981 resultados para CONIDIAL GERMINATION
The objective of this study was to determine the responses of the wheat cultivars CD 108 and CD 111 for tolerance to organic acids. The effects of five concentrations of the three main acids formed in the soil were studied: acetic acid (0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 mM), propionic acid (0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 mM) and butyric acid (0, 2, 4, 8 and 12 mM). Tests included germination, shoot length, root length and dry weight of shoot and root. The variable root length is the most responsive variable for all the acids tested and the critical level of toxicity of acetic, propionic and butyric acids, which reduced root length by at least 50% was 9.0, 8.5 and 4.0 mM respectively. It was concluded that the presence of acetic, propionic and butyric acids in the germination substratum of wheat seeds of the cultivars CD 111 and CD 108 reduced seedling development, mainly by reducing the length of the radicles.
The objective of this study was to characterize morphologically the seed germination and floral biology of Jatropha curcas grown in Viçosa, Minas Gerais state. The floral biology study was made on fresh inflorescences of 20 plants. For the post-seminal development study, the seeds were submitted to laboratory and greenhouse germination test. J. curcas has flowers of both sexes within the same inflorescence, with each inflorescence having an average of 131 flowers, being 120 male and 10.5 female flowers. Low numbers of hermaphrodite flowers were also found, ranging from 0 to 6 flowers per inflorescence. The germination of J. curcas begins on the third day with radicle protrusion in the hilum region. The primary root is cylindrical, thick, glabrous and branches rapidly, with about 4-5 branches three days after protrusion, when the emergence of the secondary roots begins. Seed coat removal occurs around the 8th day, when the endosperm is almost totally degraded and offers no resistance to the cotyledons that expand between the 10th and 12th day. A normal seedling has a long greenish hypocotyl, two cotyledons, a robust primary root and several lateral roots. On the 12th day after sowing, the normal seedling is characterized as phanerocotylar and germination is epigeal.
Some environmental factors, including water availability, may influence seed germination. This study investigated the germination of E. velutina seeds submitted to different osmotic potentials and mobilization of reserves during water-stress. Scarified seeds were arranged in paper rolls and soaked in solutions of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) prepared in osmotic potentials 0.0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6, and -0.8 MPa and kept into a seed germinator, at 25 °C, and 12/12 h photoperiod (L/D), during 10 days. The percentage, mean time, mean speed, germination speed index; as well as the germination uniformity coefficient were assessed. During germination process the total soluble sugars, reducing sugars, soluble protein, and total amino acids were quantified in the cotyledon, hypocotyl and radicle of soaked seeds and cotyledons of quiescent seeds (control). There was influence of osmotic potential on E. velutina seed germination. The germination percentage remained at high levels until -0.6 MPa and above this osmotic potential there has been no germination. The mobilization of stored reserves of carbon and nitrogen in E. velutina seeds was also influenced by water-stress. There was sensitiveness between -0.2 and -0.6 MPa; however, the degradation and the mobilization of reserves was slower when the osmotic potential decreased.
Structural differences such as abnormalities, damage and free spaces in seeds may affect germination. The aim of this study was to study the relationship between eggplant seed morphology and seed germination. Ten seed lots of the eggplant cultivar Embu were evaluated by X-ray image analysis and the germination test. Seed image analysis was performed by Image Pro Plus® software and the whole seed area and free space between the embryo and endosperm were measured. The internal seed area filled by the embryo and endosperm was calculated from the difference between the whole seed and free space areas. Based on these results and visual seed analysis, seeds were classified into three categories and information on germination was obtained for each one. X-ray image analysis provides a perfect view of the internal seed parts and for seed morphology studies. An increase in seed area filled by the endosperm and embryo does not improve seed germination. Mechanical seed damage and deteriorated tissues can adversely affect seed germination.
Somatic embryos were induced from scutellar callus of immature zygotic embryos of T aestivum cv. Chinese Spring. Observations on precociously germinating somatic embryos revealed that: (i) In the initial stages the coleoptile is split, exposes the shoot apex and forms a green trichomatous leafy structure. In the germinating zygotic embryo, the coleoptile is tubular, (ii) Unlike what has been inferred earlier the leafy structure is the coleoptile and not the scutellum, (iii) Bipolarity of the embryoid is established later when root develops at the basal end.
Germination experiments were performed with seeds of two species of genus Allium section Allium, a rare and endangered species A. pyrenaicum and a common A. sphaerocephalon. Different pre-treatments and a photoperiod of 24 h darkness were applied in order to simulate different germination conditions. Both species showed a high percentage of viable seeds a part of which were dormant. An elevate percentage of dormant seeds could be caused by a later collection time. Low altitude populations had more mortality than the others, possibly caused by the hard summer conditions during flowering and fruiting time. Comparisons between dates of species coexistence localities only show inter-population variability and it could be caused by the detected dormancy. Darkness accelerates germination, possibly for elongation radicle stimulation. Heat-shock pre-treatments decreased germination time in seeds from localities where fire is a probable event. The rarity of A. Pyrenaicum not seems to be caused by restricted germination requirements but is attributable to distinct habitat preferences, related to his altitudinal range of distribution
Response of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. NIAB-78) to salinity, in terms of seed germination, seedling root growth and root Na+ and K+ content was determined in a laboratory experiment. Cotton seeds were exposed to increasing salinity levels using germination water with Sodium chloride concentrations of 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mM, to provide different degrees of salt stress. Germinated seeds were counted and roots were harvested at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after the start of the experiment. It appeared that seed germination was only slightly affected by an increase in salinity (in most cases the differences between treatment were non-significant), whereas root length, root growth rate, root fresh and dry weights were severely affected, generally highly significant differences in these variables were found for comparisons involving most combinations of salinity levels, in particular with increased incubation period. K+ contents decreased with increasing salinity levels, although differences in K+ content were only significant when comparing the control and the 4 salinity levels. Na+ content of the roots increased with increasing levels of NaCl in the germination water, suggesting an exchange of K+ for Na+. The ratio K+/Na+ strongly decreased with rising levels of salinity from around 4.5 for the control to similar to 1 at 200 mM NaCl.
The impact of environment on the germination biology of Striga hermonthica was studied in the laboratory by conditioning seeds at various water potentials and urea concentrations at 17.5 to 37.5°C for up to 133 days. The experimental results presented in this research are related to the effects of temperature, water potential and urea nitrogen concentration during conditioning on subsequent germination percentage of S. hermonthica. Maximum germination in S. hermonthica seeds was observed at conditioning temperatures of 20 to 25°C within the range investigated of 17.5 to 37.5°C. Water stress and also urea during conditioning suppressed maximum germination. However, the conditioning temperature ranges at which maximum germination percentages occur vary with water stress and also urea concentration. In the presence of a high concentration of urea (3.16 mM), temperatures required for maximum germination narrowed to between 17.5 to 20°C. The optimum period of conditioning decreased with increase in water stress and also urea concentration similar to previous reports. The implications of these findings on Striga hermonthica field infestations have been investigated and being reported in another paper. Germination was greatly suppressed by conditioning environments including 3.16 mM urea and at 37.5°C. At the high concentration of 3.16 mM, temperatures required for maximum germination narrowed to between 17.5 and 20°C. Optimum conditioning period decreased with water stress and with increase in urea concentration.
The impact of environment on the germination biology of the parasite was studied in the laboratory with seeds conditioned at various water potentials, urea concentrations and at 17.5 to 37.5°C for up to 133 days. Maximum germination was observed at 20 to 25°C. Water stress and urea suppressed maximum germination. The final percentage germination response to period of conditioning showed a non-linear relationship and suggests the release of seeds from dormancy during the initial period and later on dormancy induction. Germination percentage increased with increase in conditioning period to a threshold and remained stable for variable periods followed by a decline with further extension of conditioning time. The decline in germination finally terminated in zero germination in most treatments before the end of experimentation. The investigated factors of temperature, water potential and urea showed clear effects on the expression of dormancy pattern of the parasite. The effects of water potential and urea were viewed as modifying a primary response of seeds to temperature during conditioning. The changes in germinability potential during conditioning were consistent with the hypothesis that dormancy periods are normally distributed within seed populations and that loss of primary dormancy precedes induction of secondary dormancy. Hence an additive mathematical model of loss of primary dormancy and induction of secondary as affected by environment was developed as: G = {[Φ-1 (Kp+ (po+pnN+pwW) (T-Tb) t)]-[Φ-1 (Ks+ ((swW+sa)+sorT)t)]}[Φ-1(aT2+bT+c+cwW)].
We investigated seed dormancy and germination in Ficus lundellii Standl. (Moraceae), a native species of Mexico's Los Tuxtlas tropical rain forest. In an 8-h photoperiod at an alternating diurnal (16/8 h) temperature of 20/30 degrees C, germination was essentially complete (96%) within 28 days, whereas in darkness, all seeds remained dormant. Neither potassium nitrate (0.05-0.2%) applied continuously nor gibberellic acid applied either continuously (10-200 ppm) or as a 24 hour pretreatment (2000 ppm) induced germination in the dark. Germination in the light was not reduced by a 24-h hydrochloric acid (0.1-1%) pretreatment, but it was reduced both by a 24-h pretreatment with either H2O2 (0. 1-5 M) or 5% HCl, or by more than 5 days of storage at 40 degrees C (4.5% seed water content). In a study with a 2-dimensional temperature gradient plate, seeds germinated fully and rapidly in the light at a constant temperature of 30 degrees C, and fully but less rapidly in the light at alternating temperatures with low amplitudes (< 12 degrees C) about the optimal constant temperature. The base, optimal and ceiling temperatures for rate of germination were estimated as 13.8, 30.1 and 41.1 degrees C, respectively. In all temperature regimes, light was essential for the germination of F lundellii seeds.
Seeds of Sterculia foetida were tested for germination following desiccation and subsequent hermetic storage. Whereas seeds at 10.3% moisture content were intact and provided 98% germination, further desiccation reduced germination substantially. The majority of seed coats had cracked after desiccation to 5.1% moisture content. Ability to germinate was not reduced after 12 months' hermetic storage at 10.3% and 7.3% moisture content at 15 degrees C or -18 degrees C, but was reduced considerably at 5.1%. Fungal infection was detected consistently for cracked seeds in germination tests and they did not germinate. However, almost all embryos extracted from cracked seeds germinated if first disinfected with sodium hypochlorite (1%, 5 minutes). In addition. 80 -100% of disinfected extracted embryos from cracked seeds stored hermetically for 28 d at -18 degrees C or -82 degrees C with 3.3% to 6.0% moisture content, and excised embryos stored in this way, were able to germinate. Hence. failure of the very dry seeds of Sterculia foetida to germinate was not due to embryo death from desiccation but to cracking increasing susceptibility to fungal infection upon rehydration. Cracking was associated negatively and strongly with relative humidity and appears to be a mechanical consequence of substantial differences between the isotherms of whole seeds compared with cotyledons and axes.
Gibberellic acid and potassium nitrate did not promote the germination of myrtle seeds when tested at 20/30degreesC (16/8h). Germination was promoted considerably by alternating temperatures. The results of an investigation on a two-dimensional temperature gradient plate showed that myrtle seeds germinated most rapidly (within 14 days) and fully (all viable seeds) at 35/22.5degreesC (16/8 h) and similar regimes. Tests on five seed lots of Lagerstroemia speciosa and L. floribunda showed the efficacy of the alternating temperature regime of 35/20degreesC (16/8 h) in promoting germination. Thus we recommend myrtle seeds be tested for germination in this regime for 28 days.
Root-knot nematode [RKN] (Meloidogyne incognita) can increase the severity of Verticillium (V dahliae) and Fusarium (F oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum) wilt diseases in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). This study was conducted to determine some of the physiological responses caused by nematode invasion that might decrease resistance to vascular wilt diseases. The effect of RKN was investigated on spore germination and protein, carbohydrate and peroxidase content in the xylem fluids extracted from nematode-infected plants. Two cotton cultivars were used with different levels of resistance to both of the wilt pathogens. Spore germination was greater in the xylem fluids from nematode-infected plants than from nematode-free plants. The effect on spore germination was greater in the Fusarium-resistant cultivar (51%). Analysis of these fluids showed a decrease in total protein and carbohydrate levels for both wilt-resistant cultivars, and an increase in peroxidase concentration. Fluids from nematode-free plants of the Verticillium-resistant cultivar contained 46% more peroxidase than the Fusarium-resistant cultivar. The results provide further evidence that the effect of RKN on vascular wilt resistance is systemic and not only local. Changes in metabolites in the xylem pass from the root to the stem, accelerating disease development.