282 resultados para Buddhist cults.


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While it is only in recent decades that scholars have begun to reconsider and problematize Buddhist conceptions of “freedom” and “agency,” the thought traditions of Asian Buddhism have for many centuries struggled with questions related to the issue of “liberation”—along with its fundamental ontological, epistemological and ethical implications. With the development of Marxist thought in the mid to late nineteenth century, a new paradigm for thinking about freedom in relation to history, identity and social change found its way to Asia, and confronted traditional religious interpretations of freedom as well as competing Western ones. In the past century, several attempts have been made—in India, southeast Asia, China and Japan—to bring together Marxist and Buddhist worldviews, with only moderate success (both at the level of theory and practice). This paper analyzes both the possibilities and problems of a “Buddhist materialism” constructed along Marxian lines, by focusing in particular on Buddhist and Marxist conceptions of “liberation.” By utilizing the theoretical work of Japanese “radical Buddhist” Seno’o Girō, I argue that the root of the tension lies with conceptions of selfhood and agency—but that, contrary to expectations, a strong case can be made for convergence between Buddhist and Marxian perspectives on these issues, as both traditions ultimately seek a resolution of existential determination in response to alienation. Along the way, I discuss the work of Marx, Engels, Gramsci, Lukàcs, Sartre, and Richard Rorty in relation to aspects of traditional (particularly East Asian Mahāyāna) Buddhist thought.


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This thesis provides a critique of Western media articles concerning self-immolation in Tibet. I begin by illustrating how the Western media provides reductionist accounts of Tibetan self-immolation by depicting the act solely as a form of political protest in response to Chinese occupation. I argue that these limited portrayals of self-immolation can be attributed to the Shangri-La imagery that characterizes much of the Western conceptions of Tibet. Through Shangri-La imagery, both Tibetans and their Buddhist religion are portrayed as utopic, peaceful, and able to provide the antidote to solving Western problems relating to modernization and consumerism. After illustrating the ways in which Shangri-La imagery influences Western media portrayals of Tibetan self-immolation, this thesis explores the commonly disregarded Buddhist dimensions of the act. Looking to Buddhist doctrine, scripture, and history, this thesis establishes a clear relationship between self-immolation and Buddhism, which situates the act as being more complicated than mere political protest. I argue that these limited portrayals given by the Western media are problematic because they overlook a fundamental aspect of self-immolation, thus potentially misrepresenting Tibetans. This thesis explores the Buddhist dimensions of self-immolation as a possible way to further understand what has led more than one hundred Tibetans to perform this act during the time of political crisis.


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Anxiety, depression, and tragedy are all unavoidable aspects of existence that we find ourselves grappling with at some point in our lives. In those darker moments we often look beyond ourselves for a means to cope with our struggles in the hopes of transcending into enhanced states of being. The world¿s religions have provided various answers to problems of mental and physical affliction. Across cultures and throughout history, numerous techniques for ¿mending the mind¿ have emerged, conditioned by a number of factors, including the normative values of a society as well as the scientific advances and technologies available for therapeutic application. Buddhism encompasses a broad tradition of beliefs, practices, and philosophies that, taken together, aim at eliminating suffering from the human experience. It is suggested that anyone who comes to understand and practice Buddhist teachings¿Dharma¿will rise out of the life of suffering and into a condition of awakening or nirvana. With this as an intended goal, a person who is unfulfilled in their life or who is experiencing feelings of depression will, it might be assumed, find great potential in turning to Buddhism as means for alleviation of these states. In contemporary western society, however, the most common route for eliminating emotional distress is to take antidepressant medication, which aims for immediate relief of the negative feelings and experiences that arise from depression. As I will argue, while this may be a successful approach to masking unwanted feelings, it in fact fails to treat the actual roots or cause of the undesirable experiences. Moreover, such a ¿therapeutic¿ approach lacks any aspect geared towards developing a consistently rewarding lifestyle. I will argue that the incorporation of Dharma¿both a set of ideas and as a form of practices¿into daily routines and modes of thinking provides the means for a balanced lifestyle, allowing the individual to relieve suffering and depression in a manner that the narrow scope of western medicine cannot provide.


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Lebensverlängernde Massnahmen auf der einen, begleiteter Suizid auf der anderen Seite: Mensch und Medizin greifen zunehmend in den Sterbeprozess ein. Wie beeinflussen Glaube und Jenseitsvorstellungen die Haltung zum Lebensende? Amira Hafner-Al Jabaji spricht mit Gästen aus drei Religionen. Die Frage, ob aktive Hilfe zum Suizid erlaubt sein soll, ist ein sensibles Thema. Bisher haben sich von religiöser Seite vor allem christliche Kirchen dazu kritisch vernehmen lassen. Doch wie sieht die Sicht auf den Tod und auf das Sterben in anderen Religionen aus? Was hat den Vorrang im Spannungsfeld von Selbstbestimmung und Schicksal, zwischen Patientenwillen und Gotteswillen, zwischen Möglichem und Wünschbarem am Ende des Lebens? Es diskutieren der muslimische Arzt und Philosoph Ilhan Ilkiliç, die evangelische Theologin und Religionspsychologin Isabelle Noth und der Sozialpädagoge und Zen-Buddhist Marco Röss.


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Since the early 2000s the Mongolian Buddhist masked ritual dance, in the Khalkh-Mongolian language called Tsam, has been re-introduced to the Mongolian religious field. Nowadays a couple of Buddhist monasteries in Mongolia perform the Tsam once a year. This paper examines the Mongolian masked dance in its historical and contemporary aspects, with a special focus on the Khüree Tsam. It provides an overview of the Tibetan history of the masked ritual dance and its historical Mongolian developments, as well as an ethnographic study of the 2009 performance of the Khüree Tsam in Dashchoilin monastery of Ulaanbaatar. Whereas the historical part of this paper draws on Tibetan and Mongolian dance manuals and chronicles, the ethnographic part is methodologically based on participant observation, expert and semi-structured interviews. Finally, the paper discusses the changes and adaptations the Khüree Tsam underwent within and outside the monastic context in today’s Mongolia.


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Background Mindfulness has its origins in an Eastern Buddhist tradition that is over 2500 years old and can be defined as a specific form of attention that is non-judgmental, purposeful, and focused on the present moment. It has been well established in cognitive-behavior therapy in the last decades, while it has been investigated in manualized group settings such as mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. However, there is scarce research evidence on the effects of mindfulness as a treatment element in individual therapy. Consequently, the demand to investigate mindfulness under effectiveness conditions in trainee therapists has been highlighted. Methods/Design To fill in this research gap, we designed the PrOMET Study. In our study, we will investigate the effects of brief, audiotape-presented, session-introducing interventions with mindfulness elements conducted by trainee therapists and their patients at the beginning of individual therapy sessions in a prospective, randomized, controlled design under naturalistic conditions with a total of 30 trainee therapists and 150 patients with depression and anxiety disorders in a large outpatient training center. We hypothesize that the primary outcomes of the session-introducing intervention with mindfulness elements will be positive effects on therapeutic alliance (Working Alliance Inventory) and general clinical symptomatology (Brief Symptom Checklist) in contrast to the session-introducing progressive muscle relaxation and treatment-as-usual control conditions. Treatment duration is 25 therapy sessions. Therapeutic alliance will be assessed on a session-to-session basis. Clinical symptomatology will be assessed at baseline, session 5, 15 and 25. We will conduct multilevel modeling to address the nested data structure. The secondary outcome measures include depression, anxiety, interpersonal functioning, mindful awareness, and mindfulness during the sessions. Discussion The study results could provide important practical implications because they could inform ideas on how to improve the clinical training of psychotherapists that could be implemented very easily; this is because there is no need for complex infrastructures or additional time concerning these brief session-introducing interventions with mindfulness elements that are directly implemented in the treatment sessions.


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Background. Advances in medical technology contribute to the survival rate of a growing number of persons with chronic illnesses. Individuals with chronic cardiovascular disease (chronic CVD) are among other chronically ill persons who add to the need for healthcare services. They need to cope and live with the chronic conditions and find a new balance to make sense of their lives. Thai Buddhists with chronic CVD may use their religious resources to cope with their illnesses because religious beliefs are reflected in patterns of living. The aims of the study were to: (a) explore how Thai Buddhists with chronic CVD construct the spiritual aspects of the illness experience, (b) explore how Thai Buddhists with chronic CVD may use their spiritual/religious resources as a means of coping with the illness, and (c) explore the impacts of spiritual/religious beliefs and/or practices on the daily lives of Thai Buddhists with chronic CVD. ^ Methods. Ethnography was employed and data were collected from December 1, 2007 to May 31, 2008 using in-depth interviews with 20 participants. Field notes were also recorded. ^ Findings. Three categories emerged from the study data: set of spiritual and biomedical beliefs and practices, integrated meanings, and positive consequences of the integration of spiritual and biomedical beliefs and practices. ^ Conclusions. The findings of the study suggest the importance of understanding and integrating spiritual needs into care of patients with chronic CVD. The findings revealed that the participants constructed ideas of their illness and meanings for living and coping with the illness, and integrated spiritual and biomedical beliefs and practices, resulting in positive outcomes. Further research could test interventions which facilitate such coping; for example, using reflective thinking and group support. Other studies might explore how age affects Buddhist views of the illness. ^


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Hor., en Carm., 1, 2 y 4, 15 recoge una serie de referencias a dioses importantes para la familia adoptiva de Octaviano y para el propio gobernante, que han sido tradicionalmente analizadas e interpretadas desde un punto de vista interno: su presencia se explicaría en función de su relación con la gens Iulia. El punto de vista que quiero ofrecer en mi trabajo es complementario a éste: a partir de un análisis externo de las referencias a estos dioses, creo que su presencia se puede explicar en función de los templos en los que "habitaban" en Roma, del lugar donde estos templos se encontraban y de las representaciones icónicas que servían a su culto. Al mismo tiempo, la nueva relación que establezco entre 1,2 y 4, 15 aporta evidencias para una comprensión distinta de la segunda edición de la poesía lírica de Horacio, la que se presentó con el libro 4


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Pan es un dios peculiar en muchos aspectos. Al contrario que los restantes dioses del panteón griego, él no es antropomorfo, sino que tiene patas, cola y cuernos de carnero. Un dios con características tan arcaicas sólo puede sobrevivir confinado a la Arcadia, una región que conserva numerosos arcaísmos religiosos. Sin embargo, a partir del 490 a.C. en que se instaura su culto en Atenas, el dios comienza a cambiar. En su evolución, Pan se asimila cada vez más a Dioniso. El acercamiento entre ambas figuras deja su huella en el mito, pero sobre todo en el culto. Así, un dios que en Arcadia era venerado en santuarios construidos por la mano del hombre, en el resto de Grecia recibe culto en parajes agrestes, fundamentalmente cuevas. No parece casual el hecho de que también fuera de Arcadia la gruta sea el lugar reservado a los cultos mistéricos, incluidos los dionisíacos


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Hor., en Carm., 1, 2 y 4, 15 recoge una serie de referencias a dioses importantes para la familia adoptiva de Octaviano y para el propio gobernante, que han sido tradicionalmente analizadas e interpretadas desde un punto de vista interno: su presencia se explicaría en función de su relación con la gens Iulia. El punto de vista que quiero ofrecer en mi trabajo es complementario a éste: a partir de un análisis externo de las referencias a estos dioses, creo que su presencia se puede explicar en función de los templos en los que "habitaban" en Roma, del lugar donde estos templos se encontraban y de las representaciones icónicas que servían a su culto. Al mismo tiempo, la nueva relación que establezco entre 1,2 y 4, 15 aporta evidencias para una comprensión distinta de la segunda edición de la poesía lírica de Horacio, la que se presentó con el libro 4


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Pan es un dios peculiar en muchos aspectos. Al contrario que los restantes dioses del panteón griego, él no es antropomorfo, sino que tiene patas, cola y cuernos de carnero. Un dios con características tan arcaicas sólo puede sobrevivir confinado a la Arcadia, una región que conserva numerosos arcaísmos religiosos. Sin embargo, a partir del 490 a.C. en que se instaura su culto en Atenas, el dios comienza a cambiar. En su evolución, Pan se asimila cada vez más a Dioniso. El acercamiento entre ambas figuras deja su huella en el mito, pero sobre todo en el culto. Así, un dios que en Arcadia era venerado en santuarios construidos por la mano del hombre, en el resto de Grecia recibe culto en parajes agrestes, fundamentalmente cuevas. No parece casual el hecho de que también fuera de Arcadia la gruta sea el lugar reservado a los cultos mistéricos, incluidos los dionisíacos


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Hor., en Carm., 1, 2 y 4, 15 recoge una serie de referencias a dioses importantes para la familia adoptiva de Octaviano y para el propio gobernante, que han sido tradicionalmente analizadas e interpretadas desde un punto de vista interno: su presencia se explicaría en función de su relación con la gens Iulia. El punto de vista que quiero ofrecer en mi trabajo es complementario a éste: a partir de un análisis externo de las referencias a estos dioses, creo que su presencia se puede explicar en función de los templos en los que "habitaban" en Roma, del lugar donde estos templos se encontraban y de las representaciones icónicas que servían a su culto. Al mismo tiempo, la nueva relación que establezco entre 1,2 y 4, 15 aporta evidencias para una comprensión distinta de la segunda edición de la poesía lírica de Horacio, la que se presentó con el libro 4


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Pan es un dios peculiar en muchos aspectos. Al contrario que los restantes dioses del panteón griego, él no es antropomorfo, sino que tiene patas, cola y cuernos de carnero. Un dios con características tan arcaicas sólo puede sobrevivir confinado a la Arcadia, una región que conserva numerosos arcaísmos religiosos. Sin embargo, a partir del 490 a.C. en que se instaura su culto en Atenas, el dios comienza a cambiar. En su evolución, Pan se asimila cada vez más a Dioniso. El acercamiento entre ambas figuras deja su huella en el mito, pero sobre todo en el culto. Así, un dios que en Arcadia era venerado en santuarios construidos por la mano del hombre, en el resto de Grecia recibe culto en parajes agrestes, fundamentalmente cuevas. No parece casual el hecho de que también fuera de Arcadia la gruta sea el lugar reservado a los cultos mistéricos, incluidos los dionisíacos


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Decentralization process became prominent in Bhutan since early 1980s. Starting with an account of historical precedents for decentralized authority, the paper gives theoretical perspectives and factual descriptions of this process. Limiting itself to a discussion of broader social and political issues, the paper interprets decentralization as an approach towards diversity and pluralism among different communities that is shaped as a dynamics between peasants and civil servants.