903 resultados para Buy national policy


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A Estratégia Nacional de Defesa (END) foi o documento de Defesa Nacional que mais repercutiu nas Forças Armadas e, também, na sociedade brasileira. A END formula diretrizes estratégicas para alcançar os objetivos nacionais de defesa, que estão inseridos na Política Nacional de Defesa (PND). A PND é o documento de mais alto nível do Estado brasileiro para o planejamento de defesa. Para atingir os objetivos definidos na END, o comandante do Exército Brasileiro expediu suas diretrizes, seguidas de um planejamento denominado “Estratégia Braço Forte” (EBF). Posteriormente, por meio do Estado-Maior do Exército (EME), foi produzido um documento intitulado “Processo de Transformação do Exército Brasileiro” (PTEB) cujo teor é fruto de resultados de estudos, diagnósticos, formulações e concepções surgidas no EME ao longo dos trabalhos relativos à END e à elaboração da EBF. Em complemento às medidas de gestão para os assuntos de defesa, o Governo Federal disponibilizou, em julho de 2012, o Livro Branco de Defesa Nacional (LBDN), entregando-o ao Congresso Nacional para apreciação. Vários documentos sobre o tema defesa foram formulados a partir da END. Estes documentos estão enquadrados no nível estratégico, definindo quem é o responsável por seu planejamento e por sua condução. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar a análise da Estratégia Nacional de Defesa e apresentar os documentos decorrentes afetos à Defesa Nacional, atinentes ao Exército Brasileiro que podem ser relacionados ao nível estratégico. Para tanto, fez-se uma discussão do conceito de estratégia e níveis estratégicos e realizou-se uma análise da END, considerando críticas existentes sobre este documento. Em seguida, o Livro Branco de Defesa Nacional foi apresentado e uma comparação com a END foi realizada. Em continuação, apresenta-se os dois documentos do Exército elaborados como conseqüência da END: a “Estratégia Braço Forte” e o “Processo de Transformação do Exército Brasileiro”. Por fim, apresenta-se os níveis estratégicos dos documentos mencionados e a coerência dos níveis estratégicos propostos por Luttwak.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo central analisar a dinâmica política da capital federal, através da atuação do Conselho Municipal do Distrito Federal, nos anos de 1920. Partindo da ideia de que a década em questão foi assinalada por profundas transformaçõe s e efervescência política, busca - se perceber como o Legislativo carioca operou, politicamente, nos anos em tela. Além de elucidar a relação estabelecida entre os principais poderes municipais no período – os intendentes e os prefeitos – identificamos o co ntexto político - partidário da época; destacamos os principais posicionamentos assumidos pelo Conselho frente determinadas conjunturas - chave da política nacional e lançamos luz sobre a heterogeneidade do Legislativo local nos anos vinte. Para cumprir este propósito esta pesquisa se estrutura a partir dos Anais do Conselho Municipal, do Boletim da Prefeitura, do Regimento Interno do Conselho e da Imprensa carioca, através do jornal Correio da Manhã.


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A prestação do serviço de acolhimento institucional para crianças e adolescentes ainda é um grande desafio para as organizações que realizam este trabalho, não só pelas atuais mudanças do perfil dos abrigados, que passa a exigir novas respostas institucionais, com pela fragilidade da estrutura de financiamento público. Desse modo, o presente trabalho tem como propósito identificar as principais fragilidades da estrutura de financiamento público desse serviço, a partir do estudo de caso do Programa Abrigos Solidárias da Liga Solidária, organização social sem fins lucrativos que mantém três abrigos via convênio firmado com a Secretaria Municipal de Assistência e Desenvolvimento Social de São Paulo (SMADS). Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa qualitativa baseada em entrevistas semi estruturadas junto a gestores e técnicos da Liga Solidária, bem como uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os principais marcos da Política Nacional de Assistência Social, referências sobre a Reforma Gerencial do Estado e o funcionamento básico do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Com base nos dados encontrados na pesquisa, foi possível realizar um diagnóstico da atual estrutura de financiamento público e complementar que subsidiou a elaboração de uma proposta integrada de aperfeiçoamento da estrutura de financiamento desse serviço respaldado por uma análise comparativa com o SUS e resgatando as propostas de contratualização previstas na Reforma Gerencial do Estado de 1995.


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Esta dissertação tem como problema de pesquisa analisar o perfil normativo das Conferências Nacionais de Política para Mulheres a partir dos sentidos atribuídos à deliberação pelas representantes governamentais e não governamentais que organizaram e/ou participaram desses processos de Conferências, entrevistadas para esta pesquisa. A relevância do problema se dá pelo diagnóstico de que o perfil dessas Conferências, marcado por discursos históricos que buscam firmar o compromisso político do governo federal com a Política para as mulheres, não está claro, por um lado. Mas também se justifica pelos debates em torno de propostas de Sistemas de Participação que buscam trabalhar com a complementaridade de modelos de democracia, por outro. No arcabouço teórico está a noção de “momentos deliberativos” presente na literatura brasileira sobre efetividade da participação e as noções jurídicas de ato administrativo discricionário e vinculativo presentes no ramo do Direito Administrativo, como tentativas de compreender o perfil a partir das categorias analíticas consultiva e deliberativa presentes na literatura brasileira sobre participação. As categorias, contudo, se mostram limitadas para se compreender os diversos sentidos da deliberação que indicariam seu perfil.


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O presente artigo tem por objetivo identificar os arranjos institucionais construídos no ambiente institucional pós-88, bem como as oportunidades e os desafios que representam para o sistema nacional de mobilidade e para a implementação da política no nível subnacional. Para tanto, analisa o contexto institucional no qual se desenvolveu a elaboração do plano de mobilidade no município de São Paulo, integrado na recente revisão do Plano Diretor Estratégico do município. Aborda, também, a lei 12.587/2012 que estabeleceu as diretrizes da Política Nacional de Mobilidade Urbana – PNMU.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a sistematização das janelas de oportunidade de financiamento de elaboração e implementação dos Planos de Mobilidade Urbana, atualmente geridas pelo Ministério das Cidades. Para tanto, foi primeiramente realizado um diagnóstico da Mobilidade Urbana no Brasil, desenvolvido o conceito de Plano de Mobilidade Urbana, bem como identificadas as janelas de oportunidade de financiamento. Em seguida, o trabalho descreve em detalhes cada uma das janelas de oportunidade identificadas, para então sistematizá-las e analisá-las comparativamente.


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Pesquisa em foco: From ''dot.org'' to ''dot.gov'': professional crossings in the brazilian national policy on HIV/AIDS - 2012. Pesquisadores: Luiz Claudio Marques Campos, Patricia Maria Mendonça e Mario Aquino Alves


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Objetivou-se compreender a humanização do atendimento à criança na Atenção Básica na visão dos profissionais. Estudo qualitativo, realizado em uma Unidade de Saúde da Família de Natal-RN, Brasil. Dezesseis profissionais responderam a um formulário contendo questões referentes ao atendimento à criança, à humanização e às práticas realizadas para humanizar o atendimento. Os dados foram categorizados por temas e analisados a partir dos princípios da Política Nacional de Humanização. Para os profissionais, humanizar o atendimento envolve acolher, escutar, aconselhar sobre o que está sendo realizado com a criança, valorizar a família, e tornar o sujeito ativo no atendimento, mesmo que de forma incipiente. A maioria dos profissionais descreveu atendimento que valorizava parte dos princípios da política de humanização, mesmo com dificuldades para implementá-los na rotina. Requer, portanto, estímulos e atualização dos profissionais para uma postura autocrítica sobre o atendimento


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Public policies have been studied in the various fields of humanities and social sciences, from different theoretical and technical aspects. However, there is still a lack of studies that incorporate the dimension that encompasses the political action and its interference in such actions, also recognizing the importance of the institutional setting of the Brazilian presidential model in implementing these policies. This fragmented and multiparty system has led to power heterogeneous sets of political parties. Thus, the ministerial offices, more than assisting the President´s government project, manage particularized agendas, which are party biased and have the influence of interest groups in hegemonic themes addressed by government agencies. When these agendas operate in sectoral and specialized policies, the friction level is apparently low. However, when this occurs in intersectoral actions, such as in regional development, there is evidence of strong signs of competition among government agencies, which in theory, should operate in an integrated manner. Although this is not a specific feature of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva´s government- the period to be studied- there was similar behavior in Fernando Henrique Cardoso´s presidency, one realizes that the expansion of coalition on behalf of governance is increasingly interfering in the outcome of intersectoral public policies, due to these multiple arguments in action. In order to understand these processes, this study focused on the Sustainable and Integrated Development Programme for Differentiated Meso-Regions (PROMESO), part of the National Policy for Regional Development (NPRD). The program provides interface with various government agencies and their public policies in a clear intersectoral design. The research sought to identify and analyze the relationships between government agencies and their programs with interest groups, whether political parties or other segments of civil society, highlighting the logic of favoritism, which poses in second place the integration of actions in the intersectoral policies. Therefore, besides the theoretical debate that incorporates several categories of political science, public administration, public policy, geography and economics, the study focused on secondary sources, using different government agencies databases in order to raise information. It was observed that the interference of partisan politics has been disastrous for some public policies. Thus, the research confirms that cooperative character is fragile within government agencies, often limited to official documents, and that there is indeed, a striking feature of competition, especially when it comes to transversalized policies


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Due to the appreciation of family farming by the Brazilian Federal Government, the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension was induced to restructure and act in a more participative way, culminating in the National Policy of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (PNATER), changing the profile of technology transfer and knowledge (diffusionism) for an action that uses participatory methodologies focused on exchange of knowledge between farmers and technicians. The process of discussion of the trends of ATER brought the New ATER , with the recognition of agroecology as the main guidance. This research aimed to analyze methods of public ATER developed by institutions of Rio Grande do Norte, under the guidance of New ATER. The research is qualitative. Secondary data were collected through documental research and literature. Primary data were collected through a set of interviews applied to representatives of public institutions ATER, namely EMATER-RN, Diaconia and AACC and representatives of organizations that receive public ATER. The research showed the difficulties of EMATER-RN in implementing of New ATER due to lack of infrastructure and low adherence of the new form of technical assistance and rural extension. It was shown also that the AACC and Diaconia act with ATER through projects with implementation deadlines set, often interrupting ATER while communities are still in need of assistance


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The current National Policy for Social Assistance (PNAS) is the instrument that regulates the organization and procedures of social-welfare actions. Developed and approved in 2004 since the Unified Social Assistance System (ITS) was crated in 2003, it reaffirms the democratic principles of the Social Assistance Organic Law (LOAS) focusing on the universalization of social rights and equality of rights when accessing the social-welfare system. In the SUAS point of view, the PNAS highlights the information, monitoring and evaluation fields for being the best way to assure the regulation, organization and control by the Federal Government paying attention to the principles of decentralization and participation. This political-institutional rearrangement occurs through the pact among all the three federal entities. The pact deals with the implementation of the task. It says that it has to be shared between the federal autonomous entities, established by dividing responsibilities. To the cities, considered as the smallest territorial unit of the federation and closer to the population, was given the primary responsibility, which is to feed and maintain the database of SUAS NETWORK and identify families living in situations of social vulnerability. In addition to these responsibilities, the cities that have full autonomy in the management of their actions, have the responsibility to organize the basic social protection and the special social protection, that using the Center of Social Assistance Reference (CRAS) and the Center of Specialized Social Assistance Reference (CREAS), are responsible for the provision of programs, projects and services that strengthen the family and community; that promote people who are able to enjoy the benefits of the Continuing benefit of Provisions (BPC) and transfer of incomes; that hold the infringed rights on its territory; that maximize the protective role of families and strengthen its users organization. In Mossoró/RN, city classified as autonomous in the social assistance management, has five units of CRAS that, for being public utilities, are considered the main units of basic social protection, since they are responsible for the connection between the other institutions that compose the network of local social protection. Also known as Family House, the CRAS, among other programs and services, offers the Integral Attention to Families Program (PAIF), Juvenile ProJovem Program, socio-educational coexistence services programs, as well as sending people to other public policies and social-welfare services network, provides information, among others. In this large field, social workers are highlighted as keys to implement the policy of social assistance within the city, followed by psychologists and educators. They should be effective public employees, as a solution to ensure that the provision of the services are to be continued, provided to the population living around the units. However, what we can find here is inattention to the standard rules of social assistance, which not only undermines the quality of programs and services, but also the consolidation of policy on welfare as public policy of social rights


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Currently the number of elderly in the world and Brazil is growing increasingly. However, old age is still presented as a complex issue that needs more depth. It is extremely important that society should create a discourse committed to reviewing negative stereotypes of old age as well as studies that allow the construction of new looks inclusive , as well as the creation of public policies that favor the elderly category, such as the National Policy and Elderly Statute established recently. The aim of this study is to analyze the spaces of sociability for the elderly Mossley and understand how the collective experiences in these environments influence the quality of life and influence in their depictions of the elderly subjects. To collect data observations were made, semi-structured interviews and wheels conversations with men and women aged 65 to 80 years old, retired, mostly widows, neighborhood residents Abolition in Mossley, participants (CCI) Coexistence Center Seniors Jose Sarney and (CRAS) Reference Center and Welfare. Thus, the spaces facing the elderly are presented as a good alternative for the rehabilitation, the fun and preserve their memories, while the agents posing as productive, active, and transformers of their reality


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The subject of public safety is part of the academic and popular discussions, due to several factors that act in society culminating in an increasing criminality. The importance of the evaluation of public policies in this context consists in a possible control tool, monitoring and necessary adjustments to the government to make the necessary changes. Given this reality, it is thought the research problem: how Mossoró (RN) city has implemented his public security policy? In general guideline of the research, we work with the following hypothesis: the own formulation of the National Policy of Public Safety there are elements that hinder the implementation of a public policy of municipal security in Mossoró. The objective of this research is to evaluate the existing security public policy in the city of Mossoró, by the elements that facilitate and/or hamper its implementation, through the actions of municipal government in the activities of the Mossoro Civil Guard (GCM). For this, a review of the implementation process was conducted, specifically its subprocesses of selection, training, and logistical or operational. Was used bibliographical research, documental primary and secondary, and field research, with conducting of interviews. It was found that with a staff of 197 guards, and with five years of creation, the actions developed by this institution refer to an early implementation of the municipal security policy. The guard has the basic pattern selection, part of function relocation and part of public tender. The formation occurs in an introductory way, however, not complete and specific, for the function performance. Its operability is limited by the number of existing effective and by the physical structure that has not matching the demand yet, which touches on the municipal budgetary reality of direct resource intended to safety. It was found the absence of a municipal plan of public security with principles, guidelines and goals that could direct the actions of the guard. It is concluded that despite of the implementation of the GCM Mossoró have not achieved, within the parameters of efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness have played their actions, projects and programs, it could trigger a process of opening for construction of a municipal security policy. As well as break with the paradigm of municipal actions just meant for surveillance of public property, interaction affirmative for the prevention of violence and crime


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This thesis, whose title is DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE: AN EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION IN SOCIAL ASSISTENCE POLICY IN THE CITIES OF ASSÚ AND MOSSORÓ/RN (2004/2008), has as main aim to evaluate effectiveness in Social Assistance Policy in the cities of Assu and Mossoró/RN, from 2004 to 2008, identifying its impacts and effects in life of its users. The methodological process for the research was composed by: a) Literature review on this theme, development of public policies; social public policies, public policy evaluation and Social Assistance Policy in Brazil; b) Documental research from Municipal Management of Social Development and Municipal Counsels of Social Assistance in the cities of Assu and Mossoró/RN about the object of this study and empirical field; c) Field Research constituted by the realization of Focal Groups with Social Assistance users and semistructured interviews with municipal managers from Assú and Mossoró. It was also taken into account participant observations in events and activities related to Social Assistance previously mentioned, considering field management and also the response to users demands. Articulating the themes of Development and Public Social Policy in Social Assistance was the theoretical purpose for this thesis. To achieve this purpose, it was performed two theoretical displacements related, at the same time, to the notion of development and to the concept of Social Assistance, which means to comprehend development as social change and improvement in users life quality, expressed in the expansion of their capacities and liberties (SEN, 1993, 2000), and the Social Assistance as an element for development. Such displacements provide a view of Public policy and Social Policies and evaluate National Policy of Social Assistance achieved in those cities. As product, this thesis presents a methodological purpose for effectiveness evaluation in Public Policy, taking into account expansion of capacities and liberties, concluding that Social Assistance Policy in Assú and Mossoró/RN, even in lesser extent had its impact and caused effective results in the life of their users and provided an expansion of their capacities and liberties, improving life quality and empowered agent condition for those subjects. The results show that this Policy has been proved to be effective, and consequently, it was considered, in this thesis, to be also an element and an allied for development


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The study of public policy typologies is still a knowledge field which lacks more embracing and applicable studies to different sectors. On that perspective, this work, Social Assistance Policy in Brazil: an analysis from the typologies on public policy, pursues to add the relevant literature to social assistance what focus on the public policy ratings. Moreover, it concerns about a study on the the national policy of social assistance implemented by the Brazilian government from the theoretical referrence of the public policy typologies. For that reason, the referential framework of the public policies as well as the analisys of its fundamentals/principles that are indispensable for achieving a bigger goal, that is to tipify the social assistance policy based on the different public policy typologies and characterize it through the main elements which are intrinsec to the social political and economic reality of Brazil. Thus, the issue suggested for the work is: what is the profile and the political trajectory of the social assistance implemented by the Brazilian Government? How it presents, above all, the features of a distributive, focused and lawful policy, the work has been done througho the following hypothesis: the social assistance policy in Brazil has been of universal, assistance, and focusing aspects. For each of those features granted to the social assistance policy, there is a gathering of changes according to the social, political and economic moment of the country and that stands out due to the different institutions within every cyclical period. The work showed that besides the social policy has gone through meaningful changes during the last decades, even though the adoption of the Organic Law of Social Assistance and its rules, some of the mentioned characteristics still remain, as long as the State s primacy goes on being the economic policies over the dubbed social policies. Notwithstanding, the social assistance will build up itself from the materialization of the growing of the social rights related to the State, but also assuming an important role on the amplified reproducing process regarding the capitalist social relations