875 resultados para Building energy simulations
This study aims to assess the performance or multi-layer canopy parameterizations implemented in the mesoscale WRF model in order to understand their potential contribution to improve the description of energy fluxes and wind fields in the Madrid city. It was found that the Building Energy Model (BEP+BEM) parameterization yielded better results than the bulk standard scheme implemented in the Noah LSM, but very close to those of the Building Energy Parameterization (BEP). The later was deemed as the best option since data requirements and CPU time were smaller. Two annual runs were made to feed the CMAQ chemical-transport model to assess the impact of this feature in routinely air quality modelling activities.
The urban microclimate plays an important role in building energy consumption and thermal comfort in outdoor spaces. Nowadays, cities need to increase energy efficiency, reduce pollutant emissions and mitigate the evident lack of sustainability. In light of this, attention has focused on the bioclimatic concepts use in the urban development. However, the speculative unsustainability of the growth model highlights the need to redirect the construction sector towards urban renovation using a bioclimatic approach. The public space plays a key role in improving the quality of today’s cities, especially in terms of providing places for citizens to meet and socialize in adequate thermal conditions. Thermal comfort affects perception of the environment, so microclimate conditions can be decisive for the success or failure of outdoor urban spaces and the activities held in them. For these reasons, the main focus of this work is on the definition of bioclimatic strategies for existing urban spaces, based on morpho-typological components, urban microclimate conditions and comfort requirements for all kinds of citizens. Two case studies were selected in Madrid, in a social housing neighbourhood constructed in the 1970s based on Rational Architecture style. Several renovation scenarios were performed using a computer simulation process based in ENVI-met and diverse microclimate conditions were compared. In addition, thermal comfort evaluation was carried out using the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) in order to investigate the relationship between microclimate conditions and thermal comfort perception. This paper introduces the microclimate computer simulation process as a valuable support for decision-making for neighbourhood renovation projects in order to provide new and better solutions according to the thermal quality of public spaces and reducing energy consumption by creating and selecting better microclimate areas.
PEDRINI, Aldomar; SZOKOLAY, Steven. Recomendações para o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de suporte às primeiras decisões projetuais visando ao desempenho energético de edificações de escritório em clima quente. Ambiente Construído, Porto Alegre, v. 5, n. 1, p.39-54, jan./mar. 2005. Trimestral. Disponível em:
PEDRINI, Aldomar; SZOKOLAY, Steven. Recomendações para o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de suporte às primeiras decisões projetuais visando ao desempenho energético de edificações de escritório em clima quente. Ambiente Construído, Porto Alegre, v. 5, n. 1, p.39-54, jan./mar. 2005. Trimestral. Disponível em:
Traditional air delivery to high-bay buildings involves ceiling level supply and return ducts that create an almost-uniform temperature in the space. Problems with this system include potential recirculation of supply air and higher-than-necessary return air temperatures. A new air delivery strategy was investigated that involves changing the height of conventional supply and return ducts to have control over thermal stratification in the space. A full-scale experiment using ten vertical temperature profiles was conducted in a manufacturing facility over one year. The experimental data was utilized to validated CFD and EnergyPlus models. CFD simulation results show that supplying air directly to the occupied zone increases stratification while holding thermal comfort constant during the cooling operation. The building energy simulation identified how return air temperature offset, set point offset, and stratification influence the building’s energy consumption. A utility bill analysis for cooling shows 28.8% HVAC energy savings while the building energy simulation shows 19.3 – 37.4% HVAC energy savings.
We estimate a carbon mitigation cost curve for the U.S. commercial sector based on econometric estimation of the responsiveness of fuel demand and equipment choices to energy price changes. The model econometrically estimates fuel demand conditional on fuel choice, which is characterized by a multinomial logit model. Separate estimation of end uses (e.g., heating, cooking) using the U.S. Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey allows for exceptionally detailed estimation of price responsiveness disaggregated by end use and fuel type. We then construct aggregate long-run elasticities, by fuel type, through a series of simulations; own-price elasticities range from -0.9 for district heat services to -2.9 for fuel oil. The simulations form the basis of a marginal cost curve for carbon mitigation, which suggests that a price of $20 per ton of carbon would result in an 8% reduction in commercial carbon emissions, and a price of $100 per ton would result in a 28% reduction. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Under low latitude conditions, minimisation of solar irradiance within the urban environment may often be an important criterion in urban design. This can be achieved when the obstruction angle is large (high H/W ratio, H = height, W = width). Solar access to streets can always be decreased by increasing H/W to larger values. It is shown in this paper that the street canyon orientation (and not only the H/W ratio) has a considerable effect on solar shading and urban microclimate. The paper demonstrates through a series of shading simulation and temperature measurements that a number of useful relationships can be developed between the geometry and the microclimate of urban street canyons. These relationships are potentially helpful to assist in the formulation of urban design guidelines governing street dimensions and orientations for use by urban designers.
This paper describes the formulation of a new urban scheme, MORUSES (Met Office–Reading Urban Surface Exchange Scheme) for use in the Met Office Unified Model. The implementation of the new scheme ensures that (1) the new scheme offers more flexibility in the parametrization of the building properties, and hence provides a more realistic representation of the fluxes; (2) the bulk outputs are in satisfactory agreement with previous observational studies; and (3) the impact of the new scheme on the energy balance fluxes is similar to the impact of the current urban scheme when set up to mimic it. As well as having a better physical basis, MORUSES also gains in flexibility in applications and adaptations to different urban materials as well as urban planning. The new scheme represents the urban area as a composition of two tiles, a canyon and a roof, using a simple 2D geometry. Sensitivity analysis to canyon geometry and thickness of the roof canopy emphasizes the gain in flexibility captured by the new scheme. Copyright © 2010 Royal Meteorological Society and Crown Copyright
El programa Europeo HORIZON2020 en Futuras Ciudades Inteligentes establece como objetivo que el 20% de la energía eléctrica sea generada a partir de fuentes renovables. Este objetivo implica la necesidad de potenciar la generación de energía eólica en todos los ámbitos. La energía eólica reduce drásticamente las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y evita los riesgos geo-políticos asociados al suministro e infraestructuras energéticas, así como la dependencia energética de otras regiones. Además, la generación de energía distribuida (generación en el punto de consumo) presenta significativas ventajas en términos de elevada eficiencia energética y estimulación de la economía. El sector de la edificación representa el 40% del consumo energético total de la Unión Europea. La reducción del consumo energético en este área es, por tanto, una prioridad de acuerdo con los objetivos "20-20-20" en eficiencia energética. La Directiva 2010/31/EU del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 19 de mayo de 2010 sobre el comportamiento energético de edificaciones contempla la instalación de sistemas de suministro energético a partir de fuentes renovables en las edificaciones de nuevo diseño. Actualmente existe una escasez de conocimiento científico y tecnológico acerca de la geometría óptima de las edificaciones para la explotación de la energía eólica en entornos urbanos. El campo tecnológico de estudio de la presente Tesis Doctoral es la generación de energía eólica en entornos urbanos. Específicamente, la optimization de la geometría de las cubiertas de edificaciones desde el punto de vista de la explotación del recurso energético eólico. Debido a que el flujo del viento alrededor de las edificaciones es exhaustivamente investigado en esta Tesis empleando herramientas de simulación numérica, la mecánica de fluidos computacional (CFD en inglés) y la aerodinámica de edificaciones son los campos científicos de estudio. El objetivo central de esta Tesis Doctoral es obtener una geometría de altas prestaciones (u óptima) para la explotación de la energía eólica en cubiertas de edificaciones de gran altura. Este objetivo es alcanzado mediante un análisis exhaustivo de la influencia de la forma de la cubierta del edificio en el flujo del viento desde el punto de vista de la explotación energética del recurso eólico empleando herramientas de simulación numérica (CFD). Adicionalmente, la geometría de la edificación convencional (edificio prismático) es estudiada, y el posicionamiento adecuado para los diferentes tipos de aerogeneradores es propuesto. La compatibilidad entre el aprovechamiento de las energías solar fotovoltaica y eólica también es analizado en este tipo de edificaciones. La investigación prosigue con la optimización de la geometría de la cubierta. La metodología con la que se obtiene la geometría óptima consta de las siguientes etapas: - Verificación de los resultados de las geometrías previamente estudiadas en la literatura. Las geometrías básicas que se someten a examen son: cubierta plana, a dos aguas, inclinada, abovedada y esférica. - Análisis de la influencia de la forma de las aristas de la cubierta sobre el flujo del viento. Esta tarea se lleva a cabo mediante la comparación de los resultados obtenidos para la arista convencional (esquina sencilla) con un parapeto, un voladizo y una esquina curva. - Análisis del acoplamiento entre la cubierta y los cerramientos verticales (paredes) mediante la comparación entre diferentes variaciones de una cubierta esférica en una edificación de gran altura: cubierta esférica estudiada en la literatura, cubierta esférica integrada geométricamente con las paredes (planta cuadrada en el suelo) y una cubierta esférica acoplada a una pared cilindrica. El comportamiento del flujo sobre la cubierta es estudiado también considerando la posibilidad de la variación en la dirección del viento incidente. - Análisis del efecto de las proporciones geométricas del edificio sobre el flujo en la cubierta. - Análisis del efecto de la presencia de edificaciones circundantes sobre el flujo del viento en la cubierta del edificio objetivo. Las contribuciones de la presente Tesis Doctoral pueden resumirse en: - Se demuestra que los modelos de turbulencia RANS obtienen mejores resultados para la simulación del viento alrededor de edificaciones empleando los coeficientes propuestos por Crespo y los propuestos por Bechmann y Sórensen que empleando los coeficientes estándar. - Se demuestra que la estimación de la energía cinética turbulenta del flujo empleando modelos de turbulencia RANS puede ser validada manteniendo el enfoque en la cubierta de la edificación. - Se presenta una nueva modificación del modelo de turbulencia Durbin k — e que reproduce mejor la distancia de recirculación del flujo de acuerdo con los resultados experimentales. - Se demuestra una relación lineal entre la distancia de recirculación en una cubierta plana y el factor constante involucrado en el cálculo de la escala de tiempo de la velocidad turbulenta. Este resultado puede ser empleado por la comunidad científica para la mejora del modelado de la turbulencia en diversas herramientas computacionales (OpenFOAM, Fluent, CFX, etc.). - La compatibilidad entre las energías solar fotovoltaica y eólica en cubiertas de edificaciones es analizada. Se demuestra que la presencia de los módulos solares provoca un descenso en la intensidad de turbulencia. - Se demuestran conflictos en el cambio de escala entre simulaciones de edificaciones a escala real y simulaciones de modelos a escala reducida (túnel de viento). Se demuestra que para respetar las limitaciones de similitud (número de Reynolds) son necesarias mediciones en edificaciones a escala real o experimentos en túneles de viento empleando agua como fluido, especialmente cuando se trata con geometrías complejas, como es el caso de los módulos solares. - Se determina el posicionamiento más adecuado para los diferentes tipos de aerogeneradores tomando en consideración la velocidad e intensidad de turbulencia del flujo. El posicionamiento de aerogeneradores es investigado en las geometrías de cubierta más habituales (plana, a dos aguas, inclinada, abovedada y esférica). - Las formas de aristas más habituales (esquina, parapeto, voladizo y curva) son analizadas, así como su efecto sobre el flujo del viento en la cubierta de un edificio de gran altura desde el punto de vista del aprovechamiento eólico. - Se propone una geometría óptima (o de altas prestaciones) para el aprovechamiento de la energía eólica urbana. Esta optimización incluye: verificación de las geometrías estudiadas en el estado del arte, análisis de la influencia de las aristas de la cubierta en el flujo del viento, estudio del acoplamiento entre la cubierta y las paredes, análisis de sensibilidad del grosor de la cubierta, exploración de la influencia de las proporciones geométricas de la cubierta y el edificio, e investigación del efecto de las edificaciones circundantes (considerando diferentes alturas de los alrededores) sobre el flujo del viento en la cubierta del edificio objetivo. Las investigaciones comprenden el análisis de la velocidad, la energía cinética turbulenta y la intensidad de turbulencia en todos los casos. ABSTRACT The HORIZON2020 European program in Future Smart Cities aims to have 20% of electricity produced by renewable sources. This goal implies the necessity to enhance the wind energy generation, both with large and small wind turbines. Wind energy drastically reduces carbon emissions and avoids geo-political risks associated with supply and infrastructure constraints, as well as energy dependence from other regions. Additionally, distributed energy generation (generation at the consumption site) offers significant benefits in terms of high energy efficiency and stimulation of the economy. The buildings sector represents 40% of the European Union total energy consumption. Reducing energy consumption in this area is therefore a priority under the "20-20-20" objectives on energy efficiency. The Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings aims to consider the installation of renewable energy supply systems in new designed buildings. Nowadays, there is a lack of knowledge about the optimum building shape for urban wind energy exploitation. The technological field of study of the present Thesis is the wind energy generation in urban environments. Specifically, the improvement of the building-roof shape with a focus on the wind energy resource exploitation. Since the wind flow around buildings is exhaustively investigated in this Thesis using numerical simulation tools, both computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and building aerodynamics are the scientific fields of study. The main objective of this Thesis is to obtain an improved (or optimum) shape of a high-rise building for the wind energy exploitation on the roof. To achieve this objective, an analysis of the influence of the building shape on the behaviour of the wind flow on the roof from the point of view of the wind energy exploitation is carried out using numerical simulation tools (CFD). Additionally, the conventional building shape (prismatic) is analysed, and the adequate positions for different kinds of wind turbines are proposed. The compatibility of both photovoltaic-solar and wind energies is also analysed for this kind of buildings. The investigation continues with the buildingroof optimization. The methodology for obtaining the optimum high-rise building roof shape involves the following stages: - Verification of the results of previous building-roof shapes studied in the literature. The basic shapes that are compared are: flat, pitched, shed, vaulted and spheric. - Analysis of the influence of the roof-edge shape on the wind flow. This task is carried out by comparing the results obtained for the conventional edge shape (simple corner) with a railing, a cantilever and a curved edge. - Analysis of the roof-wall coupling by testing different variations of a spherical roof on a high-rise building: spherical roof studied in the litera ture, spherical roof geometrically integrated with the walls (squared-plant) and spherical roof with a cylindrical wall. The flow behaviour on the roof according to the variation of the incident wind direction is commented. - Analysis of the effect of the building aspect ratio on the flow. - Analysis of the surrounding buildings effect on the wind flow on the target building roof. The contributions of the present Thesis can be summarized as follows: - It is demonstrated that RANS turbulence models obtain better results for the wind flow around buildings using the coefficients proposed by Crespo and those proposed by Bechmann and S0rensen than by using the standard ones. - It is demonstrated that RANS turbulence models can be validated for turbulent kinetic energy focusing on building roofs. - A new modification of the Durbin k — e turbulence model is proposed in order to obtain a better agreement of the recirculation distance between CFD simulations and experimental results. - A linear relationship between the recirculation distance on a flat roof and the constant factor involved in the calculation of the turbulence velocity time scale is demonstrated. This discovery can be used by the research community in order to improve the turbulence modeling in different solvers (OpenFOAM, Fluent, CFX, etc.). - The compatibility of both photovoltaic-solar and wind energies on building roofs is demonstrated. A decrease of turbulence intensity due to the presence of the solar panels is demonstrated. - Scaling issues are demonstrated between full-scale buildings and windtunnel reduced-scale models. The necessity of respecting the similitude constraints is demonstrated. Either full-scale measurements or wind-tunnel experiments using water as a medium are needed in order to accurately reproduce the wind flow around buildings, specially when dealing with complex shapes (as solar panels, etc.). - The most adequate position (most adequate roof region) for the different kinds of wind turbines is highlighted attending to both velocity and turbulence intensity. The wind turbine positioning was investigated for the most habitual kind of building-roof shapes (flat, pitched, shed, vaulted and spherical). - The most habitual roof-edge shapes (simple edge, railing, cantilever and curved) were investigated, and their effect on the wind flow on a highrise building roof were analysed from the point of view of the wind energy exploitation. - An optimum building-roof shape is proposed for the urban wind energy exploitation. Such optimization includes: state-of-the-art roof shapes test, analysis of the influence of the roof-edge shape on the wind flow, study of the roof-wall coupling, sensitivity analysis of the roof width, exploration of the aspect ratio of the building-roof shape and investigation of the effect of the neighbouring buildings (considering different surrounding heights) on the wind now on the target building roof. The investigations comprise analysis of velocity, turbulent kinetic energy and turbulence intensity for all the cases.
Approximately half of the houses in Northern Ireland were built before any form of minimum thermal specification or energy efficiency standard was enforced. Furthermore, 44% of households are categorised as being in fuel poverty; spending more than 10% of the household income to heat the house to bring it to an acceptable level of thermal comfort. To bring existing housing stock up to an acceptable standard, retrofitting for improving the energy efficiency is essential and it is also necessary to study the effectiveness of such improvements in future climate scenarios. This paper presents the results from a year-long performance monitoring of two houses that have undergone retrofits to improve energy efficiency. Using wireless sensor technology internal temperature, humidity, external weather, household gas and electricity usage were monitored for a year. Simulations using IES-VE dynamic building modelling software were calibrated using the monitoring data to ASHARE Guideline 14 standards. The energy performance and the internal environment of the houses were then assessed for current and future climate scenarios and the results show that there is a need for a holistic balanced strategy for retrofitting.
Local climate is a critical element in the design of energy efficient buildings. In this paper, ten years of historical weather data in Australia's eight capital cities were profiled and analysed to characterize the variations of climatic variables in Australia. The method of descriptive statistics was employed. Either the pattern of cumulative distribution and/or the profile of percentage distribution are presented. It was found that although weather variables vary with different locations, there is often a good, nearly linear relation between a weather variable and its cumulative percentage for the majority of middle part of the cumulative curves. By comparing the slopes of these distribution profiles, it may be possible to determine the relative range of changes of the particular weather variables for a given city. The implications of these distribution profiles of key weather variables on energy efficient building design are also discussed.
Emerging data streaming applications in Wireless Sensor Networks require reliable and energy-efficient Transport Protocols. Our recent Wireless Sensor Network deployment in the Burdekin delta, Australia, for water monitoring [T. Le Dinh, W. Hu, P. Sikka, P. Corke, L. Overs, S. Brosnan, Design and deployment of a remote robust sensor network: experiences from an outdoor water quality monitoring network, in: Second IEEE Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp 2007), Dublin, Ireland, 2007] is one such example. This application involves streaming sensed data such as pressure, water flow rate, and salinity periodically from many scattered sensors to the sink node which in turn relays them via an IP network to a remote site for archiving, processing, and presentation. While latency is not a primary concern in this class of application (the sampling rate is usually in terms of minutes or hours), energy-efficiency is. Continuous long-term operation and reliable delivery of the sensed data to the sink are also desirable. This paper proposes ERTP, an Energy-efficient and Reliable Transport Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. ERTP is designed for data streaming applications, in which sensor readings are transmitted from one or more sensor sources to a base station (or sink). ERTP uses a statistical reliability metric which ensures the number of data packets delivered to the sink exceeds the defined threshold. Our extensive discrete event simulations and experimental evaluations show that ERTP is significantly more energyefficient than current approaches and can reduce energy consumption by more than 45% when compared to current approaches. Consequently, sensor nodes are more energy-efficient and the lifespan of the unattended WSN is increased.
This paper argues a model of open systems evolution based on evolutionary thermodynamics and complex system science, as a design paradigm for sustainable architecture. The mechanism of open system evolution is specified in mathematical simulations and theoretical discourses. According to the mechanism, the authors propose an intelligent building model of sustainable design by a holistic information system of the end-users, the building and nature. This information system is used to control the consumption of energy and material resources in building system at microscopic scale, to adapt the environmental performance of the building system to the natural environment at macroscopic scale, for an evolutionary emergence of sustainable performance of buildings.