1000 resultados para Bottom grab (Smith-McIntyre)
New data on bottom sediments and igneous rocks of the Philippine Trench are under consideration. They show differences in geological structures of the island slope and the ocean slope of the trench. The island slope is comparable to the accretionary prism formations on the Philippines; there processes of gravitational re-deposition of sediments occur. The ocean slope is an edge of the Philippine Plate sinking into the trough, where basalts of the oceanic crust are exposed.
General characteristics of macrobenthos of muddy sediments of the subtidal (19-24 m) zone in the Nha Trang Bay (South Vietnam) were described based on the survey performed in April-May 2002. The mean abundance of organisms was 637 ind/m**2 and the mean biomass was 2.3 g/m**2. Sixty-seven macrobenthic species were found during the study. The main structural features of the macrobenthos were high species diversity, low species recurrence, and high evenness of species structure with the absence of clearly manifested dominants. The number of species encountered regularly increased with the increase in the total area sampled from 210 to 5000 cm**2, though the relation did not reach saturation. Similarities and differences between the macrobenthos structures in the Nha Trang Bay and those in some tropical and boreal soft-bottom communities are discussed.
Composition of clay minerals in the <0.001 mm size fraction from the uppermost layer of bottom sediments in the northern Amur Bay was determined by X-ray powder diffraction analysis, and enrichment of 33 elements in the <0.001 mm and <0.01 mm size fractions of surface sediments from a number of sites at the marginal filter of the Razdol'naya River were studied by ICP-MS. Fe, U, and chalcophile elements occur in the highest concentrations in sediments from all sampling sites within the filter. The bottom sediments are not enriched in trace, alkali, and alkaline earth elements. Maximum concentrations of chemical elements were found in deposits from the brackish part of the marginal filter, perhaps, because of formation of Fe and Mn (Al) hydroxides. Bottom sediments at the boundary between the brackish and marine parts of the filter contain the lowest concentrations of the examined elements.
Dinoflagellate cysts were studied in 42 samples from surface sediments of the White Sea. Total concentration of dinocysts varies from single cysts to 25000 cyst/g of dry sediments, which reflects biological productivity in White Sea waters and regional particular features of sedimentation processes. The highest concentrations are observed in silts; they are related to the regions of propagation of highly productive Barents Sea waters in the White Sea. Generally, spatial distribution of dinocyst species in the surface sediments corresponds to distribution of the major types of water masses in the White Sea. Cysts of relatively warm-water species (Operculodinium centrocarpum, Spiniferites sp.) of North Atlantic origin that dominate in the sediments indicate an intensive intrusion of Barents Sea water masses to the White Sea along with hydrological dwelling conditions in the White Sea favorable for development of these species during their vegetation period. The cold-water dinocyst assemblage (Islandinium minutum, Polykrikos sp.) is rather strictly confined to inner parts of shallow-water bays, firstly, those adjacent to the Onega and Severnaya Dvina river mouths.
Composition and distribution of bottom fauna, especially scleractinian and gorgonarian corals, collected in the area of the Canary upwelling are discussed. Five species of scleractinian corals and one gorgonarian coral were found. Dasmosmillia lymani, Flabellum angulare, Leptopsammia chevalieri, and Bebryce mollis are new in the investigated area. It is shown that bottom fauna of the Canary upwelling area could be regarded as intermediate between the ordinary shallow-water community and extremely oligomixed fauna of intensive upwellings.
As is less toxic than Hg, Cd, Pb, Se, Zn, and Cu. The As clarke for clays and shales is 10 ppm. Our samples of bottom sediments from Kurshskii Bay were determined to contain from 15 to 26 ppm As and up to 34 ppm As in the vicinity of the Neman River mouth. Elevated As concentrations (50-114 ppm) were detected in four columns of subsurface bottom sediments (at depths of 10-65 cm) from the Vistula Lagoon. Elevated As concentrations (50-180 ppm) were also found in a few surface samples of sand from the Gdansk Deep near oil platform D-6. These sediments are either partly contaminated with anthropogenic As or contain Fe sulfides and glauconite, which can concentrate As and contain its elevated concentrations. The As concentration in columns of bottom sediments from the Gulf of Finland were at the natural background level (throughout the columns) typical of the area (9-34 ppm). We repeatedly detected very high As concentrations (up to 227 ppm As) in politic ooze from Bornholm Deep, in the vicinity of the sunken vessel with chemical weapons. The sources of elevated As concentrations in the Baltic Sea are the following: (1) chemical weapon (CW) material buried in the floor of the Baltic Sea; (2) As-bearing pesticides, agricultural mineral fertilizers, and burned coal and other fuels; (3) kerogen-bearing Ordovician rocks exposed on the bottom; and (4) As-rich Fe sulfides brought to the area together with construction sand and gravel. This mixture was used in paper production and for the construction of hydraulic engineering facilities in the Vistula Lagoon in the early 20th century and later caused the so-called lagoon disease.
The first series of Soviet standard reference samples of composition of ore materials and ocean pelagic sediments has been created. It includes iron-manganese nodules (SDO-4, SDO-5 and SDO-6), ore crusts (SDO-7) diatomaceous ooze (SDO-8), and deep-sea red clays (SDO-9). The standards are intended to serve as a metrologic basis for physical, physicochemical and chemical analyses of iron-manganese minerals and ocean sediments. The standards are provided with certified analyses of rock-forming components and certain trace elements. Certified characteristics are based on statistical analysis of data obtained from an inter-laboratory experiment involving analysis of the standard reference samples by a variety of methods.
Application of nuclear geochronology methods in study of recent sedimentation processes, in paleoceanology, tectonics, geomorphology, and other problems associated with accumulation of sedimentary material in oceans and seas are under consideration in the book. A comparative analysis of dating results obtained by biostratigraphy, paleomagnetic and nuclear geochronology methods is given.
A detailed study of chemical composition of bottom sediments along a profile through the Northwest Pacific Basin has allowed to identify and describe four lithofacies types of bottom sediments. Distinguished types of sediments form a genetic series reflecting changing conditions of sedimentation from near-shore to central regions of the ocean. Along the strike of pelagic clays a gradual transition from ash containing clays to zeolite containing clays is established. Ash particles and zeolites have similar forms of occurrence. Together with other data it suggests that zeolites have been formed by diagenetic transformation of rhyolitic glass. Regular changes of CaCO3, amorphous SiO2, Fe and Mn contents in bottom sediments from the coast to the pelagic zone are shown.
Grain size, shape and roundness of rock fragments, texture, composition of bottom sediments from the Sea of Okhotsk are under study. These data are compared with parameters of modern lithodynamic conditions of the sea and genetic types of deposits are identified. These criteria are used for partition of Holocene and Upper Pleistocene sediment series and for identifying conditions of their formation. Dependence of structure of different genetic types of deposits on intensity of hydrodynamic processes, of terrigenous contribution, and on direction consedimentational tectonic movements is under consideration.
The distribution of temperature and salinity, current velocities, suspended particulate matter, bottom sediments, bottom morphology, and planktonic and benthic organisms during the summer period are studied in the estuary of the large Onega River and coastal areas of the Onega Bay (White Sea) influenced by interacting marine and riverine factors.
Radiocarbon datings are used to calculate mean sedimentation rates of metalliferous sediments in the southern arid zone of the Pacific Ocean adjoining the axis of the East Pacific rise (20°S). Owing to low sedimentation rates and intense mixing, only averaged figures could be obtained for ages less than 16 ky. Sedimentation rate varies from 0.3 to about 1 cm/1000 years in the surface layer and is several times higher in the time interval from 20 ky to 45 ky ago. Formulas for calculating mean sedimentation rates with allowance for benthic mixing are presented.