179 resultados para Brominated dioxins
Oxidants generated by eosinophils during chronic inflammation may lead to mutagenesis in adjacent epithelial cells. Eosinophil peroxidase, a heme enzyme released by eosinophils, generates hypobromous acid that damages tissue in inflammatory conditions. We show that human eosinophils use eosinophil peroxidase to produce 5-bromodeoxycytidine. Flow cytometric, immunohistochemical, and mass spectrometric analyses all demonstrated that 5-bromodeoxycytidine generated by eosinophil peroxidase was taken up by cultured cells and incorporated into genomic DNA as 5-bromodeoxyuridine. Although previous studies have focused on oxidation of chromosomal DNA, our observations suggest another mechanism for oxidative damage of DNA. In this scenario, peroxidase-catalyzed halogenation of nucleotide precursors yields products that subsequently can be incorporated into DNA. Because the thymine analog 5-BrUra mispairs with guanine in DNA, generation of brominated pyrimidines by eosinophils might constitute a mechanism for cytotoxicity and mutagenesis at sites of inflammation.
A tecnologia de incineração no gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos é empregada de maneira intensa em diversos países do mundo. No Brasil, além da sua utilização eventual em resíduos de serviços de saúde, há uma proposta para implantação de duas usinas de grande porte visando ao tratamento térmico de resíduos sólidos domiciliares na cidade de São Paulo. Através de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, são apresentados os principais parâmetros técnicos e ambientais desta tecnologia, entre eles os mecanismos de combustão e de formação de poluentes, os tipos de equipamentos empregados, as formas de manejo e disposição de cinzas e escórias e os métodos de controle e redução de emissões atmosféricas como gases ácidos, material particulado e metais pesados. Também é feita uma revisão do atual conhecimento técnico-científico sobre dioxinas e furanos relativamente à incineração de resíduos sólidos urbanos. A partir desta base teórica pesquisada e da análise dos Estudos de Impacto Ambiental e dos Relatórios de Impacto Ambiental das usinas de incineração de Santo Amaro e Sapopemba, conclui-se que tais incineradores, na forma como são propostos, não apresentam o nível tecnológico necessário para atender às normas de operação e emissão de poluentes vigentes em países onde há legislação regulando esta atividade.
O processo tradicional de recuperação de metais de resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos (REEE) geralmente envolve processamento pirometalúrgico. Entretanto, o uso desta tecnologia para processar placas de circuito impresso (PCI) obsoletas pode levar à liberação de dioxinas e furanos, devido à decomposição térmica de retardantes de chama e resinas poliméricas presentes no substrato das placas. Portanto, este trabalho propõe uma rota hidrometalúrgica para recuperação de metais. O comportamento dos metais, com destaque para cobre, zinco e níquel, durante a lixiviação ácida, foi estudado em três temperaturas diferentes (35ºC, 65ºC e 75ºC), com e sem adição de um agente oxidante (peróxido de hidrogênio H2O2). A cinética de dissolução ácida desses metais foi estudada baseada na análise química por ICP-OES (Espectrometria de emissão ótica por plasma acoplado indutivamente) e EDX (Espectroscopia de fluorescência de raios-X por energia dispersiva). O balanço de massa e a análise química indicaram que a etapa de lixiviação sem adição de oxidante é pouco eficaz na extração dos metais, sendo responsável pela dissolução de menos do que 6% do total extraído. A 65ºC e H2SO4 1 mol/L, com adição de 5 mL de H2O2 (30%) a cada quinze minutos e densidade de polpa de 1 g / 10 mL, 98,1% do cobre, 99,9% do zinco e 99,0% do níquel foram extraídos após 4 horas. A cinética de dissolução desses metais é controlada pela etapa da reação química, seguindo, dependendo da temperatura, a equação 1 (1 XB)1/3 = k1.t ou a equação ln (1 XB) = k4.t.
Combustion runs at 700 °C in a horizontal laboratory furnace were carried out on two different electric wires (PVC and halogen-free wire). Tests were performed in the presence and in the absence of the metal conductor of the wires. The analyses of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorobenzenes (CBzs), chlorophenols (CPhs), mono- to octa-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), and dioxin-like PCBs are shown. Regarding semivolatile compounds, PAHs production decreases in the presence of metal, while a higher amount of chlorinated compounds are emitted. Respect to the PCDD/Fs, the PVC wire in the presence of metal presents the highest emission, with a much more emission of furans than dioxins. The maximum emission is with 2 or 3 chlorine atom PCDD/Fs. PCBs emission correlates with PCDD/F production and represents 3–4% of total toxicity, determined by using WHO2005 factors.
Car Fluff samples collected from a shredding plant in Italy were classified based on particle size, and three different size fractions were obtained in this way. A comparison between these size fractions and the original light fluff was made from two different points of view: (i) the properties of each size fraction as a fuel were evaluated and (ii) the pollutants evolved when each size fraction was subjected to combustion were studied. The aim was to establish which size fraction would be the most suitable for the purposes of energy recovery. The light fluff analyzed contained up to 50 wt.% fines (particle size < 20 mm). However, its low calorific value and high emissions of polychlorinated dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs), generated during combustion, make the fines fraction inappropriate for energy recovery, and therefore, landfilling would be the best option. The 50–100 mm fraction exhibited a high calorific value and low PCDD/F emissions were generated when the sample was combusted, making it the most suitable fraction for use as refuse-derived fuel (RDF). Results obtained suggest that removing fines from the original ASR sample would lead to a material product that is more suitable for use as RDF.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of the plastics most extensively used due to its versatility. The demand of PVC resin in Europe during 2012 reached 5000 ktonnes1. PVC waste management is a big problem because of the high volume generated all over the world and its chlorine content. End-of-life PVC is mainly mixed with municipal solid waste (MSW) and one common disposal option for this is waste-to-energy incineration (WtE). The presence of plastics such as PVC in the fuel mix increases the heating value of the fuel. PVC has two times higher energy content than MSW ‒around 20 MJ/kg vs 10 MJ/kg, respectively. However, the high chlorine content in PVC resin, 57 wt.%, may be a source for the formation of hazardous chlorinated organic pollutants in thermal processes. Chlorine present in the feedstock of WtE plants plays an important role in the formation of (i) chlorine (Cl2) and (ii) hydrochloric gas (HCl), both of them responsible for corrosion, and (iii) chlorinated organic pollutants2. In this work, pyrolytic and oxidative thermal degradation of PVC resin were carried out in a laboratory scale reactor at 500 ºC in order to analyze the influence of the reaction atmosphere on the emissions evolved. Special emphasis was put on the analysis of chlorinated organic pollutants such as polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDFs) and other related compounds like polychlorobenzenes (PCBzs), polychlorophenols (PCPhs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Another objective of this work was to compare the results with those of a previous work3 in which emissions at different temperatures in both pyrolysis and combustion of another PVC resin had been studied; in that case, experiments for PCDD/Fs emissions had been performed only at 850 ºC.
Thermal decomposition of flexible polyurethane foam (FPUF) was studied under nitrogen and air atmospheres at 550 °C and 850 °C using a laboratory scale reactor to analyse the evolved products. Ammonia, hydrogen cyanide and nitrile compounds were obtained in high yields in pyrolysis at the lower temperature, whereas at 850 °C polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other semivolatile compounds, especially compounds containing nitrogen (benzonitrile, aniline, quinolone and indene) were the most abundant products. Different behaviour was observed in the evolution of polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) at 550 °C and 850 °C. At 550 °C, the less chlorinated congeners, mainly PCDF, were more abundant. Contrarily, at 850 °C the most chlorinated PCDD were dominant. In addition, the total yields of PCDD/Fs in the pyrolysis and combustion runs at 850 °C were low and quite similar.
We report on the comparative bioaccumulation, biotransformation and/or biomagnification from East Greenland ringed seal (Pusa hispida) blubber to polar bear (Ursus maritimus) tissues (adipose, liver and brain) of various classes and congeners of persistent chlorinated and brominated contaminants and metabolic by-products: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlordanes (CHLs), hydroxyl (OH-) and methylsulfonyl (MeSO2-) PCBs, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), OH-PBBs, polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) flame retardants and OH- and methoxyl (MeO-) PBDEs, 2,2-dichloro-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethene (p,p'-DDE), 3-MeSO2-p,p'-DDE, pentachlorophenol (PCP) and 4-OH-heptachlorostyrene (4-OH-HpCS). We detected all of the investigated contaminants in ringed seal blubber with high frequency, the main diet of East Greenland bears, with the exception of OH-PCBs and 4-OH-HpCS, which indicated that these phenolic contaminants were likely of metabolic origin and formed in the bears from accumulated PCBs and octachlorostyrene (OCS), respectively, rather than being bioaccumulated from a seal blubber diet. For all of the detectable sum of classes or individual organohalogens, in general, the ringed seal to polar bear mean BMFs for SumPCBs, p,p'-DDE, SumCHLs, SumMeSO2-PCBs, 3-MeSO2-p,p'-DDE, PCP, SumPBDEs, total-(alpha)-HBCD, SumOH-PBDEs, SumMeO-PBDEs and SumOH-PBBs indicated that these organohalogens bioaccumulate, and in some cases there was tissue-specific biomagnification, e.g., BMFs for bear adipose and liver ranged from 2 to 570. The blood-brain barrier appeared to be effective in minimizing brain accumulation as BMFs were <= 1 in the brain, with the exception of SumOH-PBBs (mean BMF = 93±54). Unlike OH-PCB metabolites, OH-PBDEs in the bear tissues appeared to be mainly accumulated from the seal blubber rather than being metabolic formed from PBDEs in the bears. In vitro PBDE depletion assays using polar bear hepatic microsomes, wherein the rate of oxidative metabolism of PBDE congeners was very slow, supported the probability that accumulation from seals is the main source of OH-PBDEs in the bear tissues. Our findings demonstrated from ringed seal to polar bears that organohalogen biotransformation, bioaccumulation and/or biomagnification varied widely and depended on the contaminant in question. Our results show the increasing complexity of bioaccumulated and in some cases biomagnified, chlorinated and brominated contaminants and/or metabolites from the diet may be a contributing stress factor in the health of East Greenland polar bears.
Thyroid hormones are essential for normal growth and development and disruption of thyroid homeostasis can be critical to young developing individuals. The aim of the present study was to assess plasma concentrations of halogenated organic contaminants (HOCs) in chicks of two seabird species and to investigate possible correlations of HOCs with circulating thyroid hormone (TH) concentrations. Plasma from black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) and northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) chicks were sampled in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard in 2006. The samples were analyzed for thyroid hormones and a wide range of HOCs (polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), hydroxylated (OH-) and methylsulphoned (MeSO-) PCB metabolites, organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), brominated flame retardants (BFRs), and perfluorinated compounds (PFCs)). Concentrations of HOCs were generally low in kittiwake and fulmar chicks compared to previous reports. HOC concentrations were five times higher in fulmar chicks compared to in kittiwake chicks. PFCs dominated the summed HOCs concentrations in both species (77% in kittiwakes and 69% in fulmars). Positive associations between total thyroxin (TT4) and PFCs (PFHpS, PFOS, PFNA) were found in both species. Although correlations do not implicate causal relationships per se, the correlations are of concern as disruption of TH homeostasis may cause developmental effects in young birds.
Studies on the fate of organohalogen contaminants (OHCs) in wild top predator mammals in the Arctic have often been a challenge due to important knowledge deficiencies in the life history of the sampled animals. The present study investigated the influence of age, dietary and trans-generational factors on the fate of major lipophilic chlorinated and brominated OHCs in adipose tissue of a potential surrogate captive species for the polar bear (Ursus maritimus), the sledge dog (Canis familiaris) in West Greenland. Adult female sledge dogs (P) and their sexually-mature (F1) and/or pre-weaning pups (F1-MLK) were divided into an exposed group (EXP) fed blubber from a Greenland minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and a control group (CON) given commercially available pork fat. Large dietary treatment-related differences in summed and individual congener/compound adipose tissue concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), chlordanes (CHLs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were found between the EXP and CON groups for all the sledge dog cohorts. However, among the F1-MLK, F1 and P dogs in both of the EXP and CON groups, little or no difference existed in PBDE, HCB, CHL and PCB concentrations, suggesting higher state of equilibrium in adipose tissue concentrations from a very early stage of life. In contrast, the distribution pattern (proportions to the summed concentrations) of OHC classes, and the major congeners/ compounds constituting those classes, varied on a dietary group- and/or cohort-dependent manner. The present captive sledge dog study demonstrated the importance of the confounding effects of diet composition, mother-pup association (maternal transfer), reproductive status (nursing), and to a lesser extent age in the fate of OHCs in adipose tissue of a large top carnivore mammal.
Two global environmental issues, climate change and contamination by persistent organic pollutants, represent major concerns for arctic ecosystems. Yet, it is unclear how these two stressors interact in the Arctic. For instance, the influence of climate-associated changes in food web structure on exposure to pollutants within arctic ecosystems is presently unknown. Here, we report on recent changes in feeding ecology (1991-2007) in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from the western Hudson Bay subpopulation that have resulted in increases in the tissue concentrations of several chlorinated and brominated contaminants. Differences in timing of the annual sea ice breakup explained a significant proportion of the diet variation among years. As expected from climate change predictions, this diet change was consistent with an increase in the consumed proportions of open water-associated seal species compared to ice-associated seal species in years of earlier sea ice breakup. Our results demonstrate that climate change is a modulating influence on contaminants in this polar bear subpopulation and may pose an additional and previously unidentified threat to northern ecosystems through altered exposures to contaminants.
Project manager: Gary Amendola
"This toxicological profile is prepared in accordance with guidelines developed by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The original guidelines were published in the Federal Register on April 17, 1987"--P. v.
"B-266331"--P. 1.