Based on investment strategies, the history of the BNDES and the economic policy current between the years 2006 and 2010, this paper presents an analysis of the support given by the Bank in the state of São Paulo, trying to see how these influenced the territorial structure and development of this state in the period
The aim of this study was to describe the distribution of waist circumference (WC) and WC to height (WCTH) values among Kaingang indigenous adolescents in order to estimate the prevalence of high WCTH values and evaluate the correlation between WC and WCTH and body mass index (BMI)-for-age. A total of 1,803 indigenous adolescents were evaluated using a school-based cross-sectional study. WCTH values > 0.5 were considered high. Higher mean WC and WCTH values were observed for girls in all age categories. WCTH values > 0.5 were observed in 25.68% of the overall sample of adolescents. Mean WC and WCTH values were significantly higher for adolescents with BMI/age z-scores > 2 than for those with normal z-scores. The correlation coefficients of WC and WCTH for BMI/age were r = 0.68 and 0.76, respectively, for boys, and r = 0.79 and 0.80, respectively, for girls. This study highlights elevated mean WC and WCTH values and high prevalence of abdominal obesity among Kaingang indigenous adolescents.
The aim of this study was to describe the distribution of waist circumference (WC) and WC to height (WCTH) values among Kaingáng indigenous adolescents in order to estimate the prevalence of high WCTH values and evaluate the correlation between WC and WCTH and body mass index (BMI)-for-age. A total of 1,803 indigenous adolescents were evaluated using a school-based cross-sectional study. WCTH values > 0.5 were considered high. Higher mean WC and WCTH values were observed for girls in all age categories. WCTH values > 0.5 were observed in 25.68% of the overall sample of adolescents. Mean WC and WCTH values were significantly higher for adolescents with BMI/age z-scores > 2 than for those with normal z-scores. The correlation coefficients of WC and WCTH for BMI/age were r = 0.68 and 0.76, respectively, for boys, and r = 0.79 and 0.80, respectively, for girls. This study highlights elevated mean WC and WCTH values and high prevalence of abdominal obesity among Kaingáng indigenous adolescents.
Through this research I have tried to demonstrate how the evolution of the newest marketing strategies - that work towards engaging relationships with consumers, thus building an emotional connection between the brand and the user- can be considered as a response to the evolution of young audiences and consumers. More specifically, I have analized product placement as a cultural and social phenomena above all, and not only as an economical one, thus demonstrating all the social and cultural practices that this tool implies. The approach I have chosen to do so, is historical-analytical, particularly focusing on the evolution of the society and of the consumer, especially for what teenagers (both as audiences and as consumers) are concerned.
Gli scavi effettuati a Classe, a sud di Ravenna, presso i siti archeologici dell'area portuale e della Basilica di San Severo, hanno portato alla luce un numero abbondante di moneta, 2564 dall'area portuale e 224 dalla basilica, un totale di 2788 reperti monetali, di cui solo 863 sono leggibili e databili. La datazione dei materiali dell’area portuale, fondata agli inizi del V secolo, parte dal II secolo a.C. fino all’VIII secolo d.C.. La maggior parte dei reperti è relativa al periodo tra il IV e il VII secolo, il momento di massima importanza del porto commerciale, con testimonianza di scambi con altri porti del bacino mediterraneo, in particolare con l’Africa del Nord e il Vicino Oriente. La documentazione proveniente dalla Basilica di San Severo, fondata alla fine del VI secolo per la custodia delle reliquie del santo, mostra un trend diverso dal precedente, con monetazione che copre un arco cronologico dal I secolo a.C. fino al XIV secolo d.C.. La continuità dell’insediamento è dimostrato dall’evidenza numismatica, seppur scarsa, fino alla costruzione del monastero a sud della basilica, l’area dalla quale provengono la maggior parte delle monete. I quantitativi importanti di monetazione tardoantica, ostrogota e bizantina, in particolare di tipi specifici come il Felix Ravenna, ipoteticamente coniato a Roma, oppure il ½ e il 1/4 di follis di produzione saloniana emesso da Giustiniano I, hanno concesso uno studio dettagliato per quello che riguarda il peso, le dimensioni e lo stile di produzione di queste emissioni. Questi dati e la loro distribuizione sul territorio ha suggerito nuove ipotesi per quello che riguarda la produzione di questi due tipi presso la zecca di Ravenna. Un altro dato importante è il rinvenimento di emissioni di Costantino VIII, alcune rare e altre sconosciute, rinvenute solo nel territorio limitrofo a Classe e Ravenna.
OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence of spinal cord compression subsequent to traumatic intervertebral disk (IVD) extrusion in dogs, characterize factors associated with spinal cord compression in dogs with traumatic IVD extrusion, and evaluate the outcomes of dogs with traumatic IVD extrusion with or without spinal cord compression. DESIGN Retrospective case series. ANIMALS 31 dogs with traumatic IVD extrusion. PROCEDURES Medical records and MRI findings were reviewed for dogs with a history of trauma to the spinal region. Dogs were included in the study if a neurologic examination and MRI were performed and there was a description of clinical signs and MRI findings including identification of the spinal cord segment affected by IVD extrusion, presence or absence of spinal cord compression, treatment, and outcome available for review. RESULTS 31 of 50 (62%) dogs had traumatic IVD extrusions without any other detectable vertebral lesions; 9 (29%) and 22 (71%) of those 31 dogs did and did not have spinal cord compression, respectively. Dogs with spinal cord compression were significantly older and more likely to be chondrodystrophic and have evidence of generalized IVD degeneration, compared with dogs without spinal cord compression. The outcome for dogs with spinal cord compression was similar to that for dogs without spinal cord compression. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated traumatic IVD extrusion was common and should be considered as a differential diagnosis for dogs with trauma to the spinal region, and spinal cord compression should be evaluated, especially in older or chondrodystrophic dogs.
Sustainable and equitable management of biodiversity in protected areas inhabited by indigenous peoples is often a challenge. It requires an intercultural dialogue based on local norms of resource use and indigenous knowledge. Moreover, mechanisms that generate economic incentives must be able to compete with income from illegal activities such as logging, mining, and land trafficking. Finally, efforts are needed to ensure that regulations and policies on conservation and resource extraction do not overlap and contradict each other, as this hampers efforts both to conserve biodiversity and to promote development at the local level.
Endogenous development is defined as development that values primarily locally available resources and the way people organized themselves for that purpose. It is a dynamic and evolving concept that also embraces innovations and complementation from other than endogenous sources of knowledge; however, only as far as they are based on mutual respect and the recognition of cultural and socioeconomic self-determination of each of the parties involved. Experiences that have been systematized in the context of the BioAndes Program are demonstrating that enhancing food security and food sovereignty on the basis of endogenous development can be best achieved by applying a ‘biocultural’ perspective: This means to promote and support actions that are simultaneously valuing biological (fauna, flora, soils, or agrobiodiversity) and sociocultural resources (forms of social organization, local knowledge and skills, norms, and the related worldviews). In Bolivia, that is one of the Latin-American countries with the highest levels of poverty (79% of the rural population) and undernourishment (22% of the total population), the Program BioAndes promotes food sovereignty and food security by revitalizing the knowledge of Andean indigenous people and strengthening their livelihood strategies. This starts by recognizing that Andean people have developed complex strategies to constantly adapt to highly diverse and changing socioenvironmental conditions. These strategies are characterized by organizing the communities, land use and livelihoods along a vertical gradient of the available eco-climatic zones; the resulting agricultural systems are evolving around the own sociocultural values of reciprocity and mutual cooperation, giving thus access to an extensive variety of food, fiber and energy sources. As the influences of markets, competition or individualization are increasingly affecting the life in the communities, people became aware of the need to find a new balance between endogenous and exogenous forms of knowledge. In this context, BioAndes starts by recognizing the wealth and potentials of local practices and aims to integrate its actions into the ongoing endogenous processes of innovation and adaptation. In order to avoid external impositions and biases, the program intervenes on the basis of a dialogue between exogenous, mainly scientific, and indigenous forms of knowledge. The paper presents an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of enhancing endogenous development through a dialogue between scientific and indigenous knowledge by specifically focusing on its effects on food sovereignty and food security in three ‘biocultural’ rural areas of the Bolivian highlands. The paper shows how the dialogue between different forms of knowledge evolved alongside the following project activities: 1) recuperation and renovation of local seeds and crop varieties (potato – Solanum spp., quinoa – Chenopodium quinoa, cañahua – Chenopodium pallidicaule); 2) support for the elaboration of community-based norms and regulations for governing access and distribution of non-timber forest products, such as medicinal, fodder, and construction plants; 3) revitalization of ethnoveterinary knowledge for sheep and llama breeding; 4) improvement of local knowledge about the transformation of food products (sheep-cheese, lacayote – Cucurbita sp. - jam, dried llama meat, fours of cañahua and other Andean crops). The implementation of these activities fostered the community-based livelihoods of indigenous people by complementing them with carefully and jointly designed innovations based on internal and external sources of knowledge and resources. Through this process, the epistemological and ontological basis that underlies local practices was made visible. On this basis, local and external actors started to jointly define a renewed concept of food security and food sovereignty that, while oriented in the notions of well being according to a collectively re-crafted world view, was incorporating external contributions as well. Enabling and hindering factors, actors and conditions of these processes are discussed in the paper.
In its search for pathways towards a more sustainable management of natural resources, development oriented research increasingly faces the challenge to develop new concepts and tools based on transdisciplinarity. Transdisciplinarity can, in terms of an idealized goal, be defined as a research approach that identifies and solves problems not only independently of disciplinary boundaries, but also including the knowledge and perceptions of non-scientific actors in a participatory process. In Mozambique, the Centre for Development and Environment (Berne, Switzerland), in partnership with Impacto and Helvetas (Maputo, Mozambique), has elaborated a new transdisciplinary tool to identify indigenous plants with a potential for commercialization. The tool combines methods from applied ethnobotany with participatory research in a social learning process. This approach was devised to support a development project aimed at creating alternative sources of income for rural communities of Matutuíne district, Southern Mozambique, while reducing the pressure on the natural environment. The methodology, which has been applied and tested, is innovative in that it combines important data collection through participatory research with a social learning process involving both local and external actors. This mutual learning process provides a space for complementary forms of knowledge to meet, eventually leading to the adoption of an integrated approach to natural resource management with an understanding of its ecological, socio-economic and cultural aspects; local stakeholders are included in the identification of potentials for sustainable development. Sustainable development itself, as a normative concept, can only be defined through social learning and consensus building between the local and external stakeholders.
El objetivo del proyecto es formular lineamientos base para propuestas de mejoramiento del hábitat en La Angostura en el Valle del Tafí, favoreciendo su actual proceso de desarrollo y fortalecimiento comunitario como pueblo indígena. La Comunidad se encuentra en un proceso de construcción y reafirmación de su identidad como pueblo originario, lo que involucra reivindicaciones ligadas a la preservación de su hábitat, la reconstrucción de su historia, su desarrollo económico, social y el fortalecimiento comunitario en un momento de ocupación descontrolada del territorio por sectores privados para explotar turísticamente la zona; dejando a la comunidad fuera de los procesos de explotación y producción, usando los recursos del área y condenándola a un estado de dominación y dependencia. El 22 de Mayo de 2006 la Convención Constituyente para la reforma de la Constitución de Tucumán incorporó la propuesta de 21 comunidades indígenas que reconoce los derechos como Pueblos Originarios. La Comunidad cuenta con personería jurídica desde el año 2004 y está organizada de acuerdo a las pautas de los pueblos originarios. Un equipo interdisciplinario integrado por profesionales y estudiantes de Arquitectura, Medicina, Historia, Psicología y Psicología Social estudia las condiciones concretas de existencia y el proceso histórico de la comunidad, la migración de jóvenes que no encuentran fuentes de trabajo o estudio, los adultos y viejos que regresan al valle desde la Capital de la Provincia o del País y vuelcan las influencias recibidas, instalando una idea de progreso situada fuera de su pago.