995 resultados para Bulgarian National Archives


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Красимир Манев, Антон Желязков, Станимир Бойчев - В статията е представена имплементацията на последната фаза на автоматичен генератор на тестови данни за структурно тестване на софтуер, написан на обектно-ориентиран език за програмиране – генерирането на изходен код на тестващия модул. Някои детайли от имплементацията на останалите фази, които са важни за имплементацията на последната фаза, са представени първо. След това е описан и алгоритъмът за генериране на кода на тестващия модул.


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Милослав A. Средков - Понятията модел и моделиране се използват толкова интензивно в много дисциплини, че е трудно да им се придаде конретно значение. Дори в Софтуерните технологии, разбирането на тези понятия силно зависи от контекста. Ние смятаме, че това допринася за неконсистентността между подходите за моделиране там. В тази статия посочваме някои от произтичащите проблеми, както и важността да има подходяща дефиниция, съчетана с подходящи инструменти. Преглеждаме по-общите дефиниции на модел отвъд границите на Софтуерните технологии. Минаваме през моделирането на различни вторични продукти на процесите от Софтуерните технологии. Накрая представяме нашата визия относно използването на такава обща основа за наша полза.


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Access to Digital Cultural Heritage: Innovative Applications of Automated Metadata Generation Edited by: Krassimira Ivanova, Milena Dobreva, Peter Stanchev, George Totkov Authors (in order of appearance): Krassimira Ivanova, Peter Stanchev, George Totkov, Kalina Sotirova, Juliana Peneva, Stanislav Ivanov, Rositza Doneva, Emil Hadjikolev, George Vragov, Elena Somova, Evgenia Velikova, Iliya Mitov, Koen Vanhoof, Benoit Depaire, Dimitar Blagoev Reviewer: Prof., Dr. Avram Eskenazi Published by: Plovdiv University Publishing House "Paisii Hilendarski" ISBN: 978-954-423-722-6 2012, Plovdiv, Bulgaria First Edition


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Тодор П. Чолаков, Димитър Й. Биров - Тази статия представя цялостен модел за автоматизиран реинженеринг на наследени системи. Тя описва в детайли процесите на превод на софтуера и на рефакторинг и степента, до която могат да се автоматизират тези процеси. По отношение на превода на код се представя модел за автоматизирано превеждане на код, съдържащ указатели и работа с адресна аритметика. Също така се дефинира рамка за процеса на реинженеринг и се набелязват възможности за по-нататъшно развитие на концепции, инструменти и алгоритми.


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Resolutions which are orthogonal to at least one other resolution (RORs) and sets of m mutually orthogonal resolutions (m-MORs) of 2-(v, k, λ) designs are considered. A dependence of the number of nonisomorphic RORs and m-MORs of multiple designs on the number of inequivalent sets of v/k − 1 mutually orthogonal latin squares (MOLS) of size m is obtained. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): G.2.1.


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Directions the outcomes of the OpenAIRE project, which implements the EC Open Access (OA) pilot. Capitalizing on the OpenAIRE infrastructure, built for managing FP7 and ERC funded articles, and the associated supporting mechanism of the European Helpdesk System, OpenAIREplus will “develop an open access, participatory infrastructure for scientific information”. It will significantly expand its base of harvested publications to also include all OA publications indexed by the DRIVER infrastructure (more than 270 validated institutional repositories) and any other repository containing “peer-reviewed literature” that complies with certain standards. It will also generically harvest and index the metadata of scientific datasets in selected diverse OA thematic data repositories. It will support the concept of linked publications by deploying novel services for “linking peer- reviewed literature and associated data sets and collections”, from link discovery based on diverse forms of mining (textual, usage, etc.), to storage, visual representation, and on-line exploration. It will offer both user-level services to experts and “non-scientists” alike as well as programming interfaces for “providers of value-added services” to build applications on its content. Deposited articles and data will be openly accessible through an enhanced version of the OpenAIRE portal, together with any available relevant information on associated project funding and usage statistics. OpenAIREplus will retain its European footprint, engaging people and scientific repositories in almost all 27 EU member states and beyond. The technical work will be complemented by a suite of studies and associated research efforts that will partly proceed in collaboration with “different European initiatives” and investigate issues of “intellectual property rights, efficient financing models, and standards”.


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The report presents the film 10th century. The South of the Royal Palace in Great Preslav. It consists of two parts – 10th century. The Royal Palace in Great Prelsav. The Square with the Pinnacle and The Ruler’s Lodgings. 3D and virtual reconstructions of an architectural ensemble – part of the Preslav Royal Court unearthed during archaeological researches are used in the film. 3D documentaries have already gained popularity around the world and are well received by both scholars and the public at large. One of the distinguished tourist destinations in Bulgaria is Great Preslav – capital of the mediaeval Bulgarian state and a significant cultural center of the European Southeast in 9th–10th centuries, too. The first part of the film is created with the financial support of America for Bulgaria Foundation and the second – with the funding of Bulgarian National Science Fund at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science. A team of almost 20 members worked on the film, including computer specialists, professional actors, and translators in the four main European languages – English, German, French and Russian, Trima Sound Recording Studio. In the first part of the 3D film are shown a segment of the Royal Palace, the square with the water pinnacle and the adjacent buildings – an important structural element of the town-planning of the Preslav Court center in the 10th century. In the second part the accent is the southern part of the Royal Palace in Great Preslav, where the personal residence of the Preslav ruler’s dynasty is situated. The work on the virtual reconstruction was done by Virtual Archaeology club at the Mathematical School, Shumen. Due to the efforts of its members it is now clear how the square in front of the southern gate looked like.


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AMS subject classification: 52A01, 13C99.


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 65D30, 32A35, Secondary 41A55.


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The classical Bienaymé-Galton-Watson (BGW) branching process can be interpreted as mathematical model of population dynamics when the members of an isolated population reproduce themselves independently of each other according to a stochastic law.


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This dissertation explores the role of artillery forward observation teams during the battle of Okinawa (April–June 1945). It addresses a variety of questions associated with this front line artillery support. First, it examines the role of artillery itself in the American victory over the Japanese on Okinawa. Second, it traces the history of the forward observer in the three decades before the end of World War II. Third, it defines the specific role of the forward observation teams during the battle: what they did and how they did it during this three-month duel. Fourth, it deals with the particular problems of the forward observer. These included coordination with the local infantry commander, adjusting to the periodic rotation between the front lines and the artillery battery behind the line of battle, responding to occasional problems with "friendly fire" (American artillery falling on American ground forces), dealing with personnel turnover in the teams (due to death, wounds, and illness), and finally, developing a more informal relationship between officers and enlisted men to accommodate the reality of this recently created combat assignment. Fifth, it explores the experiences of a select group of men who served on (or in proximity to) forward observation teams on Okinawa. Previous scholars and popular historians of the battle have emphasized the role of Marines, infantrymen, and flame-throwing armor. This work offers a different perspective on the battle and it uses new sources as well. A pre-existing archive of interviews with Okinawan campaign forward observer team members conducted in the 1990s forms the core of the oral history component of this research project. The verbal accounts were checked against and supplemented by a review of unit reports obtained from the U.S. National Archives and various secondary sources. The dissertation concludes that an understanding of American artillery observation is critical to a more complete comprehension of the battle of Okinawa. These mid-ranking (and largely middle class) soldiers proved capable of adjusting to the demands of combat conditions. They provide a unique and understudied perspective of the entire battle.


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According to Solitander C. P., the extraction of lake ore from Eastern Finland lakes considerably rose in the 1870 - 1880 period in relation with the increasing demand from the ironworks being operated in the region. In St. Petersburg, Nicholas Putiloff, a business tycoon and State Minister owned the Haapakosken, Huutokosken and Oravin ironworks which were using 99% of lake ore for their supply. During this period the biggest production came from lake Sysmäjärvi in the Joroinen county with 3676 tonnes at an average concentration of 35.94% Fe, 4.55% Mn, 0.26% P and 0.04% S. The Värtsilä ironworks used the lake ore coming from 49 lakes, the biggest production coming from lake Loitimojärvi with 14535 tonnes of ore with a medium at concentration of 30.8% Fe. Möhkö ironworks took advantage of the 59 lakes, the largest of which was from lake Koitere with 4301 tonnes at 41.3% Fe. The Karttula ironworks were also significant in the consumption of ferromanganese lake ore.


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Chancery case concerning the publication of a translation of a work protected under the Statute of Anne 1710. The decision established that the reproduction of works in translation was not unlawful under the 1710 Act. The decision is also significant, however, in relation to the court's inherent jurisdiction concerning the publication of works on grounds of public policy.
Drawing upon material in the National Archives the commentary explores the background to, and substance of, the decision as well as its relationship with current judicial practices in refusing the court's protection to copyright protected materials on the grounds that the content of the work is, for example, obscene, sexually immoral, defamatory, blasphemous or irreligious.


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This paper synthesizes and discusses the spatial and temporal patterns of archaeological sites in Ireland, spanning the Neolithic period and the Bronze Age transition (4300–1900 cal BC), in order to explore the timing and implications of the main changes that occurred in the archaeological record of that period. Large amounts of new data are sourced from unpublished developer-led excavations and combined with national archives, published excavations and online databases. Bayesian radiocarbon models and context- and sample-sensitive summed radiocarbon probabilities are used to examine the dataset. The study captures the scale and timing of the initial expansion of Early Neolithic settlement and the ensuing attenuation of all such activity—an apparent boom-and-bust cycle. The Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods are characterised by a resurgence and diversification of activity. Contextualisation and spatial analysis of radiocarbon data reveals finer-scale patterning than is usually possible with summed-probability approaches: the boom-and-bust models of prehistoric populations may, in fact, be a misinterpretation of more subtle demographic changes occurring at the same time as cultural change and attendant differences in the archaeological record.


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This website contains digital images of the 15 courtmartial files of the executed leaders. The originals, released to the public in 2001, are in the custody of The National Archives in London; the images are displayed under licence from TNA. The website has a searchable database relating to the files, which can also be browsed by name. There are also two essays, one by Dr. Fearghal McGarry on the general context of the trials, the other by Dr. Myles Dungan on their dubious legality. These are the basic records of one of the most eventful and fateful processes in modern Irish history.
Purchase of the digital images of these records was made possible by Universities Ireland, the umbrella body which promotes co-operation between all the universities on the Island of Ireland. The purchase forms part of their extensive Decade of Centenaries programme. Further details can be found at http://universitiesireland.ie/