214 resultados para CSP


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Background. Neurodevelopmental alterations have been described inconsistently in psychosis probably because of lack of standardization among studies. The aim of this study was to conduct the first longitudinal and population-based magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluation of the presence and size of the cavum septum pellucidum (CSP) and adhesio interthalamica (AI) in a large sample of patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP). Method. FEP patients (n=122) were subdivided into schizophrenia (n=62), mood disorders (n=46) and other psychosis (n=14) groups and compared to 94 healthy next-door neighbour controls. After 13 months, 80 FEP patients and 52 controls underwent a second MRI examination. Results. We found significant reductions in the AI length in schizophrenia FEP in comparison with the mood disorders and control subgroups (longer length) at the baseline assessment, and no differences in any measure of the CSP. By contrast, there was a diagnosis x time interaction for the CSP length, with a more prominent increase for this measure in the psychosis group. There was an involution of the AI length over time for all groups but no diagnosis x time interaction. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that the CSP per se may not be linked to the neurobiology of emerging psychotic disorders, although it might be related to the progression of the disease. However, the fact that the AI length was shown to be shorter at the onset of the disorder supports the neurodevelopmental model of schizophrenia and indicates that an alteration in this grey matter junction may be a risk factor for developing psychosis.


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We evaluated the functional dependence of stroke survivors from the Study of Stroke Mortality and Morbidity, using the Rankin Scale. Out of 355 ischemic stroke survivors (with a mean age of 67.9 years), 40% had some functional dependence at 28 days and 34.4% had some functional dependence at 6 months. Most predictors of physical dependence were identified at 28 days. These predictors were: low levels of education [illiterate vs. >= 8 years of education, multivariate odds ratio (OR) = 3.7; 95% confidence interval (95%CI): 1.60-8.54] and anatomical stroke location (total anterior circulation infarct, OR = 16.9; 95%CI: 2.93-97.49). Low levels of education and ischemic brain injury influenced functional dependence in these stroke survivors. Our findings reinforce the necessity of developing strategies for the rehabilitation of stroke patients, more especially in formulating specific strategies for care and treatment of stroke survivors with low socioeconomic status.


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Abstract Background Extra-Amazonian autochthonous Plasmodium vivax infections have been reported in mountainous regions surrounded by the Atlantic Forest in Espírito Santo state, Brazil. Methods Sixty-five patients and 1,777 residents were surveyed between April 2001 and March 2004. Laboratory methods included thin and thick smears, multiplex-PCR, immunofluorescent assay (IFA) against P. vivax and Plasmodium malariae crude blood-stage antigens and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for antibodies against the P. vivax-complex (P. vivax and variants) and P. malariae/Plasmodium brasilianum circumsporozoite-protein (CSP) antigens. Results Average patient age was 35.1 years. Most (78.5%) were males; 64.6% lived in rural areas; 35.4% were farmers; and 12.3% students. There was no relevant history of travel. Ninety-five per cent of the patients were experiencing their first episode of malaria. Laboratory data from 51 patients were consistent with P. vivax infection, which was determined by thin smear. Of these samples, 48 were assayed by multiplex-PCR. Forty-five were positive for P. vivax, confirming the parasitological results, while P. malariae was detected in one sample and two gave negative results. Fifty percent of the 50 patients tested had IgG antibodies against the P. vivax-complex or P. malariae CSP as determined by ELISA. The percentages of residents with IgM and IgG antibodies detected by IFA for P. malariae, P. vivax and Plasmodium falciparum who did not complain of malaria symptoms at the time blood was collected were 30.1% and 56.5%, 6.2% and 37.7%, and 13.5% and 13%, respectively. The same sera that reacted to P. vivax also reacted to P. malariae. The following numbers of samples were positive in multiplex-PCR: 23 for P. vivax; 15 for P. malariae; 9 for P. falciparum and only one for P. falciparum and P. malariae. All thin and thick smears were negative. ELISA against CSP antigens was positive in 25.4%, 6.3%, 10.7% and 15.1% of the samples tested for "classical" P. vivax (VK210), VK247, P. vivax-like and P. malariae, respectively. Anopheline captures in the transmission area revealed only zoophilic and exophilic species. Conclusion The low incidence of malaria cases, the finding of asymptomatic inhabitants and the geographic separation of patients allied to serological and molecular results raise the possibility of the existence of a simian reservoir in these areas.


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Abstract Background A popular model for gene regulatory networks is the Boolean network model. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to perform an analysis of gene regulatory interactions using the Boolean network model and time-series data. Actually, the Boolean network is restricted in the sense that only a subset of all possible Boolean functions are considered. We explore some mathematical properties of the restricted Boolean networks in order to avoid the full search approach. The problem is modeled as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) and CSP techniques are used to solve it. Results We applied the proposed algorithm in two data sets. First, we used an artificial dataset obtained from a model for the budding yeast cell cycle. The second data set is derived from experiments performed using HeLa cells. The results show that some interactions can be fully or, at least, partially determined under the Boolean model considered. Conclusions The algorithm proposed can be used as a first step for detection of gene/protein interactions. It is able to infer gene relationships from time-series data of gene expression, and this inference process can be aided by a priori knowledge available.


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Abstract Background Infertility is a natural mechanism of selection intended to prevent the delivery of a child with malformations or mental retardation. Male infertility is closely related to chromosomal abnormalities. This study was focused on the analysis of meiotic segregation involving a Robertsonian translocation, 45,XY,der(13;13) [56]/45,XY,der(13;14) [44] and the evaluation of possible interchromosomal effects. Results Hybridisation with LSI 13q14 and subtelomere 14q probes and WCP13 SpectrumGreen and WCP14 SpectrumOrange probes showed a high proportion of unbalanced gametes, corresponding to 71.2% of the spermatozoa. The disomic frequencies of the sexual chromosomes and chromosome 18 of the patient were higher (5.28% and 2.55%, respectively) than those of the control (0.6% and 0.59%, respectively). Conclusion Meiotic segregation studies in sperm are an important tool for genetic counselling of chromosomal aberrations, allowing for a prediction of the risks and consequent implications for the reproductive life. The patient with this rare translocation exhibited meiotic segregation fidelity, and a high rate of unbalanced gametes with disomic spermatozoa.


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Um dos papéis da contabilidade é prover informações sobre o desempenho empresarial, quer seja por indicadores contábil-financeiros ou não. Dentro deste escopo do interesse da contabilidade, observa-se que a publicação de estudos teórico-empíricos sobre as relações entre Performance Corporativa Financeira (CFP) e a Performance Social Corporativa (CSP) vem crescendo nos últimos anos, sintoma do desenvolvimento deste campo de pesquisa. Entretanto, a contribuição à teoria pelos trabalhos empíricos se faz de forma pontual, uma vez que normalmente cada estudo foca um aspecto particular da teoria. Periodicamente, portanto, é necessária uma análise que avalie como, de forma agregada, os estudos empíricos contribuíram para a evolução da teoria, e elaborar essa análise constituiu o objetivo do presente estudo. O referencial teórico abrangeu: teoria dos stakeholders, relação entre CSP e CFP, good management theory e slack resource theory. Esta pesquisa abrangeu um período de 15 anos (1996 a 2010) e a coleta de dados empregou a ferramenta de busca das bases de dados: Ebsco, Proquest e ISI. O processo de amostragem obteve um conjunto de 58 artigos exclusivamente teórico-empíricos quantitativos que testam a relação CSP-CFP. Os principais resultados no campo teórico demonstram um reforço da proposição de relação positiva entre CSP e CFP e da good management theory, uma deficiência na explicação na defasagem de tempo (lag) na relação de causalidade entre CSP e CFP, e deficiências na descrição do constructo de CSP. Isto sugere estudos futuros para investigar a defasagem de tempo na relação de causalidade entre CSP e CFP e as possíveis razões que levaram diversos estudos empíricos a não atestarem uma associação positiva entre CSP e CFP.


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The urbanization of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil has been related to environmental changes, migration, interaction and spread of sylvatic reservoirs and infected dogs to areas with no transmission, and adaptation of the vector Lutzomyia longipalpis to the peridomiciliary environment. From 1980 to 2005, Brazil recorded 59,129 cases of visceral leishmaniasis, 82.5% of which in the Northeast region. Visceral leishmaniasis gradually spread to other regions of the country: in 1998 these other regions reported 15% of all cases, but by 2005 this proportion had increased to 44%. From 1998 to 2005, indigenous cases were reported in 1,904 different municipalities of the country (34.2%). Reservoir and vector control pose major challenges for disease control, since there is a need for better knowledge of vector behavior in urban areas, and control activities involve high operational costs. In recent years the Brazilian Ministry of Health has supported research on the laboratory diagnosis of infection and disease in humans and dogs, treatment of patients, evaluation of the effectiveness of control strategies, and development of new technologies that could contribute to the surveillance and control of visceral leishmaniasis in the country.


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[ES] Un servicio de urgencias de una zona ofrece asistencia sanitaria y tiene como principal objetivo atender la patología urgente que acude al hospital y el nivel de compromiso que se asume consiste en diagnosticar, tratar y estabilizar, en la medida posible, dicha patología urgente. Otro objetivo es gestionar la demanda de atención urgente por parte del ciudadano a través de un sistema de selección prioritaria inicial (Triaje) que selecciona, prioriza, organiza y gestiona la demanda de atención. Para poder controlar y realizar el trabajo de la forma más eficaz se utilizan herramientas de gestión necesarias para el control de los pacientes, desde que se realiza su ingreso en el servicio de urgencias hasta el alta del mismo. Las aplicaciones desarrolladas son las siguientes: Gestión de Pacientes en Urgencias: Esta aplicación asignará un estado inicial al paciente y permitirá ir cambiando el estado del mismo usando el método del Triaje (valoración), el más difundido en la medicina de urgencias. Además, se podrán solicitar pruebas diagnósticas y la visualización de marcadores de analíticas para comprobar su evolución. Finalmente, se podrá desarrollar un informe de alta para el paciente. Informadores de Urgencias: La aplicación gestiona la localización física del paciente dentro del servicio de urgencias, permitiendo asimismo el cambio entre las distintas localizaciones y el control para la información a los familiares de los mismos, pudiendo almacenar los familiares y teléfonos de contactos para que estos puedan ser informados. El desarrollo se ha realizado utilizando el MVC (modelo - vista - controlador) que es patrón de arquitectura que separa los datos de una aplicación, la interfaz gráfica de usuario y la lógica de control de componentes. El software utilizado para el desarrollo de las aplicaciones es CACHÉ de Intersystems que permite la creación de una base de datos multidimensional. El modelo de objetos de Caché se basa en el estándar ODMG (Object Database Management Group, Grupo de gestión de bases de datos de objetos) y soporta muchas características avanzadas. CACHÉ dispone de Zen, una biblioteca completa de componentes de objetos preconstruidos y herramientas de desarrollo basadas en la tecnología CSP (Caché Server Pages) y de objetos de InterSystems. ZEN es especialmente apropiado para desarrollar una versión Web de las aplicaciones cliente/servidor creadas originalmente con herramientas como Visual Basic o PowerBuilder.


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Nel lavoro di tesi qui presentato si indaga l'applicazione di tecniche di apprendimento mirate ad una più efficiente esecuzione di un portfolio di risolutore di vincoli (constraint solver). Un constraint solver è un programma che dato in input un problema di vincoli, elabora una soluzione mediante l'utilizzo di svariate tecniche. I problemi di vincoli sono altamente presenti nella vita reale. Esempi come l'organizzazione dei viaggi dei treni oppure la programmazione degli equipaggi di una compagnia aerea, sono tutti problemi di vincoli. Un problema di vincoli è formalizzato da un problema di soddisfacimento di vincoli(CSP). Un CSP è descritto da un insieme di variabili che possono assumere valori appartenenti ad uno specico dominio ed un insieme di vincoli che mettono in relazione variabili e valori assumibili da esse. Una tecnica per ottimizzare la risoluzione di tali problemi è quella suggerita da un approccio a portfolio. Tale tecnica, usata anche in am- biti come quelli economici, prevede la combinazione di più solver i quali assieme possono generare risultati migliori di un approccio a singolo solver. In questo lavoro ci preoccupiamo di creare una nuova tecnica che combina un portfolio di constraint solver con tecniche di machine learning. Il machine learning è un campo di intelligenza articiale che si pone l'obiettivo di immettere nelle macchine una sorta di `intelligenza'. Un esempio applicativo potrebbe essere quello di valutare i casi passati di un problema ed usarli in futuro per fare scelte. Tale processo è riscontrato anche a livello cognitivo umano. Nello specico, vogliamo ragionare in termini di classicazione. Una classicazione corrisponde ad assegnare ad un insieme di caratteristiche in input, un valore discreto in output, come vero o falso se una mail è classicata come spam o meno. La fase di apprendimento sarà svolta utilizzando una parte di CPHydra, un portfolio di constraint solver sviluppato presso la University College of Cork (UCC). Di tale algoritmo a portfolio verranno utilizzate solamente le caratteristiche usate per descrivere determinati aspetti di un CSP rispetto ad un altro; queste caratteristiche vengono altresì dette features. Creeremo quindi una serie di classicatori basati sullo specifico comportamento dei solver. La combinazione di tali classicatori con l'approccio a portfolio sara nalizzata allo scopo di valutare che le feature di CPHydra siano buone e che i classicatori basati su tali feature siano affidabili. Per giusticare il primo risultato, eettueremo un confronto con uno dei migliori portfolio allo stato dell'arte, SATzilla. Una volta stabilita la bontà delle features utilizzate per le classicazioni, andremo a risolvere i problemi simulando uno scheduler. Tali simulazioni testeranno diverse regole costruite con classicatori precedentemente introdotti. Prima agiremo su uno scenario ad un processore e successivamente ci espanderemo ad uno scenario multi processore. In questi esperimenti andremo a vericare che, le prestazioni ottenute tramite l'applicazione delle regole create appositamente sui classicatori, abbiano risultati migliori rispetto ad un'esecuzione limitata all'utilizzo del migliore solver del portfolio. I lavoro di tesi è stato svolto in collaborazione con il centro di ricerca 4C presso University College Cork. Su questo lavoro è stato elaborato e sottomesso un articolo scientico alla International Joint Conference of Articial Intelligence (IJCAI) 2011. Al momento della consegna della tesi non siamo ancora stati informati dell'accettazione di tale articolo. Comunque, le risposte dei revisori hanno indicato che tale metodo presentato risulta interessante.


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This work presents exact algorithms for the Resource Allocation and Cyclic Scheduling Problems (RA&CSPs). Cyclic Scheduling Problems arise in a number of application areas, such as in hoist scheduling, mass production, compiler design (implementing scheduling loops on parallel architectures), software pipelining, and in embedded system design. The RA&CS problem concerns time and resource assignment to a set of activities, to be indefinitely repeated, subject to precedence and resource capacity constraints. In this work we present two constraint programming frameworks facing two different types of cyclic problems. In first instance, we consider the disjunctive RA&CSP, where the allocation problem considers unary resources. Instances are described through the Synchronous Data-flow (SDF) Model of Computation. The key problem of finding a maximum-throughput allocation and scheduling of Synchronous Data-Flow graphs onto a multi-core architecture is NP-hard and has been traditionally solved by means of heuristic (incomplete) algorithms. We propose an exact (complete) algorithm for the computation of a maximum-throughput mapping of applications specified as SDFG onto multi-core architectures. Results show that the approach can handle realistic instances in terms of size and complexity. Next, we tackle the Cyclic Resource-Constrained Scheduling Problem (i.e. CRCSP). We propose a Constraint Programming approach based on modular arithmetic: in particular, we introduce a modular precedence constraint and a global cumulative constraint along with their filtering algorithms. Many traditional approaches to cyclic scheduling operate by fixing the period value and then solving a linear problem in a generate-and-test fashion. Conversely, our technique is based on a non-linear model and tackles the problem as a whole: the period value is inferred from the scheduling decisions. The proposed approaches have been tested on a number of non-trivial synthetic instances and on a set of realistic industrial instances achieving good results on practical size problem.


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Nella maggior parte dei casi, i soggetti affetti da Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico hanno un deficit di comunicazione, sia esso verbale o non verbale. Nonostante, ad oggi, non esista una cura per questo disturbo, una diagnosi precoce entro il terzo anno di vita del soggetto e un programma educativo coerente con le necessità del paziente, permettono al bambino con autismo di raggiungere quantomeno le abilità comunicative di base. Recenti studi hanno dimostrato che l’utilizzo di Information and Communication Technology (ICT) nel trattamento di soggetti affetti da Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico può portare molti benefici, dato che, da un lato, computer, tablet e smartphone sono strumenti strutturati e prevedibili e, dall’altro, i sintetizzatori vocali, se presenti, sono privi di inflessioni verbali. A questo proposito, durante il mio tirocinio di tesi magistrale presso l’azienda “CSP – Innovazioni nelle ICT” di Torino, ho sviluppato un’applicazione per tablet Android che permette a psicologi, educatori, logopedisti, insegnanti e genitori di creare tabelle comunicative circostanziate alle esigenze del soggetto e che consente a quest’ultimo di utilizzare questo strumento come efficace mediatore sociale. Questo software si va a inserire in un progetto più ampio, denominato “tools4Autism”, nato dalla collaborazione tra il centro di ricerca di cui sopra, la “Fondazione ASPHI Onlus – ICT per migliorare la qualità di vita delle persone con disabilità” e il “Centro Autismo e Sindrome di Asperger” di Mondovì (CN). L’applicazione prevede principalmente due metodi di utilizzo: il primo, definito “modalità operatore”, è un editor che permette di creare tabelle composte da un numero variabile di immagini che possono essere pittogrammi, fotografie personali, disegni del bambino e possono essere accompagnate o meno da un testo. Una volta create le tabelle, l’operatore ha la possibilità di modificarle, eliminarle, variarne l’ordine, esportarle su altri dispositivi o importare tabelle precedentemente create. Il secondo metodo di utilizzo, definito “modalità utente”, permette al soggetto affetto da Disturbo Autistico di comunicare con altre persone sfruttando le tabelle create dall’operatore coerentemente con le sue necessità. Al tocco dell’immagine da parte del bambino, essa viene evidenziata tramite un contorno rosso e, se abilitato, il sintetizzatore vocale riproduce il testo associato a tale immagine. I principali fattori di innovazione dell’applicazione sono la gratuità, la semplicità di utilizzo, la rapidità nella creazione e nell’aggiornamento delle tabelle comunicative, la portabilità dello strumento e l’utilizzo della sintesi vocale. Il software sarà sperimentato presso il “Centro Autismo e Sindrome di Asperger”, centro di neuropsichiatria infantile specializzato nello studio del Disturbo Autistico. Tale sperimentazione si pone come obiettivo quello di verificare gli effettivi miglioramenti nella velocità e nella qualità di apprendimento delle fondamentali abilità comunicative.


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Nel presente lavoro di tesi è stato sviluppato e testato un sistema BCI EEG-based che sfrutta la modulazione dei ritmi sensorimotori tramite immaginazione motoria della mano destra e della mano sinistra. Per migliorare la separabilità dei due stati mentali, in questo lavoro di tesi si è sfruttato l'algoritmo CSP (Common Spatial Pattern), in combinazione ad un classificatore lineare SVM. I due stati mentali richiesti sono stati impiegati per controllare il movimento (rotazione) di un modello di arto superiore a 1 grado di libertà, simulato sullo schermo. Il cuore del lavoro di tesi è consistito nello sviluppo del software del sistema BCI (basato su piattaforma LabVIEW 2011), descritto nella tesi. L'intero sistema è stato poi anche testato su 4 soggetti, per 6 sessioni di addestramento.


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Icy debris fans have are newly-described landforms (Kochel and Trop, 2008 and 2012) as landforms developed immediately after deglaciation on Earth and similar features have been observed on Mars. Subsurface characteristics of Icy debris fans have not been previously investigated. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) was used to non-invasively investigate the subsurface characteristics of icy debris fans near McCarthy, Alaska, USA. The three fans investigated in Alaska are the East, West, and Middle fans (Kochel and Trop, 2008 and 2012) which below the Nabesna ice cap and on top of the McCarthy Creek Glacier. Icy debris fans in general are a largely unexplored suite of paraglacial landforms and processes in alpine regions. Recent field studies focused on direct observations and depositional processes. Their results showed that the fan's composition is primarily influenced by the type and frequency of depositional processes that supply the fan. Photographic studies show that the East Fan receives far more ice and snow avalanches whereas the Middle and West Fans receive fewer mass wasting events but more clastic debris is deposited on the Middle and West fan from rock falls and icy debris flows. GPR profiles and Wide-angle reflection and refraction (WARR) surveys consisting of both, common mid-point (CMP), and common shot-point (CSP) surveys investigated the subsurface geometry of the fans and the McCarthy Creek Glacier. All GPR surveys were collected in July of 2013 with 100MHz bi-static antennas. Four axial profiles and three cross-fan profiles were done on the West and Middle fans as well as the McCarthy Creek Glacier in order to investigate the relationship between the three features. GPR profiles yielded reflectors that were continuous for 10+ m and hyperbolic reflections in the subsurface. The depth to these reflections in the subsurface requires knowledge of the velocity of the subsurface. To find the velocity of the subsurface eight WARR surveys collected on the fans and on the McCarthy Creek glacier to provide information on variability of subsurface velocities. The profiles of the Middle and West fan have more reflections in their profiles compared to profiles done on the McCarthy Creek Glacier. Based on the WARR surveys, we interpret the lower energy return in the glacier to be caused by two reasons. 1) The increased attenuation due to wet ice versus drier ice and on the fan with GPR velocities >0.15m/ns. 2) Lack of interfaces in the glacier compared to those in the fans which are inferred to be produced by the alternating layers of stratified ice and lithic-rich layers. The GPR profiles on the West and Middle Fans show the shallow subsurface being dominated by lenticular reflections interpreted to be consistent with the shape of surficial deposits. The West Fan is distinguished from the Middle Fan by the nature of its reflections patterns and thicknesses of reflection packages that clearly shows the Middle fan with a greater thickness. The changes in subsurface reflections between the Middle and West Fans as well as the McCarthy Creek Glacier are thought to reflect the type and frequency of depositional processes and surrounding bedrock and talus slopes.


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In Streptococcus pneumoniae expression of pyruvate oxidase (SpxB) peaks during the early growth phase, coincident with the time of natural competence. This study investigated whether SpxB influences parameters of competence, such as spontaneous transformation frequency, expression of competence genes, and DNA release. Knockout of the spxB gene in strain D39 abolished spontaneous transformation (compared to a frequency of 6.3 x 10(-6) in the parent strain [P < 0.01]). It also reduced expression levels of comC and recA as well as DNA release from bacterial cells significantly during the early growth phase, coincident with the time of spontaneous competence in the parent strain. In the spxB mutant, supplementation with competence-stimulating peptide 1 (CSP-1) restored transformation (rate, 1.8 x 10(-2)). This speaks against the role of SpxB as a necessary source of energy for competence. Neither supplementation with CSP-1 nor supplementation with the SpxB products H2O2 and acetate altered DNA release. Supplementation of the parent strain with catalase did not reduce DNA release significantly. In conclusion, the pneumococcal spxB gene influences competence; however, the mechanism remains elusive.


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Stetig steigende Funktionalitäten, intelligente Materialien, eine möglichst geringe Leistungsaufnahme verbunden mit kleinem Volumen und geringem Gewicht sind die zentralen Anforderungen u.a. der Medizintechnik und der Telekommunikation. Um diesen Bedarf mit industriellen Fertigungsverfahren abzudecken, startete das Unternehmen nach seiner Gründung in Rumeln bereits 1996 mit dem Aufbau der RMPD® Technologiefamilie. Heute sichern diese Technologien, mit denen die direkte Serienproduktion auf Basis der CAD Kontruktionsdaten für Mikrosysteme und –komponenten werkzeuglos erfolgt, einem internationalen Kundenkreis Markterfolge mit dem Einsatz patentierter Fertigungssysteme. microTEC ist an zwei Standorten als Auftragsproduzent für Unternehmen u.a. aus den Bereichen Sensorik, Telekommunikation, Medizintechnik und Biotechnologie tätig. Mit den RMPD® Technologien profitieren die Kunden auch durch die schnelle Anpassungsfähigkeit an sich ändernde Marktbedingungen und Verbraucherwünsche. Über 300 Kunststoffe mit den unterschiedlichsten Eigenschaften stehen für mikroelektronische Packaging-Dienstleistungen und Auftragsfertigung von Mikrosystemen zur Verfügung, zu den Produkten gehören z.B. Mikrogetriebe mit selbstschmierenden Zahnrädern und Lab-on-a-Chipsysteme, die mit dem Einsatz hydrophiler Kunststoffe die Kapillarwirkung auch in 3D nutzen. Die beiden Geschäftsführer Dipl. Ing. Reiner Götzen und Andrea Reinhardt, sowie der Prokurist Dr. Ing. Helge Bohlmann stehen für eine konzernunabhängige, kundenorientierte Strategie und verfügen über langjährige Erfahrung als mittelständische Unternehmer. Dies bildet zusammen mit der internationalen Marktorientierung, dem branchenübergreifenden Technologie Know-how und den inhouse verfügbaren Produktionsanlagen die Basis für den weiteren Standortausbau im 8. Jahr des Unternehmens.