931 resultados para COMPLEMENT PATHWAY
Reduction of complement activation through an alteration of the Fc fragment of immunoglobulins by b-propiolactone treatment was carried out in equine antisera raised against rabies virus, Bothrops venoms and diphtherial toxin. Results were evaluated by means of an anaphylactic test performed on guinea-pigs, and compared to the ones obtained with the same sera purified by saline precipitation (ammonium sulfate), followed or not by enzymatic digestion with pepsin. Protein purity levels for antibothropic serum were 184.5 mg/g and 488.5 mg/g in b-propiolactone treated and pepsin-digested sera, respectively. The recovery of specific activity was 100% and 62.5% when using antibothropic serum treated by b-propiolactone and pepsin digestion, respectively. The antidiphtherial and anti-rabies sera treated with b-propiolactone and pepsin presented protein purity levels of 5,698 and 7,179 Lf/g, 16,233 and 6,784 IU/g, respectively. The recovery of specific activity for these antisera were 88.8%, 77.7%, 100% and 36,5%, respectively. b-propiolactone treatment induced a reduction in complement activation, tested "in vivo", without significant loss of biological activity. This treatment can be used in the preparation of heterologous immunoglobulins for human use.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this analysis was to analyze and describe the steps that have been taken in the development of the mental health policy in Suriname after the WHO AIMS. The objectives are: 1.To review the steps to be taken in developing a mental health policy and plan for a country 2.To gather information and data concerning mental health policy and plan development in Suriname 3.To draw conclusion from the experience gained that can be applied to other countries. In general, the information that was gathered from the four countries Guyana, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago and Suriname, was compared with the WHO steps for developing a mental health policy and plan. Were these steps taken into consideration, when developing their mental health policy and plan? If not, what were the reasons why it did not happen? The checklist for evaluating a mental health plan was used in Suriname. This checklist assisted to see if the results of the recommendations given by the WHO AIMS to develop a effective and balanced mental health plan were taken into consideration. The mayor findings of the analysis are that Suriname as well as Guyana used the steps in developing their mental health policy and plan. Barbados and Trinidad & Tobago did not develop a mental health policy and plan. Suriname and Guyana have a mental health coordinating body at the Ministry of Health. Trinidad & Tobago as well as Barbados have a mental health focal person at the Ministry of Health of the respective countries. It can be concluded that successfully improving of health systems and services for mental health is combining theoretical concepts, expert knowledge and cooperation of many stakeholders. The appointment of a mental health coordinating unit at the Ministry of Health is crucial for the development of mental health in a country. Furthermore, mental health is everyone’s business and responsibility. Implementing the steps to be taken when developing a mental health policy and plan as recommended by WHO may be a slow process requiring the mobilization of political will. That’s why it is crucial that persons responsible for this process work close with all stakeholders in relevant sectors, taking their needs into consideration and try to translate that in clear objectives. It is common knowledge that improving the quality of mental health must be accompanied by the availability of financial and human resources. Finally, a mental health policy and plan should be one document tackling all aspects of mental health of a community.
Biochem. J. (2011) 438,485–494 doi:10.1042/BJ20110836
RESUMO: O corpo carotídeo (CB) é um pequeno órgão sensível a variações na PaO2, PaCO2 e pH. As células tipo I (células glómicas) do corpo carotídeo, as unidades sensoriais deste órgão, libertam neurotransmissores em resposta às variações dos gases arteriais. Estes neurotransmissores atuam quer em recetores pré-sinápticos, localizados nas células tipo I, quer em recetores póssinápticos, localizados nas terminações do nervo do seio carotídeo, ou em ambos. A activação dos recetores pré-sinápticos modula a atividade do corpo carotídeo, enquanto que, a activação dos recetores pós-sinápticos, de carater excitatório, desencadeia um aumento da frequência de descarga das fibras do CSN, com subsequente despolarização dos neurónios do gânglio petroso, e posterior despolarização de um grupo específico de neurónios do centro respiratório central, desencadeando, como resposta final, hiperventilação. Estes recetores pré- e pós-sinápticos podem ser classificados em ionotrópicos ou metabotrópicos, estando os últimos acoplados a adenilatos ciclases transmembranares (tmAC). O mecanismo exato pelo qual as variações dos gases arteriais são detetadas pelo CB não se encontra ainda completamente elucidado, mas tem sido sugerido que alterações nos níveis de cAMP estejam associadas ao mecanismo de deteção de variações de O2 e CO2. Os níveis de cAMP podem ser regulados através da sua via de síntese, mediada por dois tipos de adenilatos ciclases: tmAC sensível aos eurotransmissores e adenilato ciclase solúvel (sAC)sensível a variações de HCO3/CO2, e pela sua via de degradação mediada por fosfodiesterases. A via de degradação do cAMP pode ser manipulada farmacologicamente, funcionando enquanto alvo terapêutico para o tratamento de patologias do foro respiratório (e.g. asma, hipertensão pulmonar, doença pulmonar obstructiva crónica e apneia do sono), que induzem um aumento da actividade do CB.O trabalho descrito nesta dissertação partiu da hipótese de que a actividade do CB é manipulada por fármacos, que interferem com a via de sinalização do cAMP, tendo sido nosso objectivo geral, investigar o papel do cAMP na quimiotransdução do CB de rato, e determinar se a actividade dos enzimas responsáveis pela via de sinalização do cAMP é ou não regulada por variações de O2/CO2. Assim, a relevância deste trabalho é a de estudar e identificar possíveis alvos moleculares (sAC, isoformas de tmAC e PDE) com potencial para serem usados no tratamento de patologias relacionadas com o controlo respiratório. A primeira parte do presente trabalho, centrou-se na caracterização farmacológica da PDE4 no CB e em tecidos não quimiorecetores (e.g. gânglio cervical superior e artérias carótidas), e na observação do efeito de hipóxia aguda na acumulação dos níveis de cAMP, induzidos pelos inibidores de PDE, nestes tecidos. A quantificação de cAMP foi efectuada por técnica imunoenzimática (EIA), tendo sido elaboradas curvas de dose-resposta para os efeitos de inibidores, não específicos (IBMX) e específicos para a PDE2 e PDE4 (EHNA, Rolipram e Ro 20-1724), nos níveis de cAMP acumulados, em situações de normóxia (20%O2/5%CO2) e hipóxia (5%O2/5%CO2). A caracterização das PDE no gânglio cervical superior foi aprofundada, utilizando-se a técnica de transferência de energia de ressonância por fluorescência (FRET) em culturas primárias de neurónios, na presença de inibidores não específicos (IBMX) e específicos para a PDE3 e PDE4 (milrinone e rolipram, respetivamente). Foram igualmente estudadas, através de RT-qPCR, as alterações na expressão de PDE3A-B e PDE4A-D, no gânglio cervical superior, em resposta a diferentes percentagens de oxigénio. Na segunda parte do trabalho investigou-se a via de síntese do cAMP no CB em resposta a variações na concentração de HCO3/CO2. Em concreto, o protocolo experimental centrou-se na caracterização da sAC, dado que a sua actividade é regulada por variações de HCO3/CO2. A caracterização da expressão e regulação da sAC, em resposta a variações de HCO3/CO2 ,foi efectuada no CB e em tecidos não quimioreceptores periféricos (e.g. gânglio cervical superior, petroso e nodoso) por qRT-PCR. A actividade deste enzima foi caracterizada indirectamente através da quantificação dos níveis de cAMP (quantificação por EIA), induzidos por diferentes concentrações de HCO3/CO2, na presença de MDL-12,33-A, um inibidore da tmAC. A expressão das isoformas da tmAC no CB e gânglio petroso foi determinada por RT-qPCR. Adicionalmente, estudámos a contribuição relativa da tmAC e sAC no mecanismo de sensibilidade ao CO2 no CB. Para o efeito foram estudadas as alterações: 1) nos níveis de cAMP (quantificado por EIA) na presença de diferentes concentrações de HCO3/CO2 e ao longo do tempo (5-30 min); 2) na ativação da proteína cinase A (PKA, FRET baseado em sensores) em células tipo I do CB; e 3) na frequência de descarga do CSN (registos) na presença e ausência de ativadores e inibidores da sAC,tmAC e PKA. Por último, foi caracterizada a expressão e actividade da sAC nos quimioreceptors centrais (locus ceruleus, rafe e medula ventro-lateral) através de técnicas de RT-qPCR e EIA. A expressão das isoformas da tmAC foi aprofundada no locus coeruleus através de RT-qPCR. Por fim, comparámos a contribuição da tmAC e sAC nos níveis de cAMP no locus coeruleus em condições de normocapnia e hipercapnia.O nosso trabalho teve os seguintes resultados principais: 1) PDE4 está funcional no corpo carotídeo, artérias carótidas e gânglio cervical superior de rato, embora a PDE2 só se encontre funcional neste último; 2) Os efeitos dos inibidores de PDE nos níveis de acumulação de cAMP foram exacerbados em situações de hipóxia aguda no CB e artérias carótidas, mas foram atenuados no gânglio cervical superior; 3) No gânglio cervical superior, diferentes tipos de células apresentaram uma caracterização específica de PDEs, sugerindo uma subpopulação de células neste gânglio com funções fisiológicas distintas; 4) Embora todas as isoformas de PDE4 e PDE3 estivessem presentes no gânglio, a PDE3a, PDE4b e a PDE4d foram as isoformas mais expressas. Por outro lado, incubações de gânglio cervical superior, em diferentes percentagens de oxigénio, não alteraram (não regularam) significativamente a expressão das diferentes isoformas de PDE neste órgão; 5) a sAC encontra-se expressa e funcional no CB e nos quimiorecetores centrais estudados (locus coeruleus, rafe e medula ventrolateral). A sAC apresenta maior expressão no CB comparativamente aos restantes orgãos estudados, exceptuando os testículos, orgão controlo. Variações de HCO3/CO2 de 0/0 para 24/5 aumentaram os níveis de cAMP no CB e quimiorecetores centrais, tendo sido o aumento mais significativo observado no CB. Concentrações acima dos 24mM HCO3/5%CO2 não induziram alterações nos níveis de cAMP, sugerindo que a actividade da sAC se encontra saturada em condições fisiológicas (normocapnia) e que este enzima não desempenha qualquer papel na deteção de situações de hipercapnia; 6) No CB, a expressão das isoformas tmAC1, tmAC4, tmAC6 e tmAC9 é mais elevada comparativamente à expressão da sAC; 7) Utilizamos diferentes inibidores da tmAC (MDL 12-330A, 500μM, 2’5’-ddADO, 30-300μM, SQ 22536, 200μM) e da sAC (KH7, 10-100μM) para estudar a contribuição relativa destes enzimas na acumulação do cAMP no CB. Tanto a tmAC como a sAC contribuem para a acumulação dos níveis de cAMP em condições de hipercapnia. Contudo, existe um maior efeito destes inibidores nas condições de 12 mM HCO3/2.5%CO2 do que em condições de normocapnia e hipercapnia, sugerindo um papel relevante destes enzimas na atividade do CB em situações de hipocapnia; 8) Não se observaram variações nos níveis de cAMP em resposta a diferentes concentrações de HCO3/CO2 ao longo do tempo (5-30 min). O efeito inibitório induzido por ddADO e KH7 foi sobreponível após 5 ou 30 minutos de incubação em todas as concentrações de HCO3/CO2 estudadas; 9) Por último, verificou-se um aumento na frequência da descarga do nervo do seio carotídeo entre as condições de normocapnia e hipercapnia acídica. Ao contrário do KH7 (10μM), o 2’5’-ddADO reduziu significativamente a frequência de descarga do nervo, quer em condições de normocapnia quer de hipercapnia acídica. Contudo, não se verificou aumento na frequência de descarga do nervo entre normocapnia e hipercapnia isohídrica, sugerindo que a sensibilidade à hipercapnia no CB é mediada por variações de pH. Em conclusão, os resultados decorrentes deste trabalho permitiram demonstrar que, embora os enzimas que medeiam a via de sinalização do cAMP possam ser bons alvos terapêuticos em condições particulares, a sua actividade não é específica para o CB. Os resultados sugerem ainda que o cAMP não é um mediador específico da transdução à hipercapnia neste orgão. Contudo, os nossos resultados demonstraram que os níveis de cAMP são mais elevados em condições fisiológicas, o que sugere que o cAMP possa ter uma função homeostática neste orgão. Por último, o presente trabalho demonstrou que os aumentos de cAMP descritos por outros em condições de hipercapnia, não são observáveis quando o pH se encontra controlado. ------------------ ABSTRACT: The work presented in this dissertation was aimed to establish how specific is cAMP-signaling pathways in the CB mainly in different CO2 conditions and how O2 concentrations alter/drives the manipulation of cAMP signaling in the CB. The experimental studies included in this thesis sought to investigate the role of cAMP in the rat CB chemotransduction mechanisms and to determine whether the enzymes that participate in cAMP signal transduction in the CB are regulated by O2/CO2. We characterized the enzymes involved in the cAMP-signaling pathway in the CB (sAC, tmAC, PDE) under different O2/CO2 conditions. Our results demonstrated that many of these enzymes are involved in CO2/O2 sensing and while they may be useful in treating conditions with alterations in CO2/O2 sensing,they will not be specific to chemoreception within the CB: 1) PDE4 is ubiquitously expressed in CB and non-chemoreceptor related tissues and their affinity to inhibitors change with O2 tensions in both CB and carotid arteries, and 2) sAC and tmAC are expressed in peripheral and central chemo- and non-chemoreceptor tissues and their effect on cAMP levels do not change between normocapnic and isohydric hypercapnic conditions. Our results provide evidence against a specific role of cAMP as a mediator for O2 and CO2 chemotransduction in the rat CB and emphasized the role of pH in CO2 sensitivity of the CB. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that cAMP levels are maintained higher under physiological conditions, supporting recent finding from our lab, which all together suggests that cAMP has a homeostatic function in this organ.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
Behçet's disease (BD) is a complex disease with genetic and environmental risk factors implicated in its etiology; however, its pathophysiology is poorly understood. To decipher BD's genetic underpinnings, we combined gene expression profiling with pathway analysis and association studies. We compared the gene expression profiles in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 15 patients and 14 matched controls using Affymetrix microarrays and found that the neuregulin signaling pathway was over-represented among the differentially expressed genes. The Epiregulin (EREG), Amphiregulin (AREG), and Neuregulin-1 (NRG1) genes of this pathway stand out as they are also among the top differentially expressed genes. Twelve haplotype tagging SNPs at the EREG-AREG locus and 15 SNPs in NRG1 found associated in at least one published BD genome-wide association study were tested for association with BD in a dataset of 976 Iranian patients and 839 controls. We found a novel association with BD for the rs6845297 SNP located downstream of EREG, and replicated three associations at NRG1 (rs4489285, rs383632, and rs1462891). Multifactor dimensionality reduction analysis indicated the existence of epistatic interactions between EREG and NRG1 variants. EREG-AREG and NRG1, which are members of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family, seem to modulate BD susceptibility through main effects and gene–gene interactions. These association findings support a role for the EGF/ErbB signaling pathway inBD pathogenesis that warrants further investigation and highlight the importance of combining genetic and genomic approaches to dissect the genetic architecture of complex diseases.
Transthyretin amyloidosis is a conformational pathology characterized by the extracellular formation of amyloid deposits and the progressive impairment of the peripheral nervous system. Point mutations in this tetrameric plasma protein decrease its stability and are linked to disease onset and progression. Since non-mutated transthyretin also forms amyloid in systemic senile amyloidosis and some mutation bearers are asymptomatic throughout their lives, non-genetic factors must also be involved in transthyretin amyloidosis. We discovered, using a differential proteomics approach, that extracellular chaperones such as fibrinogen, clusterin, haptoglobin, alpha-1-anti-trypsin and 2-macroglobulin are overrepresented in transthyretin amyloidosis. Our data shows that a complex network of extracellular chaperones are over represented in human plasma and we speculate that they act synergistically to cope with amyloid prone proteins. Proteostasis may thus be as important as point mutations in transthyretin amyloidosis.
Adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia remains a major therapeutic challenge, requiring a better characterization of the molecular determinants underlying disease progression and resistance to treatment. Here, using a phospho-flow cytometry approach we show that adult diagnostic B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia specimens display PI3K/Akt pathway hyperactivation, irrespective of their BCR-ABL status and despite paradoxically high basal expression of PTEN, the major negative regulator of the pathway. Protein kinase CK2 is known to phosphorylate PTEN thereby driving PTEN protein stabilization and concomitant PTEN functional inactivation. In agreement, we found that adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia samples show significantly higher CK2 kinase activity and lower PTEN lipid phosphatase activity than healthy controls. Moreover, the clinical-grade CK2 inhibitor CX-4945 (Silmitasertib) reversed PTEN levels in leukemia cells to those observed in healthy controls, and promoted leukemia cell death without significantly affecting normal bone marrow cells. Our studies indicate that CK2-mediated PTEN posttranslational inactivation, associated with PI3K/Akt pathway hyperactivation, are a common event in adult B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and suggest that CK2 inhibition may constitute a valid, novel therapeutic tool in this malignancy.
Clinical and serological follow-up of 7 patients submitted to renal transplantation and presenting positive serological reactions to Chagas 'disease before immunossupression did not show significant changes in indirect immunofluorescence and complement fixation titres for Chagas ' disease, or signs and symptoms indicating exacerbation of the disease during follow- up. In addition, 18 of 66 recipients of renal transplants considered to be non-chagasic before immunosuppression showed at least one positive result to the indirect immunofluorescence test for Chagas ' disease during the study period. The results suggest that the immunosuppression State induced in chagasic patients submitted to renal transplant did notpromoted exacerbation of the chronic infection in these patients and not interfere with the serological response of chronic chagasics, thus permitting the use of these serologic reactions for diagnostic purposes in these cases. However, the positive results ofthe indirect immunofluorescence test in non- chagasic patients indicate the needforjudicious interpretation ofthe indirect immunofluorescence test for the diagnosis of Chagas' disease in renal transplanted patients.
RESUMO: A pele é o maior órgão do corpo humano e a sua pigmentação é essencial para a sua coloração e proteção contra os efeitos nocivos da radiação ultravioleta (UV). A pigmentação da pele resulta essencialmente de três processos: a síntese e o armazenamento de melanina pelos melanócitos, em organelos especializados denominados melanossomas; o transporte dos melanossomas dentro dos melanócitos; e finalmente, a transferência dos melanossomas para os queratinócitos adjacentes. Nos queratinócitos, a melanina migra para a região perinuclear apical da célula para formar um escudo protetor,responsável pela proteção do DNA dos danos causados pela radiação UV. Os melanócitos estão localizados na camada basal da epiderme e contactam com 30-40 queratinócitos. Em conjunto, estas células formam a “unidade melano-epidérmica”. Apesar dos processos de síntese e transporte de melanina nos melanócitos estarem bastante bem caracterizados, os mecanismos moleculares subjacentes à transferência inter-celular de melanina são menos conhecidos e ainda controversos. Dados preliminares obtidos pelo nosso grupo, que se basearam na observação de amostras de pele humana por microscopia electrónica, indicam que a forma predominante de transferência de melanina na epiderme consiste na exocitose dos melanossomas pelos melanócitos e subsequente endocitose da melanina por queratinócitos. Para além disso sabe-se que as proteínas Rab, que controlam o tráfego membranar, estão envolvidas em várias etapas de pigmentação da pele, nomeadamente na biogénese e no transporte de melanina. Assim, dado o seu papel fundamental nestes processos, questionámo-nos sobre o seu envolvimento na transferência de melanina. Com este trabalho, propomo-nos a expandir o conhecimento atual sobre a transferência de melanina na pele, através do estudo detalhado dos seus mecanismos moleculares, identificando as proteínas Rab que regulam o processo. Pretendemos também confirmar o modelo de exo/endocitose como sendo o mecanismo principal de transferência de melanina. Primeiro, explorámos a regulação da secreção de melanina pelos melanócitos e analisámos o papel de proteínas Rab neste processo. Os resultados foram obtidos recorrendo a um método in vitro, desenvolvido previamente no laboratório, que avalia a quantidade de melanina segregada para o meio de cultura por espectrofotometria, e ainda por microscopia, contando o número de melanossomas transferidos para os queratinócitos. Através de co-culturas de melanócitos e queratinócitos, verificou-se que os queratinócitos estimulam a libertação de melanina dos melanócitos para o meio extra-celular, bem como a sua transferência para os queratinócitos. Além disso, a proteína Rab11b foi identificada como um regulador da exocitose de melanina e da sua transferência para os queratinócitos. De facto, a diminuição da expressão de Rab11b em melanócitos provocou a redução da secreção de melanina estimulada por queratinócitos, bem como da transferência desta. Em segundo lugar, para complementar o nosso estudo, centrámos a nossa investigação na internalização de melanina por queratinócitos. Especificamente, usando uma biblioteca de siRNA, explorámos o envolvimento de proteínas Rab na captação de melanina por queratinócitos. Como primeira abordagem, usámos esferas fluorescentes como substituto de melanina, avaliando os resultados por citometria de fluxo. No entanto, este método revelou-se ineficaz uma vez que a internalização destas esferas é independente do recetor PAR-2 (recetor 2 ativado por protease), que foi previamente descrito como essencial na captação de melanina por queratinócitos Posteriormente, foi desenvolvido um novo protocolo de endocitose baseado em microscopia, usando melanossomas sem a membrana envolvente (melanocores) purificados do meio de cultura de melanócitos, incluindo um programa informático especialmente desenhado para realizar uma análise semi-automatizada. Após internalização, os melanocores acumulam-se na região perinuclear dos queratinócitos, em estruturas que se assemelham ao escudo supranuclear observado na pele humana. Seguidamente, o envolvimento do recetor PAR-2 na captação de melanocores por queratinócitos foi confirmado, utilizando o novo protocolo de endocitose desenvolvido. Para além disso, a necessidade de quatro proteínas Rab foi identificada na internalização de melanocores por queratinócitos. A redução da expressão de Rab1a ou Rab5b em queratinócitos diminuiu significativamente o nível de internalização de melanocores, enquanto o silenciamento da expressão de Rab2a ou Rab14 aumentou a quantidade de melanocores internalizados por estas células. Em conclusão, os resultados apresentados corroboram as observações anteriores, obtidas em amostras de pele humana, e sugerem que o mecanismo de transferência predominante é a exocitose de melanina pelos melanócitos, induzida por queratinócitos, seguida por endocitose pelos queratinócitos. A pigmentação da pele tem implicações tanto ao nível da cosmética, como ao nível médico, relacionadas com foto-envelhecimento e com doenças pigmentares. Assim sendo, ao esclarecer quais os mecanismos moleculares que regulam a transferência de melanina na pele, este trabalho pode conduzir ao desenvolvimento de novas estratégias para modular a pigmentação da pele.----------------ABSTRACT: Skin pigmentation is achieved through the highly regulated production of the pigment melanin in specialized organelles, termed melanosomes within melanocytes. These are transported from their site of synthesis to the melanocyte periphery before being transferred to keratinocytes where melanin forms a supra-nuclear cap to protect the DNA from UVinduced damage. Together, melanocytes and keratinocytes form a functional complex, termed “epidermal-melanin unit”, that confers color and photoprotective properties to the skin. Skin pigmentation requires three processes: the biogenesis of melanin; its intracelular transport within the melanocyte to the cell periphery; and the melanin transfer to keratinocytes. The first two processes have been extensively characterized. However, despite significant advances that have been made over the past few years, the mechanisms underlying inter-cellular transfer of pigment from melanocytes to keratinocytes remain controversial.Preliminary studies from our group using electron microscopy and human skin samples found evidence for a mechanism of coupled exocytosis-endocytosis. Rab GTPases are master regulators of intracellular trafficking and have already been implicated in several steps of skin pigmentation. Thus, we proposed to explore and characterize the molecular mechanisms of melanin transfer and the role of Rab GTPases in this process. Moreover, we investigated whether the exo/endocytosis model is the main mechanism of melanin transfer. We first focused on melanin exocytosis by melanocytes. Then, we started to investigate the key regulatory Rab proteins involved in this step by establishing an in vitro tissue culture model of melanin secretion. Using co-cultures of melanocytes and keratinocytes, we found that keratinocytes stimulate melanin release and transfer. Moreover, depletion of Rab11b decreases keratinocyte-induced melanin exocytosis by melanocytes. In order to determine whether melanin exocytosis is a predominant mechanism of melanin transfer, the amount of melanin transferred to keratinocytes was then assayed in conditions where melanin exocytosis was inhibited. Indeed, Rab11b depletion resulted in a significant decrease in melanin uptake by keratinocytes. Taken together, these observations suggest that Rab11b mediates melanosome exocytosis from melanocytes and transfer to keratinocytes. To complement and extend our study, we of melanin by keratinocytes. Thus, we aimed to explore the effect of depleting Rab GTPases on melanin uptake and trafficking within keratinocytes. As a first approach, we used fluorescent microspheres as a melanin surrogate. However, the uptake of microspheres was observed to be independent of PAR-2, a receptor that is required for melanin uptakecentred our attention in the internalization of melanin by keratinocytes. Thus, we aimed to explore the effect of depleting Rab GTPases on melanin uptake and trafficking within keratinocytes. As a first approach, we used fluorescent microspheres as a melanin surrogate. However, the uptake of microspheres was observed to be independent of PAR-2, a receptor that is required for melanin uptake.Therefore, we concluded that microspheres were uptaken by keratinocytes through a different pathway than melanin. Subsequently, we developed a microscopy-based endocytosis assay using purified melanocores (melanosomes lacking the limiting membrane) from melanocytes, including a program to perform a semi-automated analysis. Melanocores are taken up by keratinocytes and accumulate in structures in the perinuclear area that resemble the physiological supranuclear cap observed in human skin. We then confirmed the involvement of PAR-2 receptor in the uptake of melanocores by keratinocytes, using the newly developed assay. Furthermore, we identified the role of four Rab GTPases on the uptake of melanocores by keratinocytes. Depletion of Rab1a and Rab5b from keratinocytes significantly reduced the uptake of melanocores, whereas Rab2a, and Rab14 silencing increased the amount the melanocores internalized by XB2 keratinocytes. In conclusion, we present evidence supporting keratinocyte-inducedmelanosome exocytosis from melanocytes, followed by endocytosis of the melanin core by keratinocytes as the predominant mechanism of melanin transfer in skin. Although advances have been made, there is a need for more effective and safer therapies directed at pigmentation disorders and also treatments for cosmetic applications. Hence, the understanding of the above mechanisms of skin pigmentation will lead to a greater appreciation of the molecular machinery underlying human skin pigmentation and could interest the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
Staphylococcus aureus is an important opportunistic pathogen that can cause a wide variety of diseases from mild to life-threatening conditions. S. aureus can colonize many parts of the human body but the anterior nares are the primary ecological niche. Its clinical importance is due to its ability to resist almost all classes of antibiotics available together with its large number of virulence factores. MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus) strains are particularly important in the hospital settings, being the major cause of nosocomial infections worldwide. MRSA resistance to β-lactam antibiotics involves the acquisition of the exogenous mecA gene, part of the SCCmec cassette. Fast and reliable diagnostic techniques are needed to reduce the mortality and morbidity associated with MRSA infections, through the early identification of MRSA strains. The current identification techniques are time-consuming as they usually involves culturing steps, taking up to five days to determine the antibiotic resistance profile. Several amplification-based techniques have been developed to accelerate the diagnosis. The aim of this project was to develop an even faster methodology that bypasses the DNA amplification step. Gold-nanoprobes were developed and used to detect the presence of mecA gene in S. aureus genome, associated with resistance traits, for colorimetric assays based on non-crosslinking method. Our results showed that the mecA and mecA_V2 gold-nanoprobes were sensitive enough to discriminate the presence of mecA gene in PCR products and genomic DNA (gDNA) samples for target concentrations of 10 ng/μL and 20 ng/μL, respectively. As our main objective was to avoid the amplification step, we concluded that the best strategy for the early identification of MRSA infection relies on colorimetric assays based on non-crosslinking method with gDNA samples that can be extracted directly from blood samples.
Polysaccharides are gaining increasing attention as potential environmental friendly and sustainable building blocks in many fields of the (bio)chemical industry. The microbial production of polysaccharides is envisioned as a promising path, since higher biomass growth rates are possible and therefore higher productivities may be achieved compared to vegetable or animal polysaccharides sources. This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the modeling and optimization of a particular microbial polysaccharide, namely the production of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) by the bacterial strain Enterobacter A47. Enterobacter A47 was found to be a metabolically versatile organism in terms of its adaptability to complex media, notably capable of achieving high growth rates in media containing glycerol byproduct from the biodiesel industry. However, the industrial implementation of this production process is still hampered due to a largely unoptimized process. Kinetic rates from the bioreactor operation are heavily dependent on operational parameters such as temperature, pH, stirring and aeration rate. The increase of culture broth viscosity is a common feature of this culture and has a major impact on the overall performance. This fact complicates the mathematical modeling of the process, limiting the possibility to understand, control and optimize productivity. In order to tackle this difficulty, data-driven mathematical methodologies such as Artificial Neural Networks can be employed to incorporate additional process data to complement the known mathematical description of the fermentation kinetics. In this Ph.D. thesis, we have adopted such an hybrid modeling framework that enabled the incorporation of temperature, pH and viscosity effects on the fermentation kinetics in order to improve the dynamical modeling and optimization of the process. A model-based optimization method was implemented that enabled to design bioreactor optimal control strategies in the sense of EPS productivity maximization. It is also critical to understand EPS synthesis at the level of the bacterial metabolism, since the production of EPS is a tightly regulated process. Methods of pathway analysis provide a means to unravel the fundamental pathways and their controls in bioprocesses. In the present Ph.D. thesis, a novel methodology called Principal Elementary Mode Analysis (PEMA) was developed and implemented that enabled to identify which cellular fluxes are activated under different conditions of temperature and pH. It is shown that differences in these two parameters affect the chemical composition of EPS, hence they are critical for the regulation of the product synthesis. In future studies, the knowledge provided by PEMA could foster the development of metabolically meaningful control strategies that target the EPS sugar content and oder product quality parameters.
Adolescents’ perceptions of parenting and family relationships are important variables for identifying mechanisms involved in how children acquire values and how these values are transmitted through families. In a sample of 515 adolescents, we investigated whether perceptions of the quality of parental practices would predict adolescents’ collectivist and individualist values. We hypothesized that perceived quality of family relations would mediate the relationship between the quality of parental practices and collectivist values but not of individualist values. The results of structural equation modeling suggested that perception of the quality of parental practices predicted adolescents’ both collectivist and individualist values. The predicted mediation effect was found for collectivist values, but not for individualist values. The results point to different functions of parenting and family relations on value acquisition. Implications for practice, such as the development and implementation of interventions to improve the formation of adolescents’ values by enhancing the quality of parenting and family relationships are discussed.
A Gß protein and the TupA Co-Regulator Bind to Protein Kinase A Tpk2 to Act as Antagonistic Molecular Switches of Fungal Morphological Changes
The Optic atrophy 1 protein (OPA1) is a key element in the dynamics and morphology of mitochondria. We demonstrated that the absence of I?B kinase-a, which is a key element of the nonclassical NF-?B pathway, has an impact on the mitochondrial network morphology and OPA1 expression. In contrast, the absence of NF-?B essential modulator (NEMO) or I?B kinase-ß, both of which are essential for the canonical NF-?B pathway, has no impact on mitochondrial dynamics. Whereas Parkin has been reported to positively regulate the expression of OPA1 through NEMO, herein we found that PARK2 overexpression did not modify the expression of OPA1. PARK2 expression reduced the levels of Bax, and it prevented stress-induced cell death only in Bak-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblast cells. Collectively, our results point out a role of the nonclassical NF-?B pathway in the regulation of mitochondrial dynamics and OPA1 expression.