969 resultados para Boating injuries.
This article reports a longitudinal follow-up of a 15-month-old child with dental trauma resulting from an attack by a dog. The injury consisted of laceration of the facial tissues and loss of the upper central deciduous incisors, in addition to loss of bone tissue in the same area. A malformation of the crown of the right central permanent incisor and complete change of the shape of the left central permanent incisor were observed. The etiological factors of childhood injuries as well as the importance of dental emergency care are discussed and the 14-year clinical and radiographic follow up of the case is presented.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Os peixes da família Batrachoididae causam um grande número de acidentes em pescadores das regiões Norte e Nordeste do Brasil. O gênero Thalassophryne apresenta várias espécies no Brasil e a espécie Thalassophryne nattereri é a mais comum, todas apresentando veneno. O veneno é inoculado por duas espículas ocas na nadadeira dorsal e duas nas regiões pré-operculares, ligadas a uma glândula de veneno na base. Os envenenamentos causaram dor intensa, edema e eritema iniciais em 43 pescadores observados em Salinópolis (Pará) e Aracaju (Sergipe). em todos os casos, não ocorreram fenômenos sistêmicos dignos de nota, mas ocorreu necrose local em oito pacientes e infecção bacteriana em dez. As circunstâncias dos acidentes são comentadas, assim como aspectos terapêuticos. Nossa conclusão foi que o envenenamento por Thalassophryne é importante e freqüente e deve ser considerado de média gravidade, em função de não haverem fenômenos sistêmicos, como observado nos acidentes por peixes-escorpião (Scorpaena) ou arraias marinhas e fluviais.
INTRODUÇÃO: Os acidentes causados por ouriços-do-mar são as ocorrências por animais marinhos mais comuns no país. O ouriço-do-mar preto (Echinometra lucunter) é a espécie que mais causa ferimentos em banhistas. MÉTODOS: Este trabalho registrou e estudou 314 agravos com ênfase nas manifestações clínicas iniciais observadas e suas implicações na terapêutica recomendada. RESULTADOS: Todos os acidentes foram causados pelo ouriço-do-mar preto e aconteceram em banhistas. As lesões e a dor foram associadas ao trauma causado pela penetração das espículas (não ocorreu inflamação ou dor imediata sem pressão sobre os pontos comprometidos). As complicações deste tipo de acidente, incluindo infecções e granulomas de corpo estranho, estão associadas com a permanência das espículas nos ferimentos. CONCLUSÕES: Foi confirmado o fato do acidente causado por esta espécie ser o mais comum no Brasil e apresentar caráter traumático, sendo a principal recomendação a retirada precoce dos espinhos para prevenção de complicações tardias como as infecções e formação de granulomas de corpo estranho.
This study examined the daily life and most important physical injuries suffered and reported by the dancers of a professional (contemporary) dance company in S (a) over tilde $o Paulo, Brazil. Through an observational, cross,sectional, retrospective procedure using a questionnaire that collected qualitative and quantitative data, we were able to gather information on 30 dancers who collaborated with the survey. We determined that the injuries considered as most important by dancers were those that prevented dance activity during some months. These injuries occurred mainly during rehearsals (which is the activity occuppying, the most time on the schedule). Articular injuries were the most frequent and mainly involved the knee and ankle. They were related to classical technique, in which most of the company's artists started their dance careers. Medical care usually was sought within 1 day, and the prescribed treatment resolved the problem, but the injury cause was not identified in all cases.
Objective. - In a pioneer way, we investigated the morbidity of sports injuries referred by judo athletes from São Paulo State Championship.Material and methods. - Data collection from 93 senior judokas in State of São Paulo Judo Championship, through Referred Morbidity Inquiry about last year.Results. - One hundred and ten events were registered with a distribution frequency gradient of sprain > contusion > strain > ligament injury > partial and total dislocation. The most injured body areas were: knee (26.3%), shoulder (21.8%), fingers (17.3%), and ankle (10.0%). The most risky situation was when the athlete was training (standing, applying a blow) and it can be explained by the frequent and unprepared exposition of the athletes. Yearly lesion rate was 1.18 injuries per athlete/year.Conclusion. - Sprains constitute the most common judo injury, and athletes are more susceptible when they apply blows; discussion about the direction that the prevention should be applied remains opened. (c) 2006 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Tendon and ligament injuries have proved difficult to treat effectively. Cell-based therapies offer the potential to harness the complex protein synthetic machinery of the cell to induce a regenerative response rather than fibrous scarring. This article reviews the current state of play with respect to the clinically used cell preparations for the treatment of tendon and ligaments overstrain injuries.
Aim. Occlusion and reperfusion of splanchnic arteries cause local and systemic changes due to the release of cytotoxic substances and the interaction between neutrophils and endothelial cells. This study evaluated the role of pentoxifylline (PTX) and n-acetylcysteine (NAC) in the reduction of ischemia, reperfusion shock and associated intestinal injury. Methods. Sixty rats were divided into 6 groups of 10 animals. Rats in three groups underwent mesenteric ischemia for 30 minutes followed by 120 minutes of reperfusion, and were treated with saline (SAL-5 mL/kg/ h), pentoxifylline (PTX-50 mg/kg) or n-acetylcysteine (NAC-430 mg/kg/h). The other 3 groups underwent sham ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) and received the same treatments. Hemodynamic, biochemical and histological parameters were evaluated. Results. No significant hemodynamic or intestinal histological changes were seen in any sham group. No histological changes were found in the lung or liver of animals in the different groups. There was a progressive decrease in mean arterial blood pressure, from mean of 111.53 mmHg (30 minutes of ischemia) to 44.30±19.91 mmHg in SAL-I/R. 34.52±17.22 mmHg in PTX-I/R and 33.81±8.39 mmHg in NAC-I/R (P<0.05). In all I/R groups, there was a progressive decrease in: aortic blood flow, from median baseline of 19.00 mL/min to 2.50±5.25 mL/min in SAL-I/ R; 2.95±6.40 mL/min in PTX-I/R and 3.35±3.40 mL/min in NAC-I/R (P<0.05); in the heart rate, from mean baseline of 311.74 bpm to 233.33±83.88 bpm in SAL-I/R, 243.20±73.25 bpm in PTX-I/R and 244.92±76.05 bpm in NAC-I/R (P<0.05); and esophageal temperature, from mean baseline of 33.68°C to 30.53±2.05°C in SAL-I/R, 30.69±2.21°C in PTX-I/R and 31.43±1.03°C in NAC-I/R (P<0.05). In the other hand, there was an attenuation of mucosal damage in the small intestine of the animals receiving PTX, and only in the ileum of the animals receiving NAC. No changes were found in ileum or plasma malondialdehyde levels in any group. Conclusion. PTX was more efficient in reducing histological lesions than NAC, but neither treatment prevented hemodynamic changes during splanchnic organs I/R.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the surgical use of the natural latex biomembrane in diaphragmatic injuries produced experimentally in rabbits. Fifteen healthy adult male and female New Zealand rabbits were employed. The rabbits were assigned to the experimental groups I, II, III, IV and V and analyzed on the 15th, 30th, 45th, 60th and 90th days post surgery, respectively. The surgical procedure consisted in the access to the diaphragm at the eighth right intercostal space, removal of a circle portion of approximately 1.5 cm in diameter following surgical repair with a latex membrane. Macroscopically, it was observed an excellent healing process during the experimental period. The clinical observations, complemented by the histological analysis, indicate that the latex membrane is useful for repair of traumatic inuries of the diaphragm of rabbits.
Although canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) has been extensively studied, muscular damage due to Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum chagasi infection remains to be fully established. The aim of this study was to describe the electromyographic and histological changes, as well as search for the presence of amastigote forms of Leishmania spp, CD3+ T-lymphocytes, macrophages and IgG in skeletal muscles of dogs with visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Four muscles (triceps brachial, extensor carpi radialis, biceps femoris and gastrocnemius) from a total of 17 naturally infected and six healthy dogs were used in this study. Electromyographic alterations such as fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves and complex repetitive discharges were observed in, at least, three muscles from all infected dogs. Myocyte necrosis and degeneration were the most frequent muscular injury seen, followed by inflammatory reaction, fibrosis and variation in muscle fibers size. Immunohistochemistry in muscle samples revealed amastigote forms in 4/17 (23. 53%), IgG in 12/17 (70. 58%), CD3+ T-lymphocytes in 16/17 (94. 12%) and macrophages in 17/17 (100%) dogs. Statistically positive correlation was observed between: inflammatory infiltrate (p=0. 0305) and CD3+ immunoreaction (p=0. 0307) in relation to the number of amastigote forms; inflammatory infiltrate (p=0. 0101) and macrophage immunoreaction (p=0. 0127) in relation to the amount of CD3+; and inflammatory infiltrate (p=0. 0044) and degeneration/necrosis (p<0. 0001) in relation to the presence of macrophages. Our results suggest that different mechanisms contribute to the development of myocytotoxicity, including celular and humoral immune responses and direct muscular injury by the parasite. Nevertheless, the catabolic nature of the disease can probably interact with other factors, but cannot be incriminated as the only responsible for myositis.
Background: The participation of children and adolescents in sports, including basketball, is becoming increasingly common, and this increased involvement raises concerns about the potential risk of sports injuries. Objective. To analyze the occurrence of sports injuries among young basketball players according to their position on the court and to associate these injuries with risk factors. Method. A retrospective, epidemiological study. A sample consisting of 204 basketball players with a mean age of 14.33 ± 1.19 years participated in the study. The players were interviewed using a reported condition questionnaire containing anthropometric and training data as well as information on injuries during the previous 12 months. Results: The frequency of injury was highest among the shooting guards (47.8%), followed by the centers (34.8%) and point guards (17.4%). Among the 204 participants, 40 players reported a total of 46 injuries, representing 0.22 injuries per participant and 1.15 injuries per injured participant. For the shooting guards and centers, statistically significant differences between injured and non-injured players were found related to age, weight, height, length of time in training and number of weekly practice hours (p < 0.05). For point guards, a statistically significant difference between injured and non-injured players was found based on weight alone (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The occurrence of injuries among basketball players was low. Injuries were associated with both intrinsic and extrinsic factors among shooting guards and centers, whereas injuries were only associated with weight among point guards. © 2013 Vanderlei et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.