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The full-length cDNA sequence (3219 base pairs) of the trehalose-6-phosphate synthase gene of Porphyra yezoensis (PyTPS) was isolated by RACE-PCR and deposited in GenBank (NCBI) with the accession number AY729671. PyTPS encodes a protein of 908 amino acids before a stop codon, and has a calculated molecular mass of 101,591 Daltons. The PyTPS protein consists of a TPS domain in the N-terminus and a putative TPP domain at the C-terminus. Homology alignment for PyTPS and the TPS proteins from bacteria, yeast and higher plants indicated that the most closely related sequences to PyTPS were those from higher plants (OsTPS and AtTPS5), whereas the most distant sequence to PyTPS was from bacteria (EcOtsAB). Based on the identified sequence of the PyTPS gene, PCR primers were designed and used to amplify the TPS genes from nine other seaweed species. Sequences of the nine obtained TPS genes were deposited in GenBank (NCBI). All 10 TPS genes encoded peptides of 908 amino acids and the sequences were highly conserved both in nucleotide composition (>94%) and in amino acid composition (>96%). Unlike the TPS genes from some other plants, there was no intron in any of the 10 isolated seaweed TPS genes.


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Metallothionein (MT) is a superfamily of cysteine-rich proteins contributing to metal metabolism, detoxification of heavy metals, and immune response such as protecting against ionizing radiation and antioxidant defense. A metallothionein (designated AiMT2) gene was identified and cloned from bay scallop, Argopecten irradians. The full length cDNA of AiMT2 consisted of an open reading frame (ORF) of 333 bp encoding a protein of 110 amino acids. with nine characteristic Cys-X-Cys, five Cys-X-X-Cys, five Cys-X-X-X-Cys and two Cys-Cys motif arrangements and a conserved structural pattern Cys-x-Cys-x(3)-Cys-Tyr-x(3)Cys-x-Cys-x(3)-Cys-x-Cys-Arg at the C-terminus. The cloned ANT showed about 50% identity in the deduced amino acid sequence with previously published MT sequences of mussels and oysters. The conserved structural pattern and the close phylogenetic relationship of AiMT2 shared with MTs from other mollusc especially bivalves indicated that AiMT2 was a new member of molluscan MT family. The mRNA transcripts in hemolymph of AiMT2 under cadmium (Cd) exposure and bacteria challenge were examined by real-time RT-PCR. The mRNA expression of AiMT2 was up-regulated to 3.99-fold at 2 h after Listonella anguillarum challenge, and increased drastically to 66.12-fold and 126.96-fold at 16 and 32 h post-challenge respectively. Cadmium ion exposure could induce the expression of AiMT2, and the expression level increased 2.56-fold and 6.91-fold in hemolymph respectively after a 10-day exposure of 100 mu g L-1 and 200 mu g L-1 CdCl2. The sensitivity of AiMT2 to bacteria challenge and cadmium stress indicated it was a new Cd-dependent MT in bay scallop and also regulated by an immune challenge. The changes in the expression of AiMT2 could be used as an indicator of exposure to metals in pollution monitoring programs and oxidative stress, and bay scallop as a potential sentinel organism for the cadmium contamination in aquatic environment. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP) specifically binds to peptidoglycan and plays a crucial role in the innate immune responses as a pattern recognition receptor (PRR). The cDNA of a short type PGRP was cloned from scallop Chlamys farreri (named CfPGRP-SI) by homology cloning with degenerate primers, and confirmed by virtual Northern blots. The full length of CfPGRP-SI cDNA was 1073 bp in length, including a 5 ' untranslated region (UTR) of 59 bp, a 3 ' UTR of 255 bp, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 759 bp encoding a polypeptide of 252 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 27.88 kDa and a predicted isoelectric point of 8.69. BLAST analysis revealed that CfPGRP-S1 shared high identities with other known PGRPs. A conserved PGRP domain and three zinc-binding sites were present at its C-terminus. The temporal expression of QPGRP-S1 gene in healthy, Vibrio anguillarum-challenged and Micrococcus lysodeikticus-challenged scallops was measured by RT-PCR analysis. The expression of CfPGRP-S1 was upregulated initially in the first 12 h or 24 h either by M. lysodeikticus or V. anguillarum challenge and reached the maximum level at 24 h or 36 h, then dropped progressively, and recovered to the original level as the stimulation decreased at 72 h. There was no significant difference between V. anguillarum and M. lysodeikticus challenge. The results indicated that the CfPGRP-S1 was a constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein which was involved in the immune response against bacterial infection. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The C1q-domain-containing (C1qDC) proteins are a family of proteins characterized by a globular C1q (gC1q) domain in their C-terminus. They are involved in various processes of vertebrates and supposed to be an important pattern recognition receptor in innate immunity of invertebrates. In this study, a novel member of C1q-domain-containing protein family was identified from Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri (designated as CfC1qDC) by expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of CfC1qDC was of 777 bp, consisting of a T-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 62 bp and a 3' UTR of 178 bp with a polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly (A) tail. The CfC1qDC cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 178 amino acids, including a signal peptide and a C1q-domain of 158 amino acids with the theoretical isoelectric point of 5.19 and the predicted molecular weight of 17.2 kDa. The C1q-domain in CfC1qDC exhibited homology with those in sialic acid binding lectin from mollusks and C1qDC proteins from higher vertebrates. The typical 10 beta-strand jelly-roll folding topology structure of C1q-domain and the residues essential for effective packing of the hydrophobic core were well conserved in CfC1qDC. By fluorescent quantitative real-time PCR, mRNA transcripts of CfC1qDC were mainly detected in kidney, mantle, adductor muscle and gill, and also marginally detectable in hemocytes. In the bacterial challenge experiment, after the scallops were challenged by Listonella anguillarum, there was a significant up-regulation in the relative expression level of CfC1qDC and at 6 h post-injection, the mRNA expression reached the maximum level and was 4.55-fold higher than that of control scallops. Similarly, the expression of CfC1qDC mRNA in mixed primary cultures of hemocytes stimulated by lipopolysaccharides (LPS) was up-regulated and reached the maximum level at 6 h post-stimulation, and then dropped back to the original level gradually. In order to investigate its function, the cDNA fragment encoding the mature peptide of CfC1qDC was recombined and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). The recombinant CfC1qDC protein displayed a significantly strong activity to bind LIDS from E. coli, although no obvious antibacterial or agglutinating activity toward Gram-negative bacteria E. coli JM109, L. anguillarum and Gram-positive bacteria Micrococcus luteus was observed. These results suggested that CfC1qDC was absolutely a novel member of the C1qDC protein family and was involved in the recognition of invading microorganisms probably as a pattern recognition molecule in mollusk. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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ISG15 is an interferon-stimulated gene that encodes a ubiquitin-like protein. ISG15 homologues have been identified in a number of fish species, some of which are known to be regulated at expression level by virus infection and lipopolysacchande (LPS) treatment However, the relationship between ISG15 and live bacterial infection has not been investigated in piscine models. In this study, an ISG15 homologue, SoISG15, was identified from red drum Scraeriops ocellaws and analyzed at expression and functional levels The open reading frame ofSolSG15 is 477 base pairs (bp) and mtronless, with a 5'-untranslated region (UTR) of 91 bp and a 3'-UTR of 415 bp The deduced amino acid sequence of S0ISG15 shares 60-67% overall identities with the ISG15 of several fish species. S0ISG15 possesses two conserved ubiquinn-like domains and the canonical ubiquitin conjugation motif, LRGG, at the C-terminus. Expressional analysis showed that constitutive expression of SolSG15 was highest in blood and lowest in kidney Experimental challenges with LPS and bacterial pathogens induced significant S0ISG15 expression in the kidney but not in the liver Similar differential induction was also observed at cellular level with primary hepatocytes and head kidney (HK) lymphocytes. Poly(' C), however, effected drastic induction of S0ISG15 expression in kidney and liver at both tissue and cellular levels. Immunoblot analysis showed that S0ISG15 was secreted by cultured HK lymphocytes into the extracellular milieu. Recombinant S0ISG15 expressed in and purified from Eschenclua colt was able to enhance the respiratory burst activity, acid phosphatase activity, and bactericidal activity of HK macrophages. Taken together, the results of this study indicated that SoISG 15 possesses apparent immunological property and is likely to be involved in host immune defense against bacterial infection. (C)2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved.


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HSP22 is a member of a small HSP subfamily contributing to the growth, transformation and apoptosis of the cell as well as acting as a molecular chaperone. In the present study, CfHSP22 cDNA was cloned from Chlamys farreri by the rapid amplification of cDNA ends technique. The full-length cDNA of CfHSP22 was of 1279 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal untranslated region (5'UTR) of 122 bp, a 3'UTR of 581 bp with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly( A) tail, and an open reading frame of 576 bp encoding a polypeptide with a molecular mass of 22.21 kDa and a predicted isoelectric point of 9.69. There was an alpha-crystallin domain, a hallmark of the sHSP subfamily, in the C-terminus, and the deduced amino acid sequence of CfHSP22 showed high similarity to previously identified HSP22s. CfHSP22 was constitutively expressed in the haemocyte, muscle, kidney, gonad, gill, heart and hepatopancreas, and the expression level in the hepatopancreas was higher than that in the other tissues. CfHSP22 transcription was up-regulated and reached a maximal level at 12 h after the bacterial challenge, and then declined progressively to the original level at 48 h. These results suggested that CfHSP22 perhaps play a critical role in response to the bacterial challenge in haemocytes of scallop C. farreri.


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Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), the primary member of HSPs that are responsive of thermal stress, is found in all multicellular organisms and functions mostly as molecular chaperon. The inducible HSP70 cDNA cloned from Pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), was highly homologous to other HSP70 genes. The full-length cDNA of the Pacific abalone HSP70 was 2631 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 90 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 573 by with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame of 1968 bp. The HSP70 cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 655 amino acids with an ATPase domain of 382 amino acids, the substrate peptide binding domain of 161 amino acids and a C-terminus domain of 112 amino acids. The temporal expression of HSP70 was measured by semi-quantitative RT-PCR after heat shock and bacterial challenge. Challenge of Pacific abalone with heat shock or the pathogenic bacteria Vibrio anguillarum resulted in a dramatic increase in the expression of HSP70 mRNA level in muscle, followed by a recovery to normal level after 96 h. Unlike the muscle, the levels of HSP70 expression in gills reached the top at 12 h and maintained a relatively high level compared with the control after thermal and bacterial challenge. The upregulated mRNA expression of HSP70 in the abalone following heat shock and infection response indicates that the HSP70 gene is inducible and involved in immune response. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Kinesin motors hydrolyze ATP to produce force and move along microtubules, converting chemical energy into work by a mechanism that is only poorly understood. Key transitions and intermediate states in the process are still structurally uncharacterized, and remain outstanding questions in the field. Perturbing the motor by introducing point mutations could stabilize transitional or unstable states, providing critical information about these rarer states. RESULTS: Here we show that mutation of a single residue in the kinesin-14 Ncd causes the motor to release ADP and hydrolyze ATP faster than wild type, but move more slowly along microtubules in gliding assays, uncoupling nucleotide hydrolysis from force generation. A crystal structure of the motor shows a large rotation of the stalk, a conformation representing a force-producing stroke of Ncd. Three C-terminal residues of Ncd, visible for the first time, interact with the central beta-sheet and dock onto the motor core, forming a structure resembling the kinesin-1 neck linker, which has been proposed to be the primary force-generating mechanical element of kinesin-1. CONCLUSIONS: Force generation by minus-end Ncd involves docking of the C-terminus, which forms a structure resembling the kinesin-1 neck linker. The mechanism by which the plus- and minus-end motors produce force to move to opposite ends of the microtubule appears to involve the same conformational changes, but distinct structural linkers. Unstable ADP binding may destabilize the motor-ADP state, triggering Ncd stalk rotation and C-terminus docking, producing a working stroke of the motor.


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Epithelial Na(+) channels mediate the transport of Na across epithelia in the kidney, gut, and lungs and are required for blood pressure regulation. They are inhibited by ubiquitin protein ligases, such as Nedd4 and Nedd4-2, with loss of this inhibition leading to hypertension. Here, we report that these channels are maintained in the active state by the G protein-coupled receptor kinase, Grk2, which has been previously implicated in the development of essential hypertension. We also show that Grk2 phosphorylates the C terminus of the channel beta subunit and renders the channels insensitive to inhibition by Nedd4-2. This mechanism has not been previously reported to regulate epithelial Na(+) channels and provides a potential explanation for the observed association of Grk2 overactivity with hypertension. Here, we report a G protein-coupled receptor kinase regulating a membrane protein other than a receptor and provide a paradigm for understanding how the interaction between membrane proteins and ubiquitin protein ligases is controlled.


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The physiological significance of multiple G-protein-coupled receptor subtypes, such as the beta-adrenergic receptors (beta ARs), remains obscure, since in many cases several subtypes activate the same effector and utilize the same physiological agonists. We inspected the deduced amino acid sequences of the beta AR subtypes for variations in the determinants for agonist regulation as a potential basis for subtype differentiation. Whereas the beta 2AR has a C terminus containing 11 serine and threonine residues representing potential sites for beta AR kinase phosphorylation, which mediates rapid agonist-promoted desensitization, only 3 serines are present in the comparable region of the beta 3AR, and they are in a nonfavorable context. The beta 3AR also lacks sequence homology in regions which are important for agonist-mediated sequestration and down-regulation of the beta 2AR, although such determinants are less well defined. We therefore tested the idea that the agonist-induced regulatory properties of the two receptors might differ by expressing both subtypes in CHW cells and exposing them to the agonist isoproterenol. The beta 3AR did not display short-term agonist-promoted functional desensitization or sequestration, or long-term down-regulation. To assign a structural basis for these subtype-specific differences in agonist regulation, we constructed a chimeric beta 3/beta 2AR which comprised the beta 3AR up to proline-365 of the cytoplasmic tail and the C terminus of the beta 2AR. When cells expressing this chimeric beta 3/beta 2AR were exposed to isoproterenol, functional desensitization was observed. Whole-cell phosphorylation studies showed that the beta 2AR displayed agonist-dependent phosphorylation, but no such phosphorylation could be demonstrated with the beta 3AR, even when beta AR kinase was overexpressed. In contrast, the chimeric beta 3/beta 2AR did display agonist-dependent phosphorylation, consistent with its functional desensitization. In addition to conferring functional desensitization and phosphorylation to the beta 3AR, the C-terminal tail of the beta 2AR also conferred agonist-promoted sequestration and long-term receptor down-regulation.


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Regions of the hamster alpha 1-adrenergic receptor (alpha 1 AR) that are important in GTP-binding protein (G protein)-mediated activation of phospholipase C were determined by studying the biological functions of mutant receptors constructed by recombinant DNA techniques. A chimeric receptor consisting of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor (beta 2AR) into which the putative third cytoplasmic loop of the alpha 1AR had been placed activated phosphatidylinositol metabolism as effectively as the native alpha 1AR, as did a truncated alpha 1AR lacking the last 47 residues in its cytoplasmic tail. Substitutions of beta 2AR amino acid sequence in the intermediate portions of the third cytoplasmic loop of the alpha 1AR or at the N-terminal portion of the cytoplasmic tail caused marked decreases in receptor coupling to phospholipase C. Conservative substitutions of two residues in the C terminus of the third cytoplasmic loop (Ala293----Leu, Lys290----His) increased the potency of agonists for stimulating phosphatidylinositol metabolism by up to 2 orders of magnitude. These data indicate (i) that the regions of the alpha 1AR that determine coupling to phosphatidylinositol metabolism are similar to those previously shown to be involved in coupling of beta 2AR to adenylate cyclase stimulation and (ii) that point mutations of a G-protein-coupled receptor can cause remarkable increases in sensitivity of biological response.


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Light is a critical environmental signal that regulates every phase of the plant life cycle, from germination to floral initiation. Of the many light receptors in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the red- and far-red light-sensing phytochromes (phys) are arguably the best studied, but the earliest events in the phy signaling pathway remain poorly understood. One of the earliest phy signaling events is the translocation of photoactivated phys from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, where they localize to subnuclear foci termed photobodies; in continuous light, photobody localization correlates closely with the light-dependent inhibition of embryonic stem growth. Despite a growing body of evidence supporting the biological significance of photobodies in light signaling, photobodies have also been shown to be dispensable for seedling growth inhibition in continuous light, so their physiological importance remains controversial; additionally, the molecular components that are required for phy localization to photobodies are largely unknown. The overall goal of my dissertation research was to gain insight into the early steps of phy signaling by further defining the role of photobodies in this process and identifying additional intragenic and extragenic requirements for phy localization to photobodies.

Even though the domain structure of phys has been extensively studied, not all of the intramolecular requirements for phy localization to photobodies are known. Previous studies have shown that the entire C-terminus of phys is both necessary and sufficient for their localization to photobodies. However, the importance of the individual subdomains of the C-terminus is still unclear. For example a truncation lacking part of the most C-terminal domain, the histidine kinase-related domain (HKRD), can still localize to small photobodies in the light and behaves like a weak allele. However, a point mutation within the HKRD renders the entire molecule completely inactive. To resolve this discrepancy, I explored the hypothesis that this point mutation might impair the dimerization of the HKRD; dimerization has been shown to occur via the C-terminus of phy and is required for more efficient signaling. I show that this point mutation impairs nuclear localization of phy as well as its subnuclear localization to photobodies. Additionally, yeast-two-hybrid analysis shows that the wild-type HKRD can homodimerize but that the HKRD containing the point mutation fails to dimerize with both itself and with wild-type HKRD. These results demonstrate that dimerization of the HKRD is required for both nuclear and photobody localization of phy.

Studies of seedlings grown in diurnal conditions show that photoactivated phy can persist into darkness to repress seedling growth; a seedling's growth rate is therefore fastest at the end of the night. To test the idea that photobodies could be involved in regulating seedling growth in the dark, I compared the growth of two transgenic Arabidopsis lines, one in which phy can localize to photobodies (PBG), and one in which it cannot (NGB). Despite these differences in photobody morphology, both lines are capable of transducing light signals and inhibiting seedling growth in continuous light. After the transition from red light to darkness, the PBG line was able to repress seedling growth, as well as the accumulation of the growth-promoting, light-labile transcription factor PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 3 (PIF3), for eighteen hours, and this correlated perfectly with the presence of photobodies. Reducing the amount of active phy by either reducing the light intensity or adding a phy-inactivating far-red pulse prior to darkness led to faster accumulation of PIF3 and earlier seedling growth. In contrast, the NGB line accumulated PIF3 even in the light, and seedling growth was only repressed for six hours; this behavior was similar in NGB regardless of the light treatment. These results suggest that photobodies are required for the degradation of PIF3 and for the prolonged stabilization of active phy in darkness. They also support the hypothesis that photobody localization of phys could serve as an instructive cue during the light-to-dark transition, thereby fine-tuning light-dependent responses in darkness.

In addition to determining an intragenic requirement for photobody localization and further exploring the significance of photobodies in phy signaling, I wanted to identify extragenic regulators of photobody localization. A recent study identified one such factor, HEMERA (HMR); hmr mutants do not form large photobodies, and they are tall and albino in the light. To identify other components in the HMR-mediated branch of the phy signaling pathway, I performed a forward genetic screen for suppressors of a weak hmr allele. Surprisingly, the first three mutants isolated from the screen were alleles of the same novel gene, SON OF HEMERA (SOH). The soh mutations rescue all of the phenotypes associated with the weak hmr allele, and they do so in an allele-specific manner, suggesting a direct interaction between SOH and HMR. Null soh alleles, which were isolated in an independent, tall, albino screen, are defective in photobody localization, demonstrating that SOH is an extragenic regulator of phy localization to photobodies that works in the same genetic pathway as HMR.

In this work, I show that dimerization of the HKRD is required for both the nuclear and photobody localization of phy. I also demonstrate a tight correlation between photobody localization and PIF3 degradation, further establishing the significance of photobodies in phy signaling. Finally, I identify a novel gene, SON OF HEMERA, whose product is necessary for phy localization to photobodies in the light, thereby isolating a new extragenic determinant of photobody localization. These results are among the first to focus exclusively on one of the earliest cellular responses to light - photobody localization of phys - and they promise to open up new avenues into the study of a poorly understood facet of the phy signaling pathway.


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MAPKKK dual leucine zipper-bearing kinases (DLKs) are regulators of synaptic development and axon regeneration. The mechanisms underlying their activation are not fully understood. Here, we show that C. elegans DLK-1 is activated by a Ca(2+)-dependent switch from inactive heteromeric to active homomeric protein complexes. We identify a DLK-1 isoform, DLK-1S, that shares identical kinase and leucine zipper domains with the previously described long isoform DLK-1L but acts to inhibit DLK-1 function by binding to DLK-1L. The switch between homo- or heteromeric DLK-1 complexes is influenced by Ca(2+) concentration. A conserved hexapeptide in the DLK-1L C terminus is essential for DLK-1 activity and is required for Ca(2+) regulation. The mammalian DLK-1 homolog MAP3K13 contains an identical C-terminal hexapeptide and can functionally complement dlk-1 mutants, suggesting that the DLK activation mechanism is conserved. The DLK activation mechanism is ideally suited for rapid and spatially controlled signal transduction in response to axonal injury and synaptic activity.


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Amphibian defensive skin secretions remain a largely untapped resource for the peptide biochemist with an interest in the identification, structural characterization, and precursor cDNA cloning of novel bioactive peptides. Here we report the isolation, structural characterization, functional profiling, and nucleotide sequence of precursor cDNA of a novel histamine-releasing heptadecapeptide, FIPVTLLALHKIKEKLN-amide, from the defensive skin secretion of the African running frog, Kassina senegalensis. This peptide was found to be a potent histamine secretagogue (EC[5][0]=6 µM; maximal release = 25 µM) in a rat peritoneal mast cell model system and was accordingly named kassinakinin S. The open-reading frame of the cDNA encoding prepro-kassinakinin S was found to consist of 71 amino acid residues containing a single copy of kassinakinin S and its glycyl residue amide donor at the C-terminus. Kassinakinin S can thus be added to the growing list of amphibian skin bioactive peptide prototypes.


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Tryptophyllins are a heterogenous group of amphibian skin peptides originally identified in skin extracts of Neotropical leaf frogs, Phyllomedusa sp., by chemical means. Until now, biosynthetic precursor structure and biological activity remain unreported. Here we describe the isolation of a novel, post-translationally modified tryptophyllin, Lys-Pro-Hyp-Ala-Trp-Val-Pro.amide (PdT-1), from the skin secretion of the Mexican leaf frog, Pachymedusa dacnicolor. Using a 3'- and 5'-RACE strategy and an in vitro skin cDNA library, the PdT-1-encoding precursor was cloned and found to consist of an open-reading frame of 62 amino acids with a single copy of PdT-1 located towards the C-terminus. A synthetic replicate of PdT-1 was found to be a potent myoactive agent, relaxing mammalian arterial smooth muscle and contracting small intestinal smooth muscle at nanomolar concentrations. PdT-1 is thus the first amphibian skin tryptophyllin to be pharmacologically characterized and the first whose precursor cDNA has been cloned.