991 resultados para Bomen (biologie)
Die Kenntnisse über die wichtigsten Merkmale der Biologie der 5 Rotbarscharten des Nordatlantiks für die bewirtschaftung ihrer Bestände werden kurz dargestellt und die historischen und rezenten Entwicklungen der Fanggerträge von 8 für die deutsche Fischwirtschaft bedeutungsvollen Rotbarschbestände beschrieben. Mögliche Schwerpunkte der künftigen Rotbarschforschung durch das Institut für Seefischerei werden unter Berücksichtigung der Schwirigkeiten bei der Identifizierung der Arten, der Berechnung der Wachstumsraten und der Abschätzung der Rekrutierungsprozesse diskutiert.
A presente tese tem por objetivo investigar as possibilidades de contribuição dos conceitos de amar e brincar (pertinentes à Biologia do Amar, proposta por Maturana) para a compreensão dos ?modos de compreender/intervir sobre o trabalho?, na perspectiva de uma Psicologia do Trabalho & Organizacional inventiva. A investigação foi realizada a partir de uma experiência do pesquisador, acompanhando um usuário de um Serviço de Saúde Mentaldo município do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, em seu trabalho como padeiro em uma Cooperativa de Culinária. Apesar de lidar bem com situações mais rotineiras, esse usuário demonstrava ter muita dificuldade em lidar com as variabilidades do meio, com situações que fugiam à sua rotina, apresentando um nível de ansiedade que o impedia de realizar quaisquer tarefas. O pesquisador atuou no sentido de solicitar que ele explicitasse verbalmente o que o afligia,descrevendo todas as situações ansiogênicas, buscando, juntamente com esse paciente, encaminhamentos para tais situações. Ao final de seis meses, o paciente conseguia lidar com os imprevisíveis pertinentes à atividade, laborativa ou não. Foram realizadas três análises deste caso clínico. Na primeira, utilizou-se a categoria de ritornelo (pertencente à Esquizoanálise) e na segunda, o conceito de atividade dirigida (pertencente à Clínica da Atividade). Ambas, Esquizoanálise e Clínica da atividade pertencem a um conjunto de materiais teóricos apontados como relevantes para se pensar a questão da invenção. Na terceira análise, foram utilizados os conceitos de amar e brincar. Finalmente, as três análises foram articuladas, com o objetivo de investigar as possibilidades de sinergia entre elas. Dentre as conclusões, a pesquisa apontou para a existência de um componente afetivo no processo,sempre coletivo, de criação de normas no trabalho. Apontou ainda para o fato de que este componente afetivo é essencial para a manutenção da vitalidade do gênero de atividades profissionais. Por último, e não menos importante, percebeu-se uma natureza frágil deste componente, que com o conceito de traço-ensaio apontamos para sua natureza de exercício: é da ordem de um fazer, que tem de ser praticado em todo momento, ou pode vir a atrofiar-se,tornando mais difícil a manutenção do gênero.
The freshwater African catfish family Amphiliidae had been reviewed based on the 73 osteological characters with Diplomystidae, dagger Hypsidoridae, Amblycipitidae, Sisoridae, and Bagridae as out-groups. Because the family position of Leptoglanis (Bagridae/Amphiliidae) is under debate, this genus has been taken as an out-group too. Results of the study indicate that: 1) the Amphiliidae is not a monophyletic group and must now be restricted to the genera Amphilius and Paramphilius; the two subfamilies Amphiliinae and Doumeinae are separated by the sisorids Euchiloglanis (with most of the glyptosternid fishes) and Glyptothorax (with most of the non-glyptosternid fishes); 2) no synapomorphies were found for the subfamily Amphiliinae. 3) The five genera of subfamily Doumeinae constitute a monophyletic group, Andersonia being the sister-group of the four other genera; subfamily Doumeinae + Leptoglanis form the family Doumeidae. The glyptosternids no longer belong to the Sisoridae (family restricted to the non-glyptosternids) and represent the new family Glyptosternidae. (C) 1999 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.
Fish bone assemblages are described that were recently discovered in the storage area of two rooms, dated to the 7th century AD, from the monastery of Bawit, Egypt. The species composition, the reconstructed sizes of the fish and the find contexts show that this material represents pickled fish (salsamenta). This product was made in one case of medium-sized Clarias catfish, whereas another assemblage, found inside an amphora, consisted of small-sized fish, mainly cyprinids and alestiids. The latter product was stored in a Late Roman Amphora 5/6 of Palestinian origin, traditionally considered as a container for wine. The amphora was clearly re-used since the fish found in it are Nilotic species which excludes that the salsamenta came from outside Egypt. A few additional finds of fish inside amphorae were available, but due to the low number of bones it was unclear if salted fish products were stored in them. Textual information provided by ostraca and papyri from the same site shows that the monks exerted fishing activities themselves and also suggests that the production of pickled fish took place locally. One of the two Nilotic fish taxa (Labeo) that is specifically mentioned by written evidence is the most common ingredient found in the amphora with abundant fish remains. The paper ends with a brief summary of other faunal evidence for salted fish products from monastic and other historic sites in Egypt.
It has been shown previously that female mice homozygous for an alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) null allele are sterile as a result of anovulation, probably due to a defect in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Here we show that these female mice exhibit specific anomalies in the expression of numerous genes in the pituitary, including genes involved in the gonadotropin-releasing hormone pathway, which are underexpressed. In the hypothalamus, the gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene, Gnrh1, was also found to be down-regulated. However, pituitary gene expression could be normalized and fertility could be rescued by blocking prenatal estrogen synthesis using an aromatase inhibitor. These results show that AFP protects the developing female brain from the adverse effects of prenatal estrogen exposure and clarify a long-running debate on the role of this fetal protein in brain sexual differentiation.
Two clearly opposing views exist on the function of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), a fetal plasma protein that binds estrogens with high affinity, in the sexual differentiation of the rodent brain. AFP has been proposed to either prevent the entry of estrogens or to actively transport estrogens into the developing female brain. The availability of Afp mutant mice (Afp-/-) now finally allows us to resolve this longstanding controversy concerning the role of AFP in brain sexual differentiation, and thus to determine whether prenatal estrogens contribute to the development of the female brain. Here we show that the brain and behavior of female Afp-/- mice were masculinized and defeminized. However, when estrogen production was blocked by embryonic treatment with the aromatase inhibitor 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17- dione, the feminine phenotype of these mice was rescued. These results clearly demonstrate that prenatal estrogens masculinize and defeminize the brain and that AFP protects the female brain from these effects of estrogens. © 2006 Nature Publishing Group.
SCOPUS: ar.j
Induction of tissue resorption in globiferous pedicellariae of the echinoid Sphaerechinus granularis
Congrès du GIRSO, Lille, avril 2011
The pinnotherid crab Dissodactylus primitivus lives parasitically on 2 burrowingechinoid species, Meoma ventricosa and Plagiobrissus grandis. The fecundity of female crabsvaries between hosts, and is higher when parasitizing P. grandis than M. ventricosa. Moreover, thehosts present great variations in morphology (size and density of spines). These characteristicssuggest the potential to differentiate crabs according to host species. We investigated the genetic(microsatellites) and morphometric (outline analysis) differentiation of this parasitic crab between2 host species at 1 Jamaican site (Western Lagoon, Discovery Bay), and compared it with geographicdifferentiation among 4 sites along the north coast of Jamaica. Greater genetic differencesbetween parasites of the 2 sympatric hosts than between parasites of a single host at different geographiclocations would indicate host differentiation. Genetic analyses (microsatellites) did notdetect spatial differentiation (probably due to local hydrography) or differentiation according tohost species. This lack of host differentiation could be explained by mobility of adult crabsbetween hosts. However, there was weak but significant morphological differentiation betweenfemale crabs from the 2 hosts. This morphological difference may reflect constraints due to hostmorphology.