213 resultados para COMICS


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In this article it is examined the work Persepolis, animation movie which summarizes the four volumes of the homonymous work launched in the form of comics in France, between 2000 and 2003. Narrated by the author Marjane Satrapi, it portraits the 15 years following the events of 1979 in Iran, from her personal perspective. Belonging to a left-wing social group, westernized according to the Iranian standards, she saw its utopias die as the Islamic Revolution won. However, during an auto exile in Vienna in her teen ages, she realized that the vaunted western liberty also charged its price. Considering Persepolis narrative literally as a look into perspective, it is debated the political and social aspects of the relationship east / west in a particular relation with the work of Edward Said.


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This artistic-scientific process aims to innovate the concept of Interactive Comics by adding them into the concept of RPG games and Single-Adventures. To make it properly done, there will be some issues about Interactivity, history of the Comic Strip and Mangas, and their techniques of use. Also, there will be other issues involving Electronic Comics and Interactive Comics, in addition to the concept of the RPG games and Single-Adventures, so that the reader of this paper could understand the practical result of every issue combined into one. The identification of these issues is made from a bibliographic and iconographic research, and it will also be displayed throughout the content. Some decisions will be thrown along this paper for the reader to decide and, therefore, understand the Interactivity process in a better way. The combined issues’ result will be presented in my interactive website, http://a3studios.com.br/iss/home (address not final) or http://amstarproductions.net (final address), where the readers will have to experience the “Play&Read” phenomenon. Furthermore, this work is inserted in the line of the research Artistic Processes and Procedures of the Department of Fine Arts from the Art Institute of UNESP, whose methodology used was the Freinet Educational Cybernetics, developed in the research group Media Arts and Videoclip leaded by the leading advisor for this Final Course Work. The result and discussion of artistic and scientific research were reported in monographs such as this that I present, with the following versions: PDF version for dissemination in the virtual repository of the Institute of Arts’ Library; hardcover version for physical collection at the Library of Institute of Arts; The Printed Version for the board of examiners; and an appropriated template version for submission to International Scientific Congress in the area of Arts.


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The term “independent media art” expresses an artistic-scientific process performed in the Art- Science Communication interface presented as Final Paper in Visual Arts baccalaureate modality. The first part consists in gather, in artisticscientific research, an overview of the production of independent comics, mainly in Brazil, as well as some of the manifestations that were derived from it. The identification is made from bibliographical and iconographical survey, both printed and virtual materials. The second part discusses the production of a comic of my own - Imperfect Lives - published independently. This work is inserted in the line of research “Artistic Processes and Procedures” of the Department of Fine Arts of the Art Institute of UNESP and describes: Creative process, production, dissemination and influences. The third and final section brings together the work done by me during the four-year course, whose theme has some relation with comics. Experiments are in various media, using one or another characteristic intrinsic to them. The monography includes as an appendix a copy of each issue of the fanzine Imperfect Lives. The methodology used was Freinetiana Educational Cybernetics, developed in the research group “Art media and Videoclip”, whose leading advisor is the one from this Final Paper. The result and discussion of the artistic research and scientific monography were reported in the following versions: PDF File repository for dissemination in the virtual library of the Institute of Arts. Hardcover version for physical collection in the Library of the Institute of Arts. Paper version for the committee. Template version appropriate for submission to International Scientific Congress in the area of Arts


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As histórias em quadrinhos ainda são normalmente associadas por grande parte da sociedade e temas infantis e superficiais. Porém, diversos quadrinistas têm nos mostrado com o passar dos anos que as HQs podem e devem ser respeitadas como meio de comunicação, por sua união singular do imagético com o textual. O quadrinho pode se transformar em uma alternativa para o jornalismo, por trabalhar com liberdade ímpar em suas técnicas estilítico-narrativas. Um dos grandes expoentes dos quadrinhos no jornalismo é o maltês naturalizado norte americano Joe Sacco. Joe escreveu as obras Área de Segurança Gorazde e Uma história de Sarajevo, sobre a Guerra da Bósnia. Esta pesquisa busca fazer uma análise destas duas obras, e mostrar como as histórias em quadrinhos podem acrescentar novas visões e perspectivas ao jornalismo, preenchendo lacunas criadas pelo modo de produção noticioso e dando espaço àqueles marginalizados pela grande mídia


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The English writer Neil Gaiman has a varied background in various genres of literature and comics. His novel Coraline (2002) was considered a bestseller and received numerous adaptations, including versions for the comics (U.S., 2008, illustrated by P. Craig Russelle) and for a musical off Broadway (USA, 2009). The object of analysis chosen for this research was the adaptation of Coraline for film, Coraline (U.S., 2009), stop motion animation directed by Henry Selick. In the eyes of the general public the film stands out for being an engaging animation. Under a closer look, Coraline becomes a valuable object of study that incorporated the technique of stop motion at the same time that modernized the fantastic genre, usually directed to children and youth, but in that case, reaches many audiences. The objective of this research is to analyze the animation based on theory of origin greimasian, focusing on the narrative that constitutes the fantastic genre in order to infer the regularities of genrer and the specificities of audiovisual product


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC


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This article proposes a reflection on the “continuities of the process” in narratives, defined by the closure of the space and by the waiting in time (chronopoiesis), as well as on the “halts of the process” in narratives, defined by the opening of the space and by the repose in time (chronotrophy). In Claude Zilberberg?s proposal about the missive making (le faire missif ), it means, the profound making that governs the becoming of the narratives, temporality and spatiality are related to the categories of closure and opening. The terms chronopoiesis and chronotrophy, established by Zilberberg from the Greek stems, have etymologically in common the stem “krónos”, the time. The first term is added to “poiesis”, “creation”; the second comes together with “trophê”, the “feeding”, the “development”. The remissive making, that carries the “continuities of the process”, is chronopoietic (the expectant temporality, which creates the waiting time), and spatially closed. On the other hand, the emissive making, which carries the “halts of the process”, is chronotrophic (the “originating” temporality, because it is “fed”, creating the passing time) and spatially open. Our reflection on chronopoiesis and chronotrophy aims at verifying if these temporal operations of the missivity necessarily correspond to spatial closures and openings, respectively, as the Zilberberg’s model proposes, in verbo-visual narratives, specifically in comics.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Cultural events are changing significantly since the arrival of Web 2.0, where the company now has the ability to interact with the content available on the Internet, and also produce their own channels of media content. Among the existing manifestations, stands out by a bias folk-communicational, content production Comics, which consists in the narrative reconstruction of existing audiovisual products, making the author of the new work in an agent folkcommunicational. This article presents new perspectives on the issue, proposing a new reading of the mediations folk-communicational from transmedia storytelling.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Teaching resources involve different elements used to support the organization of teaching and learning. Among these are the comic books, involving visual aspects, both cognitive and creative, that provide an alternative way to complement the lectures. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a comic book entitled “Human Body”, focusing on the circulatory, digestive, nervous and respiratory systems, to provide an alternative resource for the teaching of the content in the initial years. The material was evaluated with students of the 5th year of elementary education at a public school in the state of São Paulo, through the use of questionnaires. The comic book proved to be valid as a complementary teaching resource for learning in students, enabling reflection on the relevance of the development and use of comics to science education in the initial years.


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This monograph has the inspiring theme using Comic Books in physics education. The Comic Books are objects, which are part of our current daily life, in newspaper, magazines, comics and electronic media, and providing entertainment to the readers. Beyond this property, the ludic nature and linguistics become an interesting material when applied on Education. Our goal was to research an analyze a Comic Book that could be used in a Physics class. The chosen material was Astronauta Magnetar from Danilo Beyruth. With this Comic Book, we perform a short course with students from three High School grade, where the themes of labor were Astrophysics and Electromagnetism. From the results of this short course, we prepared a lot of comments and discussions about the role of Comic Books in a classroom, as an significant instrument for Physics Education


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Comic books, graphic narrative and sequential art, had their origin in newspapers, in the period of the Industrial Revolution. First published weekly in the comic strip format, with the passage of time, the new form of literature has gained more and more public and comic strips became complete stories in the format of comic books and later, graphic novels. This course's final paper aims to present the main components of comics: the picture and the text; and to examine the way in which these two elements overlap and complement each other in the configuration of comics as a whole. As the object of analysis, it was chosen the graphic novel Spider-Man: Blue, first published in 2002 as part of a project composed by three other titles from the double winning cartoonists of the Eisner Award, Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. For theoretical background, was chosen the book Os Quadrinhos - Linguagem e Semiótica: Um Estudo Abrangente da Arte Sequencial written by the researcher Antonio Luiz Cagnin, which presents a study of all components found in the sequential art and treated in this work: the narrative time, visual plans, balloons, caption, and onomatopoeia


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)