyhedra. The effect of the connection types of CaOx polyhedral, in the form of common-edge bond and common-face bond, upon the crystal stability is described. The Ca-Ca interatomic distance closely relates to the hydraulic activity of beta-C2S. The beta-C2S substituted by an Sr atom for Ca(1) atoms having seven Ca-O bonds is energetically more stable than that substituted by an Sr atom for Ca(2) atoms having eight Ca-O bonds. The Sr-doped beta-C2S having a common face bond with SrOx polyhedra is energetically more favorable and results in structural stability compared with that having a common edge bond with SrOx polyhedra.


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The present work reports the impact of sintering conditions on the phase stability in hydroxyapatite (HA) magnetite (Fe3O4) bulk composites, which were densified using either pressureless sintering in air or by rapid densification via hot pressing in inert atmosphere. In particular, the phase abundances, structural and magnetic properties of the (1-x)HA-xFe(3)O(4) (x = 5, 10, 20, and 40 wt %) composites were quantified by corroborating results obtained from Rietveld refinement of the X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and Mossbauer spectroscopy. Post heat treatment phase analysis revealed a major retention of Fe3O4 in argon atmosphere, while it was partially/completely oxidized to hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) in air. Mossbauer results suggest the high-temperature diffusion of Fe3+ into hydroxyapatite lattice, leading to the formation of Fe-doped HA. A preferential occupancy of Fe3+ at the Ca(1) and Ca(2) sites under hot-pressing and conventional sintering conditions, respectively, was observed. The lattice expansion in HA from Rietveld analysis correlated well with the amounts of Fe-doped HA determined from the Mossbauer spectra. Furthermore, hydroxyapatite in the monoliths and composites was delineated to exist in the monoclinic (P2(1)/b) structure as against the widely reported hexagonal (P6(3)/m) crystal lattice. The compositional similarity of iron doping in hydroxyapatite to that of tooth enamel and bone presents HA-Fe3O4 composites as potential orthopedic and dental implant materials.