988 resultados para Bright, Timothy, 1551?-1615.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Lamb Bright Saviors begins as an apocalyptically inclined itinerant preacher staggers across the Nebraska prairie. With his young assistant, Mady, in tow hauling a wagon stacked with bibles, it’s not long before the preacher finds he’s come to the final fulfillment of his self-proclaimed life’s work: to die in front of a group of strangers. Odd as his own end-of-days might be, the lives and struggles of the strangers attending this deathbed scene are even odder. As the dying preacher unleashes a barrage of hallucinatory ramblings and rantings in the hope of imparting wisdom, each ragtag member of this unlikely congregation must reckon with his or her own dark past. And, through it all, the irrepressible Mady lends the preacher’s strange performance a surprising and unforgettable dignity and humor.


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We report the discovery of 12 new fossil groups (FGs) of galaxies, systems dominated by a single giant elliptical galaxy and cluster-scale gravitational potential, but lacking the population of bright galaxies typically seen in galaxy clusters. These FGs, selected from the maxBCG optical cluster catalog, were detected in snapshot observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We detail the highly successful selection method, with an 80% success rate in identifying 12 FGs from our target sample of 15 candidates. For 11 of the systems, we determine the X-ray luminosity, temperature, and hydrostatic mass, which do not deviate significantly from expectations for normal systems, spanning a range typical of rich groups and poor clusters of galaxies. A small number of detected FGs are morphologically irregular, possibly due to past mergers, interaction of the intra-group medium with a central active galactic nucleus (AGN), or superposition of multiple massive halos. Two-thirds of the X-ray-detected FGs exhibit X-ray emission associated with the central brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), although we are unable to distinguish between AGN and extended thermal galaxy emission using the current data. This sample representing a large increase in the number of known FGs, will be invaluable for future planned observations to determine FG temperature, gas density, metal abundance, and mass distributions, and to compare to normal (non-fossil) systems. Finally, the presence of a population of galaxy-poor systems may bias mass function determinations that measure richness from galaxy counts. When used to constrain power spectrum normalization and Omega(m), these biased mass functions may in turn bias these results.


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Copper(I) halide clusters are recently considered as good candidate for optoelectronic devices such as OLEDs . Although the copper halide clusters, in particular copper iodide, are very well known since the beginning of the 20th century, only in the late ‘70s the interest on these compounds grew dramatically due their particular photophysical behaviour. These complexes are characterized by a dual triplet emission bands, named Cluster Centred (3CC) and Halogen-to-Ligand charge transfer (3XLCT), the intensities of which are strictly related with the temperature. The CC transition, due to the presence of a metallophylic interactions, is prevalent at ambient temperature while the XLCT transition, located preferentially on the ligand part, became more prominent at low temperature. Since these pioneering works, it was easy to understand the photophysical properties of this compounds became more interesting in solid-state respect to solution with an improvement in emission efficiency. In this work we aim to characterize in SS organocopper(I)iodide compounds to valuate the correlation between the molecular crystal structure and the photophysical properties. It is also considered to hike new strategies to synthesize CuI complexes from the wet reactions to the more green solvent free methods. The advantages in using these strategies are evident but, obtain a single crystal suitable for SCXRD analysis from these batches is quite impossible. The structure solution still remains the key point in this research so we tackle this problem solving the structure by X-ray powder diffraction data. When the sample was fully characterized we moved to design and development of the associated OLED-device. Since copper iodide complexes are often insoluble in organic solvents, the high vacuum deposition technique is preferred. A new non-conventional deposition process have also been proposed to avoid the low complex stability in this practice with an in-situ complex formation in a layer-by layer deposition route.


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Con le "Imagini degli dei degli antichi", pubblicate a Venezia nel 1556 e poi in più edizioni arricchite e illustrate, l’impegnato gentiluomo estense Vincenzo Cartari realizza il primo, fortunatissimo manuale mitografico italiano in lingua volgare, diffuso e tradotto in tutta l’Europa moderna. Cartari rimodula, secondo accenti divulgativi ma fedeli, fonti latine tradizionali: come le ricche "Genealogie deorum gentilium" di Giovanni Boccaccio, l’appena precedente "De deis gentium varia et multiplex historia" di Lilio Gregorio Giraldi, i curiosi "Fasti" ovidiani, da lui stesso commentati e tradotti. Soprattutto, però, introduce il patrimonio millenario di favole ed esegesi classiche, di aperture egiziane, mediorientali, sassoni, a una chiave di lettura inedita, agile e vitalissima: l’ecfrasi. Le divinità e i loro cortei di creature minori, aneddoti leggendari e attributi identificativi si susseguono secondo un taglio iconico e selettivo. Sfilano, in trionfi intrisi di raffinato petrarchismo neoplatonico e di emblematica picta poesis rinascimentale, soltanto gli aspetti figurabili e distintivi dei personaggi mitici: perché siano «raccontate interamente» tutte le cose attinenti alle figure antiche, «con le imagini quasi di tutti i dei, e le ragioni perché fossero così dipinti». Così, le "Imagini" incontrano il favore di lettori colti e cortigiani eleganti, di pittori e ceramisti, di poeti e artigiani. Allestiscono una sorta di «manuale d’uso» pronto all’inchiostro del poeta o al pennello dell’artista, una suggestiva raccolta di «libretti figurativi» ripresi tanto dalla maniera di Paolo Veronese o di Giorgio Vasari, quanto dal classicismo dei Carracci e di Nicolas Poussin. Si rivelano, infine, summa erudita capace di attirare appunti e revisioni: l’antiquario padovano Lorenzo Pignoria, nel 1615 e di nuovo nel 1626, vi aggiunge appendici archeologiche e comparatistiche, interessate al remoto regno dei faraoni quanto agli esotici idoli orientali e dei Nuovi Mondi.


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Popular belief holds that the lunar cycle affects human physiology, behaviour and health. We examined the influence of moon phase on sleep duration in a secondary analysis of a feasibility study of mobile telephone base stations and sleep quality. We studied 31 volunteers (18 women and 13 men, mean age 50 years) from a suburban area of Switzerland longitudinally over 6 weeks, including two full moons. Subjective sleep duration was calculated from sleep diary data. Data were analysed using multiple linear regression models with random effects. Mean sleep duration was 6 h 49 min. Subjective sleep duration varied with the lunar cycle, from 6 h 41 min at full moon to 7 h 00 min at new moon (P < 0.001). Average sleep duration was shortened by 68 min during the week compared with weekends (P < 0.001). Men slept 17 min longer than women (P < 0.001) and sleep duration decreased with age (P < 0.001). There was also evidence that rating of fatigue in the morning was associated with moon phase, with more tiredness (P = 0.027) at full moon. The study was designed for other purposes and the association between lunar cycle and sleep duration will need to be confirmed in further studies.


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The aim of this prospective trial was to evaluate sensitivity and specificity of bright lumen magnetic resonance colonography (MRC) in comparison with conventional colonoscopy (CC). A total of 120 consecutive patients with clinical indications for CC were prospectively examined using MRC (1.5 Tesla) which was then followed by CC. Prior to MRC, the cleansed colon was filled with a gadolinium-water solution. A 3D GRE sequence was performed with the patient in the prone and supine position, each acquired during one breathhold period. After division of the colon into five segments, interactive data analysis was carried out using three-dimensional post-processing, including a virtual intraluminal view. The results of CC served as a reference standard. In all patients MRC was performed successfully and no complications occurred. Image quality was diagnostic in 92% (574/620 colonic segments). On a per-patient basis, the results of MRC were as follows: sensitivity 84% (95% CI 71.7-92.3%), specificity 97% (95% CI 89.0-99.6%). Five flat adenomas and 6/16 small polyps (< or =5 mm) were not identified by MRC. MRC offers high sensitivity and excellent specificity rates in patients with clinical indications for CC. Improved MRC techniques are needed to detect small polyps and flat adenomas.


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Presentation by Leigh W. Freeman. Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring published in 1962 marked the birth of concepts leading to the development of mineral resources with a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives. Montana plays a special role in this story. It is 'the last best place.' As such it can serve as a bell-weather state for Carson's revelations. Consider: Butte as a poster child for legacy problems resulting from resource development under solely economic imperatives; and Montana as a first-adapter in 1971 of state environmental laws based on imperatives heralded with Silent Spring. What better place is there to educate and develop leaders and incubate the future of resource development in global sustainability?


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Plating of various objects with mirror-like surfaces of chromium, nickel, and other metals has expanded considerably during the past decade, and now ranks as an important enterprise, particularly with respect to the automotive industry.