396 resultados para CFRP incollaggi adesivi acciaio invecchiamento taglio
Desde de que os Polímeros Reforçados com Fibras (FRP) começaram a ser usados no reparo ou no reforço de elementos estruturais, o descolamento prematuro do compósito FRP com o substrato tem sido objecto de muitos estudos. É importe conhecer e descrever, com rigor, o comportamento completo da interface do FRP com o substrato. Inclusivé, tem-se utilizado com frequência fixações mecânicas adicionais, para demorar ou mesmo evitar o descolamento prematuro do compósito FRP com o substrato. Não existem soluções analíticas que descrevam o comportamento completo das interfaces do FRP com o substrato. Portanto, o objetivo desta dissertação é mitigar esse desconhecimento através de uma solução teórica para descrever a ligação do FRP com o substrato com e sem ancoragem mecânica, através de um modelo de bond-slip exponencial que é conhecido por representar as não linearidades envolvidas no processo de descolagem do compósito FRP com o substrato. A análise completa da carga vs. deslizamento para ambos os casos (com e sem ancoragem mecânica) também é discutida nesta dissertação. Para além disso, este trabalho também visa um estudo experimental utilizando vigas metálicas com compósitos de carbono (CFRP) ou seja, em sistema Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR) com e sem sistema ancorado mecânico.
A presente dissertação vem no seguimento dos estudos realizados no Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Universidade Nova de Lisboa sobre o reforço à flexão de vigas de betão armado com compósitos de CFRP (compósitos reforçados com fibras de carbono). Numa primeira fase deste trabalho foram estudadas e desenvolvidas duas novas técnicas de reforço de vigas à flexão com laminados de CFRP, às quais foram atribuídas as designações de Externally Bonded Reinforcement Anchorage (EBRA) e Horizontal Near Surface Mounted Reinforcement (HNSMR). Estes sistemas de reforço foram estudados e testados em cinco vigas de betão armado de secção transversal em T, as quais foram levadas à rotura através de ensaios à flexão tendo em conta um sistema de aplicação de carga em quatro pontos. Para diferentes historiais de carregamento (monotónicos e cíclicos) foram analisados diversos parâmetros relacionados com a capacidade de mobilização da resistência à tração dos elementos de reforço, resistência máxima dos sistemas, ductilidade dos mesmos e eficiência destes perante situações de serviço. Com isto, realizou-se um estudo comparativo entre o desempenho destes sistemas de reforço e o de duas outras técnicas já estudadas, nomeadamente, os sistemas Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR) e Near Surface Mounted Reinforcement (NSMR). Como complemento deste trabalho desenvolveu-se também um programa de cálculo em MATLAB, capaz de simular o problema em estudo através de um modelo numérico de análise não-linear de secções. A representatividade dos dados obtidos pelo modelo numérico foi verificada posteriormente através de uma análise comparativa entre estes e os valores experimentais obtidos.
The first part of this research work regards the assessment of the mathematical modelling of reinforced concrete columns confined with carbon fibre (CFRP) sheets under axial loading. The purpose was to evaluate existing analytical models, contribute to possible improvements and choose the best model(s) to be part of a new model for the prediction of the behaviour of confined columns under bending and compression. For circular columns, a wide group of authors have proposed several models specific for FRP-confined concrete. The analysis of some of the existing models was carried out by comparing these with several tested columns. Although several models predict fairly the peak load only few can properly estimate the load-strain and dilation behaviour of the columns. Square columns confined with CFRP show a more complex interpretation of their behaviour. Accordingly, the analysis of two experimental programs was carried out to propose new modelling equations for the whole behaviour of columns. The modelling results show that the analytical curves are in general agreement with the presented experimental curves for a wide range of dimensions. An analysis similar to the one done for circular columns was this turn carried out for square columns. Few models can fairly estimate the whole behaviour of the columns and with less accuracy at all levels when compared with circular columns. The second part of this study includes seven experimental tests carried out on reinforced concrete rectangular columns with rounded corners, different damage condition and with confinement and longitudinal strengthening systems. It was concluded that the use of CFRP confinement is viable and of effective performance enhancement alone and combined with other techniques, maintaining a good ductile behaviour for established threshold displacements. As regards the use of external longitudinal strengthening combined with CFRP confinement, this system is effective for the performance enhancement and viable in terms of execution. The load capacity was increased significantly, preserving also in this case a good ductile behaviour for threshold displacements. As to the numerical nonlinear modelling of the tested columns, the results show a variation of the peak load of 1% to 10% compared with tests results. The good results are partly due to the inclusion of the concrete constitutive model by Mander et al. modified by Faustino, Chastre & Paula taking into account the confinement effect. Despite the reasonable approximation to tests results, the modelling results showed higher unloading, which leads to an overestimate dissipated energy and residualdisplacement.
A necessidade de manutenção e reabilitação de estruturas de madeira antigas é, nos dias de hoje, um aspeto bastante importante a nível mundial. Assim, o estudo da eficácia de alguns sistemas de reforço torna-se fulcral. A presente dissertação é um estudo experimental sobre reforço de estruturas de madeira com materiais compósitos. Os materiais compósitos utilizados na componente experimental foram polímeros reforçados com fibras de carbono (CFRP – Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) e estes foram colados ao substrato de madeira com resina epoxídica. O estudo experimental foi composto por duas fases. Na primeira fase realizaram-se ensaios de corte simples e na segunda fase ensaios de flexão. Os ensaios de corte simples foram realizados de modo a estudar a ligação CFRP-madeira e a analisar a influência do comprimento colado de CFRP ao substrato de madeira. Para tal, utilizaram-se duas técnicas de reforço, a técnica EBR (Externally Bonded Reinforcement) em que os laminados de CFRP são colados exteriormente e a técnica NSM (Near Surface Mounted) em que os laminados de CFRP são colados numa ranhura feita no provete de madeira. Foram realizados 17 ensaios de corte simples, 10 com a técnica EBR e 7 com a técnica NSM. Na segunda fase, foram realizados 3 ensaios de flexão sobre pavimentos de madeira reforçados com laminados de CFRP. Para estes ensaios também se utilizaram duas técnicas de reforço, a técnica EBR e uma técnica em que o laminado de FRP é ancorado nas extremidades das vigas. Numa fase final os resultados foram analisados e comparados de modo a tirar conclusões. Concluíu-se que a técnica de reforço NSM apresenta um desempenho superior à técnica EBR nos ensaios de corte simples. Comparativamente à técnica EBR, os pavimentos de madeira com o laminado de CFRP ancorado nas extremidades das vigas apresentaram um melhor desempenho.
O presente trabalho dedica-se à caracterização do comportamento de modelos de alvenaria reforçada com FRCM (fiber reinforced cementitious matrix) quando sujeitos a ações que atuam no plano da parede. O sistema de reforço, composto por uma camada de argamassa cimentícia reforçada com uma malha de CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced polymer), foi aplicado a modelos de alvenaria de tijolo furado. Considerando a importância da interface entre a camada de reforço e o substrato para a eficiência do sistema de reforço, procedeu-se à caracterização do comportamento mecânico da interface por intermédio de ensaios de corte direto, com os quais foi possível definir as superfícies de cedência e de rotura da interface. Os resultados obtidos permitiram a quantificação dos parâmetros que caracterizam a interface entre o material cerâmico e uma argamassa do tipo PFRM (polypropylene fibre reinforced mortar) quando sujeita a cargas de corte combinadas com cargas normais à interface. Através de expressões analíticas e do critério de rotura de Mohr-Coloumb foi analisada a adequação de um critério baseado numa aproximação linear, aos dados obtidos experimentalmente.
The effectiveness of prefabricated hybrid composite plates (HCPs) as a seismic retrofitting solution for damaged interior RC beam-column joints is experimentally studied. HCP is composed of a thin plate made of strain hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) reinforced with CFRP sheets/laminates. Two full-scale severely damaged interior beam-column joints are retrofitted using two different configurations of HCPs. The effectiveness of these retrofitting solutions mainly in terms of hysteretic response, dissipated energy, degradation of secant stiffness, displacement ductility and failure modes are compared to their virgin states. According to these criteria, both solutions resulted in superior responses regarding the ones registered in their virgin states.
Hybrid Composite Plate (HCP) is a reliable recently proposed retrofitting solution for concrete structures, which is composed of a strain hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) plate reinforced with Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP). This system benefits from the synergetic advantages of these two composites, namely the high ductility of SHCC and the high tensile strength of CFRPs. In the materialstructural of HCP, the ultra-ductile SHCC plate acts as a suitable medium for stress transfer between CFRP laminates (bonded into the pre-sawn grooves executed on the SHCC plate) and the concrete substrate by means of a connection system made by either chemical anchors, adhesive, or a combination thereof. In comparison with traditional applications of FRP systems, HCP is a retrofitting solution that (i) is less susceptible to the detrimental effect of the lack of strength and soundness of the concrete cover in the strengthening effectiveness; (ii) assures higher durability for the strengthened elements and higher protection to the FRP component in terms of high temperatures and vandalism; and (iii) delays, or even, prevents detachment of concrete substrate. This paper describes the experimental program carried out, and presents and discusses the relevant results obtained on the assessment of the performance of HCP strengthened reinforced concrete (RC) beams subjected to flexural loading. Moreover, an analytical approach to estimate the ultimate flexural capacity of these beams is presented, which was complemented with a numerical strategy for predicting their load-deflection behaviour. By attaching HCP to the beams’ soffit, a significant increase in the flexural capacity at service, at yield initiation of the tension steel bars and at failure of the beams can be achieved, while satisfactory deflection ductility is assured and a high tensile capacity of the CFRP laminates is mobilized. Both analytical and numerical approaches have predicted with satisfactory agreement, the load-deflection response of the reference beam and the strengthened ones tested experimentally.
This paper aims to evaluate experimentally the potentialities of Hybrid Composite Plates (HCPs) technique for the shear strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) beams that were previously subjected to intense damage in shear. HCP is a thin plate of Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC) reinforced with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) laminates. For this purpose, an experimental program composed of two series of beams (rectangular and T cross section) was executed to assess the strengthening efficiency of this technique. In the first step of this experimental program, the control beams, without steel stirrups, were loaded up to their shear failure, and fully unloaded. Then, these pre-damaged beams were shear strengthened by applying HCPs to their lateral faces by using a combination of epoxy adhesive and mechanical anchors. The bolts were applied with a certain torque in order to increase the concrete confinement. The obtained results showed that the increase of load carrying capacity of the damaged strengthened beams when HCPs were applied with epoxy adhesive and mechanical anchors was 2 and 2.5 times of the load carrying capacity of the corresponding reference beams (without HCPs) for the rectangular and T cross section beam series, respectively. To further explore the potentialities of the HCPs technique for the shear strengthening, the experimental tests were simulated using an advanced numerical model by a FEM-based computer program. After demonstration the good predictive performance of the numerical model, a parametric study was executed to highlight the influence of SHCC as an alternative for mortar, as well as the influence of torque level applied to the mechanical anchors, on the load carrying capacity of beams strengthened with the proposed technique.
Epoxy adhesives are nowadays being extensively used in Civil Engineering applications, mostly in the scope of the rehabilitation of reinforced concrete (RC) structures. In this context, epoxy adhesives are used to provide adequate stress transference from fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) to the surrounding concrete substrate. Most recently, the possibility of using prestressed FRPs bonded with these epoxy adhesives is also being explored in order to maximize the potentialities of this strengthening approach. In this context, the understanding of the long term behaviour of the involved materials becomes essential. Even when non-prestressed FRPs are used a certain amount of stress is permanently applied on the adhesive interface during the serviceability conditions of the strengthened structure, and the creep of the adhesive may cause a continuous variation in the deformational response of the element. In this context, this paper presents a study aiming to experimentally characterize the tensile creep behaviour of an epoxy-based adhesive currently used in the strengthening of concrete structures with carbon FRP (CFRP) systems. To analytically describe the tensile creep behaviour, the modified Burgers model was fitted to the experimental creep curves, and the obtained results revealed that this model is capable of predicting with very good accuracy the long term behaviour of this material up to a sustained stress level of 60% of the adhesive’s tensile strength.
The use of Near Surface Mounted (NSM) Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) for strengthening masonry structures can be a suitable substitute for Externally Bonded Reinforcement (EBR) technique. NSM technique has many advantages such as larger bonded area, better anchorage capacity, higher resistance, higher percentage exploitation of the FRP and reduced installation time. However, information regarding the effectiveness of this strengthening technique for masonry structures is scarce and characterization of the critical mechanisms such as bond behavior is necessary. This paper presents experimental investigation of the bond performance in NSM-strengthened brick specimens. CFRP laminates are used for NSM strengthening of masonry bricks with different bonded lengths. The bond between FRP and masonry substrate is investigated by performing conventional pull-out tests and the experimental results are presented and discussed.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil
Due to frequent accidental damage to prestressed concrete (P/C) bridges caused by impact from overheight vehicles, a project was initiated to evaluate the strength and load distribution characteristics of damaged P/C bridges. A comprehensive literature review was conducted. It was concluded that only a few references pertain to the assessment and repair of damaged P/C beams. No reference was found that involves testing of a damaged bridge(s) as well as the damaged beams following their removal. Structural testing of two bridges was conducted in the field. The first bridge tested, damaged by accidental impact, was the westbound (WB) I-680 bridge in Beebeetown, Iowa. This bridge had significant damage to the first and second beams consisting of extensive loss of section and the exposure of numerous strands. The second bridge, the adjacent eastbound (EB) structure, was used as a baseline of the behavior of an undamaged bridge. Load testing concluded that a redistribution of load away from the damaged beams of the WB bridge was occurring. Subsequent to these tests, the damaged beams in the WB bridge were replaced and the bridge retested. The repaired WB bridge behaved, for the most part, like the undamaged EB bridge indicating that the beam replacement restored the original live load distribution patterns. A large-scale bridge model constructed for a previous project was tested to study the changes in behavior due to incrementally applied damage consisting initially of only concrete removal and then concrete removal and strand damage. A total of 180 tests were conducted with the general conclusion that for exterior beam damage, the bridge load distribution characteristics were relatively unchanged until significant portions of the bottom flange were removed along with several strands. A large amount of the total applied moment to the exterior beam was redistributed to the interior beam of the model. Four isolated P/C beams were tested, two removed from the Beebeetown bridge and two from the aforementioned bridge model. For the Beebeetown beams, the first beam, Beam 1W, was tested in an "as removed" condition to obtain the baseline characteristics of a damaged beam. The second beam, Beam 2W, was retrofit with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) longitudinal plates and transverse stirrups to strengthen the section. The strengthened Beam was 12% stronger than Beam 1W. Beams 1 and 2 from the bridge model were also tested. Beam 1 was not damaged and served as the baseline behavior of a "new" beam while Beam 2 was damaged and repaired again using CFRP plates. Prior to debonding of the plates from the beam, the behavior of both Beams 1 and 2 was similar. The retrofit beam attained a capacity greater than a theoretically undamaged beam prior to plate debonding. Analytical models were created for the undamaged and damaged center spans of the WB bridge; stiffened plate and refined grillage models were used. Both models were accurate at predicting the deflections in the tested bridge and should be similarly accurate in modeling other P/C bridges. The moment fractions per beam were computed using both models for the undamaged and damaged bridges. The damaged model indicates a significant decrease in moment in the damaged beams and a redistribution of load to the adjacent curb and rail as well as to the undamaged beam lines.
Il lungo e complesso itinerario narrativo di Luigi Meneghello è ben rappresentato dalle migliaia di documenti che compongono il suo Archivio, oggi conservati in varie sedi pubbliche: il Centro Manoscritti dell'Università di Pavia (che ha acquisito la parte più abbondante e notevole delle carte, a partire dal 1983 e grazie soprattutto al lungimirante intervento di Maria Corti) la Biblioteca dell'Università di Reading, il Museo Casabianca di Malo e l''Archivio di Scrittori Vicentini della Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana di Vicenza. Il presente lavoro è il frutto di una ricerca che si è sviluppata in due direzioni strettamente interrelate: la prima parte, di taglio storico-archivistico, riguarda il Fondo Meneghello di Pavia, anche in relazione all'intero Archivio dello scrittore; la seconda parte analizza filologicamente e criticamente il caso specifico della genesi di una delle sue opere maggiori, Pomo pero (Rizzoli, 1974), rivelando e indagando una fitta rete di connessioni nell'intera produzione narrativa. Più nel dettaglio, nel primo capitolo del lavoro (L'ARCHIVIO DI LUIGI MENEGHELLO, pp. 1-92) ho cercato di delineare il quadro complessivo dell'Archivio, segnalando i dati dei diversi Fondi sparsi, per poi concentrare l'attenzione sul Fondo pavese. Di questo Fondo ho tracciato brevemente la storia, fornendo un quadro molto dettagliato delle carte conservate, carte che ho provveduto integralmente a catalogare. La schedatura si trova alle pp. 29-92 ed è divisa in due sezioni: la prima è relativa ai materiali donati dall'autore in vita (a partire dal 1983/4 sino al 2001, per un totale di 36000 documenti); la seconda comprende i conferimenti postumi. Alle pp. 29-33 della tesi ho chiarito preliminarmente i criteri di ordinamento adottati, in gran parte dedotti dalle indicazioni e dalle linee guida del progetto Archivi Letterari Lombardi del Novecento, a cura di Simone Albonico. Il secondo capitolo (UN CASO DI FILOLOGIA D'ARCHIVIO: LA GENESI DI POMO PERO, pp. 93-166) si occupa dell'elaborata vicenda compositiva di Pomo pero, terzo romanzo, e altro scomparto dell'epopea maladense che segue al primo Libera nos a malo, ma anche se ne differenzia per tratti e tonalità non irrilevanti (in Appendice si fornisce trascrizione del testo con indici topografici e cronologici). Ho cercato di seguirne per tappe la formazione alla luce delle numerose testimonianze dell'Archivio, partendo dai primi materiali ancora rintracciabili tra le carte di Libera nos a malo, e individuando progressivamente il filo intricato dell'elaborazione testuale, tra frequenti intrecci con le altre opere e continui ripensamenti e rielaborazioni, dunque in un percorso complessivo che dal 1962 (dunque a monte dell'uscita di Libera nos a malo) va sino al 1974, a ridosso della stampa. Sono emersi anche progetti totalmente sconosciuti di testi inediti, collocabili nel fertile periodo della metà degli anni Sessanta, che conducono alla suggestiva ipotesi di un "cantiere unico" di elaborazione testuale (cfr. cap. III «CONCLUSIONI PROVVISORIE». TRA I PROGETTI DEGLI ANNI SESSANTA; L'ESPEDIENTE DEL FRATELLO; L'IPOTESI DEL CANTIERE UNICO, pp. 167-186).
En este artículo se presentan los resultados del estudio del comportamiento adherente de barras de materiales compuestos de matriz polímero (FRP), con fibras de vidrio (GFRP) y con fibras de carbono (CFRP), como armadura de hormigón. Se realizan un total de 91 ensayos según las normas ACI 440.3R-04 y CSA S806-02. Los parámetros considerados en los ensayos son la resistencia del hormigón,e l acabado superficial,e l tipo de fibra y el diámetro de la barra. Los resultados dan una estimación de la capacidad de adherencia para diferentes tipos de hormigón y armaduras. La diferencia en las propiedades y en el comportamiento adherente se traduce en una respuesta adherencia-deslizamiento distinta