994 resultados para CD30 antigens
The aim of the present study was to analyze the antibody response against excretory-secretory antigens (ES-Ag) from Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces, using sera from dogs infected with E. granulosus and other helminths. ES-Ag were obtained from the first 50 h maintenance of protoscoleces in vitro. Immunochemical characterization was performed by immunoblotting with sera from dogs naturally infected with E. granulosus (n = 12), sera from dogs infected with helminths other than E. granulosus (n = 30), and helminth-free dog sera (n = 20). These findings were compared to those obtained from a somatic extract of protoscoleces (S-Ag). ES-Ag only showed four cross-reacting proteins of 65, 61, 54, and 45-46 kDa. Antigens with apparent masses of 89 and 50 kDa in ES-Ag and of 130 and 67 kDa in S-Ag were identified by sera of dogs infected with E. granulosus only, whereas a protein of 41-43 kDa was recognised by the majority of the sera from dogs with non-echinococcal infection. Employing ELISA to study the same sera, S-Ag revealed higher immunoreactivity than ES-Ag, but also showed higher cross-reactivity levels when sera from dogs with non-echinococcal infection were assayed in immunoblotting.
Hydatid cyst fluid (HCF), somatic antigens (S-Ag) and excretory-secretory products (ES-Ag) of Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces are used as the main antigenic sources for immunodiagnosis of human and dog echinococcosis. In order to determine their non-shared as well as their shared antigenic components, these extracts were studied by ELISA-inhibition and immunoblot-inhibition. Assays were carried out using homologous rabbit polyclonal antisera, human sera from individuals with surgically confirmed hydatidosis, and sera from dogs naturally infected with E. granulosus. High levels of cross-reactivity were observed for all antigenic extracts, but especially for ES-Ag and S-Ag. Canine antibodies evidenced lesser avidity for their specific antigens than antibodies from human origin. The major antigenic components shared by HCF, S-Ag, and ES-Ag have apparent molecular masses of 4-6, 20-24, 52, 80, and 100-104 kDa, including doublets of 41/45, 54/57, and 65/68 kDa. Non-shared polypeptides of each antigenic extract of E. granulosus were identified, having apparent masses of 108 and 78 kDa for HCF, of 124, 94, 83, and 75 kDa for S-Ag, and of 89, 66, 42, 39, 37, and 35 kDa for ES-Ag.
The infection mechanism of vaccinia virus is largely unknown. Neither the attachment protein of extracellular enveloped virus (EEV), the biologically relevant infectious form of the virus, nor its cellular receptor has been identified. Surprisingly, all former attempts using antibodies to block EEV infection of cells in vitro had failed. Here, we report the production of an anti-envelope hyperimmune serum with EEV neutralizing activity and show that a polyclonal antiserum against the extraviral domain of protein B5R also inhibited EEV infection. In vivo, mice vaccinated with B5R protein were protected against a lethal vaccinia virus challenge. This protectivity is likely to be mediated by neutralizing antibodies. Protein A33R, but not A34R and A36R, also proved to be protective in active and passive vaccination experiments. However, in contrast to B5R, A33R protectivity did not correlate with antibody titers. Because anti-A33R antibodies did not neutralize EEV in vitro, the protectivity mediated by A33R protein probably involves a mechanism different from simple antibody binding. Taken together, our results suggest that antibodies to a specific protective epitope or epitopes on protein B5R are able to prevent EEV infection. The protein encoded by the B5R gene is therefore likely to play a crucial role in the initial steps of vaccinia virus infection-binding to a host cell and entry into its cytoplasm.
Injection drug use before and after liver transplantation: a retrospective multicenter analysis on incidence and outcome. Clin Transplant 2009 DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-0012.2009.01121.x. Background and aims: Injecting drug use (IDU) before and after liver transplantation (LT) is poorly described. The aim of this study was to quantify relapse and survival in this population and to describe the causes of mortality after LT. Methods: Past injection drug users were identified from the LT listing protocols from four centers in Switzerland and France. Data on survival and relapse were collected and used for uni- and multivariate analysis. Results: Between 1988 and 2006, we identified 59 patients with a past history of IDU. The mean age at transplantation was 42.4 yr and the majority of patients were men (84.7%). The indication for LT was for the vast majority viral cirrhosis accounting for 91.5% of cases, while alcoholic cirrhosis was 5.1%. There were 16.9% of patients who had a substitution therapy before and 6.8% who continued after LT. Two patients (3.4%) relapsed into IDU after LT and died at 18 and 41 months. The mean follow-up was 51 months. Overall survival was 84%, 66%, and 61% at 1, 5, and 10 yr after transplantation. Conclusions: Documented IDU was rare in liver transplanted patients. Past IDU was not associated with poorer survival after LT, and relapse after LT occurred in 3.4%.
Indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) based on recombinant major surface protein 5 (rMSP5) and initial body (IB) antigens from a Brazilian isolate of Anaplasma marginale were developed to detect antibodies against this rickettsia in cattle. Both tests showed the same sensitivity (98.2%) and specificities (100% for rMSP5 and 93.8% for IB ELISA) which did not differ statistically. No cross-reactions were detected with Babesia bigemina antibodies, but 5 (rMSP5 ELISA) to 15% (IB ELISA) of cross-reactions were detected with B. bovis antibodies. However, such difference was not statistically significant. Prevalences of seropositive crossbred beef cattle raised extensively in Miranda county, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, were 78.1% by rMSP5 ELISA and 79.7% by IB ELISA. In the analysis of sera from dairy calves naturally-infected with A. marginale, the dynamics of antibody production was very similar between both tests, with maternal antibodies reaching the lowest levels at 15-30 days, followed by an increase in the mean optical densities in both ELISAs, suggesting the development of active immunity against A. marginale. Results showed that all calves were seropositive by one-year old, characterizing a situation of enzootic stability. The similar performances of the ELISAs suggest that both tests can be used in epidemiological surveys for detection of antibodies to A. marginale in cattle.
Human pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a worldwide public health problem. In resistant individuals, control of the infection mainly requires development of a Th1 cell immune response with production of cytokines, of which interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)plays an important role. Several antigens from Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex has been described for use in vaccine development or for diagnostic purposes, however little evaluation has been done in endemic area for TB. The proliferative and IFN-gamma human T cell immune responses, to four recombinant proteins (MBP-3, NarL, MT-10.3, 16 kDa) and PPD, of 38 Brazilian TB patients (6 untreated and 32 treated) and 67 controls (38 positive and 29 negative tuberculin skin test - TST) were compared. The highest reactivity mean rate was obtained with PPD followed by 16 kDa in TB patients. While most of the patients (87%) and controls (> 64%) respond to the PPD, 16kDa was more specifically recognized (> 21%) although less sensitive (54%). When TB patients were divided according to treatment status, opposite to PPD, higher average level of IFN-gamma was induced by 16kDa in untreated (505 pg/ml) compared to treated TB patients and TST+ (269.8 pg/ml x 221.6pg/ml, respectively), although the difference was not significant. These data show that in contrast with the other recombinant proteins, the stimulatory potency of 16kDa to induce proliferative and INF-gamma response was more effective and is more recognized by active TB untreated patients, eliciting in control individuals a more selective immune response than PPD.
Patients with acute schistosomiasis were studied before and after oxamniquine treatment. They had been exposed to cercariae 5 to 9 weeks before, and presented compatible clinical manifestations, eosinophilia, and high levels of total IgE. Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-4 were measured by ELISA in whole blood samples under soluble egg antigen or soluble adult worm preparation stimulation. After treatment, the reduction of leukocytosis and eosinophilia were not significant, but total IgE levels decreased significantly, in contrast to IFN-gamma levels that were significantly increased. The oxamniquine treatment of acute schistosomiasis patients is followed by an improvement of a Th1 response in vitro. If this response has a protective aspect is unknown, and some investigations need to be realized.
Introduction: CD22 is expressed on most B-non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL); inotuzumab ozogamicin (INO) is an anti-CD22 antibody conjugated to calicheamicin. This study evaluated the safety and tolerability of INO plus R-CVP in patients (pts) with relapsed/refractory CD22+ B-NHL. Efficacy data were also collected. Methods: Part 1 of this open-label study identified a maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of INO 0.8mg/m,2 on day 2 plus R-CVP (rituximab 375mg/m,2 cyclophosphamide 750mg/m,2 and vincristine 1.4mg/m,2 on day 1; prednisone 40mg/m,2 on days 1-5) every 21 days. Subsequently, pts were enrolled in the MTD confirmation cohort (part 2, n = 10), which required a dose-limiting toxicity rate of <33% in cycle 1 and <4 pts discontinuing prior to cycle 3 due to an adverse event (AE) in the MTD expansion cohort (part 3, n = 22), which explored preliminary activity. Results: Parts 2 and 3 enrolled 32 pts: 16 pts with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, 15 with follicular lymphoma and one with mantle cell lymphoma. Median age was 64.5 years (range 44-81 years); 34% of pts had 1 prior regimen, 34% had 2, 28% had ≥3 and 3% had none (median 2; range 0-6).Median treatment duration was five cycles (range 1-6). Part 2 confirmed the MTD as standard dose R-CVP plus INO 0.8mg/m,2; 2/10 pts had a dose-limiting toxicity (grade 3 increased ALT/AST, grade 4 neutropenia requiring G-CSF). One pt discontinued because of an AE prior to cycle 3. Common treatment-related AEs were thrombocytopenia (78%), neutropenia (66%), fatigue (50%), leukopenia (50%), nausea (41%) and lymphopenia (38%); common grade 3/4 AEs were neutropenia (63%), thrombocytopenia (53%), leukopenia (38%) and lymphopenia (31%). There was one case of treatment-related fatal pneumonia with grade 4 neutropenia. Ten pts discontinued treatment due to AEs; thrombocytopenia/delayed platelet recovery was the leading cause (grade 1/2, n = 6; grade 3/4, n = 3). Objective response rate (ORR) was 77% (n = 24/31 evaluable pts), including 26% (n=8/31) with complete response (CR); three pts had stable disease. Of the pts with follicular lymphoma, ORR was 100% (n = 15/15), including seven pts with CR. Of the pts with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, ORR was 60% (n = 9/16), including one pt with CR. Conclusions: Results suggest that INOplus R-CVP has acceptable toxicity and promising activity in relapsed/refractory CD22+ B-NHL. The most common grade 3/4 AEs were hematologic. Follow-up for progression-free and overall survival is ongoing.
Anaplasma marginale is an important vector-borne rickettsia of ruminants in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Immunization with purified outer membranes of this organism induces protection against acute anaplasmosis. Previous studies, with proteomic and genomic approach identified 21 proteins within the outer membrane immunogen in addition to previously characterized major surface protein1a-5 (MSP1a-5). Among the newly described proteins were VirB9, VirB10, and elongation factor-Tu (EF-Tu). VirB9, VirB10 are considered part of the type IV secretion system (TFSS), which mediates secretion or cell-to-cell transfer of macromolecules, proteins, or DNA-protein complexes in Gram-negative bacteria. EF-Tu can be located in the bacterial surface, mediating bacterial attachment to host cells, or in the bacterial cytoplasm for protein synthesis. However, the roles of VirB9, VirB10, and TFSS in A. marginale have not been defined. VirB9, VirB10, and EF-Tu have not been explored as vaccine antigens. In this study, we demonstrate that sera of cattle infected with A. marginale, with homologous or heterologous isolates recognize recombinant VirB9, VirB10, and EF-Tu. IgG2 from naturally infected cattle also reacts with these proteins. Recognition of epitopes by total IgG and by IgG2 from infected cattle with A. marginale support the inclusion of these proteins in recombinant vaccines against this rickettsia.
The aim of this work was to study the difference in interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) production by T lymphocytes after early secretory antigen target 6 (ESAT-6) or purified protein derivate (PPD) stimulation in whole blood culture supernatants from children with suspected tuberculosis (TB) disease (n = 21), latent TB infection (n = 16) and negative controls (NC) (n = 22) from an endemic area in Brazil. The concentration of IFN-gamma (pg/ml) was measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and the differences in the IFN-gamma levels for each group were compared and evaluated using an unpaired Student's t-test; p values < 0.05 were considered significant. Measurement of IFN-gamma levels after ESAT-6 stimulation raised the possibility of early diagnosis in the latent TB group (p = 0.0030). Nevertheless, the same group showed similar responses to the NC group (p > 0.05) after PPD stimulation. The IFN-gamma assay using ESAT-6 as an antigenic stimulus has the potential to be used as a tool for the immunodiagnosis of early TB in children.
We investigated whether sequestered Trypanosoma cruzi antigens found in heart interstitial dendritic cells (IDCs) contribute to the residual myocarditis found in mice following treatment with benznidazole, a specific chemotherapeutic drug. IDCs are antigen-presenting cells that are MHC-II-receptor dependent. Swiss mice were divided into two experimental groups: the 1st group was infected with the Colombian strain of T. cruzi, which is resistant to treatment with benznidazole, and the 2nd group was infected with clone 21SF-C 3, which has a medium susceptibility to the drug. Treatment of the Colombian strain group started on the 120th day post-infection and for the 21SF-C3 strain group treatment was started on the 90th day. In both groups, treatment lasted for 90 days. The animals were sacrificed either 150 or 200 days post-treatment. The myocardium was analysed by immunohistochemistry using anti-MAC3, 33D1, CD11b and CD11c monoclonal antibodies for IDCs or anti-T. cruzi purified antibodies. Parasite antigens were expressed on the IDC membranes in both treated and untreated mice. Myocarditis subsided following treatment, evidenced by both histological and morphometrical evaluation. A reduction in the number of IDCs carrying T. cruzi antigens in the treated group indicates that the elimination of parasites influences antigen presentation with concomitant decreases in inflammation. There is a correlation between the presence of T. cruzi antigens in these cells and the chronic focal, residual myocarditis seen in treated mice.
Despite the high prevalence of colon cancer in the world and the great interest in targeted anti-cancer therapy, only few tumor-specific gene products have been identified that could serve as targets for the immunological treatment of colorectal cancers. The aim of our study was therefore to identify frequently expressed colon cancer-specific antigens. We performed a large-scale analysis of genes expressed in normal colon and colon cancer tissues isolated from colorectal cancer patients using massively parallel signal sequencing (MPSS). Candidates were additionally subjected to experimental evaluation by semi-quantitative RT-PCR on a cohort of colorectal cancer patients. From a pool of more than 6000 genes identified unambiguously in the analysis, we found 2124 genes that were selectively expressed in colon cancer tissue and 147 genes that were differentially expressed to a significant degree between normal and cancer cells. Differential expression of many genes was confirmed by RT-PCR on a cohort of patients. Despite the fact that deregulated genes were involved in many different cellular pathways, we found that genes expressed in the extracellular space were significantly over-represented in colorectal cancer. Strikingly, we identified a transcript from a chromosome X-linked member of the human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) H family that was frequently and selectively expressed in colon cancer but not in normal tissues. Our data suggest that this sequence should be considered as a target of immunological interventions against colorectal cancer.
We studied the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in patients with leprosy and the effects of co-infection on the immune response to Helicobacter antigens in the polar groups of leprosy (lepromatous and tuberculoid). We showed that there is no difference in the prevalence of H. pylori in patients with leprosy as compared to a non-leprosy population. We also demonstrated that the immune response to low molecular weight H. pylori antigens (35, 26 and 19 kDa) differs in patients with lepromatous as compared to those with tuberculoid leprosy. In lepromatous leprosy, we show that there is a higher prevalence of the 35 and 26 kDa antigens, but a lower prevalence of the 19 kDa antigen. These immunological results are consistent with previous histopathological studies illustrating a more severe gastrointestinal inflammation in lepromatous patients; importantly, a response to the 35 kDa antigen is recognized as a marker for the development of ulcerative disease.
To evaluate commercial Lionex TB together with four antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MPT-64, MT10.3, 16 kDa and 38 kDa) for IgG and IgA cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) detection in the diagnosis of tuberculosis meningitis (TBM) with CSF negative acid-fast bacilli staining, 19 cases of TBM, 64 cases of other infectious meningoencephalitis and 73 cases of other neurological disorders were tested by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. IgA-MPT-64 and IgG Lionex showed the highest sensitivities, specificities, positive predictive value and negative predictive value (63.2%, 47.4%; 95%, 93.7%; 40%, 98% and 28.4%, 97.1%, respectively). However, while grey zone was 12.7% and 6%, respectively, lowering sensitivity but maintains high specificity (> 95%). High protein concentration in CSF was associated with antibody positivity CSF/HIV+ which did not influence the sensitivity of both tests. To our knowledge, this is the first description of IgA-MPT-64 and IgG Lionex antibodies in CSF-TBM and, although there is good specificity, adjustments are needed based on antigen composition to enhance sensitivity.
Angiostrongylus costaricensis has a broad geographic distribution spanning from North to South America and the infections of vertebrates with this nematode can result in abdominal complications. Human infections are diagnosed by histological or serological methods because the isolation of larvae from feces is not feasible, as most parasites become trapped in intestinal tissues due to intense eosinophilic inflammation. Because A. costaricensis is difficult to maintain in the laboratory, an immunodiagnostic IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using antigens from the congeneric Angiostrongylus cantonensis species was evaluated against a panel of serum samples from patients who were histologically diagnosed with A. costaricensis infections. Sera from uninfected individuals and individuals infected with other parasites were used as controls. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay were estimated at 88.4% and 78.7%, respectively. Because the use of purified or cloned antigens has not been established as a reliable diagnostic tool, the use of heterologous antigens may provide a viable alternative for the development of an ELISA-based immunodetection system for the diagnosis of abdominal angiostrongyliasis.