793 resultados para Business Plan,
"First Printing: January 2000."--p. [ii].
No Brasil, os microempreendimentos representam de 5,6 a 6 milhões de empresas segundo pesquisas do SEBRAE (2010). Cumprem um papel importante para o PIB (Produto Interno Bruto) Nacional. As pesquisas de mortalidade desses negócios mostram que, cerca de 75% não conseguem permanecer no mercado além dos seis meses iniciais. A abertura desses pequenos negócios decorre, em muitos casos, da necessidade oriunda do desemprego. O empreendedor, anteriormente registrado pode usar de sua indenização e do Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço para iniciar um novo empreendimento. Geralmente, de acordo com as pesquisas, tais negócios não têm um suporte adequado nem constituem um plano de negócios, diferente de outros países como Estados Unidos e Canadá, onde um isso é condição básica para o início de um empreendimento. As pesquisas mostram que o cenário para os microempreendedores é de dificuldades. Por outro lado, contrariando as pesquisas de mortalidade, (SEBRAE, 2010), existem pequenos negócios que sobrevivem ao longo do tempo, passando à margem de toda a oscilação do mercado, tanto interno quanto externo. O presente trabalho analisará seis empresas das regiões norte e oeste de São Paulo, capital, com pequenos negócios que estão estabilizados no mercado. Além disso, mostrará quais as dificuldades transpostas por esses empreendedores para dar longevidade a seu negócio
A pesquisa trata do estudo da implantação de uma incubadora de empresas no município de Santana de Parnaíba em 2005. Duas perguntas estruturaram a investigação: Quais fatores ou indicadores econômicos e sociais, conforme previsto no Programa Nacional de Apoio à Implantação de Incubadoras de Empresas, se evidenciaram como viabilizadores, ou não, para a escolha do tipo de incubadora implantada no município? A incubadora de Santana de Parnaíba configurou-se ou não como espaço articulado de desenvolvimento econômico e social? Essas questões norteadoras determinaram o objetivo geral do estudo e os objetivos específicos, quais foram: investigar se houve ou não a aplicação do Estudo de Viabilidade Técnica e Econômica/SEBRAE; levantar o perfil socioeconômico do empreendedor local e, identificar o perfil das empresas graduadas quanto à geração de postos de trabalho. Para atender aos objetivos optou-se pela realização de pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório e descritivo. A estratégia da observação participante foi seguida a partir da consulta aos diários de campo e às fontes primárias e secundárias, com a leitura e consulta de documentos e registros da implantação nos arquivos da FIESP. Como parte da estratégia de coleta de dados foi aplicado, junto ao universo da pesquisa, empreendedores e coordenador executivo do Programa de Incubadoras da FIESP, roteiro semiestruturado de questões. As informações foram analisadas mediante a técnica de análise de conteúdo, seguindo a metodologia do Estudo de Caso. Serviu de motivo condutor a constatação de que a notável evolução de tecnologias propiciada pelo sistema capitalista, o avanço dos processos produtivos e o aumento da produtividade nas grandes corporações ocorreram e continuam ocorrendo em ritmo sensivelmente superior à dinâmica de capacitação e qualificação da mão de obra em países em desenvolvimento, o que faz crescer o desemprego e a informalidade. A recente crise americana, em 2008, configura a oportunidade para melhor compreensão do conceito de incubadoras de empresas e demais empreendimentos solidários. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que todos os empreendedores receberam informações de marketing e finanças. O apoio de consultorias especializadas, a participação em feiras e o desenvolvimento do plano de negó cios ao longo da incubação contemplaram as expectativas dos empreendimentos de tecnologia difundida. A pesquisa indica que, nos empreendimentos de base tecnológica, a incubadora não concretizou apoio efetivo às demandas por novos processos e novos produtos. Disso decorreu o atendimento deficitário às metas de geração de emprego na localidade pelas três empresas de base tecnológica instaladas na incubadora. Os resultados indicam que, apesar da significativa quantidade de documentos de conteúdo normativo que tratam da prevenção de insucessos de políticas públicas de apoio à implantação de incubadoras e ao empreendedorismo, não foi possível constatar indícios de articulação entre desenvolvimento econômico e desenvolvimento social nem de Estudo de Viabilidade Técnica e Econômica precedendo a implantação da incubadora no município estudado.(AU)
This thesis examines the empirical evidence for the transferability of Japanese soft technology (JST) or Japanese work organisation within two government-initiated, Malaysian-Japanese strategic alliances: PROTON and PERNEC. The government, through its Look East Policy (LEP) began in 1982, taking Japan (and South Korea) as models and partners in Malaysian economic and industrial development process, and expected these alliances to learn the good aspects of Japanese work organisations and management styles in order for them to become independent companies, both technologically and economically. The thesis found that the alliances have been successfully taking and utilising Japanese parts, components, tools, robots and machines; i.e. the 'ready-made hard technology'. [Whereas the important element of soft technology has been ignored]. The soft technology has been slowly and marginally transferred because neither local parties nor their Japanese counterparts within the alliances consider the acquisition or transfer of soft technology to be the main concern or a part of business plan. Although many factors influence management transfer, the thesis has focused on the eagerness and the capability of Malaysian managerial teams to acquire and, to a lesser extent, the readiness of the Japanese to transfer the technology. It was found that there is a lack of demand on technology acquisition by Malaysian managers and lack of responsibility to transfer the technology among Japanese experts. However, the political and social pressures on these alliances, the industrial climate and labour market, leaderships and management system of alliances, and Japanese MNCs regional and global corporate strategies have contributed to the high level of transfer of JST at PROTON compared to PERNEC. The research also found that Malaysian industrial and investment policies have favoured foreign investment but there is a lack of strategies for nurturing indigenous technological development.On the other hand the Japanese MNCs and public agencies have been operating in Malaysia and guided by their regional and global corporate strategies and less concerned with Malaysian technological development. In conclusion, empirically, the JST transfer is minimal. The transfer has been influenced by internal contingency factors of organisation; external industrial, political and cultural environmental factors; and last but not least the Japanese MNCs' global and regional corporate strategies. The transfer of Japanese management in this research is inclined towards core-periphery transfer model, it is also related to organisational and national technological capability.
Guest editorial: This special issue has been drawn from papers that were published as part of the Second European Conference on Management of Technology (EuroMOT) which was held at Aston Business School (Birmingham, UK) 10-12 September 2006. This was the official European conference for the International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT); the overall theme of the conference was “Technology and global integration.” There were many high-calibre papers submitted to the conference and published in the associated proceedings (Bennett et al., 2006). The streams of interest that emerged from these submissions were the importance of: technology strategy, innovation, process technologies, managing change, national policies and systems, research and development, supply chain technology, service and operational technology, education and training, small company incubation, technology transfer, virtual operations, technology in developing countries, partnership and alliance, and financing and investment. This special issue focuses upon the streams of interest that accentuate the importance of collaboration between different organisations. Such organisations vary greatly in character; for instance, they may be large or small, publicly or privately owned, and operate in manufacturing or service sectors. Despite these varying characteristics they all have something in common; they all stress the importance of inter-organisational collaboration as a critical success factor for their organisation. In today's global economy it is essential that organisations decide what their core competencies are what those of complementing organisations are. Core competences should be developed to become a bases of differentiation, leverage and competitive advantage, whilst those that are less mature should be outsourced to other organisations that can claim to have had more recognition and success in that particular core competence (Porter, 2001). This strategic trend can be observed throughout advanced economies and is growing strongly. If a posteriori reasoning is applied here it follows that organisations could continue to become more specialised in fewer areas whilst simultaneously becoming more dependent upon other organisations for critical parts of their operations. Such actions seem to fly in the face of rational business strategy and so the question must be asked: why are organisations developing this way? The answer could lie in the recent changes in endogenous and exogenous factors of the organisation; the former emphasising resource-based issues in the short-term, and strategic positioning in the long-term whilst the later emphasises transaction costs in the short-term and acquisition of new skills and knowledge in the long-term. For a harmonious balance of these forces to prevail requires organisations to firstly declare a shared meta-strategy, then to put some cross-organisational processes into place which have their routine operations automated as far as possible. A rolling business plan would review, assess and reposition each organisation within this meta-strategy according to how well they have contributed (Binder and Clegg, 2006). The important common issue here is that an increasing number of businesses today are gaining direct benefit from increasing their levels of inter-organisational collaboration. Such collaboration has largely been possible due to recent technological advances which can make organisational structures more agile (e.g. the extended or the virtual enterprise), organisational infra-structure more connected, and the sharing of real-time information an operational reality. This special issue consists of research papers that have explored the above phenomenon in some way. For instance, the role of government intervention, the use of internet-based technologies, the role of research and development organisations, the changing relationships between start-ups and established firms, the importance of cross-company communities of practice, the practice of networking, the front-loading of large-scale projects, innovation and the probabilistic uncertainties that organisations experience are explored in these papers. The cases cited in these papers are limited as they have a Eurocentric focus. However, it is hoped that readers of this special issue will gain a valuable insight into the increasing importance of collaborative practices via these studies.
This paper explores the importance of collaboration between different types of organizations within an enterprise. To achieve successful collaboration requires both endogenous and exogenous factors of each organization to be considered and a shared meta-strategy supported by shared cross-organizational processes and technology. A rolling business plan would periodically review, assess and reposition each organization within this meta-strategy according to how well they have contributed. We show that recent technological advances have made organizational structures more agile, organizational infra-structure more connected and the sharing of real-time information an operational reality; we also discuss the challenges and risks.
The aim of the case study is to express the delayed repair time impact on the revenues and profit in numbers with the example of the outage of power plant units. Main steps of risk assessment: • creating project plan suitable for risk assessment • identification of the risk factors for each project activities • scenario-analysis based evaluation of risk factors • selection of the critical risk factors based on the results of quantitative risk analysis • formulating risk response actions for the critical risks • running Monte-Carlo simulation [1] using the results of scenario-analysis • building up a macro which creates the connection among the results of the risk assessment, the production plan and the business plan.
This dissertation is one of the earliest to systematically apply and empirically test the resource-based view (RBV) in the context of nascent social ventures in a large scale study. Social ventures are entrepreneurial ventures organized as nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid organizations whose primary purpose is to address unmet social needs and create social value. Nascent social ventures face resource gaps and engage in partnerships or alliances as one means to access external resources. These partnerships with different sectors facilitate social venture innovative and earned income strategies, and assist in the development of adequate heterogeneous resource conditions that impact competitive advantage. Competitive advantage in the context of nascent social ventures is achieved through the creation of value and the achievement of venture development activities and launching. The relationships between partnerships, heterogeneous resource conditions, strategies, and competitive advantage are analyzed in the context of nascent social ventures that participated in business plan competitions. A content analysis of 179 social venture business plans and an exploratory follow-up survey of 72 of these ventures are used to analyze these relationships using regression, ANOVA, correlations, t-tests, and non-parametric statistics. The findings suggest a significant positive relationship between competitive advantage and partnership diversity, heterogeneous resource conditions, social innovation, and earned income. Social capital is the type of resource most significantly related to competitive advantage. Founder previous start-up experience, client location, and business plan completeness are also found to be significant in the relationship between partnership diversity and competitive advantage. Finally the findings suggest that hybrid social ventures create a greater competitive advantage than nonprofit or for-profit social ventures. Consequently, this dissertation not only provides academics further insight into the factors that impact nascent social value creation, venture development, and ability to launch, but also offers practitioners guidance on how best to organize certain processes to create a competitive advantage. As a result more insight is gained into the nascent social venture creation process and how these ventures can have a greater impact on society.
Act 44/2015, on 14th October, of labour and investee companies, aims to accommodate the different instruments, limits and requirements with which the legal regime of the labour companies is set, to the current economic and legal context where they must develop their economic activity. The purpose of the law is to preserve their special status, while it seeks to modernize its legal structure to ensure the economic solvency of the business plan, without weakening the social profile that is required. The new law includes two organisational figures, ‘labour companies’ and the calling ‘investee companies’, of the last one, only leaving evidence of what is to be understood by them referring its regulation to a subsequent regulatory development. Until the publication of the regulation, our work has focused on the corporate aspect of the labour companies by analysing the modifications made on the typological elements and legal regime of these organisational figures to determine whether the law is the necessary and sufficient instrument to achieve the challenge proposed.
Purpose: This research investigates the effectiveness of an experiential learning approach, available to students in all disciplines that combined a hands-on entrepreneurial and enterprise experience with professional consultant mentoring by using a competition to win business start-up funding. Design/methodology/approach: Students at a UK university had the chance to enter a competition in which they developed an entrepreneurial idea and then designed and presented a business plan to win business start-up capital. Students who were entrepreneurially motivated, but who lacked capital to start up their business, were targeted, as these students have been argued to benefit the most from a combination of business plan training and entrepreneurial development. Feedback and data was obtained from the students at each stage of the process and was thematically analysed to assess the development of students’ entrepreneurial skills and knowledge through the experience. Findings: The research found that the benefits gained from this approach included both enterprising and entrepreneurial skills, with the greatest impact being on student confidence and belief in their ability to start a business. The practical skills had a ‘demystifying’ effect on students that made them feel like entrepreneurship and enterprise start-up were attainable. Research limitations/implications: The research focused on students at one UK University and centered on entrepreneurship in a retail business. The competition thus appealed mainly to students who were interested in retail start-up, thus leaving out some enterprising students whose feedback may have been different. In addition, while entrepreneurial skills are assessed in the data, the students who would be interested in the competition would be assumed to be proactive, and this skill was not able to be analyzed. This research is a single case, and thus could be enhanced by more cases and looking at other enterprise start-up means beyond retail. Originality/value: This research makes a case that, in light of literature critical of the use of business plan training in entrepreneurship education, certain students are appropriate candidates for this approach. Specific skills and knowledge can be developed in university students using a live enterprise experience, supported by entrepreneurial mentoring. By making the event extracurricular, the study sought to capture the feedback of students who self-selected into the program, who can benefit most from combined entrepreneurial and business-plan development experience.
Academic literature has increasingly recognized the value of non-traditional higher education learning environments that emphasize action-orientated experiential learning for the study of entrepreneurship (Gibb, 2002; Jones & English, 2004). Many entrepreneurship educators have accordingly adopted approaches based on Kolb’s (1984) experiential learning cycle to develop a dynamic, holistic model of an experience-based learning process. Jones and Iredale (2010) suggested that entrepreneurship education requires experiential learning styles and creative problem solving to effectively engage students. Support has also been expressed for learning-by-doing activities in group or network contexts (Rasmussen and Sorheim, 2006), and for student-led approaches (Fiet, 2001). This study will build on previous works by exploring the use of experiential learning in an applied setting to develop entrepreneurial attitudes and traits in students. Based on the above literature, a British higher education institution (HEI) implemented a new, entrepreneurially-focused curriculum during the 2013/14 academic year designed to support and develop students’ entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions. The approach actively involved students in small scale entrepreneurship activities by providing scaffolded opportunities for students to design and enact their own entrepreneurial concepts. Students were provided with the necessary resources and training to run small entrepreneurial ventures in three different working environments. During the course of the year, three applied entrepreneurial opportunities were provided for students, increasing in complexity, length, and profitability as the year progressed. For the first undertaking, the class was divided into small groups, and each group was given a time slot and venue to run a pop-up shop in a busy commercial shopping centre. Each group of students was supported by lectures and dedicated class time for group work, while receiving a set of objectives and recommended resources. For the second venture, groups of students were given the opportunity to utilize an on-campus bar/club for an evening and were asked to organize and run a profitable event, acting as an outside promoter. Students were supported with lectures and seminars, and groups were given a £250 budget to develop, plan, and market their unique event. The final event was optional and required initiative on the part of the students. Students were given the opportunity to develop and put forward business plans to be judged by the HEI and the supporting organizations, which selected the winning plan. The authors of the winning business plan received a £2000 budget and a six-week lease to a commercial retail unit within a shopping centre to run their business. Students received additional academic support upon request from the instructor, and one of the supporting organizations provided a training course offering advice on creating a budget and a business plan. Data from students taking part in each of the events was collected, in order to ascertain the learning benefits of the experiential learning, along with the successes and difficulties they faced. These responses have been collected and analyzed and will be presented at the conference along with the instructor’s conclusions and recommendations for the use of such programs in higher educations.
Il seguente percorso di tesi si articola in due parti. Nella prima si andranno ad illustrare le varie possibili fonti di finanziamento alle quali uno o più imprenditori potranno rivolgersi nella creazione di una nuova impresa, con una attenzione particolare a quello che è il crowdfunding, o finanziamento collettivo, considerato una alternativa valida e innovativa alle forme tradizionali per raccogliere i capitali necessari. Nella seconda parte sarà presentata la startup italiana Look Ahead, di cui il sottoscritto ne rappresenta una delle menti, come esempio di una startup che ha scelto di usufruire di questo particolare tipo di finanziamento. In particolare, ne sarà ricostruito l’intero Business Plan redatto in sede accademica, in modo da mettere in evidenza le caratteristiche del prodotto offerto, il segmento di mercato servito, il modello di business e l’analisi finanziaria.
Puzzle game online running on a bidirectional communication framework based on Node.js and Socket.io
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Informática (Escuela Universitaria de Informática)
Eine Unternehmensgründung ist ein komplexes Vorhaben, dessen Risiken soweit wie möglich vermieden bzw. minimiert werden sollten. Dabei hilft eine sorgfältige Planung und Vorbereitung. Der Gründungsprozess lässt sich — von der Prüfung der Grundvoraussetzungen über den Business Plan, die Vorbereitung der Gründung sowie deren Realisierung bis zur Stabilisierung des Unternehmens — in fünf Phasen einteilen.