792 resultados para Blanchard e Quah


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The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is responsible for Na(+) and fluid absorption across colon, kidney, and airway epithelia. Short palate lung and nasal epithelial clone 1 (SPLUNC1) is a secreted, innate defense protein and an autocrine inhibitor of ENaC that is highly expressed in airway epithelia. While SPLUNC1 has a bactericidal permeability-increasing protein (BPI)-type structure, its NH2-terminal region lacks structure. Here we found that an 18 amino acid peptide, S18, which corresponded to residues G22-A39 of the SPLUNC1 NH2 terminus inhibited ENaC activity to a similar degree as full-length SPLUNC1 (∼2.5 fold), while SPLUNC1 protein lacking this region was without effect. S18 did not inhibit the structurally related acid-sensing ion channels, indicating specificity for ENaC. However, S18 preferentially bound to the βENaC subunit in a glycosylation-dependent manner. ENaC hyperactivity is contributory to cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease. Unlike control, CF human bronchial epithelial cultures (HBECs) where airway surface liquid (ASL) height was abnormally low (4.2 ± 0.6 μm), addition of S18 prevented ENaC-led ASL hyperabsorption and maintained CF ASL height at 7.9 ± 0.6 μm, even in the presence of neutrophil elastase, which is comparable to heights seen in normal HBECs. Our data also indicate that the ENaC inhibitory domain of SPLUNC1 may be cleaved away from the main molecule by neutrophil elastase, suggesting that it may still be active during inflammation or neutrophilia. Furthermore, the robust inhibition of ENaC by the S18 peptide suggests that this peptide may be suitable for treating CF lung disease.


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This book gives a general view of sequence analysis, the statistical study of successions of states or events. It includes innovative contributions on life course studies, transitions into and out of employment, contemporaneous and historical careers, and political trajectories. The approach presented in this book is now central to the life-course perspective and the study of social processes more generally. This volume promotes the dialogue between approaches to sequence analysis that developed separately, within traditions contrasted in space and disciplines. It includes the latest developments in sequential concepts, coding, atypical datasets and time patterns, optimal matching and alternative algorithms, survey optimization, and visualization. Field studies include original sequential material related to parenting in 19th-century Belgium, higher education and work in Finland and Italy, family formation before and after German reunification, French Jews persecuted in occupied France, long-term trends in electoral participation, and regime democratization. Overall the book reassesses the classical uses of sequences and it promotes new ways of collecting, formatting, representing and processing them. The introduction provides basic sequential concepts and tools, as well as a history of the method. Chapters are presented in a way that is both accessible to the beginner and informative to the expert.


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A liderança constitui uma temática de suma importância para o gerenciamento da assistência de enfermagem prestada ao paciente/cliente. A proposta deste estudo consiste em apresentar os conceitos-chave do modelo de liderança desenvolvido por Hersey e Blanchard, denominado Liderança Situacional. Acreditamos que este modelo poderá trazer contribuições importantes no que tange a habilidade de liderar do enfermeiro.


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Cet article présente la situation des femmes au sein des hiérarchies professionnelles et examine les différentes mesures législatives qui visent à promouvoir une meilleure répartition sexuée de la « prise de décision » dans le champ économique en Europe. Il s'appuie à la fois sur les documents publiés par la Commission européenne, sur des initiatives adoptées dans certains États membres et sur des données issues de plusieurs recherches récentes sur les femmes cadres et dirigeantes d'entreprise en Europe.


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4e de couv.: Comment la France a-t-elle été colonisée par son Empire ? En traitant du fait national tel qu'il a été modelé par l'idéologie coloniale, ce livre renverse les perspectives. Pour légitimer leurs lointaines conquêtes, la monarchie, l'empire et la république ont conçu, organisé, relayé auprès des Français une culture coloniale. Le cinéma et le théâtre, le sport et l'école, la littérature et la presse, les arts, la publicité, la chanson, sans oublier l'armée, les comités coloniaux, les expositions se sont chargés de diffuser quêtes scientifiques, fascinations exotiques, fiertés patriotiques ainsi qu'intérêts économiques et politiques. A l'heure où la France éprouve la difficulté de rassembler dans un destin commun des mémoires divisées, ce sont les grandes lignes de ce "passé qui ne passe pas" et les méandres d'une utopie coloniale que ce recueil retrace, de la première abolition de l'esclavage aux présents débats sur la "repentance". Une somme.


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Extraits de l'ouvrage de Blanchard, continués depuis 1574 jusqu'en 1722. — Il y a une table alphabétique des noms à la fin de chaque partie du volume.


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Taxonomic study of Leschenaultia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera, Tachinidae). The genus Leschenaultia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 is redescribed. Two genera are considered as its junior synonyms: Echinomasicera Townsend, 1915 syn. nov. and Parachaetopsis Blanchard, 1959 syn. nov. Thirty two especies are treated, as follows: 18 described as new, Leschenaultia aldrichi, sp. nov. (Brazil, Santa Catarina), L. arnaudi sp. nov. (Haiti, La Salle), L. bergenstammi sp. nov. (Peru, San Martin), L. bessi sp. nov. (Brazil, Santa Catarina), L. bigoti sp. nov. (Peru, Huanuco), L. blanchardi sp. nov. (Equador, Cuenca), L. braueri sp. nov. (Brazil, Mato Grosso), L. brooksi sp. nov. (Brazil, Rio de Janeiro), L. coquilletti sp. nov. (Brazil, Santa Catarina); L. cortesi sp. nov. (Venezuela, Maracay), L. currani sp. nov. (Brazil, São Paulo), L. loewi sp. nov. (Mexico, Vera Cruz), L. macquarti sp. nov. (U. S. A., Arizona), L. reinhardi sp. nov. (Canada, Quebec), L. sabroskyi sp. nov. from (U. S. A., California), L. schineri sp. nov. (U. S. A., California), L. thompsoni sp. nov. (Mexico, Mexico City), L. townsendi sp. nov. (Mexico, Puebla), and 14 known species, for these, diagnoses are given: L. adusta (Loew, 1872); L. americana (Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1893); L. bicolor (Macquart, 1846) = L. fusca (Townsend, 1916) syn. nov.; = Parachaetopsis proseni Blanchard, 1959 syn. nov.; L. ciliata (Macquart, 1848); L. exul (Townsend, 1892); L. fulvipes (Bigot, 1887); L. grossa Brooks, 1947; L. halisidotae Brooks, 1947; L. hospita Reinhard, 1952; L. hystrix (Townsend, 1915) comb. nov., L. jurinioides (Townsend, 1895); L. leucophrys (Wiedemann, 1830) = Leschenaultia latifrons (Walker, 1852) syn. nov. = Parachaeta nigricalyptrata (Macquart, 1855) syn. nov.; L. montagna (Townsend, 1912); L. nuda Thompson, 1963. One species was not examined, Leschenaultia nigrisquamis (Townsend, 1892), and two were not recognized, L. trichopsis (Bigot, 1887) and L. hirta Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830. Keys for Nearctic and Neotropical species (only for males) are provided, as well as geographical distribution and illustrations for each species.


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Eryphus Perty, 1832 and Tacyba, a new genus of Heteropsini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Some species, up to now, included in Callideriphus Blanchard, 1851 are rearranged in: a) those congeneric with Callideriphus grossipes Blanchard, 1851 and b) not congeneric. The first set of species will be treated in a future paper; the second one, on the other hand, is subdivided into Eryphus Perty, 1832 and Tacyba gen. nov. Eryphus Perty, 1832 (type species: Eryphus bipunctatus Perty, 1832), a valid genus, is redescribed and a key for the species is also provided. The following species are transferred to Eryphus: E. bivittatus (Melzer, 1934) comb. nov., E. carinatus (Zajciw, 1970) comb. nov., E. flavicollis (Fisher, 1938) comb. nov., E. laetus (Blanchard, 1851) comb. nov., E. marginatus (Zajciw, 1970) comb. nov., E. picticollis (Gounelle, 1911) comb. nov., E. transversalis (Fairmaire & Germain, 1864) comb. nov. New synonym proposed: Eryphus bipunctatus Perty, 1832 = Callideriphus atricollis Melzer, 1931. New taxa described: Eryphus tacuarembo sp. nov. (Uruguay, Tacuarembó), E. carioca sp. nov. (Brazil, Rio de Janeiro); Tacyba gen. nov. (type species: Callideriphus maculatus Cerda, 1988). Species transferred to Tacyba and synonyms: T. maculata (Cerda, 1988) comb. nov., T. tenuis (Blanchard, 1851) comb. nov. = Callideriphus testaceicornis Fairmaire & Germain, 1859 syn. nov. = Callideriphus clathratus Fairmaire & Germain, 1860 syn. nov. = Callideriphus niger Philippi & Philippi, 1864 syn. nov. Callideriphus flavicollis m. quadripunctatus Fuchs, 1961 and Callideriphus flavicollis m. reductus Fuchs, 1961, both names of infrasubspecific category (not available under the rules of ICZN), are herein treated as intraspecific variation of Eryphus picticollis (Gounelle, 1911) which occur in southern Brazil and Argentina.