551 resultados para COMPASS


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The Woodruff Family Collection: From the time the Woodruff Family came to Canada from the United States in 1795, they took an active role in the forming of their communities both in a civic and social manner. This is evident through the documents contained in this collection. The Woodruffs played an active role in the battles fought in Upper Canada and they were an integral part of the Village of St. Davids. They were educated, business-minded and socially engaged. They accumulated much of their fortune through land dealings. Much of this collection focuses on Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff who was principally a businessman. His dedication to his work is shown through his numerous undertakings. He made his mark on the Niagara Peninsula through his work on the railways, roads, marsh land revisions, canals and the paper industry. He was also involved with the founding of the Long Point Company and he took control of building DeVeaux Hall down to the last detail. His offspring inherited his work ethic and his business acumen. The people who married into the Woodruff Family also possessed key social, political and business ties. Anne and Margaret Clement were from a staunch Loyalist background. Samuel Zimmerman was instrumental to the founding of Niagara Falls and Judge Samuel DeVeaux left behind a legacy for poor and homeless boys in Niagara Falls, New York. The Woodruff Family undoubtedly left a mark on the Niagara Peninsula. This collection brings to light many endeavours of the family and their varied contributions.


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Les professionnels ont par définition un public bénéficiaire de leurs services : le patient pour le médecin, le psychologue ou l’infirmière ; le client pour l’avocat ; le consommateur pour le gestionnaire d’une entreprise commerciale ; etc. L’usager ou l’habitant du cadre bâti constitue un des destinataires des services professionnels du designer d’intérieur. De quelle manière peut-on apprendre aux étudiants/futurs professionnels du design d’intérieur à se mettre à la place de l’usager/habitant des espaces qu’ils conçoivent ? Le concept de l’empathie, communément décrit comme la capacité de se mettre à la place de l’autre, de le comprendre et de ressentir ses sentiments et ses émotions, est bien adapté pour explorer cette attitude. Cet article est composé de deux parties. La première présente une expérience pédagogique en design d’intérieur où des étudiants apprennent à se représenter les usagers de leur projet d’aménagement en utilisant un outil méthodologique appelé « boussole éthique ». Cette boussole est constituée essentiellement de trois pôles qui renvoient aux trois rapports fondamentaux de l’être humain tels qu’étudiés dans la tradition stoïcienne : rapport à soi-même, à autrui et à la nature. Dans la seconde partie, l’article met en relief plusieurs éléments théoriques qui permettent de comprendre, de consolider et, éventuellement, de faire évoluer les bases conceptuelles qui sous-tendent cette démarche. Il s’agira notamment des théories éthiques et de certaines approches spécifiques au concept de l’empathie.


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Ce mémoire porte sur l’efficacité des campagnes sociales sur Internet afin d’encourager les jeunes adultes à voter. La constatation du déclin de la participation électorale des jeunes adultes nous a poussés à vouloir comprendre quels sont les enjeux qui touchent à cette problématique et comment les campagnes sociales incitatives au vote peuvent répondre à un certain besoin. La campagne électorale des élections générales canadiennes du 2 mai 2011, durant laquelle plusieurs outils Internet ont été développés pour inciter la population à voter, le plus connu étant la Boussole électorale, a constitué un contexte clé pour nous permettre d’explorer le sujet. À l’aide des théories sur l’influence des médias et de celles de la persuasion, nous allons mieux comprendre les possibilités qu’offre le Web pour la mobilisation sociale. Deux cueillettes de données ont été faites, soit une première quantitative par questionnaire pour voir le niveau de pénétration de ces outils Internet ainsi que leur appréciation, soit une deuxième qualitative par groupe de discussion afin d’approfondir la problématique de la désaffection politique et d’analyser la pertinence des campagnes sociales incitatives au vote. La mise en commun des résultats nous a permis de comprendre, entre autres, que les campagnes sociales sur Internet peuvent constituer un outil de conscientisation politique dans certaines circonstances et qu’elles peuvent bénéficier des réseaux sociaux comme Facebook et Twitter. Toutefois, le besoin d’éducation civique demeure une solution récurrente lorsqu’on parle d’encourager les jeunes adultes à voter.


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Global Positioning System (GPS), with its high integrity, continuous availability and reliability, revolutionized the navigation system based on radio ranging. With four or more GPS satellites in view, a GPS receiver can find its location anywhere over the globe with accuracy of few meters. High accuracy - within centimeters, or even millimeters is achievable by correcting the GPS signal with external augmentation system. The use of satellite for critical application like navigation has become a reality through the development of these augmentation systems (like W AAS, SDCM, and EGNOS, etc.) with a primary objective of providing essential integrity information needed for navigation service in their respective regions. Apart from these, many countries have initiated developing space-based regional augmentation systems like GAGAN and IRNSS of India, MSAS and QZSS of Japan, COMPASS of China, etc. In future, these regional systems will operate simultaneously and emerge as a Global Navigation Satellite System or GNSS to support a broad range of activities in the global navigation sector.Among different types of error sources in the GPS precise positioning, the propagation delay due to the atmospheric refraction is a limiting factor on the achievable accuracy using this system. The WADGPS, aimed for accurate positioning over a large area though broadcasts different errors involved in GPS ranging including ionosphere and troposphere errors, due to the large temporal and spatial variations in different atmospheric parameters especially in lower atmosphere (troposphere), the use of these broadcasted tropospheric corrections are not sufficiently accurate. This necessitated the estimation of tropospheric error based on realistic values of tropospheric refractivity. Presently available methodologies for the estimation of tropospheric delay are mostly based on the atmospheric data and GPS measurements from the mid-latitude regions, where the atmospheric conditions are significantly different from that over the tropics. No such attempts were made over the tropics. In a practical approach when the measured atmospheric parameters are not available analytical models evolved using data from mid-latitudes for this purpose alone can be used. The major drawback of these existing models is that it neglects the seasonal variation of the atmospheric parameters at stations near the equator. At tropics the model underestimates the delay in quite a few occasions. In this context, the present study is afirst and major step towards the development of models for tropospheric delay over the Indian region which is a prime requisite for future space based navigation program (GAGAN and IRNSS). Apart from the models based on the measured surface parameters, a region specific model which does not require any measured atmospheric parameter as input, but depends on latitude and day of the year was developed for the tropical region with emphasis on Indian sector.Large variability of atmospheric water vapor content in short spatial and/or temporal scales makes its measurement rather involved and expensive. A local network of GPS receivers is an effective tool for water vapor remote sensing over the land. This recently developed technique proves to be an effective tool for measuring PW. The potential of using GPS to estimate water vapor in the atmosphere at all-weather condition and with high temporal resolution is attempted. This will be useful for retrieving columnar water vapor from ground based GPS data. A good network of GPS could be a major source of water vapor information for Numerical Weather Prediction models and could act as surrogate to the data gap in microwave remote sensing for water vapor over land.


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The fishing industry the world over is passing through a critical situation.The landings of marine fishes seemed to have reached saturation in major fishing areas of the world.As a general rule fisheries employing fishing gear and techniques used by small scale and artisanal fishermen either from shore or from onboard small fishing craft come under small-scale fisheries.This study on gill nets of Kerala, the fishing method depended upon by maximum fishermen of the state focuses on the importance of this selective and low energy fishing method in the marine fishing sector of the state.The study opens with the conceptual framework by briefly reviewing the crisis in the marine fisheries sector. Maximum fishermen depend upon gill net, which is, an important selective and low energy fishing gear. A review of relevant literature on aspects such as material, selectivity and techno-economic efficiency together with scope and main objectives of the study form the major part of the compass of the introductory chapter.This survey provided the inputs for selection of centres. The chapter presents the basis for selection of sample centres, sample units and methodology for field and experimental study.The subject matter of the fourth chapter is a basic study on gear aterials. The weathering resistance, which is an important criterion to assess the material performance, was studied for polyamide monofilament in comparison to polyamide multifilament and polyethylene twisted monofilament.The study provides supporting evidence of oxidation and characteristic C-O stretching in polyethylene and cyclic lactam .formation and presence of OH in polyamide.The study indicates that small mesh gill netting can be encouraged as a selective fishing method in the inshore waters with restrained use of 30 and 32 mm mesh sizes. The economic efficiency was assessed using standard indices such as rate of return, internal rate of return, pay back period, fishery income, energy efficiency and factor productivity. The effect of size and cost of capital and cost of production on the economics of operation is also discussed in this chapter. It was observed that level of technology did not have direct effect on economic performance.


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This report describes a working autonomous mobile robot whose only goal is to collect and return empty soda cans. It operates in an unmodified office environment occupied by moving people. The robot is controlled by a collection of over 40 independent "behaviors'' distributed over a loosely coupled network of 24 processors. Together this ensemble helps the robot locate cans with its laser rangefinder, collect them with its on-board manipulator, and bring them home using a compass and an array of proximity sensors. We discuss the advantages of using such a multi-agent control system and show how to decompose the required tasks into component activities. We also examine the benefits and limitations of spatially local, stateless, and independent computation by the agents.


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Analizando las políticas económicas del régimen de Pinochet, se determina en qué sentido permitieron la construcción de legitimidad. Sin desconocer el uso de la fuerza, se sostiene que gracias a las políticas económicas, sus resultados y la nueva lógica económica en ellas incorporada, Pinochet llegó a ser legítimo para una importante porción de la población.


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Partiendo de la importancia que ha adquirido la Responsabilidad Social (RS) a nivel mundial y bajo el entendimiento que la cadena de suministro es de importancia para la efectiva ejecución de una política de RS de cualquier organización, en el presente trabajo se pretende realizar un diagnóstico de la RS de los contratistas que tienen potenciales impactos en los asuntos considerados pertinentes por Equión Energía según los lineamientos de la norma ISO 26000. El proceso se centra en Equión Energía, organización petrolera radicada en Colombia con operación de proyectos de exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos en el departamento de Casanare. Para el desarrollo de las actividades la empresa, Equión cuenta con aproximadamente 150 organizaciones contratistas a nivel internacional y nacional. Mediante la realización del diagnóstico a una muestra representativa del grupo de contratistas, el estudio servirá como insumo para definir una ruta de ajuste gradual para promover la RS en la cadena de suministro de Equión. El fin último del ajuste es mejorar la gestión de la RS en los procesos de compras y contratación, contribuyendo así, con el cumplimiento de la misión y visión de la compañía donde se espera que la organización contribuya con el desarrollo sostenible de la región donde opera y del país.


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Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal relatar la manera en que operan las iglesias pentecostales o conocidas popularmente en Colombia como cristianas y que tienen su sede principal en la ciudad de Bogotá. Para este fin se realizaron numerosas entrevistas a varios personajes que pertenecen a estas congregaciones y que se encargaron de contar cómo se crearon, de dónde viene el dinero que solventa sus necesidades, los gastos que tienen mensualmente y además, dieron detalles que permitirán al lector conocer de cerca las diferencias entre una iglesia pequeña, una mediana y una de gran tamaño. La voz de un experto y estudioso del fenómeno religioso en Colombia también está presente en este texto que además cuestiona de manera implícita el proceso de regulación que el Ministerio de Interior y las autoridades ejercen sobre estos lugares.


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Data for water vapor adsorption and evaporation are presented for a bare soil (sandy loam, clay content 15%) in a southern Spanish olive grove. Water losses and gains were measured using eight high-precision minilysimeters, placed around an olive tree, which had been irrigated until the soil reached field capacity (similar to 0.22 m(3) m(-3)). They were subsequently left to dry for 10 days. A pair of lysimeters was situated at each of the main points of the compass (N, E, S, W), at a distance of 1 m (the inner set of lysimeters; ILS) and 2 m (the outer set of lysimeters; OLS), respectively, from the tree trunk. Distinct periods of moisture loss (evaporation) and moisture gain (vapor adsorption) could be distinguished for each day. Vapor adsorption often started just after noon and generally lasted until the (early) evening. Values of up to 0.7 mm of adsorbed water per day were measured. Adsorption was generally largest for the OLS (up to 100% more on a daily basis), and increased during the dry down. This was mainly the result of lower OLS surface soil moisture contents (period-average absolute difference similar to 0.005 m(3) m(-3)), as illustrated using various analyses employing a set of micrometeorological equations describing the exchange of water vapor between bare soil and the atmosphere. These analyses also showed that the amount of water vapor adsorbed by soils is very sensitive to changes in atmospheric forcing and surface variables. The use of empirical equations to estimate vapor adsorption is therefore not recommended.


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In many Sub-Saharan African countries, the care of chronically ill, disabled or elderly relatives is usually regarded as the responsibility of family members, within a broader landscape of often overburdened healthcare systems, the expense of medical fees, very limited access to social protection and policies that emphasise home-based care. Recent studies have demonstrated that children and youth, particularly girls and young women, take on considerable caring roles for chronically ill and elderly relatives in Africa. This article reviews the available research on young people’s caring roles and responsibilities within families affected by chronic illness and disability in Sub-Saharan Africa. I discuss how children’s caring roles challenge global and local constructions of childhood and suggest ways of conceptualising the socio-spatial and embodied dimensions of children’s everyday care work within diverse household forms. I analyse evidence on outcomes of care and children’s resilience in managing their caring responsibilities and examine the complex array of processes that influence whether children take on caring roles within the family. I argue that relational, intergenerational and lifecourse approaches to researching children’s caring responsibilities within the family have considerable potential for future geographical research and could provide further insights into the ways that care is embedded in social relations, cultural norms and structural inequalities operating in different configurations in particular places.