155 resultados para Bursa
Fine copy of al-Būṣīrī's poem in praise of the Prophet accompanied by elucidation in Persian and Turkish.
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Inbred strains of C5731 and NIH nice infected with the A/S strain of Plasmodium chaubaudi usually developed high parasitaemias but infections were rarely fatal in immunocompetent mice and in most mice the parasites could be eradicated within 53 days or less. The immune response of C57B1 and NTH mice to infection with the A/S strain of P. chabaudi was studied. The principle method used in this study for investigating the immune response of the mice was to examine the immunity conferred on syngeneic mice, either X-irradiated or non-irradiated, by transferring to them lymphoid cells or serum from immune or semi-immune donors. The lymphoid cell populations examined were unfractionated spleen cells, nylon wool column enriched subpopulations of thymus-derived lymphocytes (T cells) and the so-called bursa-derived lymphocytes (B cells), bone marrow cells and phagocytic cells. In the course of these experiments observations were made on the effect of X-irradiation on the subsequent growth and multiplication of the parasite. In addition, an in vitro assay for antibody-dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity was used to investigate the activity of splenic K cells during malaria infection. K cells are lymphoid cells which may include lymphocytes of an undefined category, but possess receptors for the Fc portion of antibody on their surface and have the ability to non-specifically lyse target cells coated in antibodies. a) The adoptive transfer of immunity to P.chabaudi with immune spleen cells. Spleen cells from mice which had previously been infected with P.chabaudi were able to confer some immunity on syngeneic mice which had been irradiated with 600 or 800 rads. The protection was detected as a shortened patent parasitaemia in immune cell recipients compared to controls. The early experiments indicated the value of using irradiated recipients rather than non-irradiated recipients. In irradiated mice, a) smaller numbers of immune cells were required to promote detectable immunity than in non-irradiated mice, b) there was an amplification of the difference in the duration of primary parasitaemias in recipients of immune cells and normal cells compared to non-irradiated mice and c) as the irradiated host is immunodepressed, the protective effect of donor cells can be examined with a reduced contribution by the hosts own immune system. An initial non-specific resistance to P.chabaudi infection was observed in irradiated mice, although the infection in most of these mice was subsequently more severe than in non-irradiated mice. The non-specific resistance could be reduced or abolished by injecting lymphoid cells into mice shortly after irradiation or by infecting irradiated mice more than 15 days after irradiation. Other workers suggest that following irradiation, the reticulo-endothelial system is stimulated at the time that the non-specific resistance to P.chabaudi was observed. b) the adoptive transfer of immunity in syngeneic mice with enriched subpopulations of splenic immune T cells, B. cells, bone marrow cells and phagocytes. Immunity to P.chabaudi could be adoptively transferred with enriched spleen subpopulations of immune T cells or immune B cells in mice which had been irradiated 600 or 300 rads. The protective effects of unfractionated immune cells was, however, usually better than that of either immune T or F cell subpopulations. In most experiments enriched immune T cell recipients were more likely to suffer relapsing patent parasitaemias than either enriched immune B cell recipients or unfractionated immune cell recipients. In one experiment a comparison was made of the course of P.chabaudi infection in mice which had been irradiated with either 600 rads or 300 rads and which received injections of different immune cells. A dose of 600 rads permits the immune system of mice to recover from the effects of irradiation, but a dose of 800 rads is lethal to mice unless lymphoid cells are injected after irradiation. It was found that in recipients of enriched immune T or B cells, which had been irradiated with 600 rads, the parasitaemia became subpatent before their equivalents irradiated with 800 rads, but that there was little difference in parasitaemias between recipients of unfractionated immune cells given 600 or 800 rads. Experiments in which enriched immune T cells and B cells were recombined and injected into syngeneic mice gave inconclusive results as to whether the immune subpopulations acted synergistically. Similar experiments in which immune subpopulations of lymphoid cells were recombined with normal subpopulations of lymphoid cells demonstrated that the latter cells did not enhance the protective effect of the former cells. Bone marrow cells from immune mice were able to confer some protection on syngeneic recipients, but were not as protective as enriched immune T cells or B cells. The results obtained in adoptive transfer experiments using phagocytic cells from the spleen of immune mice depended on the length of time spleen cells were incubated in petri-dishes at 37° C before harvesting the phagocytes. Using C57B1 mice, phagocytes harvested after 15 hours incubation were as protective as unfractionated immune cells in a cell transfer experiment, but phagocytes harvested after 16 hours incubation were not protective. Examination of NIH phagocytic cells after 2.5 hours incubation at 37°C, which were as protective as unfractionated immune spleen cells in a cell transfer experiment, demonstrated that the petri-dish adherent cells may have contained B lymphocytes. c) The passive transfer of immunity with serum from P.chabaudi infected mice. The passive transfer of serum from C57B1 mice which had been previously infected with P.chabaudi to normal or irradiated syngeneic mice demonstrated that the serum recipients were initially protected from infection. Irradiated mice, however, were delayed longer in the onset of parasitaemia compared to non-irradiated mice. Using NIH mice, sera were collected from unfractionated immune spleen cell recipients, enriched immune T cell recipients and normal spleen recipients on the 11th day of a P.chabaudi infection, just after peak parasitaemia, and also on the 14th day of infection. On day 14, all immune cells recipients and most of the enriched immune T cell recipients had become subpatent but all normal cell recipients still had patent infections. Sera collected from the different spleen cell recipients on the 11th day of infection and passively transferred to irradiated mice demonstrated little protection. Sera collected on the 14th day of infect ion, however, reflected the immune status of the donors in their protective properties in mice infected with P.chabaudi. The serum from unfractionated immune cell recipients was the most protective of the 3 sera when compared to normal NIH serum and the serum from enriched immune T cell recipients was slightly protective, but the serum from normal cell recipients produced an enhanced infection in mice infected with P.chabaudi. d) Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity of spleen cells in P.chabaudi infected mice. In a preliminary investigation of K cell activity in the spleens of P.chabaudi infected mice, it was found that there was an increased activity of K cells collected at around peak parasitaemia compared to the activity of K cells in non-infected mice, and that this increased activity could also be found in mice which had recently become subpatent. As the target cell for antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity employed was the thick red blood cell, it is not known whether the K cell is involved in the killing of P.chabaudi parasites. These results suggest that both T cells and B cells and antibody may be important in the immune response to P.chabaudi in mice. Primed T cells may act as helper cells in the production of malarial antibodies, but, as enriched primed T cells could confer protection on immunodepressed mice, it is possible that a cell-mediated mechanism of immunity may also exist.
Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de los trastornos músculoesqueléticos y la asociación con factores sociodemográficos y hábitos de vida en trabajadores de las áreas administrativa y operativa de dos empresas de servicio de la ciudad de Bogotá 2015. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, con información secundaria, procedente de bases de datos suministrada por las dos empresas con 696 registros de trabajadores de servicios generales, y 943 registros de trabajadores del área administrativa, para un total de 1639 registros, en los cuales se evaluó la presencia de síntomas osteomusculares clasificados por segmento. Adicionalmente se contaba con información de características sociodemográficas y estilos de vida de estos trabajadores. Se obtuvieron las distribuciones de frecuencias absolutas y relativas para las variables cualitativas, y las medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión para las variables cuantitativas. Para establecer la asociación entre factores sociodemográficos con las variables dependientes se utilizó la prueba chi2 de asociación. Resultados: La prevalencia de molestia o dolor en los diferentes segmentos corporales fue de 21.5 % (n = 203) en cuello para la población administrativa y de 17.5% (n = 148) en mano y muñeca derecha para la población de servicios generales. Vale la pena aclarar que el diagnóstico médico más frecuente referido por la población en estudio fue traumas en musculo, bursa tendón y/o ligamento con 10.5% en la población administrativa y con el 12.4% en la población de servicios generales. De las asociaciones significativas entre diagnósticos presentes y hábitos de vida y sueño se encontró que sueño no reparador se asoció significativamente con enfermedad general de músculos y huesos (p = 0.001), enfermedad o trauma activo de tejidos blandos (p = 0,000) y antecedente o enfermedad actual de columna vertebral (p = 0,000). De manera similar, el consumo de medicamentos para conciliar el sueño se asoció con enfermedad de tejidos blandos (p = 0,000) y enfermedad actual de columna vertebral (p = 0,000). El consumo de café (p = 0.001) y el sedentarismo (p = 0.031) están asociados con la enfermedad general de músculos y huesos. Conclusiones: Los TME son un factor de alta prevalencia en la población trabajadora de Colombia, y como se demostró en este estudio, afectan a la población de las empresas de servicio. Se evidencia cada vez más que los segmentos corporales más afectados en la población administrativa, son cabeza y cuello, debido a las posturas mantenidas por largos periodos de tiempo, y en la población de servicios se encontró molestia y dolor en muñecas y manos debido a los movimientos repetitivos que deben de realizar durante la jornada laboral. Se hace necesario profundizar más en la asociación significativa de los trastornos del sueño y la presencia de los TME, ya que se encontró una relación importante entre estos dos.
ABSTRACT: In order to evaluate the efficiency of phytase in diets with low and high phytate phosphorus (PP) content, as a consequence of wheat bran inclusion, on the relative weight of organs, intestinal morphometry and performance, three hundred and eighty-four male Cobb500 broilers were housed in metabolic cages. Animals were assigned into four treatments in a 2x2 factorial scheme in a randomized block design with eight replicates of 12 birds each. From 11 days of age birds received experimental diets, which consisted of: Diet low in PP; Diet low in PP with phytase (500FTU kg-1); Diet with a high PP and Diet with a high PP with phytase (500FTU kg-1). At 22 and 32 days of age two birds were slaughtered in order to collect gizzard, heart, liver, cecum, cloacal bursa, and at 32 days, a portion of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum was collected for morphometric evaluation. From 22 to 32 days of age average feed intake, average weight gain, average body weight and feed conversion ratio were also evaluated. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, fixed effects of diet and phytase and interaction between factors as well as the random block effects were tested. There was no significant interaction for the variables studied, concluding that phytase in diets with low or high phytate phosphorus content did not change the relative weight of organs, intestinal morphometrics and performance; only isolated effects were observed. RESUMO: Para avaliar a eficiência da fitase em dietas com baixo e alto teor de fósforo fítico (PP), em função da inclusão ou não do farelo de trigo, sobre o peso relativo de órgãos, morfometria intestinal e desempenho, foram alojados 384 frangos de corte, machos da linhagem Cobb500, em gaiolas metabólicas. Os animais foram distribuídos em quatro tratamentos em um arranjo fatorial 2x2 em delineamento de blocos casualizados com oito repetições e 12 aves por unidade experimental (UE). A partir de 11 dias de idade as aves receberam as dietas experimentais, que consistiram em: Dieta com baixo teor de PP; Dieta com baixo teor de PP com fitase (500FTU kg-1); Dieta com alto teor de PP e Dieta com alto teor de PP com fitase (500FTU kg-1). Aos 22 e 32 dias de idade foram abatidas duas aves por UE para coletar a moela, coração, fígado, ceco, bolsa cloacal, e aos 32 dias foi coletada uma porção do duodeno, jejuno e íleo para avaliação da morfometria. No período de 22 a 32 dias de idade foram avaliados o consumo médio de ração, ganho de peso médio, peso médio corporal e a conversão alimentar. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, onde foram testados os efeitos fixos de dieta e fitase e a interação entre os fatores, bem como o efeito aleatório de bloco. Não foi observada interação significativa para nenhuma das variáveis estudadas, concluindo-se que a fitase em dietas com baixo ou alto de PP não altera o peso relativo dos órgãos, a morfometria intestinal e o desempenho, apenas efeitos isolados foram observados.