866 resultados para CONSENSUS (SOCIAL SCIENCES)


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Entrepreneurship, understood as the autonomous, effective pursuit of opportunities regardless of resources, is currently subject to a multitude of interests, expectations, and facilitation efforts. On the one hand, such entrepreneurial agency has broad appeal to individuals in Western market democracies and resonates with their longing for an autonomous, personally tailored, meaningful, and materially rewarding way of life. On the other hand, entrepreneurship represents a tempting and increasingly popular means of governance and policy making, and thus a model for the re-organization of a variety of societal sectors. This study focuses on the diffusion and reception of entrepreneurship discourse in the context of farming and agriculture, where pressures to adopt entrepreneurial orientations have been increasingly pronounced while, on the other hand, the context of farming has historically enjoyed state protection and adhered to principles that seem at odds with aspects of individualistic entrepreneurship discourse . The study presents an interpretation of the psychologically and politically appealing uses of the notion of entrepreneurial agency , reviews the historical and political background of the current situation of farming and agriculture with regard to entrepreneurship, and examines their relationships in four empirical studies. The study follows and develops a social psychological, situated relational approach that guides the qualitative analyses and interpretations of the empirical studies. Interviews with agents from the farm sector aim to stimulate evaluative responses and comments on the idea of entrepreneurship on farms. Analysis of the interview talk, in turn, detects the variety of evaluative responses and argumentative contexts with which the interviewees relate themselves to the entrepreneurship discourse and adopt, use, resist, or reject it. The study shows that despite the pressures towards entrepreneurialism, the diffusion of entrepreneurship discourse and the construction of entrepreneurial agency in farm context encounter many obstacles. These obstacles can be variably related to aspects dealing with the individual agent, the action situation, the characteristics of the action itself, or to the broader social, institutional and cultural context. Many aspects of entrepreneurial agency, such as autonomy, personal initiative and achievement orientation, are nevertheless familiar to farmers and are eagerly related to one s own farming activities. The idea of entrepreneurship is thus rarely rejected outright. The findings highlight the relational and situational preconditions for the construction of entrepreneurial agency in the farm context: When agents demonstrate entrepreneurial agency, they do so by drawing on available and accessed relational resources characteristic of their action context. Likewise, when agents fail or are reluctant to demonstrate entrepreneurial agency, they nevertheless actively account for their situation and demonstrate personal agency by drawing on the relational resources available to them.


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Background: Social and material deprivation is associated with poor health, decreased subjective well-being, and limited opportunities for personal development. To date, little is known about the lived experiences of Finnish low-income youths and the general purpose of this study is to fill this gap. Despite the extensive research on socioeconomic income disparities, only a few scholars have addressed the question of how low socioeconomic position is experienced by disadvantaged people themselves. Little is known about the everyday social processes that lead to decreased well-being of economically and socially disadvantaged citizens. Data: The study is based on the data of 65 autobiographical essays written by Finnish low-income youths aged 14-29 (M=23.51, SD=3.95). The research data were originally collected in a Finnish nationwide writing contest “Arkipäivän kokemuksia köyhyydestä” [Everyday Experiences of Poverty] between June and September of 2006. The contest was partaken by 850 Finnish writers. Methods and key concepts: Autobiographical narratives (N=65) of low-income youths were analyzed based on grounded theory methodology (GTM). The analysis was not built on specific pre-conceived categorizations; it was guided by the paradigm model and so-called “sensitizing concepts”. The concepts this study utilized were based on the research literature on socioeconomic inequalities, resilience, and coping. Socioeconomic inequalities refer to unequal distribution of resources, such as income, social status, and health, between social groups. The concept of resilience refers to an individual’s capacity to cope despite existing risk factors and conditions that are harmful to health and well-being. Coping strategies can be understood as ways by which a person tries to cope with psychological stress in a situation where internal or externals demands exceed one’s resources. The ways to cope are cognitive or behavioral efforts by which individual tries to relieve the stress and gain new resources. Lack of material and social resources is associated with increased exposure to health-related stressors during the life-course. Aims: The first aim of this study is to illustrate how youths with low socioeconomic status perceive the causes and consequences of their social and material deprivation. The second aim is to describe what kind of coping strategies youths employ to cope in their everyday life. The third aim is to build an integrative conceptual framework based on the relationships between causes, consequences, and individual coping strategies associated with deprivation. The analysis was carried out through systematic coding and orderly treatment of the data based on the grounded theory methodology. Results: Finnish low-income youths attributed the primary causes of deprivation to their family background, current socioeconomic status, sudden life changes, and contextual factors. Material and social deprivation was associated with various kinds of negative psychological, social, and material consequences. Youths used a variety of coping strategies that were identified as psychological, social, material, and functional-behavioral. Finally, a conceptual framework was formulated to link the findings together. In the discussion, the results were compared and contrasted to the existing research literature. The main references of the study were: Coping: Aldwin (2007); Lazarus & Folkman (1984); Hobfoll (1989, 2001, 2002). Deprivation: Larivaara, Isola, & Mikkonen (2007); Lister (2004); Townsend (1987); Raphael (2007). Health inequalities: Dahlgren & Whitehead (2007); Lynch. et al. (2000); Marmot & Wilkinson (2006); WHO (2008). Methods: Charmaz (2006); Flick (2009); Strauss & Corbin (1990). Resilience: Cutuli & Masten (2009); Luthar (2006).


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The purpose of this study was to examine whether trust in supervisor and trust in senior management enhance employees' job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and whether trust mediates the relationship between perceived justice and these outcomes. Trust in supervisor was expected to mediate the effects of distributive justice and interactional justice, and trust in senior management was expected to mediate the effects of procedural justice. Theoretical background of the study is based on the framework for trust in leadership developed by Dirks and Ferrin (2002). According to the framework, perceived fairness of leaders' actions helps employees to draw inferences about the basis of the relationship and about leaders' characters. This allows trust formation. Reciprocation of care and concern in the relationship and confidence in leaders' characters are likely to enhance employees' job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This study was conducted with cross-sectional data (A/ = 960) of employees from social and health care sector. Hypotheses were studied using correlation analysis and several hierarchical regression analyses. Significances of the mediations were assessed using the Sobel test. Results partially supported the hypotheses. Trust in leadership was positively related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Trust in senior management mediated the relationship between procedural justice and the outcomes. Some support was also found for the mediating effect of trust in supervisor in the relationship between distributive justice and organizational commitment. Due to high correlation between trust in supervisor anil interactional justice, it wasn't possible to study the mediating e fleet of trust in supervisor in the relationship between interactional justice and the outcomes. Against expectations, results indicated that trust in senior management had a mediating effect in the relationship between distributive justice and organizational commitment, and in the relationship between interactional justice and organizational commitment. Results also indicated that trust in supervisor had a mediating effect in the relationship between procedural justice and organizational commitment.


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A África e os africanos são, sem dúvida, objetos especiais para a abordagem das Ciências Sociais e Humanas. O Brasil foi um dos países que receberam mais escravos negros oriundos da África. Houve momentos na história que a população negra e escrava suplantavam a população branca de origem européia, dona daqueles escravos. No início do século XIX, a capital do império, o Rio de Janeiro, era denominado por pequena África, tal o número da população negra existente. Devido a esta forte ligação, discursos foram criados para intermediar a relação destes dois povos. A teoria das representações sociais é convocada neste trabalho como instrumento teórico metodológico com os objetivos de investigar o processo de formação e a estrutura da representação social da África e dos africanos. Para alcançar tais finalidades foram realizados dois tipos de entrevistas: o primeiro foi uma entrevista fechada, realizada com 200 estudantes de graduação da UERJ, os sujeitos da presente pesquisa, com a finalidade de obter dados que pudessem ser analisados pela abordagem estrutural. Desses 200 entrevistados, 25 também responderam perguntas abertas, caracterizando uma entrevista semi-estruturada que visava abordar os aspectos processuais das representações. Na análise, verificou-se que a representação da África está muito ligada as mazelas, como pobreza, fome e miséria enquanto a representação social dos africanos está relacionada a aspectos mais positivos, como alegria, luta e cultura. A discrepância destes resultados gerou a necessidade de voltar a campo para investigar o porquê das gritantes diferenças entre estas duas representações. Destes 20 alunos entrevistados, 35% acreditam que as imagens negativas da África têm relação com as imagens veiculadas pela mídia e outros 30% crêem que isso é conseqüência da grande pobreza que existe lá. Já a imagem positiva dos africanos está relacionada a naturalização de aspectos positivos atribuídos aos africanos, como alegres e obstinados (30%) e uma identificação entre brasileiros e africanos(25%). A análise mostra que enquanto a representação social da África é muito veiculada ao discurso midiático, a representação social dos africanos relaciona-se fortemente aos discursos politicamente corretos como a democracia racial.


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O presente trabalho deseja construir uma perspectiva acerca das tendências dos movimentos e mobilizações sociais organizados na América Latina contemporânea, e as considerações da teoria social aos novos sujeitos sociais emergentes. Para tanto, abordaremos as trajetórias boliviana e argentina, as quais nos informam sobre algumas das principais formas de ação coletiva engendradas após os avanços do neoliberalismo no subcontinente. Ademais, são enfocadas leituras de tal processo, elaboradas por algumas correntes da teoria social contemporânea, as quais contribuem para a formulação de uma interpretação mais próxima ao contexto latino-americano atual. Pretendemos, desta forma, apontar alguns dos principais desafios colocados às Ciências Sociais do subcontinente, a partir da observação de um dos fatores mais significativos para as transformações dos países da região.


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A teoria da sociedade de risco foi estabelecida por Ulrich Beck no ano de 1986 por meio da obra Risikogesellschaft - Auf dem Weg in eine andere Mordene. Beck propõe um novo rumo para a pesquisa sociológico segundo o qual o parâmetro clássico de estudo das ciências sociais baseado na luta entre classe deveria ser superado, pois esse modelo seria incapaz de explicar as complexas relações da sociedade moderna (pós-industrial) em que a característica principal não mais se encontra na disputa entre detentores do capital e explorado, mas, sim, em tentar reduzir ou repartir de modo mais justo os riscos sociais. Foi estabelecida a teoria da sociedade de risco a partir do incremento da tecnologia (por exemplo, energia nuclear, produção de alimentos transgênicos, etc). Com essas novas técnicas científicas praticamente impossível é conter os riscos sociais, uma vez que são neste momento difusos, ou seja, atingem um número indeterminado de pessoas. Neste ambiente de proliferação de riscos a demanda social direcionada à proteção por meio de intrumentos de controle dos riscos ganha papel de destaque. O sentimento social de insegurança baseia-se, principalmente, no fato de não ser mais o ser humano capaz de prever todos os efeitos das condutas a que está sendo diariamente exposto. Diante desse novo quadro social, o Direito, em especial, o Direito Penal não deve mostrar indiferença às necessidades de proteção. Neste contexto, questiona-se se o Direito Penal clássico, isto é, o Direito Penal produzido segundo bases Iluministas tipicamente liberal-burguesas do final século XIX conseguirá fornecer respostas úteis a um modelo social tão diferente daquele originalmente considerado. É necessário um arcabouço teórico próprio aos dias atuais, sem desconsiderar o avanço no campo dos direitos humanos. Defende-se na presente dissertação ter o Direito Penal por escopo a proteção de bens jurídicos, desde que, evidentemente, estejam lastreados no princípio da dignidade humana que serve de inspiração a todos os ordenamentos materialmente democráticos na atualidade. Não se pode negar o relevante papel assumido pelo bem jurídico-penal individual como contenção do jus puniendi estatal, no entanto, tal instrumento teórico deve ser combinado a outro: o bem jurídico-penal transindividual. Como técnica dogmática visando à gestão dos riscos por meio do Direito Penal destinado à proteção de bens jurídicos transindividuais adotar-se-á, geralmente, a utilização de tipos penais de perigo abstrato. Por fim, expõe este trabalho como pode ser empregado o bem jurídico-penal transindividual em zonas de difusão de riscos como a genética e o meio-ambiente.


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[EN] This study defines and proposes a measurement scale for social entrepreneurship (SE) in its broadest sense. The broad definition of SE covers for-profit firms that use social aims as a core component of their strategy. By pursuing social aims, these firms can boost the value of their products or services for consumers or exploit new business areas. Under this broad definition of SE, profit-seeking and the pursuit of social aims converge, thereby revealing a form of SE that has received little attention in either theoretical or empirical research. To fill this research gap, the present study proposes a measurement scale to measure broad SE in firms. The process used to build the scale draws upon research by Churchill (1979) and DeVellis (1991) and combines the Delphi technique, a pre-test questionnaire and structural equation modelling. The main aim of this research is to develop a scale capable of measuring broad SE in firms. The theoretical basis for the scale is supported by an empirical study in the hotel sector. The scale provides a valid, reliable instrument for measuring broad SE in firms. The scale meets all sociometric properties required of measurement scales in the social sciences, namely dimensionality, reliability and validity.


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Como as ciências sociais contribuíram para produzir teoricamente o movimento de pobladores chileno e de favelados no Brasil durante o século XX? Mediante a revisão crítica das principais teorias e perspectivas que tentaram compreender a ação política dos pobres urbanos de Santiago do Chile e do Rio de Janeiro, se espera mostrar a relação de proximidade entre estes movimentos e a produção das ciências sociais, onde operaria uma dupla hermenêutica, ou seja, um processo de reflexividade mutuamente influente que terminaria por incidir na constituição e reconhecimento dos movimentos enquanto tais. Esta tese tem o intuito de analisar como as ciências sociais performam as lutas sociais que buscam descrever, em outras palavras, como determinadas conjunturas acadêmicas interatuam positiva ou negativamente com as disputas políticas e sociais produzidas a partir dos movimentos em questão. Para tanto, se revisaram as principais perspectivas que estudaram a questão social urbana: a teoria da marginalidade, a urbanização dependente, a teoria dos movimentos sociais urbanos, as leituras utilitárias e a teoria dos novos movimentos sociais; mostrando como estas interpretações flutuaram entre o réquiem, o redescobrimento e a negação de favelados e pobladores como movimentos sociais.


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This paper attempts two tasks. First, it sketches how the natural sciences (including especially the biological sciences), the social sciences, and the scientific study of religion can be understood to furnish complementary, consonant perspectives on human beings and human groups. This suggests that it is possible to speak of a modern secular interpretation of humanity (MSIH) to which these perspectives contribute (though not without tensions). MSIH is not a comprehensive interpretation of human beings, if only because it adopts a posture of neutrality with regard to the reality of religious objects and the truth of theological claims about them. MSIH is certainly an impressively forceful interpretation, however, and it needs to be reckoned with by any perspective on human life that seeks to insert its truth claims into the arena of public debate. Second, the paper considers two challenges that MSIH poses to specifically theological interpretations of human beings. On the one hand, in spite of its posture of religious neutrality, MSIH is a key element in a class of wider, seemingly antireligious interpretations of humanity, including especially projectionist and illusionist critiques of religion. It is consonance with MSIH that makes these critiques such formidable competitors for traditional theological interpretations of human beings. On the other hand, and taking the religiously neutral posture of MSIH at face value, theological accounts of humanity that seek to coordinate the insights of MSIH with positive religious visions of human life must find ways to overcome or manage such dissonance as arises. The goal of synthesis is defended as important, and strategies for managing these challenges, especially in light of the pluralism of extant philosophical and theological interpretations of human beings, are advocated.


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The thesis examines cultural processes underpinning the emergence, institutionalisation and reproduction of class boundaries in Limerick city. The research aims to bring a new understanding to the contemporary context of the city’s urban regeneration programme. Acknowledging and recognising other contemporary studies of division and exclusion, the thesis creates a distinctive approach which focuses on uncovering the cultural roots of inequality, educational disadvantage, stigma and social exclusion and the dynamics of their social reproduction. Using Bateson’s concept of schismogenesis (1953), the thesis looks to the persistent, but fragmented culture of community and develops a heuristic ‘symbolic order of the city’. This is defined as “…a cultural structure, the meaning making aspect of hierarchy, the categorical structures of world understanding, the way Limerick people understand themselves, their local and larger world” (p. 37). This provides a very different departure point for exploring the basis for urban regeneration in Limerick (and everywhere). The central argument is that if we want to understand the present (multiple) crises in Limerick we need to understand the historical, anthropological and recursive processes underpinning ‘generalised patterns of rivalry and conflict’. In addition to exploring the historical roots of status and stigma in Limerick, the thesis explores the mythopoesis of persistent, recurrent narratives and labels that mark the boundaries of the city’s identities. The thesis examines the cultural and social function of ‘slagging’ as a vernacular and highly particularised form of ironic, ritualised and, often, ‘cruel’ medium of communication (often exclusion). This is combined with an etymology of the vocabulary of Limerick slang and its mythological base. By tracing the origins of many normalised patterns of Limerick speech ‘sayings’, which have long since forgotten their roots, the thesis demonstrates how they perform a significant contemporary function in maintaining and reinforcing symbolic mechanisms of inclusion/exclusion. The thesis combines historical and archival data with biographical interviews, ethnographic data married to a deep historical hermeneutic analysis of this political community.


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The purpose of this study is to explore aspects of social organisation during the Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic periods using craniometric data. Different hypotheses were tested using geometric morphometrics, alongside traditional craniometric data. The clustering of individuals from the same site, as well as a correspondence to an isolation-by-distance model—particular in the Mesolithic samples—points to population structure within these groups. Moreover, discontinuities in cranial traits between the early Upper Palaeolithic and later periods could suggest that the Last Glacial Maximum had a disruptive effect on populations in Europe. Differences in social organisation can often result from cultural norms regarding post-marital residence. Such differences can be tested by comparing cranial data to that of geographic information. Greater variation in male cranial traits relative to females, after controlling for location, suggests that the overall pattern of residence during the Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic was one of matrilocality. It has been suggested that coastal occupation was density dependent and these populations show a greater degree of sedentism than their inland counterparts. Moreover, it has been proposed that coastal areas were not continuously occupied until the Late Pleistocene due to spatial restrictions that would adversely affect reproductive opportunities. This study corroborates the pattern seen in cranial traits corresponded with that of a more sedentary population. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that coastal populations are more sedentary than inland populations during these periods. This study adds new information regarding the social dynamics of prehistoric populations in Europe and sheds light on some of the conditions that may have paved the way for the transition to agriculture


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Alternative food initiatives (AFIs) have been described as an attempt to change and improve aspects of how the food system operates. They are focused around more traditional, local and sustainable food production and circulation. AFIs such as farmers’ markets, allotments and community gardens, share a desire to reduce the number of steps food goes through from production to plate. The role of these initiatives in the food system, and their potential to impact real change, has however been questioned. Working to better understand this issue is a central concern of this research. To do this a two tier analysis has been deployed. The first tier involves identifying the characteristics and general dynamics of AFIs. Bourdieu’s theory of practice, and the theories of field and capital, are the concepts applied. The research then uses these findings in the second tier of analysis concerned with relating AFI characteristics and dynamics back to their key traits, positive and negative, as well as arguments made about AFI’s role identified from previous research. Another part of this second tier of analysis is exploring if AFIs, the producers, consumers, organisations and groups that make up this phenomenon, can be considered a social movement. AFIs can be referred to collectively as a social movement, but are not often explored theoretically from this perspective. AFIs in Ireland provide the empirical context for this research. A series of qualitative interviews in four areas of Ireland, as well as evidence from primary and secondary sources are analysed. The research finds that AFIs can be understood as the potential beginnings of a lifestyle social movement. Leaders are of central importance to its development. It is also found that an important role of AFIs is revitalising, supporting and contributing to food culture.


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The thesis starts with a historical analysis of the development of depression as a concept. Through this inquiry, the controversies behind the apparent consensus about depression’s etiology and treatment are illuminated, suggesting that the understanding of the climbing rates of depression in contemporary Western civilization is still up for grabs. That’s what the thesis sets out to investigate. In order to accomplish this aim, the study builds upon the classical accounts of Georg Simmel, Émile Durkheim and the more contemporary ideas of Dany-Robert Dufour, in dialogue with an array of supplementary theoretical sources. Navigating through this ‘sea’ of extraordinary and different theories, a new avenue of reflections arises, contributing for the sophistication of the questions made about the phenomenon of depression’s rates. The fundamental argument emerging from this theoretical undertaking is that ‘crises of meaninglessness’ that pervade the collective body of Western contemporary societies have, as one of its consequences, the expansion of depression rates. Meaninglessness in contemporary times is the primary object of investigation of the thesis. The concept, in the context of this study, is not understood as merely an effect of the historical decline of shared social norms due to processes of individualization. Rather, it is claimed, it originates from and is reinforced by the ‘political-economic theology of neo-liberalism’ which becomes virtually generalized in the West, erecting money as a God. The study concludes that by undermining culturally established values, ideals, institutions and principles that may block the dissemination of commodities this new transcendence has been challenging the task of signifying life, potentializing – among other subjective difficulties – the diffusion of depression.