515 resultados para CAVERNOUS MALFORMATION
Résumé: Questions étudiées / principes: Le diagnostic prénatal des fentes faciales et palatines a soulevé maintes questions concernant la meilleure manière d'informer les parents et d'offrir une aide appropriée durant les semaines de grossesse restant, afin de faire de la naissance une expérience positive. Le conseil prénatal diffère selon la personne qui en est responsable et ses connaissances concernant les aspects pratiques des soins ainsi que l'impact de cette malformation sur la qualité de vie de l'enfant. Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer nos techniques actuelles et de les modifier de façon appropriée. Méthodes: 29 couples ayant bénéficié d'un diagnostic prénatal ont été priés de répondre rétrospectivement à un questionnaire. L'histoire obstétrique personnelle ainsi que l'histoire familiale, le déroulement des évènements, la qualité de l'information fournie et leurs impressions à la naissance ont été considérées. Résultats: Les parents utilisent de multiples sources d'information: l'obstétricien, le conseil du chirurgien pédiatrique au sein de I « équipe fente », les groupes de soutien de parents et Internet. 93% des parents se sont sentis bien préparés à la naissance de leur enfant, autant psychologiquement que concernant les aspects pratiques des soins. 54% ont été soulagés de voir leur enfant moins affecté qu'ils ne l'imaginaient. Finalement, 96% considèrent que le diagnostic prénatal est un bénéfice. Conclusion: Une information de base devrait être apportée rapidement après l'ultrason confirmant le diagnostic, suivie de discussions techniques progressivement plus détaillées durant le temps de grossesse restant. Summary: Questions under study / principles: Prenatal diagnosis of cleft lip and palate has raised many questions concerning the best way to inform the parents and offer appropriate support during the remaining pregnancy to help prepare a positive birth experience. Prenatal counseling differs according to whose is responsible and that person's knowledge of practical aspects of care and the impact of the malformation on the child's quality of life. The aim of the study was to evaluate our current techniques and modify them when appropriate. Methods: 29 couples having experienced prenatal diagnosis were asked to respond retrospectively to a questionnaire. Personal obstetric and family history, timing and quality of information provided and their impressions at birth were considered. Results: The parents used several sources of information: the obstetrician, the counsel by the cleft team surgeon, the parents support groups and Internet. 93% of the parents felt well prepared for the birth of their child psychologically and concerning practical aspects of care. 54% felt relieved that their child was less affected than imagined. 96% considered prenatal diagnosis a benefit. Conclusion: Basic information should be provided soon after ultrasound confirmation, followed by progressively more detailed technical discussions over the remaining pregnancy.
Rapport de synthèse: Enjeux et contexte de recherche : la coarctation de l'aorte, rétrécissement de l'aorte thoracique descendante, est une des malformations cardiaques congénitales les plus fréquentes. Son diagnostic reste cependant difficile surtout lorsqu'elle est associée à la présence d'un canal artériel ou à une malformation cardiaque plus complexe. Dans ces contextes, les signes échographiques classiques qui posent habituellement le diagnostic (visualisation d'un rétrécissement juxtaductal et accélération au Doppler au niveau de l'isthme aortique) peuvent faire défaut ou être difficile à imager. La validation d'index basé sur des mesures anatomiques faciles à acquérir par échographie cardiaque, indépendantes de l'âge, de la situation hémodynamique et des malformations cardiaques associées représente une aide significative dans le diagnostic de la coarctation de l'aorte. Nous avons donc voulu valider par une étude rétrospective la fiabilité de deux index dans cette indication : l'index des artères carotido-sous-clavière (index CSA; rapport du diamètre de l'arc aortique transverse distal sur la distance entre les artères carotide et sous-clavière gauches) et l'index de l'aorte isthmique-descendante (index I/D; rapport des diamètres de l'aorte isthmique sur celui de l'aorte descendante). Notre article : nous avons rétrospectivement calculé la valeur des deux index (CSA et I/D) chez un groupe de 68 enfants avec coarctation et un groupe 24 cas contrôles apparenté pour l'âge et le sexe. Les enfants avec coarctation ont un index CSA et I/D significativement plus bas que le groupe contrôle (Index CSA : 0.84 ± 0.39 vs. 2.65 ± 0.82, p<0.0001 - Index I/D : 0.58 ± 0.18 vs. 0.98 ± 0.19, p<0.0001). Pour les deux index, ni la présence d'une autre malformation cardiaque, ni l'âge n'ont un impact sur la différence significative entre les deux groupes. Conclusions: notre recherche à permis de valider qu'un index CSA de moins de 1,5 est fortement suggestif d'une coarctation, indépendamment de l'âge du patient et de la présence d'une autre malformation cardiaque. L'index I/D (valeur limite 0,64) est moins spécifique que l'index CSA. L'association des deux index augmente la sensibilité et permet rétrospectivement le diagnostic de tous les cas de coarctation seulement sur la base d'une échographie cardiaque standard faite au lit du patient. Perspectives : cette étude rétrospective mérite d'être vérifiée par une étude prospective afin de confirmer la contribution de ces index à la prise en charge des patients suspects d'une coarctation de l'aorte. Cependant, la situation dans laquelle ces index pourraient avoir le plus grand impact reste encore à explorer. En effet, si le diagnostic postnatal de la coarctation est parfois difficile, son diagnostic prénatal l'est nettement plus. La présence obligatoire du canal artériel et l'existence d'une hypoplasie isthmique physiologique chez le foetus obligent le cardiologue foetale à observer des signes indirects, peu sensibles, d'une possible coarctation (prépondérance des cavités droites). La validation de l'index CSA et/ou de l'index I/D chez le foetus constituerait donc une avancée majeure dans le diagnostic prénatal de la coarctation de l'aorte.
The Al-Awadi-Raas-Rothschild syndrome (AARRS; OMIM 276820) and the Fuhrmann syndrome (FS; OMIM 228930) are distinct limb malformation disorders comprising different degrees of limb aplasia or hypoplasia. In 2006, Woods et al. found different recessive WNT7A mutations in one family segregating the AARRS phenotype and in a second family with FS. To explain the common genetic basis for the two clinically distinct disorders, functional studies were done showing that partial loss of WNT7A function resulted in FS, while complete loss of WNT7A function resulted in the more severe phenotype of AARRS. In spite of the elucidation of the molecular basis of AARRS, there remains to this day considerable diagnostic confusion that has culminated in the lumping of Schinzel phocomelia syndrome with AARRS; however, this phocomelic limb defect is quite different in its clinical aspect and pathogenesis from the limb findings of AARRS. Here, we report on a child with the AARRS phenotype and homozygosity for a non-conservative E72K mutation in WNT7A, underline the homogeneity of the WNT7A-associated AARRS phenotype, and propose differential diagnostic criteria for the AARRS reflecting the roles of WNT7A in limb development.
Une cohorte de 6477 nouveau-nés de mères résidant dans le Canton du Vaud a été recrutée pendant une année (1993-1994) dans les 18 maternités vaudoises et celle de Châtel-St-Denis. L'objectif de l'étude EDEN (Etude du DEveloppement des Nouveau-nés) est de calculer l'incidence et la prévalence des affections chroniques de toute étiologie et pour toutes les catégories de poids de naissance, à 18 mois et à 4 ans. Ce rapport présente la méthode de l'étude et l'état de santé à la naissance. Cinq critères de sélection non exclusifs ont permis de cibler un groupe de nouveau-nés à haut risque de développer une affection chronique (12% des nouveau-nés, n=760): (1) le petit poids de naissance (n=408, 6.5% des naissances vivantes); (2) une malformation congénitale ou une maladie génétique (n=157, 2.4% des naissances vivantes); (3) une affection susceptible de devenir chronique liée à une utilisation importante des services de soins au cours de la petite enfance (n=61, 0.9% des naissances vivantes); (4) le transfert aux soins intensifs (n=287, 4.4% des naissances vivantes); (5) des difficultés sociales importantes (n=105, 1.6% des naissances vivantes). Le taux d'acceptation de l'étude par les parents est bon (90%). En tout 5.9% des enfants étaient prématurés et 2.2 pour mille sont décédés à < ou = à 7 jours de vie. Selon les indicateurs à disposition, le réseau vaudois répond efficacement aux besoins en soins obstétricaux et néonatals La durée moyenne du séjour hospitalier était de 7 jours, avec des variations importantes. L'influence néfaste du tabagisme pendant la grossesse se manifeste par un doublement du risque de poids de naissance < ou = à 2500g chez les fumeuses; 24% des femmes ont fumé pendant leur grossesse, pour les trois quarts jusqu'à l'accouchement. Un grand potentiel de prévention subsiste dans ce domaine. L'examen des enfants à 18 mois, terminé fin mai 1996, ainsi que celui des 4 ans, permettront de valider les critères de sélection à la naissance comme indicateurs précoces de problèmes de santé chroniques dans la petite enfance. Les nouveaux cas d'affection chronique seront alors signalés par les pédiatres et les médecins spécialistes. [Auteurs, p. 9]
Acute heart failure in the early neonatal period is rare. Normally it is due to asphyxia, severe septicaemia, a congenital heart malformation or a viral myocarditis. Kawasaki disease (KD) as a cause of an neonatal myocarditis is not an established diagnosis. KD is a vasculitis of still unknown origin occurring predominantly in infants and preschool children. KD before the age of 3 months is rare. There are only few reports about KD in the 1st month. We present a newborn who showed the cardiac symptoms of KD in the 1st week of life with coronary dilatation and myocarditis. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of incomplete KD should be considered not only in infants but also in newborns with signs of myocarditis and coronary abnormalities. Therapy with gammaglobulins may prevent the sequelae of coronary involvement.
Fifty-eight infants and children with a severe subglottic stenosis underwent a partial cricotracheal resection with primary thyrotracheal anastomosis. There were 2 grade II, 40 grade III, and 16 grade IV stenoses according to the Myer-Cotton classification. A 100% subglottic lumen was formed in 34 cases and a better than 80% lumen in 23 cases. Fifty-four of the 58 (93%) patients are presently decannulated; one patient sustained a complete restenosis and three patients with a better than 80% subglottic airway still await decannulation for the following reasons: severe tracheomalacia, bilateral cricoarytenoïd joint fixation and laryngeal malformation with fusion of the vocal cords in each case respectively. Forty-four patients have no exercise intolerance, 8 live fully normally but present a slight exertional dyspnea, one patient with a laryngeal malformation is decannulated but suffers from a severe exertional dyspnea, and 4 patients are still not decannulated. The voice is normal in 20 cases, a slight dysphonia is present in 17, a moderate to severe dysphonia in another 17 and 4 patients are still not decannulated.
Horn fly immatures were raised in media containing different concentrations of diflubenzuron in order to verify their susceptibility to this insect growth regulator (IGR). The 50% and 95% lethal concentrations of diflubenzuron for the population (LC50, LC95) were determined as well as the effect of this IGR on the different immature horn fly stages. The tests were performed using the progeny of adults collected in the field. The immatures were maintained in a growth chamber at 25.0 ± 0.5ºC and 12-12 h photoperiod. IGR concentrations of 300 ppb, 100 ppb and 50 ppb were lethal for 100% of the sample. Pupae malformation occurred in the breeding media containing different diflubenzuron concentrations. Values for LC50 , LC95 (± 95% fiducial limits) and the slope of the regression line were respectively, 25.521 ± 1.981 ppb, 34.650 ± 2.001 ppb and 12.720 ± 1.096. The third larval instar was more sensitive to the sub-lethal concentration of the product than the first and second ones were. The results indicate that this IGR can be an important tool for controlling horn fly populations as well as for managing horn fly resistance to conventional insecticides against Haematobia irritans in Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais.
Background: Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs) due to hereditaryhemorrhagic telangiectases (HHT) is associated with paradoxical strokes, brainabcesses, and increased prevalence of migraines. We report a patient in whom wefound a relationship between PAMVs and a reduction in frequency of migrainewith aura after the treatment of the first pulmonary malformation.Patient and methods: A 67-year-old woman developed migraine with visual auraand major epistaxis during childhood. A PAVM is discovered and surgically removedin 1969. Migraines nearly disappeared during several years, after which theystarted to reappear progressively. A HHT syndrome is diagnosed based on recurrentepistaxis, the development of cutaneous telangiectases and a positive family history.She suffered a left subcortical stroke in 2008. Perfusion CT, chest radiography,thoracic CT-angiography, contrast echocardiography, contrast transcranial Dopplerand cerebral MRI were performed.Results: Perfusion CT showed previous asymptomatic strokes in cerebellum andbasal ganglia. 4 PAMVs were confirmed on the chest x-ray whose structural conformationis identified on thoracic CT. Contrast echocardiography and transcranialDoppler showed a massive right to left shunt. It is planned to embolize the 4PAVMs, and migraine frequency will now be prospectively assessed.Conclusion: This patient with a pulmonary arteriovenous malformation showeda reduced migraine frequency after resection of her lung lesion. This suggests acausal relationship between a right to left shunt and migraine, as discussed inpatients with patent foramen ovale.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether first trimester exposure to lamotrigine (LTG) monotherapy is specifically associated with an increased risk of orofacial clefts (OCs) relative to other malformations, in response to a signal regarding increased OC risk. METHODS: Population-based case-control study with malformed controls based on EUROCAT congenital anomaly registers. The study population covered 3.9 million births from 19 registries 1995-2005. Registrations included congenital anomaly among livebirths, stillbirths, and terminations of pregnancy following prenatal diagnosis. Cases were 5,511 nonsyndromic OC registrations, of whom 4,571 were isolated, 1,969 were cleft palate (CP), and 1,532 were isolated CP. Controls were 80,052 nonchromosomal, non-OC registrations. We compared first trimester LTG and antiepileptic drug (AED) use vs nonepileptic non-AED use, for mono and polytherapy, adjusting for maternal age. An additional exploratory analysis compared the observed and expected distribution of malformation types associated with LTG use. RESULTS: There were 72 LTG exposed (40 mono- and 32 polytherapy) registrations. The ORs for LTG monotherapy vs no AED use were 0.67 (95% CI 0.10-2.34) for OC relative to other malformations, 0.80 (95% CI 0.11-2.85) for isolated OC, 0.79 (95% CI 0.03-4.35) for CP, and 1.01 (95% CI 0.03-5.57) for isolated CP. ORs for any AED use vs no AED use were 1.43 (95% CI 1.03-1.93) for OC, 1.21 (95% CI 0.82-1.72) for isolated OC, 2.37 (95% CI 1.54-3.43) for CP, and 1.86 (95% CI 1.07-2.94) for isolated CP. The distribution of other nonchromosomal malformation types with LTG exposure was similar to non-AED exposed. CONCLUSION: We find no evidence of a specific increased risk of isolated orofacial clefts relative to other malformations due to lamotrigine (LTG) monotherapy. Our study is not designed to assess whether there is a generalized increased risk of malformations with LTG exposure.
BACKGROUND: This study reviews the 15 year program of our Department of Pediatric Surgery for the treatment and follow-up of children born with a cleft in Benin and Togo. METHODS: We analyzed files of children born in Africa with a cleft. They were referred to us through a nongovernmental organization (NGO) between 1993 and 2008 and assessed in Africa by local pediatricians before and after surgery. Operations were performed by our team. RESULTS: Two hundred files were reviewed: 60 cases of unilateral cleft lip, seven of bilateral cleft lip, 44 of unilateral cleft lip palate (UCLP), 29 of bilateral cleft lip palate (BCLP), 53 of cleft palate (CP), three of bilateral oro-ocular cleft, one of unilateral and two of median clefts (Binder), and one of commissural cleft. Sixty-nine (35 %) of these cases were not operated in Africa: 25 (12.5 %) had not shown up, 28 (15 %) were considered unfit for surgery (Down's syndrome, HIV-positive, malnutrition, cardiac malformation), and 16 (7.5 %) were transferred to Switzerland. Palatal fistula occurred in 20 % of UCLP, 30 % of BCLP, and 16 % of CP. Evaluation of speech after palate surgery gave less than 50 % of socially acceptable speech. CONCLUSIONS: Our partnership with a NGO and a local team makes it possible to treat and subsequently follow children born with a cleft in West Africa. Surgery is performed under good conditions. If aesthetic results are a success, functional results after palate surgery need further improvement to promote integration in school and social life.
Rupture of a congenital aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva is a rare congenital cardiac malformation. This case report describes a congenital aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva which ruptured into the right ventricle in a 3-year-old girl. The exact route of the fistula through the cardiac walls and the localization of the rupture into the right ventricle was not completely defined by two-dimensional and color Doppler echocardiography and could be determined only by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Official certificates of stillbirth and infant death are analysed in the birth cohort of 1979-81. Congenital malformations account for approx. 40% of infant mortality. Cantonal differences in malformation rates are not explained by different incidence of such malformations only, but also by differences in lethality. Incidence of Anencephaly is examined in detail.
OBJECTIVE: To describe prevalence, prenatal diagnosis and outcome for fetuses and infants with congenital hydrocephalus. METHODS: Data were taken from four European registries of congenital malformations (EUROCAT). The registries included are based on multiple sources of information and include information about livebirths, fetal deaths with GA > or = 20 weeks and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly (TOPFA). All cases from the four registries diagnosed with congenital hydrocephalus and born in the period 1996-2003 were included in the study. Cases with hydrocephalus associated with neural tube defects were not included in the study. RESULTS: Eighty-seven cases with congenital hydrocephalus were identified during the study period giving an overall prevalence of 4.65 per 10,000 births. There were 41 livebirths (47%), four fetal deaths (5%) and 42 TOPFA (48%). Nine percent of all cases were from a multiple pregnancy. Additional non-cerebral major malformations were diagnosed in 38 cases (44%) and karyotype anomalies in eight cases (9%). Median GA at TOPFA was 21 weeks. Among livebirths 61% were diagnosed prenatally at a median GA of 31 weeks (range 17-40 weeks) and median GA at birth was 37 weeks. Fourteen liveborn infants (34%) died within the first year of life with the majority of deaths during the first week after birth. CONCLUSION: Congenital hydrocephalus is a severe congenital malformation often associated with other congenital anomalies. CH is often diagnosed prenatally, although sometimes late in pregnancy. A high proportion of affected pregnancies result in termination for severe fetal anomaly and there is a high mortality in livebirths.
INTRODUCTION: Smoothelin is a cytoskeletal protein of differentiated smooth muscle cells with contractile capacity, distinguishing it from other smooth muscle proteins, such as smooth muscle actin (SMA). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the expression of smoothelin and SMA in the skin in order to establish specific localizations of smoothelin in smooth muscle cells with high contractile capacity and in the epithelial component of cutaneous adnexal structures. Methods: Immunohistochemical analysis (smoothelin and SMA) was performed in 18 patients with normal skin. RESULTS: SMA was expressed by the vascular structures of superficial, deep, intermediate and adventitial plexuses, whereas smoothelin was specifically expressed in the cytoplasm of smooth muscle cells of the deepest vascular plexus and in no other plexus of the dermis. The hair erector muscle showed intense expression of smoothelin and SMA. Cells with nuclear expression of smoothelin and cytoplasmic expression of SMA were observed in the outer root sheath of the inferior portion of the hair follicles and intense cytoplasmic expression in cells of the dermal sheath to SMA. CONCLUSIONS: We report the first study of smoothelin expression in normal skin, which differentiates the superficial vascular plexus from the deep. The deep plexus comprises vessels with high contractile capacity, which is important for understanding dermal hemodynamics in normal skin and pathological processes. We suggest that the function of smoothelin in the outer root sheath may be to enhance the function of SMA, which has been related to mechanical stress. Smoothelin has not been studied in cutaneous pathology; however we believe it may be a marker specific for the diagnosis of leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas of the skin. Also, smoothelin could differentiate arteriovenous malformations of cavernous hemangioma of the skin
The aim of this study was to assess interobserver agreement of ultrasound parameters for portal hypertension in hepatosplenic mansonic schistosomiasis. Spleen size, diameter of the portal, splenic and superior mesenteric veins and presence of thrombosis and cavernous transformation were determined by three radiologists in blinded and independent fashion in 30 patients. Interobserver agreement was measured by the kappa index and intraclass correlation coefficient. Interobserver agreement was considered substantial (κ = 0.714-0.795) for portal vein thrombosis and perfect (κ = 1) for cavernous transformation. Interobserver agreement measured by the intraclass correlation coefficient was excellent for longitudinal diameter of the spleen (r = 0.828-0.869) and splenic index (r = 0.816-0.905) and varied from fair to almost perfect for diameter of the portal (r = 0.622-0.675), splenic (r = 0.573-0.913) and superior mesenteric (r = 0.525-0.607) veins. According to the results, ultrasound is a highly reproducible method for the main morphological parameters of portal hypertension in schistosomiasis patients.